#ifdef AIX

module datm_comp_mod 1,16

! !USES:

  use shr_const_mod
  use shr_sys_mod
  use shr_kind_mod     , only: IN=>SHR_KIND_IN, R8=>SHR_KIND_R8, &
                               CS=>SHR_KIND_CS, CL=>SHR_KIND_CL
  use shr_file_mod     , only: shr_file_getunit, shr_file_getlogunit, shr_file_getloglevel, &
                               shr_file_setlogunit, shr_file_setloglevel, shr_file_setio, &
  use shr_cal_mod      , only: shr_cal_date2eday
  use shr_mpi_mod      , only: shr_mpi_bcast
  use mct_mod
  use esmf_mod
  use perf_mod

  use shr_strdata_mod
  use shr_dmodel_mod
  use shr_pcdf_mod
  use datm_shr_mod

  use seq_cdata_mod
  use seq_infodata_mod
  use seq_timemgr_mod
  use seq_flds_indices , only: nflds_a2x, &
  use seq_flds_mod     , only: seq_flds_a2x_fields, &
  implicit none
  private ! except

! Public interfaces

  public :: datm_comp_init
  public :: datm_comp_run
  public :: datm_comp_final

! Private data

  !--- other ---
  character(CS) :: myModelName = 'atm'   ! user defined model name
  integer(IN)   :: mpicom
  integer(IN)   :: COMPID                ! mct comp id
  integer(IN)   :: my_task               ! my task in mpi communicator mpicom
  integer(IN)   :: npes                  ! total number of tasks
  integer(IN),parameter :: master_task=0 ! task number of master task
  integer(IN)   :: logunit               ! logging unit number
  character(CL) :: atm_mode              ! mode
  integer(IN)   :: dbug = 0              ! debug level (higher is more)
  logical       :: firstcall = .true.    ! first call logical
  logical       :: scmMode = .false.     ! single column mode
  real(R8)      :: scmLat  = shr_const_SPVAL  ! single column lat
  real(R8)      :: scmLon  = shr_const_SPVAL  ! single column lon
  integer       :: phase                 ! phase of method
  logical       :: read_restart          ! start from restart
  real(R8)      :: orbEccen              ! orb eccentricity (unit-less)
  real(R8)      :: orbMvelpp             ! orb moving vernal eq (radians)
  real(R8)      :: orbLambm0             ! orb mean long of perhelion (radians)
  real(R8)      :: orbObliqr             ! orb obliquity (radians)
  real(R8)      :: tbotmax               ! units detector
  real(R8)      :: tdewmax               ! units detector
  real(R8)      :: anidrmax              ! existance detector
  integer(IN)   :: iradsw                ! radiation logical
  character(CL) :: factorFn              ! file containing correction factors

  character(len=*),parameter :: rpfile = 'rpointer.atm'
  character(len=*),parameter :: nullstr = 'undefined'

  real(R8),parameter :: aerodep_spval = 1.e29_r8    ! special aerosol deposition
  real(R8),parameter :: tKFrz  = SHR_CONST_TKFRZ
  real(R8),parameter :: degtorad = SHR_CONST_PI/180.0_R8
  real(R8),parameter :: pstd   = SHR_CONST_PSTD     ! standard pressure ~ Pa
  real(R8),parameter :: stebol = SHR_CONST_STEBOL   ! Stefan-Boltzmann constant ~ W/m^2/K^4
  real(R8),parameter :: rdair  = SHR_CONST_RDAIR    ! dry air gas constant   ~ J/K/kg
  real(R8),parameter :: avg_c0 =  61.846_R8
  real(R8),parameter :: avg_c1 =   1.107_R8
  real(R8),parameter :: amp_c0 = -21.841_R8
  real(R8),parameter :: amp_c1 =  -0.447_R8
  real(R8),parameter :: phs_c0 =   0.298_R8
  real(R8),parameter :: dLWarc =  -5.000_R8
  real(R8)     ,save :: dTarc(12)
  data   dTarc      / 0.49_R8, 0.06_R8,-0.73_R8,  -0.89_R8,-0.77_R8,-1.02_R8, &
  &                  -1.99_R8,-0.91_R8, 1.72_R8,   2.30_R8, 1.81_R8, 1.06_R8/

  integer(IN) :: kz,ku,kv,ktbot,kptem,kshum,kdens,kpbot,kpslv,klwdn
  integer(IN) :: krc,krl,ksc,ksl,kswndr,kswndf,kswvdr,kswvdf,kswnet,kco2p,kco2d
  integer(IN) :: kbid,kbod,kbiw,koid,kood,koiw,kdw1,kdw2,kdw3,kdw4,kdd1,kdd2,kdd3,kdd4
  integer(IN) :: kanidr,kanidf,kavsdr,kavsdf
  integer(IN) :: stbot,swind,sz,spbot,sshum,stdew,srh,slwdn,sswdn,sswdndf,sswdndr
  integer(IN) :: sprecc,sprecl,sprecn,sco2p,sco2d,sswup,sprec 

