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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

2. Using CAM2.0

    2.1 How to Build and Run CAM2.0

2.1.2 Using the Build/Run Scripts in the "bld" Directory

This section describes how to use the utilities available in the "models/atm/cam/bld" directory to build and run the model. The configure utility provides a flexible way to specify a particular configuration of CAM. By default it will produce the configuration files required to build the standard production version of CAM (currently Eulerian dynamics at T42 spectral resolution with 26 levels). Invoking the gmake command then builds a CAM executable. The build-namelist utility builds a namelist which specifies the run-time details. It looks at the configuration cache file produced by configure to determine the features of the CAM executable, such as the dynamical core and horizontal resolution, that affect the default specifications for namelist variables. Sample run scripts are provided that illustrate how to use configure and build-namelist to set up a production run on an IBM-SP, an SGI Origin, or a PC-Linux platform. The basic execution procedure is:

  1. configure
  2. gmake
  3. build-namelist
  4. Invoke the executable

CAM2.0 may be built to run in one of two modes. It can run as a stand-alone executable where the land model and the ocean component are contained as part of the executable. This will be referred to as stand-alone mode. In this mode, the model's ocean component uses climatological sea surface temperatures instead of interacting with an external ocean model. Alternatively, CAM2.0 can be run as a component in a system of geophysical models (CCSM) in which two-way interaction is enabled through the use of a flux coupler (Bryan et al., 1996). In this mode, the land, ocean, and sea-ice models are run as separate executables that communicate with CAM via the flux coupler. This will be referred to as flux-coupled mode. Separate build and run procedures are required for running in flux-coupled mode see section 2.1.4. . This section will cover running in stand-alone mode only. The configure utility

configure produces the configuration build files Filepath, misc.h, params.h, preproc.h, and Makefile. In addition, a configuration cache file (config_cache.xml by default) is written which may be used in a subsequent invocation of configure to exactly reproduce the configuration files. The files produced by running configure are written to the directory where CAM will be built, which by default is the directory from which configure is executed, but can be specified to be elsewhere (see the -cam_bld opttion).

configure will optionally perform tests to validate that the Fortran compiler is operational and Fortran 90 compliant, and that the linker can resolve references to required external libraries (NetCDF and possibly MPI). These tests will point out problems with the user environment in a way that is much easier to understand than looking at the output from a failed build of CAM. We strongly recommend that the first time CAM is built on any new machine, configure should be invoked to execute these tests (see the -test option).


All configuration options can be specified in the following ways, listed in order of decreasing precedence:

At the next level of precedence a few options can be specified by setting environment variables. And finally, at the lowest precedence, many options have hard-coded defaults. Most of these are located in the file config_cache_defaults.xml in the configuration script directory. A few that depend on previous settings are hard-coded in configure (a perl script). The hard-coded defaults will produce the standard production configuration of CAM.

The interactive prompting mode has two levels: basic and expert. The basic mode, which is enabled by the -i option, asks the user all questions required to configure CAM, assuming that the model is built entirely from code that is contained in the distribution. The expert mode, which is enabled by setting the -x option in addition to -i, allows the user to specify that various pieces of code required to build CAM may come from directories outside the distribution. All the flexibility available in the expert interactive mode is also available from the specific options set on the command-line or from a user specified cache file.

The following options may all be specified with either one or two leading dashes, e.g., -help or --help. Options that can be expressed as single letter switches may not be clumped, e.g., -i -x may NOT be expressed as -ix. When multiple options are listed separated by a vertical bar (|), either version may be used.

Table 2.2:  Command line arguments to configure

-cache file
file specifies the pathname of the output configuration cache file. This file is not used in the build process (i.e., the Makefile does not depend on it), but is used instead to archive a complete description of the configuration of a CAM executable. This file is used by the build-namelist utility for setting default namelist values that depend on the configuration of the CAM executable (e.g., which dynamics package and what resolution are used).

