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4 Input Namelist Parameters

To some extent, the behavior of the Coupler can be specified or modified at run time. This is done almost exclusively through the use of an F90 namelist. This section contains a list and description of available namelist input parameters. The Coupler reads this namelist from a data file, called cpl.nml, at runtime.

Many of the Coupler namelist values are set as part of creating a case within CCSM (See the CCSM3 Users Guide). Most namelist variables which can be changed by the user within an already existing case are in the env_run file in the it $CASE directory. Remaining variables can be changed by editing Buildnml_Prestage/cpl.buildnml_prestage.csh in the $CASE directory.

4.1 Conventions

Coupler input variables follow a naming convention in which the first few letters of the variable identify a basic functionality group or ``event'':

* case_xxx
selects options with respect to specifying a case name and description
* start_xxx
selects options with respect to selecting restart files or the simulation start date.
* rest_xxx
selects options with respect to when restart files are created
* stop_xxx
selects options with respect to when a simulation will stop
* hist_xxx
selects options with respect to when and what type of history data is created
* diag_xxx
selects options with respect to run-time diagnostics of the physical simulation,
* flx_xxx
selects options with respect to flux calculation specifics
* orb_xxx
selects options with respect to solar orbit calculations
* info_xxx
selects options with respect to monitoring the progress or computational performance of the model

The following list of input namelist parameters includes this information:

the variable's data type. Note: some character strings have length = CL. "CL" is a single global constant used throughout the Coupler to define a "long" character string. The CL is hard-coded to be 256. If necessary, a one line change to the source code will lengthen all such character variables.
the default value of the variable. While reasonable default values are selected when possible, generally users need to alter some of these values according to their application.
tells if and when the variable is required input. Very few input parameters are required. In a few cases, changing one default value will cause other input parameters to become required.
a brief description of the purpose and effect of the parameter.
a reference to an example namelist which uses the variable (examples follow this list).

4.1.1 Generic periodic event specification.

Many namelist variables are used to specify periodic events such as restart file creation, history file creation, creation of diagnostics data, etc. All such periodic events are triggered by the same underlying calendar/clock/alarm functionality and thus they all have the same set of namelist variables. This general functionality and the related variables is described here, and then referred to below as necessary. <event> refers to one of the functional groups listed above (case start etc.).

4.2 List of Parameters

4.3 Example Input Namelists

Example 1: a "startup" run

    case_name   = "test.01"
    case_desc   = "testing a startup run "
    start_type   = "initial"
    start_pfile  = "$HOME/cpl6.test.01.rpointer"
    start_date   = 19800101
    rest_option = "monthly"
    stop_option = "monthly"
    orb_year    = 1990

Here the inputs specify a initial run starting on 1980 Jan 1st and stopping every month, in this case on February 1st, 1980. No initial condition data is needed - ``initial'' runs don't use any IC data. Restart files will also be created every month. A restart pointer file, cpl6.test.01.rpointer, will be created in the user's home directory and will contain the name of the most recently created restart file. History data files and diagnostic data will be created at the default frequencies. Solar orbit calculations will be based on the year 1990.

Example 2: a "continuation" run

    case_name   = "test.01"
    case_desc   = "testing a continuation run "
    start_type   = "continue"
    start_pfile  = "$HOME/cpl6.test.01.rpointer"
    stop_option = "nmonths"
    stop_n      = 6
    rest_option = "nmonths"
    stop_n      = 3
    hist_option = "ndays"
    hist_n      = 10
    diag_option = "ndays"
    diag_n      = 10
    orb_year    = 1990
    info_dbug   = 0

Here the inputs specify a continuation run. Assuming this run continues from where example 1 finished, this run will start on 1980 February 1st and stop six months later on 1981 August 1st. Exactly where this run continues from is specified by the restart file - the restart file which will be used is specified by the restart pointer file. Restart files will be created every three months. History data and diagnostic data both will be created every 10 days relative to the start of the run. Setting info_dbug = 0 will minimize the amount of debugging information written to stdout.

Example 3: a "branch" run

    case_name   = "test.02"
    case_desc   = "testing a branch run "
    start_type  = "branch"
    start_pfile = "$HOME/cpl6.test.02.rpointer"
    start_bfile = "test.01.cpl6.r.1980-08-01-00000 "
    stop_option = "date"
    stop_date   = 19810101
    rest_option = "date"
    rest_date   = 19810101
    orb_year    = 1990
    info_dbug   = 2
Here the input parameter start_type specifies a branch run. The branch file (a restart file from a previous run) must be specified. In this case it's expected to be pre-positioned in the execution directory. The start date will be taken from the branch file (apparently 1980 August 1). The simulation will stop on the given date (1981 January 1st). A restart file will also be created on the given date (1981 January 1st). Setting info_dbug = 2 will increase the amount of debugging information written to stdout.

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