History files contain model data values written at specified times during a run. The user can specify the frequency at which the data is written. Options are also available to record averaged, instantaneous, maximum, or minimum values on a field-by-field basis. If the user wishes to see a field written at additional time frequencies (e.g. daily, hourly), additional history files must be declared.
History files may be visualized using various commercial or freely
available tools. Examples include the "CCSM Component Model
Processing Suite (CMPS)", the NCAR Graphics package, FERRET, ncview,
MATLAB, AVS, IDL, and Yorick. For a list of software tools for
interacting with NetCDF files, view the UNIDATA NetCDF web-site:
Aside from the default history file series the user may specify up to five additional history file series for a total of up to six history file series. The frequency at which these history file series are written as well as the contents and averaging options are specified using the same namelist variables described above for modifying the first history file series. tab:mfl lists the fields that can be output on any of the six history files as well as which fields are output by default on the first file series.
Table 3.1 contains a list of fields, referred to as the "Master Field List", that can be written to history files.
The first column lists the names of the output variables.
The second column shows the mathematical symbol associated with the history field, as given in Collins et al. [2004].
The third column provides a brief description of the field.
In the fourth column shows the number of levels for the field. A "1" indicates a single-level field and an "N" indicates a multilevel field (on plev vertical levels).
The fifth column shows the default averaging flag. The flags available are: Instantaneous (I), Average (A), Maximum (X), and Minimum (M).
The sixth column in the table shows the physical units associated with each field.
The last column indicates whether the field will automatically be included on the first history file series. Fields not on by default may be included via the namelist variable FINCL1. Conversely, any default fields may be removed using namelist variable FEXCL1.
The fields are presented in alphabetical order.
Field Name | Symbol | Field Description | NL | AF | Units | Default |
AERASM_v | Total Aerosol Asymmetry Parameter in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
AERFWD_v | Total Aerosol Forward Scattering in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
AEROD_v | Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
AERSSA_v | Total Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
ALDIF | albedo: longwave, diffuse | 1 | A | 1 | ||
ALDIR | albedo: longwave, direct | 1 | A | 1 | ||
ASDIF | albedo: shortwave, diffuse | 1 | A | 1 | ||
ASDIR | albedo: shortwave, direct | 1 | A | 1 | ||
BGOD_v | Background Aerosol Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
CAROD_v | Carbon Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
CGH | Counter-gradient term for heat in PBL | 27 | A | K/m | ||
CGQ | Counter-gradient term for moisture in PBL | 27 | A | 1/m | ||
CGS | Counter-gradient coeff on surface kinematic fluxes | 27 | A | s/m2 | ||
CLDFRQ | Frequency of occurance of clouds (CLOUD > 0.01) | 26 | A | fraction | ||
CLDHGH | Vertically-integrated high cloud | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
CLDICE | Grid box averaged ice condensate amount | 26 | Ak | g/kg | yes | |
CLDLIQ | Grid box averaged liquid condensate amount | 26 | A | kg/kg | yes | |
CLDLOW | Vertically-integrated low cloud | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
CLDMED | Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
CLDST | Stratus cloud fraction | 26 | A | fraction | ||
CLDTOT | Vertically-integrated total cloud | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
CLOUD | Cloud fraction | 26 | A | fraction | yes | |
CME | Rate of cond-evap within the cloud | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
CMFDQ | Q tendency - Hack convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | yes | |
CMFDQR | Q tendency - shallow convection rainout | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | yes | |
CMFDT | T tendency - Hack convection | 26 | A | K/s | yes | |
CMFLQ | Moist convection total water flux | 27 | A | W/m2 | ||
CMFMC | Moist convection mass flux | 27 | A | kg/m2/s | yes | |
CMFSL | Moist convection liquid water static energy flux | 27 | A | W/m2 | ||
CNVCLD | Vertically integrated convective cloud amount | 1 | A | fraction | ||
CONCLD | Convective cloud cover | 26 | A | fraction | yes | |
DCCLDICE | CLDICE tendency due to moist processes | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
DCCLDLIQ | CLDLIQ tendency due to moist processes | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
DCQ | Q tendency due to moist processes | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | yes | |
DISED | Cloud ice tendency from sedimentation | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
DLSED | Cloud liquid tendency from sedimentation | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
DQP | Specific humidity tendency due to precipitation | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