  type(shr_strdata_type) :: SDATM
  type(mct_rearr) :: rearr
  type(mct_avect) :: avstrm   ! av of data from stream
  integer(IN), pointer :: imask(:)
  real(R8), pointer :: yc(:)
  real(R8), pointer :: windFactor(:)
  real(R8), pointer :: winddFactor(:)
  real(R8), pointer :: qsatFactor(:)
  integer(IN),parameter :: ktrans = 56
  character(16),parameter  :: avofld(1:ktrans) = &
     (/"Sa_z            ","Sa_u            ","Sa_v            ","Sa_tbot         ", &
       "Sa_ptem         ","Sa_shum         ","Sa_dens         ","Sa_pbot         ", &
       "Sa_pslv         ","Faxa_lwdn       ","Faxa_rainc      ","Faxa_rainl      ", &
       "Faxa_snowc      ","Faxa_snowl      ","Faxa_swndr      ","Faxa_swvdr      ", &
       "Faxa_swndf      ","Faxa_swvdf      ","Faxa_swnet      ","Sa_co2prog      ", &
       "Sa_co2diag      ","Faxa_bcphidry   ","Faxa_bcphodry   ","Faxa_bcphiwet   ", &
       "Faxa_ocphidry   ","Faxa_ocphodry   ","Faxa_ocphiwet   ","Faxa_dstwet1    ", &
       "Faxa_dstwet2    ","Faxa_dstwet3    ","Faxa_dstwet4    ","Faxa_dstdry1    ", &
       "Faxa_dstdry2    ","Faxa_dstdry3    ","Faxa_dstdry4    ",                    &
       "Sx_tref         ","Sx_qref         ","Sx_avsdr        ","Sx_anidr        ", &
       "Sx_avsdf        ","Sx_anidf        ","Sx_t            ","So_t            ", &
       "Sx_snowh        ","Sx_lfrac        ","Sx_ifrac        ","Sx_ofrac        ", &
       "Faxx_taux       ","Faxx_tauy       ","Faxx_lat        ","Faxx_sen        ", &
       "Faxx_lwup       ","Faxx_evap       ","Faxx_fco2_lnd   ","Faxx_fco2_ocn   ", &
       "Faxx_fdms       "                                                          /)
  character(16),parameter  :: avifld(1:ktrans) = &
     (/"z               ","u               ","v               ","tbot            ", &
       "ptem            ","shum            ","dens            ","pbot            ", &
       "pslv            ","lwdn            ","rainc           ","rainl           ", &
       "snowc           ","snowl           ","swndr           ","swvdr           ", &
       "swndf           ","swvdf           ","swnet           ","co2prog         ", &
       "co2diag         ","bcphidry        ","bcphodry        ","bcphiwet        ", &
       "ocphidry        ","ocphodry        ","ocphiwet        ","dstwet1         ", &
       "dstwet2         ","dstwet3         ","dstwet4         ","dstdry1         ", &
       "dstdry2         ","dstdry3         ","dstdry4         ",                    &
       "tref            ","qref            ","avsdr           ","anidr           ", &
       "avsdf           ","anidf           ","ts              ","to              ", &
       "snowh           ","lfrac           ","ifrac           ","ofrac           ", &
       "taux            ","tauy            ","lat             ","sen             ", &
       "lwup            ","evap            ","co2lnd          ","co2ocn          ", &
       "dms             "                                                          /)

  integer(IN),parameter :: ktranss = 18
  character(16),parameter  :: stofld(1:ktranss) = &
     (/"strm_tbot       ","strm_wind       ","strm_z          ","strm_pbot       ", &
       "strm_shum       ","strm_tdew       ","strm_rh         ","strm_lwdn       ", &
       "strm_swdn       ","strm_swdndf     ","strm_swdndr     ","strm_precc      ", &
       "strm_precl      ","strm_precn      ","strm_co2prog    ","strm_co2diag    ", &
       "strm_swup       ","strm_prec       " /)
  character(16),parameter  :: stifld(1:ktranss) = &
     (/"tbot            ","wind            ","z               ","pbot            ", &
       "shum            ","tdew            ","rh              ","lwdn            ", &
       "swdn            ","swdndf          ","swdndr          ","precc           ", &
       "precl           ","precn           ","co2prog         ","co2diag         ", &
       "swup            ","prec            " /)



!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: datm_comp_init
!     initialize data atm model
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine datm_comp_init( EClock, cdata, x2a, a2x, NLFilename ) 2,49

    implicit none


    type(ESMF_Clock)            , intent(in)    :: EClock
    type(seq_cdata)             , intent(inout) :: cdata
    type(mct_aVect)             , intent(inout) :: x2a, a2x
    character(len=*), optional  , intent(in)    :: NLFilename ! Namelist filename


    !--- local variables ---
    integer(IN)   :: n,k         ! generic counters
    integer(IN)   :: ierr        ! error code
    integer(IN)   :: gsize       ! global size
    integer(IN)   :: lsize     ! local size
    integer(IN)   :: shrlogunit, shrloglev ! original log unit and level
    integer(IN)   :: nunit       ! unit number
    integer(IN)   :: kmask       ! field reference
    integer(IN)   :: klat        ! field reference
    integer(IN)   :: kfld        ! fld index
    integer(IN)   :: cnt         ! counter
    logical       :: atm_present    ! flag
    logical       :: atm_prognostic ! flag

    type(seq_infodata_type), pointer :: infodata
    type(mct_gsMap)        , pointer :: gsMap
    type(mct_gGrid)        , pointer :: ggrid

    character(CL) :: filePath    ! generic file path
    character(CL) :: fileName    ! generic file name
    character(CS) :: timeName    ! domain file: time variable name
    character(CS) ::  lonName    ! domain file: lon  variable name
    character(CS) ::  latName    ! domain file: lat  variable name
    character(CS) :: maskName    ! domain file: mask variable name
    character(CS) :: areaName    ! domain file: area variable name

    integer(IN)   :: yearFirst   ! first year to use in data stream
    integer(IN)   :: yearLast    ! last  year to use in data stream
    integer(IN)   :: yearAlign   ! data year that aligns with yearFirst

    character(CL) :: atm_in      ! dshr atm namelist
    character(CL) :: decomp      ! decomp strategy
    character(CL) :: rest_file   ! restart filename
    character(CL) :: rest_file_strm ! restart filename for streams
    character(CL) :: restfilm    ! model restart file namelist
    character(CL) :: restfils    ! stream restart file namelist
    logical       :: exists      ! filename existance
    integer(IN)   :: nu          ! unit number
    integer(IN)   :: idt         ! integer timestep
    integer(IN)   :: CurrentYMD  ! model date
    integer(IN)   :: CurrentTOD  ! model sec into model date
    integer(IN)   :: stepno      ! step number
    real(R8)      :: nextsw_cday ! calendar of next atm sw
    character(CL) :: flds_strm
    logical       :: presaero    ! true => send valid prescribe aero fields to coupler

    !----- define namelist -----
    namelist / datm_nml / &
        atm_in, decomp, iradsw, factorFn, restfilm, restfils, presaero

