module seq_comm_mct 31,4
! Purpose: MCT utitlity functions used in sequential CCSM.
!          Note that if no MPI, will call MCTs fake version 
!          (including mpif.h) will be utilized
! Author: R. Jacob

  use mct_mod, only : mct_world_init, mct_die
  use shr_sys_mod, only : shr_sys_abort, shr_sys_flush
  use shr_mpi_mod, only : shr_mpi_chkerr, shr_mpi_bcast
  use shr_file_mod, only : shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_freeUnit

  implicit none

! Public interfaces

  public seq_comm_init
  public seq_comm_iamin
  public seq_comm_iamroot
  public seq_comm_mpicom
  public seq_comm_iam
  public seq_comm_gloiam
  public seq_comm_cplpe
  public seq_comm_cmppe
  public seq_comm_setptrs
  public seq_comm_setnthreads
  public seq_comm_getnthreads
  public seq_comm_printcomms

! Public data

  integer, public :: logunit  = 6     ! log unit number
  integer, public :: loglevel = 1     ! log level

!  NOTE: the LNDID must be 1 as this is currently hardwired in
!  clm for lnd/rtm mapping.  This constraint can be removed when
!  clm gets the compid from the driver.

  integer, parameter, public :: ncomps = 12
  integer, parameter, public :: LNDID = 1
  integer, parameter, public :: ATMID = 2
  integer, parameter, public :: OCNID = 3
  integer, parameter, public :: ICEID = 4
  integer, parameter, public :: GLCID = 5
  integer, parameter, public :: CPLID = 6
  integer, parameter, public :: GLOID = 7
  integer, parameter, public :: CPLATMID = 8
  integer, parameter, public :: CPLLNDID = 9
  integer, parameter, public :: CPLICEID = 10
  integer, parameter, public :: CPLOCNID = 11
  integer, parameter, public :: CPLGLCID = 12

  character(len=8),parameter,private :: IDname(ncomps) = &
    (/ '   LND  ','   ATM  ','   OCN  ','   ICE  ','   GLC  ', &
       '   CPL  ',' GLOBAL ',' CPLATM ',' CPLLND ',' CPLICE ', &
       ' CPLOCN ',' CPLGLC '  /)
  type seq_comm_type
    character(len=8) :: name   ! my name, see IDname above
    integer :: ID              ! my id number, see parameters above
    integer :: mpicom          ! mpicom
    integer :: mpigrp          ! mpigrp
    integer :: npes            ! number of pes in comm
    integer :: nthreads        ! number of omp threads per pe
    integer :: iam             ! my pe number in mpicom
    logical :: iamroot         ! am i the root pe in mpicom
    integer :: gloiam          ! my pe number in mpi_comm_world
    integer :: pethreads       ! max number of threads on my pe
    integer :: cplpe           ! a common pe in mpicom from the cpl group for join mpicoms
    integer :: cmppe           ! a common pe in mpicom from the component group for join mpicoms
    logical :: set             ! has this datatype been set
  end type seq_comm_type

  type(seq_comm_type) :: seq_comms(ncomps)

  character(*),parameter :: F11 = "(a,a,'(',i3,a,')',a,   3i6,' (',a,i6,')',' (',a,i3,')')"
  character(*),parameter :: F12 = "(a,a,'(',i3,a,')',a,2i6,6x,' (',a,i6,')',' (',a,i3,')','(',a,2i6,')')"
  character(*),parameter :: F13 = "(a,a,'(',i3,a,')',a,2i6,6x,' (',a,i6,')',' (',a,i3,')')"

