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User's Guide to NCAR CAM2.0

1. Introduction

The Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) is the latest in a series of state of the art global atmosphere models written to model the earth's climate. This guide was written to instruct the novice user on running CAM2.0.1 and to inform the more experienced user on the changes that went into CAM2.0.1 from CAM2.0.

The novice user should go to chapter 2 and read the details of how to build and run the model. The novice user would also do well to experiement with the different examples given in chapter 2, before they go on to their own work. The glossary will also be useful for the novice user to understand the terms and abbreviations used in this guide.

An experienced user of CAM should study this chapter especially the section on changes since CAM2.0, as well as following the quick-start guide. An experienced user will also reference the various tables on namelist items, output fields, etcetera.

An experienced user who also needs to make code changes should study chapter 3, which gives some guidance on making the simplest changes to the model. When the Code Reference Guide is complete, it will give more detail on the model internals and how the user would approach making more extensive changes. An experienced user who has also developed their own build/run mechanism may also be interested in the details of the configuration files given in the appendix.

Sub Sections

    1.1 What is new with CAM2.0

    1.2 Quick Start

    1.3 Troubleshooting Guide

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$Name: $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/06/08 02:57:22 $ $Author: jmccaa $