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Running POP in coupled mode

POP is the ocean component of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM4), a community coupled climate model developed by NCAR and many other collaborators. Other coupled models are adopting POP and CICE for their ocean and sea ice components, including groups at Colorado State University and UCLA.  Only the interface to the CCSM4 model will be outlined here and supported in the model.

In the CCSM4 model, POP runs as a separate component model and communicates with other models using messages passed to and from a 'flux coupler'. The routines for passing these messages are included in the coupling-method-specific modules, such as ocn_comp_mct.F90 or ocn_comp_esmf.F90. In addition, these modules, along with forcing_coupled.F90, take care of all the manipulations (unit conversions, rotations of vector fields) necessary for the form expected by the flux coupler. POP typically sends current state data to the coupler and receives the usual surface forcing fluxes (windstress, heat flux, water flux, solar short-wave), implying that the fluxes were actually computed using ocean state variables from the previous coupling interval. The flux coupler performs all the computations and necessary averaging and interpolation of these quantities.

To run POP in coupled mode, the coupling interface must be activated at compile-time by specifying -DCCSMCOUPLED in the CCSM4 build procedure, which is done automatically when building CCSM4 pop2 with the CCSM4 scripts.

The coupled_nml namelist provides basic coupling control, including the frequency at which the model communicates with the coupler and how the coupler-supplied incoming short-wave radiation is distributed over a coupling interval.

Table: CCSM4 Coupled namelist
&coupled_nml LANL default CCSM4 default Valid values activate interface to coupled model
coupled_freq_opt 'never' 'nhour' 'never', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond' unit of time for coupled_freq
coupled_freq 1 auto-filled by CCSM4 scripts integer > 0 frequency in above units for bi-directional communication with 'flux coupler'
qsw_distrb_opt N/A 'cosz' 'const', '12hr', 'cosz' method for distributing incoming short-wave radiation over a coupling interval

CCSM4 Notes

The context_nml namelist sets the overall context for coupling POP to the CCSM4 system.

Table: Coupled-context namelist (CCSM4 only)
&context_nml CCSM4 default Valid values activate interface to coupled model
lcoupled .true. .true.,.false. if .true., POP2 is coupled to some coupled system
lccsm .true. .true.,.false. if .true., POP2 is coupled to CCSM4
lccsm_control_compatible .false. .true.,.false. if .true., solutions are b4b with the CCSM4 1850 control run


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