    !--- formats ---
    character(*), parameter :: F00   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',8a)"
    character(*), parameter :: F0L   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',a, l)"
    character(*), parameter :: F01   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',a,5i8)"
    character(*), parameter :: F02   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',a,4es13.6)"
    character(*), parameter :: F03   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',a,i8,a)"
    character(*), parameter :: F04   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',2a,2i8,'s')"
    character(*), parameter :: F05   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',a,2f10.4)"
    character(*), parameter :: F90   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',73('='))"
    character(*), parameter :: F91   = "('(datm_comp_init) ',73('-'))"
    character(*), parameter :: subName = "(datm_comp_init) "

    call t_startf('DATM_INIT')

    ! Set cdata pointers

    call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata, ID=COMPID, mpicom=mpicom, &
         gsMap=gsmap, dom=ggrid, infodata=infodata)
    call seq_infodata_getData(infodata,atm_phase=phase)

 if (phase == 1) then
    ! Determine communicator groups and sizes
    call mpi_comm_rank(mpicom, my_task, ierr)
    call mpi_comm_size(mpicom, npes, ierr)

    !--- open log file ---
    if (my_task == master_task) then
       logUnit = shr_file_getUnit()
       call shr_file_setIO('atm_modelio.nml',logUnit)
       logUnit = 6

    ! Reset shr logging to my log file
    call shr_file_getLogUnit (shrlogunit)
    call shr_file_getLogLevel(shrloglev)
    call shr_file_setLogUnit (logUnit)

 if (phase == 1) then

    ! Set a Few Defaults

    call seq_infodata_getData(infodata,single_column=scmMode, &
   &                          scmlat=scmlat, scmlon=scmLon)
    call seq_infodata_GetData(infodata,orb_eccen=orbEccen,orb_mvelpp=orbMvelpp, &
                              orb_lambm0=orbLambm0,orb_obliqr=orbObliqr )

    atm_present = .false.
    atm_prognostic = .false.
    call seq_infodata_GetData(infodata,read_restart=read_restart)

    ! Read datm_in

    call t_startf('datm_readnml')

    filename = "datm_in"
    atm_in = "unset"
    decomp = "1d"
    iradsw = 0
    factorFn = 'null'
    restfilm = trim(nullstr)
    restfils = trim(nullstr)
    presaero = .false.	
    if (my_task == master_task) then
       nunit = shr_file_getUnit() ! get unused unit number
       open (nunit,file=trim(filename),status="old",action="read")
       read (nunit,nml=datm_nml,iostat=ierr)
       call shr_file_freeUnit(nunit)
       if (ierr > 0) then
          write(logunit,F01) 'ERROR: reading input namelist, '//trim(filename)//' iostat=',ierr
          call shr_sys_abort(subName//': namelist read error '//trim(filename))
       end if
       write(logunit,F00)' atm_in   = ',trim(atm_in)
       write(logunit,F00)' decomp   = ',trim(decomp)
       write(logunit,F01)' iradsw   = ',iradsw
       write(logunit,F00)' factorFn = ',trim(factorFn)
       write(logunit,F00)' restfilm = ',trim(restfilm)
       write(logunit,F00)' restfils = ',trim(restfils)
       write(logunit,F0L)' presaero = ',presaero
    call shr_mpi_bcast(atm_in,mpicom,'atm_in')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(decomp,mpicom,'decomp')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(iradsw,mpicom,'iradsw')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(factorFn,mpicom,'factorFn')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(restfilm,mpicom,'restfilm')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(restfils,mpicom,'restfils')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(presaero,mpicom,'presaero')

    rest_file = trim(restfilm)
    rest_file_strm = trim(restfils)

    ! Read dshr namelist

    call shr_strdata_readnml(SDATM,trim(atm_in),mpicom=mpicom)

    ! Validate mode

    atm_mode = trim(SDATM%dataMode)

    ! check that we know how to handle the mode

    if (trim(atm_mode) == 'NULL' .or. &
        trim(atm_mode) == 'TN460' .or. &
        trim(atm_mode) == 'CORE2' .or. &
        trim(atm_mode) == 'CLMNCEP' .or. &
        trim(atm_mode) == 'CPLHIST' .or. &
        trim(atm_mode) == 'COPYALL') then
      if (my_task == master_task) &
         write(logunit,F00) ' atm mode = ',trim(atm_mode)
      write(logunit,F00) ' ERROR illegal atm mode = ',trim(atm_mode)
      call shr_sys_abort()

    call t_stopf('datm_readnml')

    ! Initialize datasets

    call t_startf('datm_strdata_init')

    if (trim(atm_mode) /= 'NULL') then
       atm_present = .true.
       if (scmmode) then
          if (my_task == master_task) &
             write(logunit,F05) ' scm lon lat = ',scmlon,scmlat
          call shr_strdata_init(SDATM,mpicom,compid,name='atm', &
          call shr_strdata_init(SDATM,mpicom,compid,name='atm')
       !--- overwrite mask and frac ---
       k = mct_aVect_indexRA(SDATM%grid%data,'mask')
       SDATM%grid%data%rAttr(k,:) = 1.0_R8
       k = mct_aVect_indexRA(SDATM%grid%data,'frac')
       SDATM%grid%data%rAttr(k,:) = 1.0_R8

       !--- set data needed for cosz t-interp method ---
       call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, dtime=idt )
       call shr_strdata_setOrbs(SDATM,orbEccen,orbMvelpp,orbLambm0,orbObliqr,idt)

    if (my_task == master_task) then
       call shr_strdata_print(SDATM,'ATM data')

    call t_stopf('datm_strdata_init')

    ! Set flag to specify data components

    call seq_infodata_PutData(infodata, &
      atm_present=atm_present, atm_prognostic=atm_prognostic, &
      atm_nx=SDATM%nxg, atm_ny=SDATM%nyg )
    call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, atm_aero=presaero) 

