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Real-time X-window display

A rudimentary X-display can be used to monitor the model's behavior as it is running, which can sometimes be useful in locating when and where (on the model grid) things start to go bad. This capability relies on an unsupported, not-necessarily-portable interface to an X library called fix.  There are no guarantees that this will work on your system or that this will be supported in future releases. Currently, the fields to be viewed in the x-window are hard-wired and can only be changed by changing the source code. The default version of this module in the source directory is only a stub version with no executable code. If the user wishes to try this option, the actual code resides in the input_templates directory in a file called xdisplay.F90.unsupported and this file must be copied into the source directory, overwriting the default xdisplay module.

CCSM4 Notes

The X-display option is not supported in the CCSM4 POP2 model.

Table: Xdisplay namelist
&xdisplay_nml real-time display via x-window
lxdisplay [.false.] if .true., enable x-display
nstep_xdisplay [1] frequency (in steps) for updating x-display

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