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1.2 Quick Start

The following list of steps allows a user to quickly make a one day test run of CAM 3.0.
  1. Download the CAM source code, resolution-independent datasets, and T42 datasets from: You will need to accept the CAM License Agreement.
  2. Untar each dataset:
    % gunzip -c cam3.0_source_code.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    % gunzip -c cam3.0_forall_datasets.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    % gunzip -c cam3.0_64x128_T42_datasets.tar.gz | tar xvf -
  3. Set the environment variable "CSMDATA" to the location of the input datasets:
    % setenv CSMDATA `pwd`
  4. Execute the configure command:
    % ./cam1/models/atm/cam/bld/configure
  5. Build cam:
    % gmake
  6. Execute the build-namelist command:
    % ./cam1/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist
  7. Run cam:
    % ./cam < namelist

At this point CAM should run for one day and exit. For more sophisticated runs you will surely want to read the sections titled Use Cases (2.3) and Sample Run Scripts (2.4).

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22