DQSED | Water vapor tendency from cloud sedimentation | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
DTCOND | T tendency - moist processes | 26 | A | K/s | yes | |
DTH | T horizontal diffusive heating | 26 | A | K/s | yes | |
DTV | T vertical diffusion | 26 | A | K/s | yes | |
DTVKE | dT/dt vertical diffusion KE dissipation | 26 | A | K/s | ||
DUH | U horizontal diffusive heating | 26 | A | K/s | ||
DUSTOD_v | Dust Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
DUV | U vertical diffusion | 26 | A | m/s2 | ||
DVH | V horizontal diffusive heating | 26 | A | K/s | ||
DVV | V vertical diffusion | 26 | A | m/s2 | ||
EFFCLD | Effective cloud fraction | 26 | A | fraction | ||
EMIS | cloud emissivity | 26 | A | 1 | ||
ENGYCORR | Energy correction for over-all conservation | 26 | A | W/m2 | ||
ETADOT | Vertical (eta) velocity | 27 | A | 1/s | ||
EVAPPCT | Percentage of Zhang-McFarlane precipitation going into evaporation | 1 | A | percent | ||
EVAPPREC | Rate of evaporation of falling precip | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
EVAPSNOW | Rate of evaporation of falling snow | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
FICE | Fractional ice content within cloud | 26 | A | fraction | yes | |
FLN200 | Net longwave flux at 200 mb | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FLN200C | Clearsky net longwave flux at 200 mb | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FLNS | Net longwave flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FLNSC | Clearsky net longwave flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FLNSICE | FLNS over sea ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FLNSLND | FLNS over land | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FLNSOCN | FLNS over open ocn | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FLNSOI | FLNS over open ocn and ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FLNT | Net longwave flux at top of model | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FLNTC | Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FLUT | Upwelling longwave flux at top of model | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FLUTC | Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FRACW | Relative importance of rain accreting liquid | 26 | A | fraction | ||
frc_day | Portion of time column is lit | 1 | I | None | ||
FSACI | Relative importance of snow accreting ice | 26 | A | fraction | ||
FSACW | Relative importance of snow accreting liquid | 26 | A | fraction | ||
FSAUT | Relative importance of ice autoconversion | 26 | A | fraction | ||
FSDS | Downwelling solar flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSDSC | Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSN200 | Net shortwave flux at 200 mb | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSN200C | Clearsky net shortwave flux at 200 mb | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNIRTOA | Net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNRTOAC | Clearsky net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNRTOAS | Net near-infrared flux (>= 0.7 microns) at top of atmosphere | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNS | Net solar flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSNSC | Clearsky net solar flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSNSICE | FSNS over sea ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNSLND | FSNS over land | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNSOCN | FSNS over open ocn | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
FSNSOI | FSNS over open ocn and ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSNT | Net solar flux at top of model | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSNTC | Clearsky net solar flux at top of model | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSNTOA | Net solar flux at top of atmosphere | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FSNTOAC | Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
FU | Zonal wind forcing term | 26 | I | m/s | ||
FV | Meridional wind forcing term | 26 | I | m/s | ||
FWAUT | Relative importance of liquid autoconversion | 26 | A | fraction | ||
GCLDLWP | Grid-box cloud water path | 26 | A | gram/m2 | yes | |
HEVAP | Heating from evaporation of falling precip | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
HKEIHEAT | Heating by ice and evaporation in HK convection | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
HKFLXPRC | Flux of precipitation from HK convection | 27 | A | kg/m2/s | ||
HKFLXSNW | Flux of snow from HK convection | 27 | A | kg/m2/s | ||
HKNTPRPD | Net precipitation production from HK convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
HKNTSNPD | Net snow production from HK convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
HMELT | Heating from snow melt | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
HPROGCLD | Heating from prognostic clouds | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
HR | Heating rate needed for d(theta)/dt computation | 26 | A | K/s | ||
HREPART | Heating from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
HSED | Heating from cloud sediment evaporation | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
ICEFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
ICIMR | Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio | 26 | A | kg/kg | ||