Default: config_cache.xml

-cam_bld dir
dir is the directory where CAM will be built. It will contain all the .o and .mod files produced by the build. The configuration build files produced by invoking configure are written to this directory.

Default: ./

-cam_cfg dir
dir is the directory that contains the CAM configuration scripts, which includes perl modules as well as various defaults files that are required by configure. It is possible (but not recommended) to move configure to another directory, but then the configuration script directory must be explicitly specified so that configure can find its support files. Normally this directory will be determined by looking at the pathname that is used to invoke configure (assuming that configure has not been moved from the configuration script directory). If configure is not in the configuration script directory, then that directory can be specified either by this option, by setting the environment variable CAM_CFGDIR to the configuration script directory, or by setting the environment variable CAM_ROOT to the root directory of the CAM distribution assuming that the configuration directory is $CAM_ROOT/models/atm/cam/bld.

Default: directory part of the absolute pathname used to invoke configure

-cam_exe name
name is the name of the CAM executable file.

Default: cam

-cam_exedir dir
dir is the directory where the CAM executable will be created.

Default: the CAM build directory

-cam_root dir
dir specifies the top level directory of a CAM distribution. This directory must contain the subdirectory models which must contain the subdirectories atm, atmlnd_share, csm_share, ice, and lnd. The CAM root directory can also be specified by setting the environment variable CAM_ROOT.

Default: config_dir/../../../.. where config_dir is the configuration script directory.

-cc name
name specifies the C compiler. This allows the user to override the default setting in the Makefile (Linux only). The C compiler can also be specified by setting the environment variable USER_CC.

Default: pgcc if using pgf90, otherwise use cc

Enable the compiler debugging options that are specified in the Makefile.

Default: no debugging

-defaults file
file specifies the pathname of a configuration cache file, e.g., config_cache.xml from a previous invocation of configure, that is to be used to provide default values. Note that the current configuration will be written to a file named config_cache.xml, so the default file should be renamed, or be in another directory, to prevent it from being overwritten. Alternatively the output cache file can be renamed by using the -cache option.

Default: none

-dyn name
name specifies the dynamics package to be used when running CAM. The valid options are eul (Eulerian spectral dynamics), sld (semi-Lagrangian spectral dynamics), and fv (finite-volume dynamics).

Default: eul

-esmf_bld dir
dir is the top level directory where the ESMF library will be built. It will contain the directories mod, lib/libg and/or lib/libO which each contain subdirectories that contain machine architecture specific files.

Default: cam_bld/esmf where cam_bld is the build directory for CAM.

-esmf_root dir
dir is the top level directory for the ESMF distribution. This directory contains the main makefile for the ESMF library. The ESMF root directory can also be specified by setting the environment variable ESMF_ROOT. Note that the ESMF library is supplied as part of the CAM distribution, and by default the supplied library is built and used by CAM. This option allows for a custom build of CAM that builds an ESMF library using source code from outside the CAM distribution.

Default: cam_root/models/utils/esmf where cam_root is the root directory of the CAM distribution.

-fc name
name specifies the Fortran compiler. This allows the user to override the default setting in the Makefile. The Fortran compiler can also be specified by setting the environment variable USER_FC.

Default: OS dependent

-fflags string
The Fortran compiler options specified by string will be appended to the default setting of FFLAGS in the Makefile. If string contains any whitespace it must be quoted.

Default: ''

-gmake name
Name of the GNU make program on your system. Supply the absolute pathname if the program is not in your path (or fix your path). This is only needed if testing will be done (see -test).

Default: The names 'gmake', 'gnumake', and 'make' are checked in order.

-h | -help
Print usage to STDOUT.

-i | -interactive
Turns on the basic interactive prompting mode. In the basic prompt mode only questions required to obtain a standard configuration of CAM will be asked. To allow configurations which require code from outside the CAM distribution, an expert prompt mode can be enabled by additionally specifying the -x option.

