Quickstart to using CLM4

Before working with CLM4 read the QuickStart Guide in the CCSM4.0 Scripts User's Guide. Once you are familiar with how to setup cases for any type of simulation with CCSM you will want to direct your attention to the specifics of using CLM.

For some of the details of setting up cases for CLM4 read the README and text files available from the "models/lnd/clm/doc" directory (see the "CLM Web pages" section for a link to the list of these files). Here are the important ones that you should be familiar with.

  1. README file describing the directory structure.

  2. Quickstart.userdatasets file describing how to use your own datasets in the model (also see the Section called Creating your own single-point/regional surface datasets in Chapter 5).

  3. KnownBugs file describing known problems in CLM4.

The IMPORTANT_NOTES file is given in the next chapter on what is functional/validated in CLM4?

The ChangeLog/ChangeSum files are largely explained in the previous chapter on "What is new with CLM4?"

Note other directories have README files that explain different components and tools used when running CLM and are useful in understanding how those parts of the model work and should be consulted when using tools in those directories. For more details on configuring and customizing a case with CLM see Chapter 1.

The Quickstart.GUIDE (which can be found in models/lnd/clm/doc) is repeated here.

          Quick-Start to Using cpl7 Scripts for clm4

Assumptions: You want to use bluefire with clm4
             to do a clm simulation with data atmosphere and the
             latest atm forcing files and settings. You also want to cycle
             the atm data between 1948 to 2004 and you want to run at
             1.9x2.5 degree resolution.


   # Create the case

   cd scripts

   ./create_newcase -case <testcase> -mach bluevista -res f19_g15 -compset I4804
   (./create_newcase -help -- to get help on the script)

   # Configure the case

   cd <testcase>
   $EDITOR env_run.xml env_conf.xml   # If you need to make changes 
                                      # (or use the xmlchange script)
   ./configure -case
   (./configure -help -- to get help on the script)

   # Make any changes to the namelist

   $EDITOR Buildconf/clm.buildnml_prestage.csh

   # Compile the code


   # Submit the run

   bsub < <testcase>.run

Information on Compsets:

     "I" compsets are the ones with clm and datm7 without ice and ocean.
     The latest "I" compsets use the new CLM_QIAN data with solar following
     the cosine of solar zenith angle, precipitation constant, and other
     variables linear interpolated in time (and with appropriate time-stamps on
     the date). Some of the I compsets are:

     Name           (short-n): Description
     I_2000         (I):       CLM to simulate year=2000
     I_1850         (I1850):   CLM to simulate year=1850
     I_1948_2004    (I4804):   CLM running with atm data over 1948-2004
     I_1850-2000    (I8520):   CLM with transient PFT over 1850-2000
     I_2000_CN      (ICN):     CLM with CN on to simulate year=2000
     I_1850_CN      (I1850CN): CLM with CN on to simulate year=1850
     I_1948-2004_CN (I4804CN): CLM with CN on with atm data over 1948-2004 
     I_1850-2000_CN (I8520CN): CLM with CN on with transient PFT over 1850-2000

Automatically resubmitting jobs:

   After doing a short simulation that you believe is correct

   xmlchange -file env_run.xml -id CONTINUE_RUN -val TRUE

   # Change RESUBMIT to number greater than 0, and CONTINUE_RUN to TRUE...

   bsub < <testcase>.run