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4 Module Descriptions

In this section, we present a detailed module-by-module listing of the CSIM4 source code. This text was generated using protex, which uses embedded key words in the source code itself. Using the protex commands and structure allows one to maintain and update internal documentation in the source code from which external code documentation can be generated. See Table 2 for the protex keywords embedded in the source code. Each protex keyword and description text is headed by exclamation mark (!), and ends with a colon (:), excepting the beginning and ending keywords. All protex keywords and description lines must lie within the protex beginning and ending keywords. Within a description section, latex is used to interpret the text, and so in particular two backslashes are used as carriage return, and backslash underscore is used for underscore.
Table 2: Protex Keywords
Keyword Description
!BOP Beginning of protex section
!EOP End of protex section
!MODULE: Module name follows on same line
!DESCRIPTION: Description section in latex
!REVISION HISTORY: Gives author and revision information
!INTERFACE: Actual fortran module or subroutine statement
!USES: Sets off module uses declaration section
!IROUTINE: Routine name and one line description
!INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Input/Output declaration section follows

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