1 Domain
1 General Modules and Datatypes
1 Domain
1.1 Module cpl_domain_mod - Grid and decomposition information (Source File: cpl_domain_mod.F90)
1.1.1 cpl_domain_info - Write info about domain.
1.1.2 cpl_domain_clean - Clean a domain type
1.1.3 cpl_domain_compare - Compare two domains
2 Bundle
2.1 Module cpl_bundle_mod - fundamental data type definition (Source File: cpl_bundle_mod.F90)
2.1.1 cpl_bundle_init - Initialize the bundle data type
2.1.2 cpl_bundle_initv - Initialize the bundle data type using another bundle
2.1.3 cpl_bundle_clean - Clean the bundle data type
2.1.4 cpl_bundle_info - Print out bundle info.
2.1.5 cpl_bundle_fill - Fill a bundle with test data.
2.1.6 cpl_bundle_dump - write bundle contents to a file.
2.1.7 cpl_bundle_copy - copy data from one bundle to another
2.1.8 cpl_bundle_fcopy - Fast copy version of cpl_bundle_copy. Obsolete.
2.1.9 cpl_bundle_split - Split bundle into multiple bundles.
2.1.10 cpl_bundle_gather - Copy data into one bundle from many
2.1.11 cpl_bundle_hasAttr
2.1.12 cpl_bundle_zero - Zero values of fields in bundle
2.1.13 cpl_bundle_accum - Accumulate fields in a bundle.
2.1.14 cpl_bundle_avg - averages a bundle
2.1.15 cpl_bundle_add - add product of multiple bundles.
2.1.16 cpl_bundle_mult - multiply a bundle by a field.
2.1.17 cpl_bundle_divide - Divide a bundle by a field
2.1.18 cpl_bundle_gsum - Calculate global sum and output
3 InfoBuffer
3.1 Module cpl_infobuf_mod - information buffer module (Source File: cpl_infobuf_mod.F90)
3.1.1 cpl_infobuf_init - initialize to default values
3.1.2 cpl_infobuf_send - Send an infobuf
3.1.3 cpl_infobuf_recv - Receive an infobuf
3.1.4 cpl_infobuf_bcast - generic bcast of infobuf
4 Contract
4.1 Module cpl_contract_mod - coupler/component contract type (Source File: cpl_contract_mod.F90)
4.1.1 cpl_contract_execute - send/recv data/msg to component.
4.1.2 cpl_contract_send - send data/msg to component.
4.1.3 cpl_contract_recv - receive data/msg from component.
4.1.4 cpl_contract_init - Initialize a contract
4.1.5 cpl_contract_initSend - Initialize contract, send side
4.1.6 cpl_contract_initRecv - Initialize contract, receive side
5 Interface
5.1 Module cpl_interface_mod - General model-coupler interaction. (Source File: cpl_interface_mod.F90)
5.1.1 cpl_interface_init - initialize the coupling/mpi environment.
5.1.2 cpl_interface_finalize - terminate the coupling/mpi environment.
5.1.3 cpl_interface_contractInit - Initialize contract
5.1.4 cpl_interface_infobufSend - send an infobuffer using arrays
5.1.5 cpl_interface_infobufRecv - receive an infobuffer.
5.1.6 cpl_interface_contractSend - send information in a contract.
5.1.7 cpl_interface_contractRecv - Receive information in a contract.
5.1.8 cpl_interface_dbugSet - set this module's internal debug level.
6 Fields
6.1 Module cpl_fields_mod - coupler/component list of exchanged fields (Source File: cpl_fields_mod.F90)
6.1.1 cpl_fields_getField
6.2 Module cpl_fields_getLongName - get netCDF attributes for a field (Source File: cpl_fields_mod.F90)
7 Mapping (Interpolation)
7.1 Module cpl_map_mod - mapping subsystem module (Source File: cpl_map_mod.F90)
7.1.1 cpl_map_init - Create a map between two domains
7.1.2 cpl_map_clean - Deallocate a map data type
7.1.3 cpl_map_info - Print inforomation about the map
7.1.4 cpl_map_bun - map a bundle from one domain to domain
7.1.5 cpl_map_npFixNew3 - correct the north pole mapping of velocity fields
8 Namelist and Control Variable
8.1 Module cpl_control_mod - basic coupler control function logic. (Source File: cpl_control_mod.F90)
8.1.1 cpl_control_readNList - initialize and read namelist values.
8.1.2 cpl_control_init - initializes flags for stopping, restart, etc.
8.1.3 cpl_control_update - sets control flags for stopping,restart,etc.
9 Binary IO
9.1 Module cpl_iobin_mod - create, write-to, or read a binary data file. (Source File: cpl_iobin_mod.F90)
9.1.1 cpl_iobin_create - create a new file.
9.1.2 cpl_iobin_open - open an existing file.
9.1.3 cpl_iobin_close - close an open file.
9.1.4 cpl_iobin_appendBun - add bundle data to an existing file.
9.1.5 cpl_iobin_readBun - read bundle data from a file.
9.1.6 cpl_iobin_appendReal - Append real array data to file
9.1.7 cpl_iobin_readReal - read real array data from file
9.1.8 cpl_iobin_readDate - read data date from a file
10 NetCDF IO
10.1 Module cpl_iocdf_mod - create and write-to netcdf data file. (Source File: cpl_iocdf_mod.F90)
10.1.1 cpl_iocdf_create - create a new file.
10.1.2 cpl_iocdf_open - open an existing file.
10.1.3 cpl_iocdf_close - close a file.
10.1.4 cpl_iocdf_set64bit - flags creation of 64 bit netCDF files.
10.1.5 cpl_iocdf_append - add data to an existing file.
11 Communication setup
11.1 Module cpl_comm_mod - Define MPI communication groups and model ID's (Source File: cpl_comm_mod.F90)
11.1.1 cpl_comm_init - initialize the coupling/mpi environment.
12 Constants
12.1 Module cpl_const_mod - defines/provides common constants. (Source File: cpl_const_mod.F90)
13 Kind types
13.1 Module cpl_kind_mod - F90 kind declarations (Source File: cpl_kind_mod.F90)
14 MCT Datatypes
14.1 Module cpl_mct_mod - provides a standard API naming convention for MCT code (Source File: cpl_mct_mod.F90)
14.1.1 cpl_mct_aVect_info - print out aVect info for debugging
14.1.2 cpl_mct_aVect_getRAttr - get real F90 array data out of an aVect
14.1.3 cpl_mct_aVect_putRAttr - put real F90 array data into an aVect
14.1.4 cpl_mct_aVect_accum - accumulate attributes from one aVect to another