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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

2. Using CAM2.0

    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.8 Example 8 -- Debugging Run

The following namelist can be utilized when the user wants to examine model behavior on a nstep by step basis. The primary history file is not archived to the Mass Store. The disk copy will not be deleted and can be analyzed. Only 10 timesteps will be executed, with history data written every timestep. Output will be line-buffered to ensure printout will be dumped each timestep. For efficiency, no restart data will be written.

To obtain this namelist, the user may invoke build-namelist with command line arguments. However, since the number of command line arguments for this case are numerous, an easier solution is for the user to first create a namelist file, namelist_input, with the following contents:

 caseid = 'run08'
 nrefrq = 0
 mss_irt = 0
 linebuf = .TRUE.
 ndens = 1
 mfilt = 10
 nhtfrq = 1
 nelapse= 10

The user may then invoke build-namelist as follows:

 % setenv CSMDATA /data
 % build-namelist -infile namelist_input

The user should invoke this command from the same directory from which configure was invoked.

 caseid = 'run08'
 absems_data = '/data/atm/cam2/rad/abs_ems_factors_fastvx.052001.nc'
 ncdata = '/data/atm/cam2/inic/gaus/cami_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_L26_c020514.nc'
 bndtvs = '/data/atm/cam2/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_64x128_clim_c020411.nc'
 bndtvo = '/data/atm/cam2/ozone/noaao3.1990.21999.nc'
 nsrest = 0
 nrefrq = 0
 mss_irt = 0
 linebuf = .TRUE.
 ndens = 1
 mfilt = 10
 nhtfrq = 1
 nelapse= 10
 iyear_ad = 1950

 fpftcon = '/data/lnd/clm2/pftdata/pft-physiology'
 fsurdat = '/data/lnd/clm2/srfdata/cam/clms_64x128_c020514.nc'
 finidat = '/data/lnd/clm2/inidata/cam/clmi_0000-09-01_64x128_T42_c020514.nc'


When MSS_IRT=0, output history and restart files are only written to local disk and not archived to the Mass Store.


History output data is in NetCDF double precision (NDENS=1) in order to maintain full accuracy.


10 time samples of unpacked data will be written to each history file.


Printout will be flushed with each log output line generated.


A value of zero prevents restart files from being written.


History data is written every timestep.

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:22 $ $Author: jmccaa $