    ! Initialize MCT global seg map, 1d decomp

    call t_startf('datm_initgsmaps')
    if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) ' initialize gsmaps'
    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    call shr_dmodel_gsmapcreate(gsmap,SDATM%nxg*SDATM%nyg,compid,mpicom,decomp)
    lsize = mct_gsmap_lsize(gsmap,mpicom)

    if (atm_present) then
       call mct_rearr_init(SDATM%gsmap,gsmap,mpicom,rearr)

    call t_stopf('datm_initgsmaps')

    ! Initialize MCT domain

    call t_startf('datm_initmctdom')
    if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) 'copy domains'
    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    if (atm_present) call shr_dmodel_rearrGGrid(SDATM%grid, ggrid, gsmap, rearr, mpicom)

    call t_stopf('datm_initmctdom')

    ! Initialize MCT attribute vectors

    call t_startf('datm_initmctavs')
    if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) 'allocate AVs'
    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    call mct_aVect_init(a2x, rList=seq_flds_a2x_fields, lsize=lsize)
    call mct_aVect_zero(a2x)

    kz    = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_z')
    ku    = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_u')
    kv    = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_v')
    ktbot = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_tbot')
    kptem = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_ptem')
    kshum = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_shum')
    kdens = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_dens')
    kpbot = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_pbot')
    kpslv = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_pslv')
    klwdn = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_lwdn')
    krc   = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_rainc')
    krl   = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_rainl')
    ksc   = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_snowc')
    ksl   = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_snowl')
    kswndr= mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_swndr')
    kswndf= mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_swndf')
    kswvdr= mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_swvdr')
    kswvdf= mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_swvdf')
    kswnet= mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_swnet')
    kco2p = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_co2prog',perrWith='quiet')
    kco2d = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Sa_co2diag',perrWith='quiet')

    kbid  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_bcphidry')
    kbod  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_bcphodry')
    kbiw  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_bcphiwet')
    koid  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_ocphidry')
    kood  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_ocphodry')
    koiw  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_ocphiwet')
    kdd1  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstdry1')
    kdd2  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstdry2')
    kdd3  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstdry3')
    kdd4  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstdry4')
    kdw1  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstwet1')
    kdw2  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstwet2')
    kdw3  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstwet3')
    kdw4  = mct_aVect_indexRA(a2x,'Faxa_dstwet4')

    call mct_aVect_init(x2a, rList=seq_flds_x2a_fields, lsize=lsize)
    call mct_aVect_zero(x2a)

    kanidr = mct_aVect_indexRA(x2a,'Sx_anidr')
    kanidf = mct_aVect_indexRA(x2a,'Sx_anidf')
    kavsdr = mct_aVect_indexRA(x2a,'Sx_avsdr')
    kavsdf = mct_aVect_indexRA(x2a,'Sx_avsdf')

    !--- figure out what's on the streams ---
    cnt = 0
    flds_strm = ''
    do n = 1,SDATM%nstreams
      do k = 1,ktranss
         kfld = mct_aVect_indexRA(SDATM%avs(n),trim(stifld(k)),perrWith='quiet')
         if (kfld > 0) then
            cnt = cnt + 1
            if (cnt == 1) then
               flds_strm = trim(stofld(k))
               flds_strm = trim(flds_strm)//':'//trim(stofld(k))
    if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) ' flds_strm = ',trim(flds_strm)
    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    call mct_aVect_init(avstrm, rList=flds_strm, lsize=lsize)
    call mct_aVect_zero(avstrm)

    stbot  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_tbot',perrWith='quiet')
    swind  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_wind',perrWith='quiet')
    sz     = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_z',perrWith='quiet')
    spbot  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_pbot',perrWith='quiet')
    sshum  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_shum',perrWith='quiet')
    stdew  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_tdew',perrWith='quiet')
    srh    = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_rh',perrWith='quiet')
    slwdn  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_lwdn',perrWith='quiet')
    sswdn  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_swdn',perrWith='quiet')
    sswdndf= mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_swdndf',perrWith='quiet')
    sswdndr= mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_swdndr',perrWith='quiet')
    sprecc = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_precc',perrWith='quiet')
    sprecl = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_precl',perrWith='quiet')
    sprecn = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_precn',perrWith='quiet')
    sco2p  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_co2p',perrWith='quiet')
    sco2d  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_co2d',perrWith='quiet')
    sswup  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_swup',perrWith='quiet')
    sprec  = mct_aVect_indexRA(avstrm,'strm_prec',perrWith='quiet')


    kmask = mct_aVect_indexRA(ggrid%data,'mask')
    imask(:) = nint(ggrid%data%rAttr(kmask,:))
    klat = mct_aVect_indexRA(ggrid%data,'lat')
    yc(:) = ggrid%data%rAttr(klat,:)

    call t_stopf('datm_initmctavs')

    ! Read restart

    if (read_restart) then
       if (trim(rest_file)      == trim(nullstr) .and. &
           trim(rest_file_strm) == trim(nullstr)) then
          if (my_task == master_task) then
             write(logunit,F00) ' restart filenames from rpointer'
             call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
             if (.not.exists) then
                write(logunit,F00) ' ERROR: rpointer file does not exist'
                call shr_sys_abort(trim(subname)//' ERROR: rpointer file missing')
             nu = shr_file_getUnit()
             read(nu,'(a)') rest_file
             read(nu,'(a)') rest_file_strm
             call shr_file_freeUnit(nu)
          call shr_mpi_bcast(rest_file,mpicom,'rest_file')
          call shr_mpi_bcast(rest_file_strm,mpicom,'rest_file_strm')
          ! use namelist already read
          if (my_task == master_task) then
             write(logunit,F00) ' restart filenames from namelist '
             call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
       call shr_mpi_bcast(exists,mpicom,'exists')
!       if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) ' reading ',trim(rest_file)
!       call shr_pcdf_readwrite('read',trim(rest_file),mpicom,gsmap,rf1=somtp,rf1n='somtp')
       if (exists) then
          if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) ' reading ',trim(rest_file_strm)
          call shr_strdata_restRead(trim(rest_file_strm),SDATM,mpicom)
          if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) ' file not found, skipping ',trim(rest_file_strm)
       call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    if (read_restart) then
       call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, curr_ymd=CurrentYMD, curr_tod=CurrentTOD)
       call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, stepno=stepno, dtime=idt )
       nextsw_cday = datm_shr_getNextRadCDay( CurrentYMD, CurrentTOD, stepno, idt, iradsw )
       call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, curr_cday=nextsw_cday, stepno=stepno )
    call seq_infodata_PutData(infodata, nextsw_cday=nextsw_cday )


    call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, curr_ymd=CurrentYMD, curr_tod=CurrentTOD)
    call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, stepno=stepno, dtime=idt)
    nextsw_cday = datm_shr_getNextRadCDay( CurrentYMD, CurrentTOD, stepno, idt, iradsw )
    call seq_infodata_PutData(infodata, nextsw_cday=nextsw_cday )


