! SVN $Id: shr_date_mod.F90 11998 2008-09-30 05:47:54Z erik $
! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/csm_share/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_share3_100616/shr/shr_date_mod.F90 $
!BOP ===========================================================================
! !MODULE: shr_date_mod -- date/time module, built upon a calendar module
!   Keeps track of model date, including elapsed seconds in current date. 
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - created initial version
!   This module is independant of a particular calendar, e.g. is ignorant of
!   whether the underlying calendar does or doesn't implement leap years.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

module shr_date_mod 1,9

! !USES:

   use shr_cal_mod  ! underlying calendar
   use shr_sys_mod  ! system call wrappers
   use shr_kind_mod ! kinds
   use shr_log_mod, only: s_loglev  => shr_log_Level
   use shr_log_mod, only: s_logunit => shr_log_Unit

   implicit none

   private ! except

   public :: shr_date
   type shr_date
      sequence               ! place in contiguous memory
      private                ! no public access to internal components
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: y           ! calendar year
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: m           ! calendar month
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: d           ! calendar day
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: s           ! elapsed seconds in current day
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: cDate       ! coded calendar date (yymmdd)
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: eDay        ! elsapsed days relative to calendar's reference date
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: stepInDay   ! current time-step in current day
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: stepsPerDay ! number of time-steps per day
   end type shr_date


   public :: shr_date_adv1step   ! advance the date one time step
   public :: shr_date_advNextDay ! advance date to next day, 0 seconds
   public :: shr_date_initYMD    ! init date given YMD
   public :: shr_date_initEDay   ! init date given elapsed days
   public :: shr_date_initCDate  ! init date given coded date (yymmdd)
   public :: shr_date_getYMD     ! returns integers yy,mm,dd,sssss
   public :: shr_date_getEDay    ! returns elased day, sssss
   public :: shr_date_getCDate   ! returns coded date, ssssS
   public :: shr_date_getStepsPerDay ! returns steps per day
   public :: shr_date_getStepInDay ! returns step in the day
   public :: shr_date_getJulian  ! returns julian day number

   public :: assignment(=)       ! sets (date a) equal to (date b)
   public :: operator(==)        ! true iff (date a) == (date b)
   public :: operator(<)         ! true iff (date a) <  (date b)
   public :: operator(>)         ! true iff (date a) >  (date b)


   real(SHR_KIND_R8),    parameter,public :: shr_date_secsPerDay  = 86400.0_SHR_KIND_R8 ! seconds per day
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN), parameter        :: shr_date_nsecsPerDay = shr_date_secsPerDay


   interface assignment(=)
      module procedure shr_date_assign
   end interface

   interface operator(==)
      module procedure shr_date_equals
   end interface

   interface operator(>)
      module procedure shr_date_greater
   end interface

   interface operator(<)
      module procedure shr_date_less
   end interface



subroutine shr_date_assign(a,b) 1

   type(shr_date),intent(out) :: a
   type(shr_date),intent(in ) :: b

!  Make date a equal to date b 

   a%y           = b%y   
   a%m           = b%m   
   a%d           = b%d   
   a%s           = b%s   
   a%eday        = b%eday
   a%cDate       = b%cDate
   a%stepInDay   = b%stepInDay
   a%stepsPerDay = b%stepsPerDay

end subroutine shr_date_assign


function shr_date_equals(a,b) 1

   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: a,b
   logical                   :: shr_date_equals

!  Is date a equal to date b ??

   if (a%eday == b%eday .and. a%s == b%s) then
      shr_date_equals =.false.
   end if

end function shr_date_equals


function shr_date_greater(a,b) 1

   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: a,b
   logical                   :: shr_date_greater

!  Is date a greater than date b ??

   if      (a%eday < b%eday) then
      shr_date_greater = .false.
   else if (a%eday > b%eday) then
      shr_date_greater = .true.
   else if (a%s    > b%s   ) then
      shr_date_greater = .true.
      shr_date_greater = .false.
   end if

end function shr_date_greater


function shr_date_less(a,b) 1

   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: a,b
   logical                   :: shr_date_less

!  Is date a less than date b ??