In either mode a default value for each setting will be determined based on, in order of decreasing precedence, the specific command-line option for that setting, a user specified default configuration cache file, an environment variable, or a hard-coded default. This default value may then be accepted by entering ``return'', or overridden by the user. Values are checked when possible for legality and consistency.

-mpi_inc dir
dir is the directory that contains the MPI library include files. Only SPMD versions of CAM require MPI. The MPI include directory can also be specified by setting the environment variable INC_MPI.

Default: /usr/local/include except on IBM systems. The IBM Fortran compilers mpxlf90 and mpxlf90_r have the MPI include file location built in.

-mpi_lib dir
dir is the directory that contains the MPI library. Only SPMD versions of CAM require MPI. The MPI library directory can also be specified by setting the environment variable LIB_MPI.

Default: /usr/local/lib except on IBM systems. The IBM Fortran compilers mpxlf90 and mpxlf90_r have the MPI library location built in.

-nadv num
num is the number of advected constituents. This value must be at least 1 because water vapor is always an advected constituent.

Default: 1

-nc_inc dir
dir is the directory that contains the NetCDF library include files. All configurations of CAM require NetCDF. The NetCDF include directory can also be specified by setting the environment variable INC_NETCDF.

Default: /usr/local/include

-nc_lib dir
dir is the directory that contains the NetCDF library. All configurations of CAM require NetCDF. The NetCDF library directory can also be specified by setting the environment variable LIB_NETCDF.

Default: /usr/local/lib

-nlat num
num is the number of model grid latitudes. This option is only recognized when the -res option is set to custom.

Default: 64

-nlev num
num is the number of model vertical layers.

Default: 26

-nlon num
num is the number of distinct model grid longitudes. This option is only recognized when the -res option is set to custom.

Default: 128

-nnadv num
num is the number of non-advected constituents. The default value is 1 because the prognostic cloud water is treated as a non-advected constituent.

Default: 1

Configure CAM to enable perturbation growth experiments. Note that this option disables parts of the CAM code that have been found to produce rapid growth of roundoff size perturbations.

-res name
name specifies the horizontal resolution. For spectral dynamics the horizonal grid is Gaussian and is specified by as nlat x nlon where nlat is the number of Gaussian latitudes and nlon is the number of distinct longitudes. The valid values for spectral dynamics are 64x128, 32x64, or 8x16. For finite-volume dynamics the meridional grid is equally spaced and includes the pole points. It is specified as dlatxdlon where dlat is the latitude cell size and dlon is the longitude cell size, both in degrees. The valid values for finite-volume dynamics are 2x2.5, 4x5, or 10x15. The valid resolutions are listed in the resolution_parameters.xml file in the configuration script directory. To configure CAM for a resolution that is not in the resolution_parameters.xml file the value of -res must be set to custom.

NOTE: some of resolutions recognized by this option are for development purposes only. The recognition of a resolution by this option does NOT imply the existence of a validated control run.

Default: 64x128

-s | -silent
Turns off all output to STDOUT. Fatal error messages will still be issued to STDERR.

-smp enables an SMP configuration of CAM (via openMP). -nosmp disables an SMP configuration of CAM.

Default: SMP is enabled by default only on IBM and SGI systems.

-spmd enables an SPMD configuration of CAM (via MPI). -nospmd disables an SPMD configuration of CAM.

Default: SPMD is enabled by default only on IBM systems.

-test enables testing the Fortran compiler and external libraries and -notest disables testing. The tests are:
  1. Check that the Fortran compiler will successfully build a ``hello world'' program that uses Fortran 90 module syntax.

  2. Check that the Fortran compiler will successfully build a test program that contains an external reference to a NetCDF library function.

  3. Check that the Fortran compiler will successfully build a test program that contains an external reference to an MPI library function, if SPMD is enabled.

Default: testing off except in interactive prompting mode

-trk num
num is the spectral resolution parameter that specifies the highest degree of the associated Legendre polynomials. This option is only recognized when the -res option is set to custom.

Default: 42

-trm num
num is the spectral resolution parameter that specifies the maximum Fourier wavenumber. This option is only recognized when the -res option is set to custom.

