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1 Overview

This code reference guide accompanies the CSIM5 User's Guide, and is intended for those whose research requires modifications to the source code rather than to the scripts or the namelists. It is also meant to provide guidance to users developing code for incorporation into CSIM. This is only the second version of this document, so it contains limited information, including a CSIM5 calling tree, some information on the technical aspects of the code, and the code-interface information generated by the ProTeX utility. It also includes the CSIM coding standard and a procedure for integrating software into CSIM.

CSIM is typically run coupled in which case it receives forcing information from other model components via a flux coupler. It has been developed to run as the sea ice component of the NCAR CCSM (Community Climate System Model). When running uncoupled, CSIM reads in forcing data from a set of files. Both configurations use the same source code, so this document can be used with both applications.

The CSIM source code is based on the Los Alamos sea ice model, CICE. After a code merger with CICE was carried out to take advantage of the vector- friendly code, the models are very similar. If there are some topics that are not covered in the CSIM documentation, users are encouraged to look at the CICE documentation (Hunke and Lipscomb, 2004). It is available at

An attempt has been made throughout this document to provide the following text convention. Variable names used in the code are typewritten. Subroutine names are given in italic, and file names are in boldface. Hereafter, terms shown in slanted boldface the first time they appear in the text are defined in the Glossary.

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