   if      (a%eday < b%eday) then
      shr_date_less = .true.
   else if (a%eday > b%eday) then
      shr_date_less = .false.
   else if (a%s    < b%s   ) then
      shr_date_less = .true.
      shr_date_less = .false.
   end if

end function shr_date_less

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_initYMD - Initialize date given y,m,d, steps per day.
!     Initialize date given y,m,d, and steps per day.
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

type(shr_date) function shr_date_initYMD(y,m,d,ns,sec) 12,4

   implicit none


   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: y     ! year
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: m     ! month
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: d     ! day
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: ns    ! number of steps per day.
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in), optional :: sec ! seconds into day

   !----- local -----
   type(shr_date)  :: date 


   if (shr_cal_validYMD(y,m,d) ) then
      date%y = y
      date%m = m
      date%d = d
      date%s = 0
      date%stepInDay   = 0
      date%stepsPerDay = ns
      if (present(sec)) then
         date%s = sec
         date%stepInDay = nint(date%s*ns/shr_date_secsPerDay)
      end if
      call shr_cal_ymd2date(y,m,d,date%cDate)
      call shr_cal_ymd2eDay(y,m,d,date%eDay )
      write(s_logunit,*) 'ERROR: invalid y,m,d = ', y,m,d
      call shr_sys_abort('(shr_date_initYMD) invalid date')
   end if

   shr_date_initYMD = date

end function shr_date_initYMD

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_initEDay - Initialize date given an elapsed day
!     Initialize date given elapsed days and the number of steps per day.
!     2003-May-27 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

type(shr_date) function shr_date_initEDay(eDay,ns),4

   implicit none


   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: eDay  ! elpased days
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: ns    ! number of steps per day.

   !----- local -----
   type(shr_date)       :: date   ! date to return
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: y,m,d  ! year, month, day


   call shr_cal_eDay2ymd(eDay,y,m,d) ! convert eDay to y,m,d

   if ( shr_cal_validYMD(y,m,d) ) then
      date = shr_date_initYMD(y,m,d,ns)
      write(s_logunit,*) 'ERROR: invalid eDay  = ', eDay
      write(s_logunit,*) 'ERROR: invalid y,m,d = ', y,m,d
      call shr_sys_abort('(shr_date_initEDay) invalid eDay')
   end if

   shr_date_initEDay = date

end function shr_date_initEDay

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_initCDate - Initialize date given coded date (yymmdd).
!     Initialize date given coded date (yymmdd) and the number of steps per day.
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

type(shr_date) function shr_date_initCDate(cDate,ns,sec),5

   implicit none


   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: cDate ! coded date (yymmdd)
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: ns    ! number of steps per day.
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in), optional :: sec   ! seconds into day

   !----- local -----
   type(shr_date)       :: date   ! date to return
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: y,m,d  ! year, month, day


   if (shr_cal_validDate(cDate) ) then
      call shr_cal_date2ymd(cDate,y,m,d)
      date = shr_date_initYMD(y,m,d,ns)
      if (present(sec)) then
         date = shr_date_initYMD(y,m,d,ns,sec)
      end if
      write(s_logunit,*) 'ERROR: invalid cDate = ', cDate
      call shr_sys_abort('(shr_date_initCDate) invalid date')
   end if

   shr_date_initCDate = date

end function shr_date_initCDate

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_adv1step - advance the date by one time step
!     Advance the date by one time step.
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_adv1step(date) 1,1

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(inout) :: date  ! number of elapsed days



   date%stepInDay = date%stepInDay + 1

   if (date%stepInDay < date%stepsPerDay) then
      date%s = nint((shr_date_secsPerDay*date%stepInDay)/date%stepsPerDay)
      call shr_date_advNextDay(date)
   end if

end subroutine shr_date_adv1step

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_rev1step - reverse the date by one time step
!     Reverse the date by one time step.
!     2008-Jul-01 - E. Kluzek - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_rev1step(date) 1,1

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(inout) :: date  ! number of elapsed days



   date%stepInDay = date%stepInDay - 1

   if (date%stepInDay >= 0) then
      date%s = nint((shr_date_secsPerDay*date%stepInDay)/date%stepsPerDay)
      call shr_date_revPrevDay(date)
      date%stepInDay = date%stepsPerDay - 1
      date%s         = nint((shr_date_secsPerDay*date%stepInDay)/date%stepsPerDay)
   end if

end subroutine shr_date_rev1step

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_advNextDay - advance the date to start of next day.
!     Advance the date to the start of next day.
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_advNextDay(date) 1,2