Default: 42

-trn num
num is the spectral resolution parameter that specifies the highest degree of the Legendre polynomials for m=0. This option is only recognized when the -res option is set to custom.

Default: 42

-usr_src dir1[,dir2[,dir3[...]]]
dir1[,dir2[,dir3[...]]] specifies the directories containing user source code. These directories will be placed, in the order in which they are specified, at the beginning of the Filepath file.

The Filepath file is used by the CAM Makefile to determine which source files will be compiled. The list of source files is comprised of all files with .F90, .F, or .c extensions in each directory listed in Filepath plus the current directory.

The Filepath file is also used by the CAM Makefile to determine which directories will be searched when looking for a source file that can be used to build an object file. The search begins in the current directory, and then proceeds to the directories in the Filepath file, in the order in which they are specified. The first file found will be the one used by make to create the object file.

Default: none

-v num
num specifies the verbosity level of the output to STDOUT. Level 1 echos only the names of the files produced by configure. Level 2 adds echoing of the configuration specifications associated with a standard build of CAM. Level 3 adds echoing of the specifications associated with an ``expert'' build of CAM.

Default: 1

Echo the CVS tag name that was used to check out the CAM distribution, then exit. If no tag was used for the check-out then the string $Name: $ will be echoed.

Turns on the ``expert'' interactive mode. See the -i option for more details.

Environment variables

The environment variables recognized by configure are the following:

The root directory of the CAM distribution. The directory containing the configuration scripts is $CAM_ROOT/models/atm/cam/bld.

The directory that contains the CAM configuration scripts. This is provided only for the special case that the configuration scripts are taken from a directory outside of the CAM distribution.

Root directory to the ESMF source code.

Directory containing the NetCDF include files.

Directory containing the NetCDF library.

Directory containing the MPI include files. This is only required when CAM is built with SPMD enabled.

Directory containing the MPI library. This is only required when CAM is built with SPMD enabled.

User specified Fortran compiler. Overrides Makefile default.

User specified C compiler. Overrides Makefile default. Currently only recognized on linux systems.

Using configure from the command-line

This section provides a few simple examples of using configure from the command-line and building an executable in interactive prompt mode. In a later section a complete configure, build, and run sequence will be presented in the context of a simple C shell script.

The examples in this section all assume that the CAM configuration script directory is located in the standard place within the CAM distribution. It is also assumed that the CAM configuration directory is not in the user's PATH environment variable. For this reason the configure script must be invoked using an absolute pathname. The script attempts to use the pathname that it was invoked with to determine the configuration script directory. If this is successful then configure can determine the CAM root directory without the user needing to set the CAM_ROOT environment variable.

Example 1: build the default CAM executable

The following interactive C shell session builds a default production version of CAM. The shell variable tmpdir is set to a working directory on the user's system, and camcfg is set to the CAM configuration directory. We strongly recommend using the -test option the first time CAM is built on any machine. This will check that the environment is properly set up so that the Fortran compiler works and can successfully link to the NetCDF and MPI (if SPMD enabled) libraries.

    % cd $tmpdir
    % $camcfg/configure -test 
    configure wrote file: Filepath
    configure wrote file: params.h
    configure wrote file: misc.h
    configure wrote file: preproc.h
    configure wrote file: Makefile
    configure wrote file: config_cache.xml
    Looking for a valid GNU make... using gmake
    Testing for Fortran 90 compatible compiler... using mpxlf90_r
    Testing NetCDF library... ok
    Testing MPI library... ok
    configure done.
    % gmake -j4  >! make.out

We started by changing into the directory in which the CAM executable will be built. All the files produced by configure except for the cache file are required to be in the CAM build directory, so it is generally easiest to be in that directory when configure is invoked. This example was carried out on an IBM-SP node. The testing tells us that gmake is a GNU Make on this machine, that the Fortran compiler is mpxlf90_r, and that the compiler can successfully reference the NetCDF and MPI libraries. We then issue the gmake command with a -j4 option, which tells gmake to use 4 processors for the build. Output from the make, except for the messages issued to STDERR, are redirected to the file make.out. In the event of an error during the build, the make.out file will contain the command that was issued by gmake that resulted in the error.