    ! Set initial atm state, needed for CCSM atm initialization

    call t_adj_detailf(+2)
    call datm_comp_run( EClock, cdata,  x2a, a2x)
    call t_adj_detailf(-2)

    ! Reset shr logging to original values

    if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F00) 'datm_comp_init done'
    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    call shr_file_setLogUnit (shrlogunit)
    call shr_file_setLogLevel(shrloglev)
    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)

    call t_stopf('DATM_INIT')

end subroutine datm_comp_init

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: datm_comp_run
!     run method for dead atm model
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine datm_comp_run( EClock, cdata,  x2a, a2x) 2,37

   implicit none


   type(ESMF_Clock)            ,intent(in)    :: EClock
   type(seq_cdata)             ,intent(inout) :: cdata
   type(mct_aVect)             ,intent(inout) :: x2a        ! driver -> dead
   type(mct_aVect)             ,intent(inout) :: a2x        ! dead   -> driver


   !--- local ---
   type(mct_gsMap)        , pointer :: gsMap
   type(mct_gGrid)        , pointer :: ggrid

   integer(IN)   :: CurrentYMD        ! model date
   integer(IN)   :: CurrentTOD        ! model sec into model date
   integer(IN)   :: yy,mm,dd          ! year month day
   integer(IN)   :: n                 ! indices
   integer(IN)   :: lsize             ! size of attr vect
   integer(IN)   :: shrlogunit, shrloglev ! original log unit and level
   logical       :: mssrmlf           ! remove old data
   integer(IN)   :: idt               ! integer timestep
   real(R8)      :: dt                ! timestep
   logical       :: write_restart     ! restart now
   character(CL) :: case_name         ! case name
   character(CL) :: rest_file         ! restart_file
   character(CL) :: rest_file_strm    ! restart_file
   integer(IN)   :: nu                ! unit number
   integer(IN)   :: stepno            ! step number
   real(R8)      :: nextsw_cday       ! calendar of next atm sw
   integer(IN)   :: eday              ! elapsed day
   real(R8)      :: rday              ! elapsed day
   real(R8)      :: cosFactor         ! cosine factor
   real(R8)      :: factor            ! generic/temporary correction factor
   real(R8)      :: avg_alb           ! average albedo
   real(R8)      :: tMin              ! minimum temperature

   !--- temporaries
   real(R8)      :: uprime,vprime,swndr,swndf,swvdr,swvdf,ratio_rvrf
   real(R8)      :: tbot,pbot,rtmp,vp,ea,e,qsat,frac,qsatT

   type(seq_infodata_type), pointer :: infodata

   character(*), parameter :: F00   = "('(datm_comp_run) ',8a)"
   character(*), parameter :: F04   = "('(datm_comp_run) ',2a,2i8,'s')"
   character(*), parameter :: subName = "(datm_comp_run) "

   call t_startf('DATM_RUN')

   call t_startf('datm_run1')

  ! Reset shr logging to my log file
   call shr_file_getLogUnit (shrlogunit)
   call shr_file_getLogLevel(shrloglev)
   call shr_file_setLogUnit (logUnit)

   call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata, gsMap=gsmap, dom=ggrid)

   call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata, infodata=infodata)

   call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, curr_ymd=CurrentYMD, curr_tod=CurrentTOD)
   call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, curr_yr=yy, curr_mon=mm, curr_day=dd)
   call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData( EClock, stepno=stepno, dtime=idt)
   dt = idt * 1.0_r8
   write_restart = seq_timemgr_RestartAlarmIsOn(EClock)

   call t_stopf('datm_run1')


   call t_barrierf('datm_BARRIER',mpicom)
   call t_startf('datm')

   nextsw_cday = datm_shr_getNextRadCDay( CurrentYMD, CurrentTOD, stepno, idt, iradsw )
   call seq_infodata_PutData(infodata, nextsw_cday=nextsw_cday )

   !--- copy all fields from streams to a2x as default ---

   if (trim(atm_mode) /= 'NULL') then
      call t_startf('datm_strdata_advance')
      call shr_strdata_advance(SDATM,currentYMD,currentTOD,mpicom,'datm')
      call t_stopf('datm_strdata_advance')
      call t_barrierf('datm_scatter_BARRIER',mpicom)
      call t_startf('datm_scatter')
      if (trim(atm_mode) /= 'COPYALL') then
         lsize = mct_avect_lsize(a2x)
         do n = 1,lsize
            a2x%rAttr(kbid,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kbod,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kbiw,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(koid,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kood,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(koiw,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdd1,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdd2,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdd3,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdd4,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdw1,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdw2,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdw3,n) = aerodep_spval
            a2x%rAttr(kdw4,n) = aerodep_spval
      do n = 1,SDATM%nstreams
         call shr_dmodel_translateAV(SDATM%avs(n),a2x,avifld,avofld,rearr)
      do n = 1,SDATM%nstreams
         call shr_dmodel_translateAV(SDATM%avs(n),avstrm,stifld,stofld,rearr)
      call t_stopf('datm_scatter')
      call mct_aVect_zero(a2x)

   call t_startf('datm_mode')

   select case (trim(atm_mode))