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(inout) :: date  ! number of elapsed days



   date%eDay      = date%eDay + 1
   date%stepInDay = 0
   date%s         = 0
   call shr_cal_eDay2ymd (date%eDay,date%y,date%m,date%d)
   call shr_cal_eDay2date(date%eDay,date%cDate)

end subroutine shr_date_advNextDay

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_revPrevDay - reverse the date to start of previous day.
!     Reverse the date to the start of previous day.
!     2008-Jul-01 - E. Kluzek - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_revPrevDay(date) 1,2

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(inout) :: date  ! number of elapsed days



   date%eDay      = date%eDay - 1
   date%stepInDay = 0
   date%s         = 0
   call shr_cal_eDay2ymd (date%eDay,date%y,date%m,date%d)
   call shr_cal_eDay2date(date%eDay,date%cDate)

end subroutine shr_date_revPrevDay

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_getYMD - return yy,mm,dd,ss of date
!     return yy,mm,dd,ss of date.
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_getYMD(date,y,m,d,s) 8

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: date  ! input date
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: y     ! year
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: m     ! month
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: d     ! day
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: s     ! elapsed seconds on date



   y = date%y
   m = date%m
   d = date%d
   s = date%s

end subroutine shr_date_getYMD

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_getCDate - return coded date of a date
!     return coded date of a date
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_getCDATE(date,cDate,s,previous) 1,1

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: date  ! number of elapsed days
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: cDate ! coded date
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: s     ! elapsed seconds on date
   logical, optional   ,intent(in)  :: previous ! flag if true return values for previous time step

   type(shr_date) :: ldate  ! local date

   ldate = date
   if ( present(previous) )then
      if ( previous )then
          call shr_date_rev1step(ldate)
      end if
   end if
   cDate = ldate%cDate
   s     = ldate%s

end subroutine shr_date_getCDate

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_getEDay - return elapsed days of a date
!     return elapsed days of a date
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_date_getEDay(date,eDay,s) 3

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: date  ! input date
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: eDay  ! elapsed days of date
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: s     ! elapsed seconds on date



   eDay = date%eDay
   s    = date%s

end subroutine shr_date_getEDay

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_getStepsPerDay - return elapsed days of a date
!     return elapsed days of a date
!     2001-Sep-13 - B. Kauffman - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

integer function shr_date_getStepsPerDay(date) 1

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: date  ! input date



   shr_date_getStepsPerDay = date%stepsPerDay

end function shr_date_getStepsPerDay

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_getStepInDay - return elapsed days of a date
!     return timestep in this day
!     2001-Nov-13 - T. Craig - initial version.
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

integer function shr_date_getStepInDay(date) 1

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(in) :: date  ! input date



   shr_date_getStepInDay = date%StepInDay

end function shr_date_getStepInDay

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_date_getJulian - return julian day
!     return julian day
!     2002-Oct-28 - R. Jacob -initial version
! !INTERFACE:  -----------------------------------------------------------------

real(SHR_KIND_R8) function shr_date_getJulian(date,shift),3

   implicit none


   type(shr_date),intent(in)   :: date  ! input date
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in),optional :: shift ! seconds to shift calculation

  ! local
   type(shr_date) :: ldate           ! local date
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: nsteps    ! number of steps to advance
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n         ! step index

   ldate = date
   if( present(shift) )then
      if ( mod(shift,int(shr_date_nsecsPerDay/date%stepsPerDay) ) /= 0 )then
         write(s_logunit,*) 'ERROR: invalid shift = ', shift, ' needs to be divisible by: ', &
         call shr_sys_abort('(shr_date_getJulian) invalid amount to shift')
      end if
      nsteps = shift * date%stepsPerDay / shr_date_nsecsPerDay
      do n = 1, nsteps
         call shr_date_adv1step( ldate )
      end do
   end if
   shr_date_getJulian = shr_cal_elapsDaysStrtMonth(ldate%y,ldate%m) &
   + ldate%d + ldate%s/shr_date_secsPerDay

end function shr_date_getJulian


end module shr_date_mod