Example 2: configure CAM to use finite-volume dynamics

Suppose we type the following command-line:

    % $camcfg/configure -dyn fv
    ** stopping: invalid value of res (64x128) specified as a default
    ** expected one of: 10x15 2x2.5 4x5

The configure script is telling us that the default resolution of 64x128 is not valid for the finite-volume dynamics. If we specify a valid resolution for fv on the command-line:

    % $camcfg/configure -dyn fv -res 2x2.5

then configure will successfully generate the output files.

Example 3: interactive configuration of CAM for finite-volume dynamics

The previous example illustrated that changing a single default value via the command-line options may fail due to dependencies between the configuration parameters. One way to avoid this type of configuration failure is to use the interactive prompting option. The following illustrates such an interactive session:

   % $camcfg/configure -i
   Entering interactive mode.  To accept the default values given in
   brackets [] just enter return.
   Enter directory where CAM will be built [.]: 
   Setting CAM build directory to /ptmp/eaton/bld-test
   Enter directory where CAM executable will be created [.]: 
   The CAM executable will be created in /ptmp/eaton/bld-test
   Enter dynamics package; eul or sld or fv [eul]: fv
   Using fv dynamics.
   Modify CAM for perturbation growth testing? y or n [n]: 
   NOT configuring CAM for perturbation growth testing.
   Choose the finite-volume grid resolution.  The valid options are expressed
   as dlatxdlon where dlat is the latitude cell size and dlon is the longitude
   cell size, both in degrees.
    10x15 2x2.5 4x5 [64x128]: 2x2.5
   Using horizontal resolution: 2x2.5
   Setting number of longitudes to 144
   Setting number of latitudes to 91

   Setting maximum number of columns in a chunk to 16
   Enter number of vertical levels [26]: 
   Setting number of levels to 26
   Enter number of advected constituents [1]: 
   Setting number of advected constituents to 1
   Enter number of non-advected constituents [1]: 
   Setting number of non-advected constituents to 1
   Enter name of CAM executable [cam]: 
   CAM executable will be called cam
   Enter Fortran compiler ('default' will use Makefile setting) [default]: 
   Setting Fortran compiler to default
   Enable compiler debugging options? [n]: 
   DISabling compiler debugging options.
   Enter Fortran compiler options to be appended to Makefile defaults: []: 
   Setting additional Fortran compiler options ''
   Enable SPMD parallelism? [y]: 
   Enabling SPMD parallelism.

   Enable SMP parallelism (openMP)? [y]: 
   Enabling SMP parallelism.

   Enable 2D Y-Z parallelism? [n]: 
   Enter directory containing NetCDF include files [/usr/local/include]: 
   Found NetCDF include file in /usr/local/include
   Enter directory containing NetCDF library [/usr/local/lib32/r4i4]: 
   Found NetCDF library in /usr/local/lib32/r4i4
   Enter directory containing MPI include files []: 
   Enter directory containing MPI library []: 
   creating /ptmp/eaton/bld-test/Filepath
   creating /ptmp/eaton/bld-test/params.h
   creating /ptmp/eaton/bld-test/misc.h
   creating /ptmp/eaton/bld-test/preproc.h
   creating /ptmp/eaton/bld-test/Makefile
   creating /ptmp/eaton/bld-test/config_cache.xml
   Run tests on the Fortran compiler and external libraries? y or n [y]: 
   Looking for a valid GNU make... using gmake
   Testing for Fortran 90 compatible compiler... using mpxlf90_r
   Testing NetCDF library... ok
   Testing MPI library... ok
   configure done.

