Next: 6 Software Integration Procedure
Up: 5 Coding Standard
Previous: 5.1 Style Guidelines
- Sign Conventions Enthalpy is defined as negative; fluxes
are positive downward.
- Implicit None All modules will include an implicit none
statement, immediately following the use statements. This
implies that all variables must be explicitly typed.
- Prologues Each module, subroutine and function will include
a prologue for use with the ProTeX auto-documentation script
( This will be used
to make a code reference document.
- I/O Error Conditions I/O statements which need to check an
error condition, i.e. namelist read statements, should use the
iostat = <integer variable> construct instead of end and
- Intent All dummy arguments should include the INTENT
clause in their declaration.
- Conditionals Conditionals based on
0. or
0. should be avoided.
- Physical Constants Values of physical constants should not be
hardwired into the executable portion of a code. Constants should be
defined in a single module as named, full-precision parameters.
- All units should be in MKS; CGS conversions should be avoided.
Diagnostics and other fields that do not affect the model integration
may be in other units.
Next: 6 Software Integration Procedure
Up: 5 Coding Standard
Previous: 5.1 Style Guidelines