#include <mpif.h>  


  subroutine seq_comm_init(nmlfile, atm_petlist, lnd_petlist, ice_petlist, ocn_petlist, glc_petlist) 1,22
    ! Arguments
    implicit none
    character(len=*), intent(IN) :: nmlfile
    integer, pointer, optional             :: atm_petlist(:)
    integer, pointer, optional             :: lnd_petlist(:)
    integer, pointer, optional             :: ice_petlist(:)
    integer, pointer, optional             :: ocn_petlist(:)
    integer, pointer, optional             :: glc_petlist(:)
    ! Local variables
    integer :: ierr,n
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_init) '
    integer :: mpi_group_world   ! MPI_COMM_WORLD group
    integer :: mype,numpes,myncomps,max_threads
    integer :: amin,amax,astr
    integer :: lmin,lmax,lstr
    integer :: imin,imax,istr
    integer :: omin,omax,ostr
    integer :: gmin,gmax,gstr
    integer :: cmin,cmax,cstr
    integer :: pelist(3,1)       ! start, stop, stride for group
    integer, pointer :: comps(:) ! array with component ids
    integer, pointer :: comms(:) ! array with mpicoms
    integer :: onecomm           ! single comm for "old" mct init
    integer :: nu, i
    logical,save :: first_pass = .true.   ! 
    integer :: &
         atm_ntasks, atm_rootpe, atm_pestride, atm_nthreads, &
         lnd_ntasks, lnd_rootpe, lnd_pestride, lnd_nthreads, &
         ice_ntasks, ice_rootpe, ice_pestride, ice_nthreads, &
         glc_ntasks, glc_rootpe, glc_pestride, glc_nthreads, &
         ocn_ntasks, ocn_rootpe, ocn_pestride, ocn_nthreads, &
         cpl_ntasks, cpl_rootpe, cpl_pestride, cpl_nthreads
    namelist /ccsm_pes/  &
         atm_ntasks, atm_rootpe, atm_pestride, atm_nthreads, &
         lnd_ntasks, lnd_rootpe, lnd_pestride, lnd_nthreads, &
         ice_ntasks, ice_rootpe, ice_pestride, ice_nthreads, &
         glc_ntasks, glc_rootpe, glc_pestride, glc_nthreads, &
         ocn_ntasks, ocn_rootpe, ocn_pestride, ocn_nthreads, &
         cpl_ntasks, cpl_rootpe, cpl_pestride, cpl_nthreads 

    ! make sure this is first pass and set comms unset
    if (.not. first_pass) then
       write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR seq_comm_init already called '
       call shr_sys_abort()
    first_pass = .false.

    do n = 1,ncomps
       seq_comms(n)%set = .false.
       seq_comms(n)%mpicom = MPI_COMM_NULL    ! do some initialization here 
       seq_comms(n)%iam = -1
       seq_comms(n)%iamroot = .false.
       seq_comms(n)%npes = -1
       seq_comms(n)%nthreads = -1
       seq_comms(n)%gloiam = -1
       seq_comms(n)%pethreads = -1
       seq_comms(n)%cplpe = -1
       seq_comms(n)%cmppe = -1

    ! Initialize MPI
    ! Note that if no MPI, will call MCTs fake version

    call mpi_init(ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_init')
    call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mype  , ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_rank comm_world')
    call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numpes, ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_size comm_world')

    ! Initialize gloiam on all IDs

    do n = 1,ncomps
       seq_comms(n)%gloiam = mype

    ! Initialize IDs

    if (mype == 0) then

       ! Set default values
       atm_ntasks=numpes; atm_rootpe=0; atm_pestride=1; atm_nthreads=1
       lnd_ntasks=numpes; lnd_rootpe=0; lnd_pestride=1; lnd_nthreads=1
       ice_ntasks=numpes; ice_rootpe=0; ice_pestride=1; ice_nthreads=1
       glc_ntasks=numpes; glc_rootpe=0; glc_pestride=1; glc_nthreads=1
       ocn_ntasks=numpes; ocn_rootpe=0; ocn_pestride=1; ocn_nthreads=1
       cpl_ntasks=numpes; cpl_rootpe=0; cpl_pestride=1; cpl_nthreads=1

       ! Read namelist if it exists
       nu = shr_file_getUnit()
       open(nu,file=trim(nmlfile),status='old', iostat=ierr)
       if (ierr == 0) then
          ierr = 1
          do while( ierr > 0 )
             read(nu, nml=ccsm_pes, iostat=ierr)
          end do
       end if
       call shr_file_freeUnit(nu)

