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12 What is a "Coupler"?
The CCSM coupled model is a framework that divides the complete climate system
into component models connected by a coupler. In this design the Coupler
is a hub that connects four major component models - atmosphere, land, ocean, and
sea-ice (see Figure 3. We'll ignore the river model component contained
in the land model). Each component model is connected to the Coupler, and
each exchanges data with the Coupler only. The CCSM is not a particular climate model,
but a framework for building
and testing various climate models for various applications. In this sense,
more than any particular component model, the Coupler defines the high-level
design of CCSM software.
Figure 3:
The CCSM Coupled Model Framework in its most basic form.
The Coupler code has several key functions within the CCSM framework:
- It allows the CCSM to be broken down into separate components, atmosphere,
sea-ice, land, and ocean, that are "plugged into" the Coupler. Each component
model is a separate code that is free to choose its own spatial resolution
and time step. Individual components can be created, modified, or replaced
without necessitating code changes in other components. CCSM components run
as separate executables communicating via message passing (MPI).
- It controls the execution and time evolution of the complete CCSM by
synchronizing and controlling the flow of data between the various components.
- It communicates interfacial fluxes between the various component models while
insuring the conservation of fluxed quantities. For certain flux fields, it
also computes interfacial fluxes based on state variables. In general, the
Coupler allows any given flux field to be computed once in one component,
this flux field is then routed through the Coupler so that other involved
components can use this flux field as boundary forcing data.
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