      ! do nothing extra

      ! do nothing extra

      if (firstcall) then
         if (sprec < 1 .or. sswdn < 1 .or. sswup < 1) then
            write(logunit,F00) ' ERROR: prec swdn and swup must be in streams for TN460'
            call shr_sys_abort(trim(subname)//' ERROR: prec swdn and swup must be in streams for TN460')
         call datm_shr_TN460getFactors(factorFn,windFactor,qsatFactor, &
      call shr_cal_date2eday(currentYMD,eday)
      rday = mod(eday,365) + real(currentTOD)/SHR_CONST_CDAY
      cosfactor = cos((2.0_R8*SHR_CONST_PI*rday)/365 - phs_c0)

      lsize = mct_avect_lsize(a2x)
      do n = 1,lsize
         a2x%rAttr(kz,n) = 10.0_R8

         !--- correction to NCEP winds based on QSCAT ---
         a2x%rAttr(ku,n) = a2x%rAttr(ku,n)*windFactor(n)
         a2x%rAttr(kv,n) = a2x%rAttr(kv,n)*windFactor(n)

         !--- density, tbot, & pslv taken directly from input stream, set pbot ---
         !  a2x%rAttr(kdens,n) = <copied from input streams bundle>
         !  a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = <copied from input streams bundle>
         !  a2x%rAttr(kpslv,n) = <copied from input streams bundle>
         a2x%rAttr(kpbot,n) = a2x%rAttr(kpslv,n)

         !--- correction to NCEP Arctic & Antarctic air T & potential T ---
         if      ( yc(n) < -60.0_R8 ) then
            tMin = (avg_c0 + avg_c1*yc(n)) + (amp_c0 + amp_c1*yc(n))*cosFactor + tKFrz
            a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = max(a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n), tMin)
         else if ( yc(n) > 60.0_R8 ) then
            factor = MIN(1.0_R8, 0.1_R8*(yc(n)-60.0_R8) )
            a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) + factor * dTarc(mm)
         a2x%rAttr(kptem,n) = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n)

         !---  correction to NCEP relative humidity for heat budget balance ---
         qsatT = 640380.0_R8/ exp(5107.4_R8/a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n))
         a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) = a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) -  &


         avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)/86400.0_R8        ! convert mm/day to kg/m^2/s
         avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n) = (avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)*1.14168_R8)+7.44923e-07_R8 ! correction to GXGXS for water budget

         a2x%rAttr(krc,n) = 0.0_R8                    ! default zero
         a2x%rAttr(ksc,n) = 0.0_R8
         if (a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) < tKFrz ) then        ! assign precip to rain/snow components
            a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = 0.0_R8
            a2x%rAttr(ksl,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)
            a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)
            a2x%rAttr(ksl,n) = 0.0_R8

         ! RADIATION DATA 

         !--- fabricate required swdn components from net swdn ---
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.28_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.31_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.24_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.17_R8)

         !--- compute net short-wave based on LY08 latitudinally-varying albedo ---
         if (firstcall) then
            a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)-avstrm%rAttr(sswup,n)
            avg_alb = (x2a%rAttr(kavsdr,n) + x2a%rAttr(kanidr,n) + &
                       x2a%rAttr(kavsdf,n) + x2a%rAttr(kanidf,n)) * 0.25_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(1.0_R8 - avg_alb)

         !--- corrections to GISS sswdn for heat budget balancing ---
         factor = 1.0_R8
         if      ( -60.0_R8 < yc(n) .and. yc(n) < -50.0_R8 ) then
            factor = 1.0_R8 - (yc(n) + 60.0_R8)*(0.05_R8/10.0_R8)
         else if ( -50.0_R8 < yc(n) .and. yc(n) <  30.0_R8 ) then
            factor = 0.95_R8
         else if (  30.0_R8 < yc(n) .and. yc(n) <  40._R8 ) then
            factor = 1.0_R8 - (40.0_R8 - yc(n))*(0.05_R8/10.0_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n)*factor

         !--- correction to GISS lwdn in Arctic ---
         if ( yc(n) > 60._R8 ) then
            factor = MIN(1.0_R8, 0.1_R8*(yc(n)-60.0_R8) )
            a2x%rAttr(klwdn,n) = a2x%rAttr(klwdn,n) + factor * dLWarc

      enddo   ! lsize

      if (firstcall) then
         if (sprec < 1 .or. sswdn < 1) then
            write(logunit,F00) ' ERROR: prec and swdn must be in streams for CORE2'
            call shr_sys_abort(trim(subname)//' ERROR: prec and swdn must be in streams for CORE2')
         call datm_shr_CORE2getFactors(factorFn,windFactor,winddFactor,qsatFactor, &
      call shr_cal_date2eday(currentYMD,eday)
      rday = mod(eday,365) + real(currentTOD)/SHR_CONST_CDAY
      cosfactor = cos((2.0_R8*SHR_CONST_PI*rday)/365 - phs_c0)

      lsize = mct_avect_lsize(a2x)
      do n = 1,lsize
         a2x%rAttr(kz,n) = 10.0_R8

         !--- correction to NCEP winds based on QSCAT ---
         uprime    = a2x%rAttr(ku,n)*windFactor(n)
         vprime    = a2x%rAttr(kv,n)*windFactor(n)
         a2x%rAttr(ku,n) = uprime*cos(winddFactor(n)*degtorad)- &
         a2x%rAttr(kv,n) = uprime*sin(winddFactor(n)*degtorad)+ &

         !--- density, tbot, & pslv taken directly from input stream, set pbot ---
         !  a2x%rAttr(kdens,n) = <copied from input streams bundle>
         !  a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = <copied from input streams bundle>
         !  a2x%rAttr(kpslv,n) = <copied from input streams bundle>
         a2x%rAttr(kpbot,n) = a2x%rAttr(kpslv,n)