       !--- validation of inputs ---
       ! rootpes >= 0
       if (atm_rootpe < 0 .or. lnd_rootpe < 0 .or. ice_rootpe < 0 .or. &
           ocn_rootpe < 0 .or. glc_rootpe < 0 .or. cpl_rootpe < 0) then
          write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR: rootpes must be >= 0'
          call shr_sys_abort()

!       ! nthreads = 1, temporary
!       if (atm_nthreads /= 1 .or. lnd_nthreads /= 1 .or. ice_nthreads /= 1 .or. &
!           ocn_nthreads /= 1 .or. cpl_nthreads /= 1) then
!          write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR: nthreads must be 1'
!          call shr_sys_abort()
!       endif

!       ! nthreads should be 1 or something consistent, compute max nthreads
!       amax = max(atm_nthreads,lnd_nthreads)
!       amax = max(amax        ,ice_nthreads)
!       amax = max(amax        ,ocn_nthreads)
!       amax = max(amax        ,cpl_nthreads)

!       ! check that everything is either 1 or max nthreads
!       if ((atm_nthreads /= 1 .and. atm_nthreads /= amax) .or. &
!           (lnd_nthreads /= 1 .and. lnd_nthreads /= amax) .or. &
!           (ice_nthreads /= 1 .and. ice_nthreads /= amax) .or. &
!           (ocn_nthreads /= 1 .and. ocn_nthreads /= amax) .or. &
!           (cpl_nthreads /= 1 .and. cpl_nthreads /= amax)) then
!          write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR: nthreads must be consistent'
!          call shr_sys_abort()
!       endif


    ! NOTE: Only valid on root pe due to namelist read above, bcast below

    if (mype == 0) then
       amin = atm_rootpe
       amax = atm_rootpe + (atm_ntasks-1)*atm_pestride
       astr = atm_pestride
       lmin = lnd_rootpe
       lmax = lnd_rootpe + (lnd_ntasks-1)*lnd_pestride
       lstr = lnd_pestride
       imin = ice_rootpe
       imax = ice_rootpe + (ice_ntasks-1)*ice_pestride
       istr = ice_pestride
       omin = ocn_rootpe
       omax = ocn_rootpe + (ocn_ntasks-1)*ocn_pestride
       ostr = ocn_pestride

       gmin = glc_rootpe
       gmax = glc_rootpe + (glc_ntasks-1)*glc_pestride
       gstr = glc_pestride

       cmin = cpl_rootpe
       cmax = cpl_rootpe + (cpl_ntasks-1)*cpl_pestride
       cstr = cpl_pestride
    end if

    ! create petlist for ESMF components
    if(present(atm_petlist)) then
        call shr_mpi_bcast(atm_ntasks, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'atm_ntasks')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(atm_rootpe, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'atm_rootpe')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(atm_pestride, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'atm_pestride')
        do i = 1, atm_ntasks
            atm_petlist(i) = atm_rootpe + (i-1)*atm_pestride

    if(present(lnd_petlist)) then
        call shr_mpi_bcast(lnd_ntasks, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'lnd_ntasks')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(lnd_rootpe, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'lnd_rootpe')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(lnd_pestride, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'lnd_pestride')
        do i = 1, lnd_ntasks
            lnd_petlist(i) = lnd_rootpe + (i-1)*lnd_pestride

    if(present(ice_petlist)) then
        call shr_mpi_bcast(ice_ntasks, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'ice_ntasks')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(ice_rootpe, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'ice_rootpe')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(ice_pestride, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'ice_pestride')
        do i = 1, ice_ntasks
            ice_petlist(i) = ice_rootpe + (i-1)*ice_pestride

    if(present(ocn_petlist)) then
        call shr_mpi_bcast(ocn_ntasks, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'ocn_ntasks')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(ocn_rootpe, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'ocn_rootpe')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(ocn_pestride, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'ocn_pestride')
        do i = 1, ocn_ntasks
            ocn_petlist(i) = ocn_rootpe + (i-1)*ocn_pestride