The only non-default options specified were to use the fv dynamics and to set the horizontal resolution to 2x2.5. In interactive prompt mode configure presents valid resolution names to the user and ensures that a valid value is entered. Note that the default value presented for the location of the NetCDF library was not the hard-coded default (/usr/local/lib). This value came from the LIB_NETCDF environment variable. The build-namelist utility

build-namelist produces namelists for both CAM and CLM. These are written to a single file (namelist by default) in the directory from which build-namelist is invoked. The only required input for build-namelist is a configuration cache file produced by a previous invocation of configure. The cache file provides information about the configuration of the CAM executable that build-namelist needs to provide the correct default values for things like initial and boundary datasets. The default values are specified in the files DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml and DefaultCLMEXPNamelist.xml in the CAM configuration script directory.

The user can specify namelist values that are not set by default, or can override the values that are set by default, in two ways. A file that contains a namelist may be specified using the -infile option, and namelist values may be specified directly on the command-line using the -namelist option. The command-line specification takes precedence over values read from a file, and both take precedence over the default values. In addition a few namelist variables may be set with specific command-line options and these settings take precedence over the values set using -namelist or -infile. There is also an interactive prompting option (-i) which allows the user to view the namelist produced by the default and command-line settings, and make final changes.


The following options may all be specified with either one or two leading dashes, e.g., -help or --help. When multiple options are listed separated by a vertical bar (|), either version may be used.

Table 2.3:  Command line arguments to build-namelist

-cam_cfg dir
dir is the directory that contains the CAM configuration scripts, which includes perl modules as well as various defaults files that are required by build-namelist. It is possible (but not recommended) to move build-namelist to another directory, but then the configuration script directory must be explicitly specified so that build-namelist can find its support files. Normally this directory will be determined by looking at the pathname that is used to invoke build-namelist (assuming that build-namelist has not been moved from the configuration script directory). If build-namelist is not in the configuration script directory, then that directory can be specified either by this option, by setting the environment variable CAM_CFGDIR to the configuration script directory, or by setting the environment variable CAM_ROOT to the root directory of the CAM distribution assuming that the configuration directory is $CAM_ROOT/models/atm/cam/bld.

Default: directory part of the absolute pathname used to invoke build-namelist

-case name
name is the case identifier for the CAM run (up to 32 characters). This value is used to set the caseid variable in the CAM namelist.

Default: camrun

-config file
file is a configuration cache file produced by the configure script. build-namelist obtains the configuration of the CAM executable from this file.

Default: config_cache.xml

-csmdata dir
dir is the root directory for the default initial and boundary datasets supplied with the CAM distribution. This directory can also be specified by setting the CSMDATA environment variable. It is assumed that the root directory will contain the subdirectories atm/cam2 for CAM datasets and lnd/clm2 for CLM datasets.

Default: /fs/cgd/csm/inputdata. This value is set in the files DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml and DefaultCLMEXPNamelist.xml in the CAM configuration script directory.

-h | -help
Print usage to STDOUT.

-i | -interactive
Turns on interactive prompting to modify a namelist.

-infile file
file is a namelist file to read values from. All values read from this file will appear in the output namelist unless they are overridden by other values having higher precedence.

Default: none

-namelist namelist
namelist is a string that contains namelist settings using valid namelist syntax, e.g.,
   -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-10, empty_htapes=.true. /"

Namelist values set on the command-line take precedence over values read from a file specified with the -infile option.

Default: none

-o file
file is the filename of the output namelist.

Default: namelist

-runtype name
name specifies the type of simulation. Valid values are initial, restart, or branch.

Default: initial

-s | -silent
Turns off all output to STDOUT. Fatal error messages will still be issued to STDERR.

Enable checking that initial and boundary datasets exist on local filesystem.

Default: no checking

-v num
num specifies the verbosity level of the output to STDOUT. The default (1) echos only the name of the file produced by build-namelist. Level 2 adds echoing of the results from the -test option, and level 3 adds echoing of the default values read from the files in the CAM configuration script directory.