ICLDIWP | In-cloud ice water path | 26 | A | gram/m2 | yes | |
ICLDLWP | In-cloud cloud water path (liquid and ice) | 26 | A | gram/m2 | yes | |
ICWMR | Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio | 26 | A | kg/kg | ||
KVH | Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture) | 27 | A | m2/s | ||
KVM | Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum) | 27 | A | m2/s | ||
LANDFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by land | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
LANDMCOS | Land ocean transition mask: ocean (0), continent (1), transition (0-1) | 1 | I | unitless | ||
LHFLX | Surface latent heat flux | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
LHFLXICE | LHFLX over sea ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
LHFLXLND | LHFLX over land | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
LHFLXOCN | LHFLX over open ocn | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
LHFLXOI | LHFLX over open ocn and ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
LPSTEN | Surface pressure tendency | 1 | A | Pa/s | ||
LWC | Liquid Water Content | 26 | A | kg/m3 | ||
LWCF | Longwave cloud forcing | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
LWSH | Liquid water scale height | 1 | A | m | ||
MBCPHI_V | Mass of BCPHI in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MBCPHO_V | Mass of BCPHO in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MBG_V | Mass of Background Aerosol in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MDUST1_V | Mass of Dust bin 1 in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MDUST2_V | Mass of Dust bin 2 in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MDUST3_V | Mass of Dust bin 3 in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MDUST4_V | Mass of Dust bin 4 in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MOCPHI_V | Mass of OCPHI in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MOCPHO_V | Mass of OCPHO in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MQ | Water vapor mass in layer | 26 | A | kg/m2 | ||
MSO4 | Mass concentration of SO4 | 26 | A | gram/cm3 | ||
MSSLT_V | Mass of Sea Salt in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MSUL_V | Mass of Sulfate in and below layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
MVOLC | Mass of Volcanic Aerosol in layer | 26 | I | Kg/m2 | ||
NSTEP | Model timestep | 1 | A | timestep | ||
O3VMR | Ozone volume mixing ratio | 26 | A | m3/m3 | ||
OCNFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean | 1 | A | fraction | yes | |
OMEGA | Vertical velocity (pressure) | 26 | A | Pa/s | yes | |
OMEGA500 | Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | Pa/s | ||
OMEGA850 | Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | Pa/s | ||
OMEGAT | Vertical heat flux | 26 | A | K Pa/s | yes | |
OMEGAU | Vertical flux of zonal momentum | 26 | A | K Pa/s | ||
PBLH | PBL height | 1 | A | m | yes | |
PBOT | Lowest model level pressure | 1 | A | Pa | ||
PCSNOW | Snow fall from prognostic clouds | 1 | A | m/s | ||
PDELDRY | Dry pressure difference between levels | 26 | A | Pa | yes | |
PHIS | Surface geopotential | 1 | I | m2/s2 | yes | |
PRECC | Convective precipitation rate | 1 | A | m/s | yes | |
PRECCFRQ | Convective precipitation frequency (fraction of time where rate is > 0.10mm/hr) | 1 | Af | raction | ||
PRECCINT | Convective precipitation rate (less than 0.10mm/hr is set to zero - to get intensity divide by PRECCFRQ) | 1 | A | mm/hr | ||
PRECCav | Average large-scale precipitation | 1 | A | m/s | ||
PRECL | Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate | 1 | A | m/s | yes | |
PRECLFRQ | Large-scale (stable) precipitation frequency (fraction of time where rate is > 0.05mm/hr) | 1 | A | fraction | ||
PRECLINT | Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (less than 0.05mm/hr is set to zero - to get intensity divide by PRECLFRQ) | 1 | A | mm/hr | ||
PRECLav | Average convective precipitation | 1 | A | m/s | ||
PRECSC | Convective snow rate (water equivalent) | 1 | A | m/s | yes | |
PRECSED | Precipitation from cloud sedimentation | 1 | A | m/s | ||
PRECSH | Shallow Convection precipitation rate | 1 | A | m/s | yes | |
PRECSL | Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) | 1 | A | m/s | yes | |
PRECT | Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate | 1 | A | m/s | ||
PRECTMX | Maximum (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate | 1 | Xm | /s | ||
PRODPREC | Rate of conversion of condensate to precip | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
PS | Surface pressure | 1 | A | Pa | yes | |
PSDRY | Surface pressure | 1 | A | Pa | yes | |
PSL | Sea level pressure | 1 | A | Pa | yes | |
PS_match | Surface Pressure from aerosol climatology | 1 | I | N/m2 | ||
Q | Specific humidity | 26 | A | kg/kg | yes | |
Q200 | Specific Humidity at 700 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | kg/kg | ||
Q850 | Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | kg/kg | ||
QBOT | Lowest model level water vapor mixing ratio | 1 | A | kg/kg | ||
QC | Q tendency - shallow convection LW export | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | yes | |
QFLX | Surface water flux | 1 | A | kg/m2/s | yes | |
QPERT | Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL) | 1 | A | kg/kg | ||