    if(present(glc_petlist)) then
        call shr_mpi_bcast(glc_ntasks, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'glc_ntasks')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(glc_rootpe, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'glc_rootpe')
        call shr_mpi_bcast(glc_pestride, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 'glc_pestride')
        do i = 1, glc_ntasks
            glc_petlist(i) = glc_rootpe + (i-1)*glc_pestride
    call shr_mpi_bcast(atm_nthreads,MPI_COMM_WORLD,'atm_nthreads')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(lnd_nthreads,MPI_COMM_WORLD,'lnd_nthreads')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(ocn_nthreads,MPI_COMM_WORLD,'ocn_nthreads')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(ice_nthreads,MPI_COMM_WORLD,'ice_nthreads')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(glc_nthreads,MPI_COMM_WORLD,'glc_nthreads')
    call shr_mpi_bcast(cpl_nthreads,MPI_COMM_WORLD,'cpl_nthreads')

    ! Create MPI communicator groups

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = 0
       pelist(2,1) = numpes-1
       pelist(3,1) = 1
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(GLOID,pelist)

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = amin
       pelist(2,1) = amax
       pelist(3,1) = astr
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(ATMID,pelist,atm_nthreads)

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = lmin
       pelist(2,1) = lmax
       pelist(3,1) = lstr
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(LNDID,pelist,lnd_nthreads)

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = imin
       pelist(2,1) = imax
       pelist(3,1) = istr
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(ICEID,pelist,ice_nthreads)

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = gmin
       pelist(2,1) = gmax
       pelist(3,1) = gstr
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(GLCID,pelist,glc_nthreads)

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = omin
       pelist(2,1) = omax
       pelist(3,1) = ostr
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(OCNID,pelist,ocn_nthreads)

    if (mype == 0) then
       pelist(1,1) = cmin
       pelist(2,1) = cmax
       pelist(3,1) = cstr
    end if
    call mpi_bcast(pelist, size(pelist), MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
    call seq_comm_setcomm(CPLID,pelist,cpl_nthreads)

    call seq_comm_joincomm(CPLID,ATMID,CPLATMID)
    call seq_comm_joincomm(CPLID,LNDID,CPLLNDID)
    call seq_comm_joincomm(CPLID,ICEID,CPLICEID)
    call seq_comm_joincomm(CPLID,OCNID,CPLOCNID)
    call seq_comm_joincomm(CPLID,GLCID,CPLGLCID)

    max_threads = -1
    do n = 1,ncomps
       max_threads = max(max_threads,seq_comms(n)%nthreads)
    do n = 1,ncomps
       seq_comms(n)%pethreads = max_threads

    ! Initialize MCT

    ! add up valid comps on local pe

    myncomps = 0
    do n = 1,ncomps
       if (seq_comms(n)%mpicom /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then
          myncomps = myncomps + 1

    ! set comps and comms

    if(ierr/=0) call mct_die(subName,'allocate comps comms',ierr)

    myncomps = 0
    do n = 1,ncomps
       if (seq_comms(n)%mpicom /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then
          myncomps = myncomps + 1
          if (myncomps > size(comps)) then
             write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR in myncomps ',myncomps,size(comps)
             call shr_sys_abort()
          comps(myncomps) = seq_comms(n)%ID
          comms(myncomps) = seq_comms(n)%mpicom
          onecomm = seq_comms(n)%mpicom   ! if one unique comm per pe, then pick any

    if (myncomps /= size(comps)) then
       write(logunit,*) trim(subname),' ERROR in myncomps ',myncomps,size(comps)
       call shr_sys_abort()

    call mct_world_init(ncomps, MPI_COMM_WORLD, comms, comps)


    call seq_comm_printcomms()

  end subroutine seq_comm_init


  subroutine seq_comm_setcomm(ID,pelist,nthreads) 7,6

    implicit none
    integer,intent(IN) :: ID
    integer,intent(IN) :: pelist(:,:)
    integer,intent(IN),optional :: nthreads

    integer :: mpigrp_world
    integer :: mpigrp
    integer :: mpicom
    integer :: ierr
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_setcomm) '

    if (ID < 1 .or. ID > ncomps) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID out of range, abort ',ID
       call shr_sys_abort()

