Next: 2 Model Structure
Up: 1 Overview
Previous: 1.2 CSIM Module Descriptions
The CSIM code includes references to subroutines and libraries not contained in
models/ice/csim4. This code is described in the following sections.
CSIM uses some of the CCSM shared-code modules that are included in the
models/csm_share directory. The share-code modules presently used in
CSIM are:
- shr_const_mod.F90 - This module contains the "shared constants"
that are used by all components for CCSM. Note that these constants
are not used for the uncoupled ice model, which uses those set in
- shr_kind_mod.F90 - This module defines variable precision
used by other shared-code modules.
- shr_msg_mod.F90 - This contains subroutines that provide an
architecture-independent means of interacting with the operating system. CSIM
uses the following subroutines from this module:
- shr_msg_chdir - changes current working directory
- shr_msg_dirio - redirects standard input and output to
named files
- shr_mpi_mod.F90 - used by shr_sys_mod.F90
- shr_sys_mod.F90 - This contains subroutines that provide an
architecture-independent means of interacting with the operating system. CSIM
uses the following routines from this module:
- shr_sys_flush - clears the print buffer
- shr_sys_abort - provides a consistent stopping mechanism for
multiple processors
The netCDF library is necessary to run CSIM. The slab ocean mixed layer model and
the prescribed ice model (not supported in this release) read in forcing data from
netCDF files. The output history files are also written in this format. The history
files conform to the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions
All of the netCDF-specific code used to write the history files is in subroutine
icecdf in module ice_history.F. Machine dependent information that
sets the location of the netCDF library is set in the models/bld/Macros.*
for the coupled model, and in models/ice/csim4/src/bld/Macros.* for the
uncoupled ice model.
CSIM intra- and inter-model communications are conducted via MPI. The MPI
library is automatically loaded during the CCSM build procedures.
Next: 2 Model Structure
Up: 1 Overview
Previous: 1.2 CSIM Module Descriptions