QRL | Longwave heating rate | 26 | A | K/s | yes | |
QRS | Solar heating rate | 26 | A | K/s | yes | |
RAINSED | Rain from cloud liquid sedimentation | 1 | A | m/s | ||
REI | effective ice particle radius | 26 | A | micron | ||
REL | effective liquid drop radius | 26 | A | micron | ||
RELHUM | Relative humidity | 26 | A | percent | yes | |
SETLWP | Prescribed liquid water path | 26 | A | gram/m2 | ||
SFCLDICE | CLDICE surface flux | 1 | A | kg/m2/s | yes | |
SFCLDLIQ | CLDLIQ surface flux | 1 | A | kg/m2/s | yes | |
SFQ | Q surface flux | 1 | A | kg/m2/s | yes | |
SGH | Standard deviation of orography | 1 | I | m | ||
SHFLX | Surface sensible heat flux | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
SHFLXICE | SHFLX over sea ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SHFLXLND | SHFLX over land | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SHFLXOCN | SHFLX over open ocn | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SHFLXOI | SHFLX over open ocn and ice | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
SICTHK | Sea ice thickness | 1 | A | m | ||
SNOWHICE | Water equivalent snow depth | 1 | A | m | yes | |
SNOWHLND | Water equivalent snow depth | 1 | A | m | yes | |
SNOWSED | Snow from cloud ice sedimentation | 1 | A | m/s | ||
SOLIN | Solar insolation | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
SOLL | Solar downward near infrared direct to surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SOLLD | Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SOLS | Solar downward visible direct to surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SOLSD | Solar downward visible diffuse to surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
SRFRAD | Net radiative flux at surface | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
SSLTOD_v | Sea Salt Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
SST | sea surface temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
SULFANT | Anthropogenic sulfate mass mixing ratio | 26 | A | kg/kg | ||
SULFBIO | Biogenic sulfate mass mixing ratio | 26 | A | kg/kg | ||
SULFMMR | Sulfate mass mixing ratio | 26 | A | kg/kg | ||
SULOD_v | Sulfate Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
SWCF | Shortwave cloud forcing | 1 | A | W/m2 | yes | |
T | Temperature | 26 | A | K | yes | |
T300 | Temperature at 300 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | K | ||
T850 | Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | K | ||
TAUGWX | Zonal gravity wave surface stress | 1 | A | N/m2 | ||
TAUGWY | Meridional gravity wave surface stress | 1 | A | N/m2 | ||
TAUTMSX | Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress | 1 | A | N/m2 | ||
TAUTMSY | Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress | 1 | A | N/m2 | ||
TAUVIS | Total column aerosol extinction, vis band [aerosol optical depth] | 1 | A | unitless | ||
TAUX | Zonal surface stress | 1 | A | N/m2 | yes | |
TAUY | Meridional surface stress | 1 | A | N/m2 | yes | |
TBOT | Lowest model level temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
TEFIX | Total energy after fixer | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
TEINP | Total energy of physics input | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
TEOUT | Total energy of physics output | 1 | A | W/m2 | ||
TGCLDCWP | Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice) | 1 | A | gram/m2 | ||
TGCLDIWP | Total grid-box cloud ice water path | 1 | A | gram/m2 | yes | |
TGCLDLWP | Total grid-box cloud liquid water path | 1 | A | gram/m2 | yes | |
TMQ | Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water | 1 | A | kg/m2 | yes | |
TPERT | Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL) | 1 | A | K | ||
TREFHT | Reference height temperature | 1 | A | K | yes | |
TREFHTMN | Minimum reference height temperature over output period | 1 | MK | |||
TREFHTMX | Maximum reference height temperature over output period | 1 | XK | |||
TREFMNAV | Average of TREFHT daily minimum | 1 | A | K | ||
TREFMXAV | Average of TREFHT daily maximum | 1 | A | K | ||
TS | Surface temperature (radiative) | 1 | A | K | yes | |
TS1 | TS1 subsoil temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
TS2 | TS2 subsoil temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
TS3 | TS3 subsoil temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
TS4 | TS4 subsoil temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
TSICE | Ice temperature | 1 | A | K | ||
TSMN | Minimum surface temperature over output period | 1 | M | K | yes | |
TSMX | Maximum surface temperature over output period | 1 | X | K | yes | |
TT | Eddy temperature variance | 26 | A | K2 | ||
TTEND | T tendency | 26 | A | K/s | ||
TTGWORO | T tendency - orographic gravity wave drag | 26 | A | K/s | ||
U | Zonal wind | 26 | A | m/s | yes | |
U200 | Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m/s | ||
U850 | Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m/s | ||
UBOT | Lowest model level zonal wind | 1 | A | m/s | ||
US | Zonal wind, staggered | 26 | A | m/s | ||
USTAR | Surface friction velocity | 1 | A | m/s | ||
UTEND | U tendency | 26 | A | m/s2 | ||
UTGWORO | U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag | 26 | A | m/s2 | ||
UU | Zonal velocity squared | 26 | A | m2/s2 | yes | |