    call mpi_comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpigrp_world, ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_group mpigrp_world')
    call mpi_group_range_incl(mpigrp_world, 1, pelist, mpigrp,ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_group_range_incl mpigrp')
    call mpi_comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpigrp, mpicom, ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_create mpigrp')

    seq_comms(ID)%set = .true.
    seq_comms(ID)%ID = ID
    seq_comms(ID)%name = IDname(ID)
    seq_comms(ID)%mpicom = mpicom
    seq_comms(ID)%mpigrp = mpigrp
    if (present(nthreads)) then
       seq_comms(ID)%nthreads = nthreads
       seq_comms(ID)%nthreads = 1

    if (mpicom /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then
       call mpi_comm_size(mpicom,seq_comms(ID)%npes,ierr)
       call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_size')
       call mpi_comm_rank(mpicom,seq_comms(ID)%iam,ierr)
       call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_rank')
       if (seq_comms(ID)%iam == 0) then
          seq_comms(ID)%iamroot = .true.
          seq_comms(ID)%iamroot = .false.
       seq_comms(ID)%npes = -1
       seq_comms(ID)%iam = -1
       seq_comms(ID)%nthreads = 1
       seq_comms(ID)%iamroot = .false.

    if (seq_comms(ID)%iamroot) then
       write(logunit,F11) trim(subname),'  initialize ID ',ID,seq_comms(ID)%name, &
         ' pelist   =',pelist,' npes =',seq_comms(ID)%npes,' nthreads =',seq_comms(ID)%nthreads

  end subroutine seq_comm_setcomm


  subroutine seq_comm_joincomm(ID1,ID2,ID) 5,9

    implicit none
    integer,intent(IN) :: ID1    ! src id
    integer,intent(IN) :: ID2    ! srd id
    integer,intent(IN) :: ID     ! computed id

    integer :: mpigrp
    integer :: mpicom
    integer :: ierr
    integer :: n,nsize
    integer,allocatable :: pe_t1(:),pe_t2(:)
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_joincomm) '

    ! check that IDs are in valid range, that ID1 and ID2 have
    ! been set, and that ID has not been set

    if (ID1 < 1 .or. ID1 > ncomps) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID1 out of range, abort ',ID1
       call shr_sys_abort()
    if (ID2 < 1 .or. ID2 > ncomps) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID2 out of range, abort ',ID2
       call shr_sys_abort()
    if (ID < 1 .or. ID > ncomps) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID out of range, abort ',ID
       call shr_sys_abort()
    if (.not. seq_comms(ID1)%set .or. .not. seq_comms(ID2)%set) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID1 or ID2 not set ',ID1,ID2
       call shr_sys_abort()
    if (seq_comms(ID)%set) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID already set ',ID
       call shr_sys_abort()

    call mpi_group_union(seq_comms(ID1)%mpigrp,seq_comms(ID2)%mpigrp,mpigrp,ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_union mpigrp')
    call mpi_comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpigrp, mpicom, ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_create mpigrp')

    seq_comms(ID)%set = .true.
    seq_comms(ID)%ID = ID
    seq_comms(ID)%name = IDname(ID)
    seq_comms(ID)%mpicom = mpicom
    seq_comms(ID)%mpigrp = mpigrp
    seq_comms(ID)%nthreads = max(seq_comms(ID1)%nthreads,seq_comms(ID2)%nthreads)
    seq_comms(ID)%nthreads = max(seq_comms(ID)%nthreads,1)

    if (mpicom /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then
       call mpi_comm_size(mpicom,seq_comms(ID)%npes,ierr)
       call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_size')
       call mpi_comm_rank(mpicom,seq_comms(ID)%iam,ierr)
       call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_rank')
       if (seq_comms(ID)%iam == 0) then
          seq_comms(ID)%iamroot = .true.
          seq_comms(ID)%iamroot = .false.
       seq_comms(ID)%npes = -1
       seq_comms(ID)%iam = -1
       seq_comms(ID)%iamroot = .false.