Default: 1

Environment variables

The environment variables recognized by build-namelist are the following:

The root directory for the default initial and boundary datasets supplied with the CAM distribution. It is assumed that the root directory will contain the subdirectories atm/cam2 for CAM datasets and lnd/clm2 for CLM datasets.

The root directory of the CAM distribution. The directory containing the configuration scripts is $CAM_ROOT/models/atm/cam/bld.

The directory that contains the CAM configuration scripts. This is provided only for the special case that the configuration scripts are taken from a directory outside of the CAM distribution.

Using build-namelist from the command-line

This section provides a simple example of using build-namelist from the command-line. Several additional examples of building namelists will be found in Sec. 2.4 .

Example 1: build a default namelist

Assume the shell variable camcfg is set to the CAM configuration directory and that configure has been invoked to build a default CAM executable (Eulerian dynamics at T42). The first time a namelist for a particular CAM configuration is produced, we recommend using the -test option which checks whether the initial and boundary datasets exist on a local filesystem. If they do not then a warning is issued to inform the user which datasets must be copied to the directory from which CAM will be run.

The invocation of build-namelist,

  % $camcfg/build-namelist -test
  Write out namelist to: namelist

produces the following default namelist:

   absems_data = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/atm/cam2/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.052001.nc'
   bndtvo      = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/atm/cam2/ozone/noaao3.1990.21999.nc'
   bndtvs      = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/atm/cam2/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_c020411.nc'
   caseid      = 'camrun'
   iyear_ad    = 1950
   ncdata      = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/atm/cam2/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_L26_c020514.nc'
   nelapse     = -1
   nsrest      = 0
   finidat     = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/inidata/cam/clmi_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_c020514.nc'
   fpftcon     = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology'
   fsurdat     = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam/clms_64x128_T42_c020514.nc'

build-namelist used the configuration cache file (config_cache.xml) that was produced by configure to determine the dynamics package, land model, and resolution of the CAM executable. This information was used to choose the default initial and boundary datasets. The default run type is an initial run (nsrest=0), the run length is 1 day beyond the date of the initial conditions (nelapse=-1), and the valid year for the calculated orbital parameters is 1950 (iyear_ad=1950).

The absence of warnings from build-namelist indicates that all the initial and boundary datasets were found on the local filesystem. Example run scripts

Before we present the example run scripts, we first discuss details of the multitasking strategy employed in CAM2.0   Both shared-memory multitasking (using OpenMP) and distributed memory (using MPI) multitasking is allowed. Hybrid-mode enables both shared-memory (for CPU's within a node) and distributed-memory (between nodes) multitasking.

Shared-memory multitasking requires the run-time specification of the number of processors to use (by setting the environment variable $OMP_NUM_THREADS). Distributed memory multitasking involves the use of the MPI message-passing programming paradigm. The message-passing code has been validated on IBM SP3, SGI (IRIX), and Linux platforms. Different implementations of MPI handle the settings of the number of tasks in different ways.

The sample run scripts are contained in the directory $CAM_ROOT/models/atm/cam/bld/ in the files run-ibm.csh, run-sgi.csh, and run-pc.csh. They are set up to build and run the default CAM configuration, i.e., Eulerian dynamics at T42 spectral resolution (about 2.8 degree grid spacing) with 26 vertical levels, CLM2 land model, and CSIM4 ice model. The following list describes the features of the scripts, and how to customize them.

Root directory of CAM source distribution
The shell variable camroot must be set to the root directory of the CAM distribution. This variable is used to set the directory of the configuration utilities which is assumed to be $camroot/models/atm/cam/bld.
Root directory of CAM dataset distribution
The environment variable CSMDATA must be set to the root directory of the CAM dataset distribution. The value in the run scripts is appropriate for runs at NCAR on machines that mount the /fs filesystem. CSMDATA is used by the build-namelist utility to specify the locations of initial and boundary datasets used by CAM and CLM2.
CAM work directory
The work directory is specified by the shell variable wrkdir. The defaults are appropriate for NCAR machines and are large capacity temporary filesystems. The scripts assume that the CAM build and run directories will be subdirectories of the work directory.
CAM run directory
The run directory is specified by the shell variable rundir. By default this is set to a subdirectory of the work directory which has the same name as the run's case name (which is a required namelist input). The script will create this directory if it doesn't exist, and will exit if an error is encountered trying to create the directory.
CAM build directory
The build directory is specified by the shell variable blddir. By default this is set to the bld subdirectory of the run directory. The script will create this directory if it doesn't exist, and will exit if an error is encountered trying to create the directory.
Configuration of CAM
The configuration of CAM is done by calling the configure utility. The default configuration may be changed by supplying the appropriate arguments to configure.
Building CAM
The script will check for an executable named cam in the build directory. If no executable exists then the script changes to the build directory and issues the configure and gmake commands. If the GNU make command on your system is not called "gmake", or if it is not in your PATH, then the gmake in the script will need to be changed to the appropriate name. gmake is invoked with the -jn option where n is the number of simultaneous compilation commands issued. This number should not be larger than the number of processors available for the build.
The output from the build is written to the file MAKE.out in the build directory. If a build fails this is the first place to look for information.
Rebuilding CAM
The scripts are set up to not rebuild CAM if an executable already exists. To use the script in the situation where a rebuild of only the code (and its dependencies) that has been modified is desired, the script must be edited by commenting out the conditional statement that tests for the existence of a cam executable. Also, the configure command must be commented out since rerunning it will update the configuration files (e.g., misc.h) that all the source files depend on, and hence will result in a complete rebuild.
Creating the namelist
The script will change into the build directory and issue the build-namelist command. The reason for the change to the build directory is that that is the location of the config_cache.xml file produced by configure which is used by build-namelist. The namelist is created in a file called namelist which is written to the run directory.
The case name, run type, and elapsed length of run are set by assigning values to the shell variables case, runtype, and nelapse respectively. Other changes to the namelist may be made by modifying the -namelist argument of the build-namelist command.
Running on an IBM
The default parallelization on the IBM is hybrid MPI/OpenMP. The script is set up for NCAR's machine which has 4 processor nodes. One MPI process (task) is assigned to each node and by default the number of threads is set to the number of processors on each node. The number of nodes is set by either the #@node loadleveler variable if running in batch mode, or by the MP_NODES environment variable if running interactively. For the spectral dynamical cores the number of MPI processes is restricted to being a power of 2.
Changing the number of MPI processes per node is done by setting either the #@tasks_per_node loadleveler variable if running in batch mode, or by the MP_TASKS_PER_NODE environment variable if running interactively. If more than 1 MPI process is assigned to a node then the number of threads for each task should be reduced so that the number of MPI processes times the number of threads per process does not exceed the processor count on the node. The number of threads per process can be set by changing the value of the XLSMPOPTS environment variable. For example the number of threads is set to 2 with the string "stack=86000000:parthds=2".
Running on an SGI
The default parallelization on the SGI is pure OpenMP. The script is setup to use the default number of threads which is set to the number of processors on the machine, or to the number available in the queue if running in batch mode. This number can be reduced by uncommenting the setenv command for OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable and setting it to the desired number. The script also uses some module commands which set up the system environment for NCAR machines. These commands may need to be commented out or modified on non-NCAR platforms.
Running on a PC
The PC run script is set up to illustrate a pure OpenMP run. Since the default shared memory processing for the PC in the configure utility is none, the -smp option must be supplied to build CAM for an OpenMP run. The number of processes is set by the shell variable nthreads. The PC script does not have a batch queue submission capability.
Running batch jobs
The IBM and SGI scripts both contain lines that control batch queue submission. On the IBM the loadleveler variable #@class must be set to a valid queue name, and the run script submitted using the llsubmit command. On the SGI the -q option to the qsub command must be set to a valid queue name, and the run script is submitted using the qsub command.

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:21 $ $Author: jmccaa $