V | Meridional wind | 26 | A | m/s | yes | |
V200 | Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m/s | ||
V850 | Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m/s | ||
VBOT | Lowest model level meridional wind | 1 | A | m/s | ||
VD01 | Vertical diffusion of Q | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | yes | |
VDCLDICE | Vertical diffusion of CLDICE | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
VDCLDLIQ | Vertical diffusion of CLDLIQ | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
VOLCOD_v | Volcanic Aerosol Optical Depth in visible | 1 | I | None | ||
VQ | Meridional water transport | 26 | A | m/skg/kg | yes | |
VS | Meridional wind, staggered | 26 | A | m/s | ||
VT | Meridional heat transport | 26 | A | K m/s | yes | |
VTEND | V tendency | 26 | A | m/s2 | ||
VTGWORO | V tendency - orographic gravity wave drag | 26 | A | m/s2 | ||
VU | Meridional flux of zonal momentum | 26 | A | m2/s2 | yes | |
VV | Meridional velocity squared | 26 | A | m2/s2 | yes | |
VZ | Meridional transport of geopotential energy | 26 | A | m2/s | ||
WLWC | Weighted Liquid Water Content, prognostic (by CLDFRQ) | 26 | A | kg/m3 | ||
WREL | Weighted effective radius (by CLDFRQ) | 26 | A | um | ||
WSPEED | Horizontal total wind speed | 26 | X | m/s | ||
Z050 | Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m | ||
Z3 | Geopotential Height (above sea level) | 26 | A | m | yes | |
Z300 | Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m | ||
Z500 | Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m | ||
Z700 | Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface | 1 | A | m | ||
ZBOT | Lowest model level height | 1 | A | m | ||
ZMDLF | Detrained liquid water from ZM convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
ZMDQ | Q tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
ZMDT | T tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection | 26 | A | K/s | ||
ZMEIHEAT | Heating by ice and evaporation in ZM convection | 26 | A | W/kg | ||
ZMFLXPRC | Flux of precipitation from ZM convection | 27 | A | kg/m2/s | ||
ZMFLXSNW | Flux of snow from ZM convection | 27 | A | kg/m2/s | ||
ZMNTPRPD | Net precipitation production from ZM convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
ZMNTSNPD | Net snow production from ZM convection | 26 | A | kg/kg/s | ||
ZZ | Eddy height variance | 26 | A | m2 |
Up to six different types of history files may be written out by the model during a model run. The capability to write additional history files provides the user with the flexibility to vary the frequency at which various history data are written. Additional files may contain the same or different fields as compared with the first history file. These fields may be written on different timesteps, and have different averaging periods. Furthermore, each file may contain a different number of time samples.
There are several ways that namelist options can modify the characteristics of the output fields on history tapes. Output fields can be added or deleted from a file, the averaging flag can be changed and the output frequency can be varied. In addition, the number of time-samples on a file and the precision of the output data (double or single NetCDF) can be changed. To add additional fields to the first history file, the user should use the namelist variable FINCL1. FEXCL1 can be used to delete fields that are on the default list of fields on the first history file series. The averaging flag may also be specified with the FINCL1 option and determines how the data is averaged over the output frequency. Values recorded for fields on a history file can be represented in one of four different ways. Data may be time averaged since the last write to the history file, instantaneous, or appear as a point-by-point maximum or minimum over the time interval. The representation may be specified in the namelist by including a colon followed by the single character flag for each averaging type after the field name. The characters are as follows: 'A' means averaged over the interval, 'I' for instantaneous, 'M' for point-by-point minimum, and 'X' for point-by-point maximum. An example of this specification would be:
FINCL1 = 'T:I'
This specifies that temperature is to be recorded as instantaneous values on the first history file.
Other namelist variables that modify history file behavior are NHTFRQ(6) (frequency of history file writes), MFILT(6) (number of time samples per history file), and NDENS(6) (packing density). Please see Table B.1 for more information.
History volumes will be named according to the history filename specifier. The history filename name specifier may be specified using the namelist variable HFILENAME_SPEC (6), but by default the first history file series will contain monthly output and the filenames will be of the form
where caseid, yyyy, and mm correspond to the case-name, current year, and current month respectively. For example, if caseid="cambld", and current date is September, 1989 the filename becomes
Non-monthly file-series are named with a full date expression as follows:
Here, # is the file series number minus one, dd is the current day, and sssss is the number of seconds into the current day. For example, for the second file-series and a current date of September, 1, 1989, 0Z the filename becomes: