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12 What is a "Coupler"?

The CCSM coupled model is a framework that divides the complete climate system into component models connected by a coupler. In this design the Coupler is a hub that connects four major component models - atmosphere, land, ocean, and sea-ice (see Figure 3. We'll ignore the river model component contained in the land model). Each component model is connected to the Coupler, and each exchanges data with the Coupler only. The CCSM is not a particular climate model, but a framework for building and testing various climate models for various applications. In this sense, more than any particular component model, the Coupler defines the high-level design of CCSM software.

Figure 3: The CCSM Coupled Model Framework in its most basic form.
\begin{figure}\epsfxsize =1.5in
\centerline{\epsfbox{figs/fig_framework.eps} }\end{figure}

The Coupler code has several key functions within the CCSM framework:

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