         !--- correction to NCEP Arctic & Antarctic air T & potential T ---
         if      ( yc(n) < -60.0_R8 ) then
            tMin = (avg_c0 + avg_c1*yc(n)) + (amp_c0 + amp_c1*yc(n))*cosFactor + tKFrz
            a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = max(a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n), tMin)
         else if ( yc(n) > 60.0_R8 ) then
            factor = MIN(1.0_R8, 0.1_R8*(yc(n)-60.0_R8) )
            a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) + factor * dTarc(mm)
         a2x%rAttr(kptem,n) = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n)

         !---  correction to NCEP relative humidity for heat budget balance ---
         a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) = a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) + qsatFactor(n)


         avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)/86400.0_R8        ! convert mm/day to kg/m^2/s

         !  only correct satellite products, do not correct Serreze Arctic data
         if ( yc(n) < 58. ) then
            avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)*1.14168_R8
         if ( yc(n) >= 58. .and. yc(n) < 68. ) then
            factor = MAX(0.0_R8, 1.0_R8 - 0.1_R8*(yc(n)-58.0_R8) )
            avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)*(factor*(1.14168_R8 - 1.0_R8) + 1.0_R8)

         a2x%rAttr(krc,n) = 0.0_R8                    ! default zero
         a2x%rAttr(ksc,n) = 0.0_R8
         if (a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) < tKFrz ) then        ! assign precip to rain/snow components
            a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = 0.0_R8
            a2x%rAttr(ksl,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)
            a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprec,n)
            a2x%rAttr(ksl,n) = 0.0_R8

         ! RADIATION DATA 

         !--- fabricate required swdn components from net swdn ---
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.28_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.31_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.24_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(0.17_R8)

         !--- compute net short-wave based on LY08 latitudinally-varying albedo ---
         avg_alb = ( 0.069 - 0.011*cos(2.0_R8*yc(n)*degtorad ) )
         a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n)*(1.0_R8 - avg_alb)

         !--- corrections to GISS sswdn for heat budget balancing ---
         factor = 1.0_R8
         if      ( -60.0_R8 < yc(n) .and. yc(n) < -50.0_R8 ) then
            factor = 1.0_R8 - (yc(n) + 60.0_R8)*(0.05_R8/10.0_R8)
         else if ( -50.0_R8 < yc(n) .and. yc(n) <  30.0_R8 ) then
            factor = 0.95_R8
         else if (  30.0_R8 < yc(n) .and. yc(n) <  40._R8 ) then
            factor = 1.0_R8 - (40.0_R8 - yc(n))*(0.05_R8/10.0_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n)*factor
         a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) = a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n)*factor

         !--- correction to GISS lwdn in Arctic ---
         if ( yc(n) > 60._R8 ) then
            factor = MIN(1.0_R8, 0.1_R8*(yc(n)-60.0_R8) )
            a2x%rAttr(klwdn,n) = a2x%rAttr(klwdn,n) + factor * dLWarc

      enddo   ! lsize

      if (firstcall) then
         if (swind < 1 .or. stbot < 1) then
            write(logunit,F00) ' ERROR: wind and tbot must be in streams for CLMNCEP'
            call shr_sys_abort(trim(subname)//' ERROR: wind and tbot must be in streams for CLMNCEP')
         rtmp = maxval(a2x%rAttr(ktbot,:))
         call shr_mpi_max(rtmp,tbotmax,mpicom,'datm_tbot',all=.true.)
         rtmp = maxval(x2a%rAttr(kanidr,:))
         call shr_mpi_max(rtmp,anidrmax,mpicom,'datm_ani',all=.true.)
         if (stdew > 0) then
            rtmp = maxval(avstrm%rAttr(stdew,:))
            call shr_mpi_max(rtmp,tdewmax,mpicom,'datm_tdew',all=.true.)
         if (my_task == master_task) &
             write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' max values = ',tbotmax,tdewmax,anidrmax
      lsize = mct_avect_lsize(a2x)
      do n = 1,SDATM%nstreams
         call shr_dmodel_translateAV(SDATM%avs(n),avstrm,stifld,stofld,rearr)

      do n = 1,lsize
         !--- bottom layer height ---
         if (sz < 1) a2x%rAttr(kz,n) = 30.0_R8

         !--- temperature ---
         if (tbotmax < 50.0_R8) a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n) + tkFrz         
         a2x%rAttr(kptem,n) = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n)

         !--- pressure ---
         if (spbot < 1) a2x%rAttr(kpbot,n) = pstd
         a2x%rAttr(kpslv,n) = a2x%rAttr(kpbot,n)

         !--- u, v wind velocity ---
         a2x%rAttr(ku,n) = avstrm%rAttr(swind,n)/sqrt(2.0_R8)
         a2x%rAttr(kv,n) = a2x%rAttr(ku,n)

         !--- specific humidity ---
         tbot = a2x%rAttr(ktbot,n)
         pbot = a2x%rAttr(kpbot,n)
         if (sshum > 0) then
            e = datm_shr_esat(tbot,tbot)
            qsat = (0.622_R8 * e)/(pbot - 0.378_R8 * e)
            if (qsat < a2x%rAttr(kshum,n)) then
               a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) = qsat
         else if (srh > 0) then
            e = avstrm%rAttr(srh,n) * 0.01_R8 * datm_shr_esat(tbot,tbot)
            qsat = (0.622_R8 * e)/(pbot - 0.378_R8 * e)
            a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) = qsat
         else if (stdew > 0) then
            if (tdewmax < 50.0_R8) avstrm%rAttr(stdew,n) = avstrm%rAttr(stdew,n) + tkFrz
            e = datm_shr_esat(avstrm%rAttr(stdew,n),tbot)
            qsat = (0.622_R8 * e)/(pbot - 0.378_R8 * e)
            a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) = qsat
           call shr_sys_abort(subname//'ERROR: cannot compute shum')

         !--- density ---
         vp = (a2x%rAttr(kshum,n)*pbot) / (0.622_R8 + 0.0378_R8 * a2x%rAttr(kshum,n))
         a2x%rAttr(kdens,n) = (pbot - 0.0378_R8 * vp) / (tbot*rdair)

