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8 Namelist and Control Variable

8.1 Module cpl_control_mod - basic coupler control function logic. (Source File: cpl_control_mod.F90)

This module represents a major subsystem of cpl6. It contains data type definitions and associated methods used for controlling a coupled integration. Here ``controlling" refers to issues such as:


      2002-Sep-18 - B. Kauffman -- reworked using shr_alarm_mod
      2001-May-27 - T. Bettge -- initial prototype
 module cpl_control_mod
    use shr_sys_mod     ! wrappers around system calls
    use shr_cal_mod     ! calendar module
    use shr_date_mod    ! date data-type & methods
    use shr_alarm_mod   ! alarm data-type & methods
    use cpl_kind_mod    ! access to F90 kind declarations
    implicit none
    private ! except
    ! none
    public :: cpl_control_readNList  ! read & parse namelist input
    public :: cpl_control_init       ! initialize alarms, etc.
    public :: cpl_control_update     ! update control flags
    !----- rest, stop, hist, diag control/alarm flags -----
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_stopNow    ! T => stop model now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_stopEOD    ! T => stop model at end of day
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_restNow    ! T => create restart data now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_restEOD    ! T => create restart data at EOD
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_histNow    ! T => create history data now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_histEOD    ! T => create history data at EOD
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_histSave   ! T => archive history data now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_hist64bit  ! T => use 64 bit netCDFfiles 
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_avhistNow  ! T => create history data now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_avhistEOD  ! T => create history data at EOD
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_diagNow    ! T => print diagnostic data now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_diagEOD    ! T => print diagnostic data at EOD
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_avDiagNow  ! T => print tavg diag data now
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_avDiagEOD  ! T => print tavg diag data at EOD
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_bfbflag    ! T => bfb with different pes
    !----- case name & descriptive string -----
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_caseName   ! case name
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_caseDesc   ! case description
    !----- restart control -----
    character(16),public :: cpl_control_restType   ! restart type: init,cont,branch
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_restCDate  ! restart cDate from namelist
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_restDate   ! restart date
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_restPFn    ! restart pointer file name
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_restBFn    ! restart branch  file name
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_lagOcn     ! T => lag the ocn at startup
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_sendAtmAlb ! T => send albedo ICs to atm
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_sendLndDom ! T => send lnd domain to lnd
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_icData_a   ! T => use IC data provided by atm
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_icData_i   ! T => use IC data provided by ice
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_icData_l   ! T => use IC data provided by lnd
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_icData_o   ! T => use IC data provided by ocn
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_icData_r   ! T => use IC data provided by roff
    character(16),public :: cpl_control_avhistType ! tavg history file type
    !----- mapping file names -----
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_mapFn_a2oF ! map data file: a->o fluxes
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_mapFn_a2oS ! map data file: a->o states
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_mapFn_o2aF ! map data file: o->a fluxes
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_mapFn_o2aS ! map data file: o->a states
    character(CL),public :: cpl_control_mapFn_r2o  ! map data file: r->o runoff
    !----- flux & orbital options -----
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_fluxAlbAv  ! T => NO diurnal cycle in albedos
    character(16),public :: cpl_control_fluxEPbal  ! selects E,P,R adjustment technique
    real(R8)     ,public :: cpl_control_fluxEPfac  ! E,P,R adjust factor recv'd from ocn
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_fluxAShift ! albedo calc time-shift (seconds)
    real(R8)     ,public :: cpl_control_orbEccen   ! eccen of earth orbit (unitless)
    real(R8)     ,public :: cpl_control_orbObliqr  ! earth's obliquity (rad)
    real(R8)     ,public :: cpl_control_orbLambm0  ! mean lon perihelion @ vernal eq (rad)
    real(R8)     ,public :: cpl_control_orbMvelpp  ! moving vernal equinox longitude
                                                   ! of perihelion plus pi (rad)
    !----- info about which specific component models are in use -----
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_dead_a     ! T => atm component is dead comp
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_dead_i     ! T => ice component is dead comp
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_dead_l     ! T => lnd component is dead comp
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_dead_o     ! T => ocn component is dead comp
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_dead_ao    ! T => atm and/or ocn are dead comp
    !----- date/time & timestep info -----
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_nCpl_a     ! atm/cpl communications per day
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_nCpl_i     ! ice/cpl communications per day
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_nCpl_l     ! lnd/cpl communications per day
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_nCpl_o     ! ocn/cpl communications per day
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_nCpl_r     ! rof/cpl communications per day
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_cDate_a    ! atm coded date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_cDate_i    ! ice coded date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_cDate_l    ! lnd coded date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_cDate_o    ! ocn coded date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_sec_a      ! atm secs on date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_sec_i      ! ice secs on date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_sec_l      ! lnd secs on date
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_sec_o      ! ocn secs on date
    !----- decomposition settings -----
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_decomp_a   ! atm decomposition type
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_decomp_l   ! lnd decomposition type
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_decomp_o   ! ocn decomposition type
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_decomp_i   ! ice decomposition type
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_decomp_r   ! rof decomposition type
    !----- other flags -----
    integer(IN)  ,public :: cpl_control_infoDBug=1 ! user specified dbug level
    logical      ,public :: cpl_control_infoBcheck ! T => do bit-check now

8.1.1 cpl_control_readNList - initialize and read namelist values.

Initialize and read namelist values.


      2002-Sep-18 - B. Kauffman -- 1st version
 subroutine cpl_control_readNList()
    use shr_orb_mod
    implicit none
    ! modifies private module data for later use (the namelist variables)

8.1.2 cpl_control_init - initializes flags for stopping, restart, etc.

Set the module variable startDate to the input argument date. Also set the module variables stopAlarm, restAlarm, histAlarm, avhistAlarm, diagAlarm and avdiagAlarm. If any of rest_date, stop_date, etc. are unset or negative, set them to the input date.


      2002-Sep-18 - B. Kauffman -- 1st version
 subroutine cpl_control_init(date)
    implicit none
   !output: modifies data declared in this module's header
   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: date ! model start date

8.1.3 cpl_control_update - sets control flags for stopping,restart,etc.

Update all the module cpl_control_*Now and cpl_control_*EOD flags using input argument currentDate.

Also set cpl_control_infoBCheck.


      2002-Sep-18 - B. Kauffman -- 1st version using shr_alarm_mod
 subroutine cpl_control_update(currentDate)
    implicit none
    type(shr_date),intent(in) :: currentDate  ! current model date
    !OUTPUT: modifies public cpl_control_mod data

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