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Comparision of newsstamip06 simulation with the official CCM3.6.16 AMIP2 simulation

newsstclim06 compared with the official CCM3.6.16 AMIP2 simulation (only for 1979 through 1992)

Set Description

1. Tables of ANN, DJF, JJA, global and regional means and RMSE.
2. Line plots of annual implied northward transports.
3. Line plots of DJF, JJA and ANN zonal means
4. Vertical contour plots of DJF, JJA and ANN zonal means
5. Horizontal contour plots of DJF, JJA and ANN means
6. Horizontal vector plots of DJF, JJA and ANN means
7. Polar contour and vector plots of DJF, JJA and ANN means
8. Annual cycle contour plots of zonal means
9. Horizontal contour plots of DJF-JJA differences
10. Annual cycle line plots of global means
11. Miscellaneous plot types
12. Vertical profile plots from 17 selected stations

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Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 & 6 Set 7 Set 8 Set 9 Set 10 Set 11 Set 12