         !--- downward longwave ---
         if (slwdn < 1) then
            e  = a2x%rAttr(kpslv,n) * a2x%rAttr(kshum,n) / (0.622_R8 + 0.378_R8 * a2x%rAttr(kshum,n))
            ea = 0.70_R8 + 5.95e-05_R8 * 0.01_R8 * e * exp(1500.0_R8/tbot)
            a2x%rAttr(klwdn,n) = ea * stebol * tbot**4

         !--- shortwave radiation ---
         if (sswdndf > 0 .and. sswdndr > 0) then
            a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdndr,n) * 0.50_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdndr,n) * 0.50_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdndf,n) * 0.50_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sswdndf,n) * 0.50_R8
         elseif (sswdn > 0) then
            ! relationship between incoming NIR or VIS radiation and ratio of
            ! direct to diffuse radiation calculated based on one year's worth of
            ! hourly CAM output from CAM version cam3_5_55
            swndr = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n) * 0.50_R8
            ratio_rvrf =   min(0.99_R8,max(0.29548_R8 + 0.00504_R8*swndr  &
                           -1.4957e-05_R8*swndr**2 + 1.4881e-08_R8*swndr**3,0.01_R8))
            a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) = ratio_rvrf*swndr
            swndf = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n) * 0.50_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) = (1._R8 - ratio_rvrf)*swndf

            swvdr = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n) * 0.50_R8
            ratio_rvrf =   min(0.99_R8,max(0.17639_R8 + 0.00380_R8*swvdr  &
                           -9.0039e-06_R8*swvdr**2 + 8.1351e-09_R8*swvdr**3,0.01_R8))
            a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) = ratio_rvrf*swvdr
            swvdf = avstrm%rAttr(sswdn,n) * 0.50_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswvdf,n) = (1._R8 - ratio_rvrf)*swvdf
            call shr_sys_abort(subName//'ERROR: cannot compute short-wave down')

         !--- swnet: a diagnostic quantity ---
         if (anidrmax < 1.0e-8 .or. anidrmax > SHR_CONST_SPVAL * 0.9_R8) then
            a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = 0.0_R8
            a2x%rAttr(kswnet,n) = (1.0_R8-x2a%rAttr(kanidr,n))*a2x%rAttr(kswndr,n) + &
                                  (1.0_R8-x2a%rAttr(kavsdr,n))*a2x%rAttr(kswvdr,n) + &
                                  (1.0_R8-x2a%rAttr(kanidf,n))*a2x%rAttr(kswndf,n) + &

         !--- rain and snow ---
         if (sprecc > 0 .and. sprecl > 0) then
            a2x%rAttr(krc,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprecc,n)
            a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprecl,n)
         elseif (sprecn > 0) then
            a2x%rAttr(krc,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprecn,n)*0.1_R8
            a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = avstrm%rAttr(sprecn,n)*0.9_R8
            call shr_sys_abort(subName//'ERROR: cannot compute rain and snow')

         !--- split precip between rain & snow ---
         !--- note: aribitrarily small negative values cause CLM to crash ---
         frac = (tbot - tkFrz)*0.5_R8                  ! ramp near freezing
         frac = min(1.0_R8,max(0.0_R8,frac))           ! bound in [0,1]
         a2x%rAttr(ksc,n) = max(0.0_R8, a2x%rAttr(krc,n)*(1.0_R8 - frac) )
         a2x%rAttr(ksl,n) = max(0.0_R8, a2x%rAttr(krl,n)*(1.0_R8 - frac) )
         a2x%rAttr(krc,n) = max(0.0_R8, a2x%rAttr(krc,n)*(         frac) )
         a2x%rAttr(krl,n) = max(0.0_R8, a2x%rAttr(krl,n)*(         frac) )


   end select

   call t_stopf('datm_mode')

   if (write_restart) then
      call t_startf('datm_restart')
      call seq_infodata_GetData( infodata, case_name=case_name)
      write(rest_file,"(2a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i5.5,a)") &
        trim(case_name), '.datm.r.', yy,'-',mm,'-',dd,'-',currentTOD,'.nc'
      write(rest_file_strm,"(2a,i4.4,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i5.5,a)") &
        trim(case_name), '.datm.rs1.', yy,'-',mm,'-',dd,'-',currentTOD,'.bin'
      if (my_task == master_task) then
         nu = shr_file_getUnit()
         write(nu,'(a)') rest_file
         write(nu,'(a)') rest_file_strm
         call shr_file_freeUnit(nu)
!      if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F04) ' writing ',trim(rest_file),currentYMD,currentTOD
!      call shr_pcdf_readwrite('write',trim(rest_file),mpicom,gsmap,clobber=.true., &
!         rf1=somtp,rf1n='somtp')
      if (my_task == master_task) write(logunit,F04) ' writing ',trim(rest_file_strm),currentYMD,currentTOD
      call shr_strdata_restWrite(trim(rest_file_strm),SDATM,mpicom,trim(case_name),'SDATM strdata')
      call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
      call t_stopf('datm_restart')

   call t_stopf('datm')

   ! Log output for model date
   ! Reset shr logging to original values

   call t_startf('datm_run2')
   if (my_task == master_task) then
      write(logunit,F04) trim(myModelName),': model date ', CurrentYMD,CurrentTOD
      call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
   end if
   firstcall = .false.
   call shr_file_setLogUnit (shrlogunit)
   call shr_file_setLogLevel(shrloglev)
   call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
   call t_stopf('datm_run2')

   call t_stopf('DATM_RUN')

end subroutine datm_comp_run

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: datm_comp_final
!     finalize method for dead atm model
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine datm_comp_final() 1

   implicit none


   !--- formats ---
   character(*), parameter :: F00   = "('(datm_comp_final) ',8a)"
   character(*), parameter :: F91   = "('(datm_comp_final) ',73('-'))"
   character(*), parameter :: subName = "(datm_comp_final) "


   call t_startf('DATM_FINAL')

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      write(logunit,F00) trim(myModelName),': end of main integration loop'
   end if
   call t_stopf('DATM_FINAL')

end subroutine datm_comp_final

end module datm_comp_mod