! needs to be excluded until mpi_group_size is added to serial mpi in mct
#if (1 == 0)
    if (loglevel > 3) then
       ! some debug code to prove the join is working ok
       ! when joining mpicomms, the local rank may be quite different
       !   from either the global or local ranks of the joining comms
       call mpi_group_size(seq_comms(ID1)%mpigrp,nsize,ierr)
       do n = 1,nsize
          pe_t1(n) = n-1
          pe_t2(n) = -1
       call mpi_group_translate_ranks(seq_comms(ID1)%mpigrp, nsize, pe_t1, mpigrp, pe_t2, ierr)
       write(logunit,*) 'ID1      ranks ',pe_t1
       write(logunit,*) 'ID1-JOIN ranks ',pe_t2

       call mpi_group_size(seq_comms(ID2)%mpigrp,nsize,ierr)
       do n = 1,nsize
          pe_t1(n) = n-1
          pe_t2(n) = -1
       call mpi_group_translate_ranks(seq_comms(ID2)%mpigrp, nsize, pe_t1, mpigrp, pe_t2, ierr)
       write(logunit,*) 'ID2      ranks ',pe_t1
       write(logunit,*) 'ID2-JOIN ranks ',pe_t2

    pe_t1(1) = 0
    call mpi_group_translate_ranks(seq_comms(ID1)%mpigrp, 1, pe_t1, mpigrp, pe_t2, ierr)
    seq_comms(ID)%cplpe = pe_t2(1)
    pe_t1(1) = 0
    call mpi_group_translate_ranks(seq_comms(ID2)%mpigrp, 1, pe_t1, mpigrp, pe_t2, ierr)
    seq_comms(ID)%cmppe = pe_t2(1)

    if (seq_comms(ID)%iamroot) then
       if (loglevel > 1) then
          write(logunit,F12) trim(subname),' initialize ID ',ID,seq_comms(ID)%name, &
          ' join IDs =',ID1,ID2,' npes =',seq_comms(ID)%npes, &
          ' nthreads =',seq_comms(ID)%nthreads, &
          ' cpl/cmp pes =',seq_comms(ID)%cplpe,seq_comms(ID)%cmppe
          write(logunit,F13) trim(subname),' initialize ID ',ID,seq_comms(ID)%name, &
          ' join IDs =',ID1,ID2,' npes =',seq_comms(ID)%npes, &
          ' nthreads =',seq_comms(ID)%nthreads

  end subroutine seq_comm_joincomm


  subroutine seq_comm_printcomms() 1,6

    implicit none
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_printcomms) '
    integer :: m,n,mype,npes,cpes,ierr
    character(len=256) :: iamstring
    character(*),parameter :: F01 = "(4x,a4,4x   ,40(1x,a8))"
    character(*),parameter :: F02 = "(4x,i4,3x,a1,40(2x,i6,1x))"
    character(*),parameter :: F03 = "(4x,i4,3x,a1,a)"

    call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, npes  , ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_size comm_world')
    call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mype  , ierr)
    call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_comm_rank comm_world')

    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
    call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
    if (mype == 0) then
!       do n = 1,ncomps
!          call mpi_group_size(seq_comms(n)%mpigrp, cpes, ierr)
!          call shr_mpi_chkerr(ierr,subname//' mpi_group_size')
!          write(logunit,*) trim(subName),' comp ntasks,nthreads ',n,trim(seq_comms(n)%name), &
!             seq_comms(n)%npes,seq_comms(n)%nthreads
!       enddo
       write(logunit,*) ' '
       write(logunit,*) trim(subName),' ID layout : global pes vs local pe for each ID'
       write(logunit,F01) ' gpe',(seq_comms(n)%name,n=1,ncomps),'nthrds'
       write(logunit,F01) ' ---',(' ------ '       ,n=1,ncomps),'------'
       call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
    iamstring = ' '
    do n = 1,ncomps
       if (seq_comms(n)%iam >= 0) then
          write(iamstring((n-1)*9+1:n*9),"(2x,i6,1x)") seq_comms(n)%iam
    n = ncomps + 1
    write(iamstring((n-1)*9+1:n*9),"(2x,i6,1x)") seq_comms(GLOID)%pethreads

    call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
    call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
    do m = 0,npes-1
       if (mype == m) then
!          write(logunit,F02) mype,':',(seq_comms(n)%iam,n=1,ncomps)
          write(logunit,F03) mype,':',trim(iamstring)
          if (m == npes-1) then
             write(logunit,*) ' '
       call shr_sys_flush(logunit)
       call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)

  end subroutine seq_comm_printcomms


  subroutine seq_comm_setptrs(ID,mpicom,mpigrp,npes,nthreads,iam,iamroot,gloiam,cplpe,cmppe,pethreads) 54

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    integer,intent(out),optional :: mpicom
    integer,intent(out),optional :: mpigrp
    integer,intent(out),optional :: npes
    integer,intent(out),optional :: nthreads
    integer,intent(out),optional :: iam
    logical,intent(out),optional :: iamroot
    integer,intent(out),optional :: gloiam
    integer,intent(out),optional :: cplpe
    integer,intent(out),optional :: cmppe
    integer,intent(out),optional :: pethreads

    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_setptrs) '

    if (ID < 1 .or. ID > ncomps) then
       write(logunit,*) subname,' ID out of range, return ',ID

    if (present(mpicom)) then
       mpicom = seq_comms(ID)%mpicom

    if (present(mpigrp)) then
       mpigrp = seq_comms(ID)%mpigrp

    if (present(npes)) then
       npes = seq_comms(ID)%npes

    if (present(nthreads)) then
       nthreads = seq_comms(ID)%nthreads

    if (present(iam)) then
       iam = seq_comms(ID)%iam

    if (present(iamroot)) then
       iamroot = seq_comms(ID)%iamroot

    if (present(gloiam)) then
       gloiam = seq_comms(ID)%gloiam

    if (present(cplpe)) then
       cplpe = seq_comms(ID)%cplpe

    if (present(cmppe)) then
       cmppe = seq_comms(ID)%cmppe

    if (present(pethreads)) then
       pethreads = seq_comms(ID)%pethreads

  end subroutine seq_comm_setptrs

  subroutine seq_comm_setnthreads(nthreads) 109,1

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: nthreads
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_setnthreads) '

#ifdef _OPENMP
    if (nthreads < 1) then
       call shr_sys_abort(subname//' ERROR: nthreads less than one')
    call omp_set_num_threads(nthreads)

  end subroutine seq_comm_setnthreads

  integer function seq_comm_getnthreads() 7

    implicit none
    integer :: omp_get_num_threads
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_getnthreads) '

    seq_comm_getnthreads = -1
#ifdef _OPENMP
    seq_comm_getnthreads = omp_get_num_threads()

  end function seq_comm_getnthreads

  logical function seq_comm_iamin(ID) 19

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_iamin) '

    if (seq_comms(ID)%iam >= 0) then
       seq_comm_iamin = .true.
       seq_comm_iamin = .false.

  end function seq_comm_iamin

  logical function seq_comm_iamroot(ID) 38

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_iamroot) '

    seq_comm_iamroot = seq_comms(ID)%iamroot

  end function seq_comm_iamroot

  integer function seq_comm_mpicom(ID)

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_mpicom) '

    seq_comm_mpicom = seq_comms(ID)%mpicom

  end function seq_comm_mpicom

  integer function seq_comm_iam(ID)

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_iam) '

    seq_comm_iam = seq_comms(ID)%iam

  end function seq_comm_iam

  integer function seq_comm_gloiam(ID)

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_gloiam) '

    seq_comm_gloiam = seq_comms(ID)%gloiam

  end function seq_comm_gloiam

  integer function seq_comm_cplpe(ID)

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_cplpe) '

    seq_comm_cplpe = seq_comms(ID)%cplpe

  end function seq_comm_cplpe

  integer function seq_comm_cmppe(ID)

    implicit none
    integer,intent(in) :: ID
    character(*),parameter :: subName =   '(seq_comm_cmppe) '

    seq_comm_cmppe = seq_comms(ID)%cmppe

  end function seq_comm_cmppe
end module seq_comm_mct