! !MODULE: comsrf
! !DESCRIPTION:	Module to handle surface fluxes for the subcomponents of cam/csm
!                    Currently this is a hodge-podge of 2D arrays without a lot
!                    of thought or design. We are under the process of removing
!                    this completely and moving the relevent arrays to the modules
!                    that actually use the data.
!			See: http://swiki.ucar.edu/start/66

module comsrf 7,4
  use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, r4 => shr_kind_r4
  use ppgrid, only: pcols, begchunk, endchunk
  use infnan, only: nan
  use abortutils, only: endrun

  implicit none

! PRIVATE: Make default data and interfaces private
  private     ! By default all data is private to this module
  public initialize_comsrf          ! Set the surface temperature and sea-ice fraction
! Public data
  public landm, sgh, sgh30, fv, ram1, fsns, fsds
  public fsnt, flns, flnt, srfrpdel, psm1, prcsnw
  public trefmxav, trefmnav

  real(r8), allocatable:: landm(:,:)     ! land/ocean/sea ice flag
  real(r8), allocatable:: sgh(:,:)       ! land/ocean/sea ice flag
  real(r8), allocatable:: sgh30(:,:)     ! land/ocean/sea ice flag
  real(r8), allocatable:: fv(:,:)        ! needed for dry dep velocities (over land)
  real(r8), allocatable:: ram1(:,:)      ! needed for dry dep velocities (over land)
  real(r8), allocatable:: fsns(:,:)      ! surface absorbed solar flux
  real(r8), allocatable:: fsds(:,:)      ! downward solar flux
  real(r8), allocatable:: fsnt(:,:)      ! Net column abs solar flux at model top
  real(r8), allocatable:: flns(:,:)      ! Srf longwave cooling (up-down) flux
  real(r8), allocatable:: flnt(:,:)      ! Net outgoing lw flux at model top
  real(r8), allocatable:: srfrpdel(:,:)  ! 1./(pint(k+1)-pint(k))
  real(r8), allocatable:: psm1(:,:)      ! surface pressure
  real(r8), allocatable:: prcsnw(:,:)    ! cam tot snow precip
  real(r8), allocatable:: trefmxav(:,:)  ! diagnostic: tref max over the day
  real(r8), allocatable:: trefmnav(:,:)  ! diagnostic: tref min over the day

! Private module data


! PUBLIC ROUTINES: Following routines are publically accessable
! !IROUTINE: initialize_comsrf
! Initialize the procedure for specifying sea surface temperatures
! Do initial read of time-varying ice boundary dataset, reading two
! consecutive months on either side of the current model date.
! Method: 
! Author: 

  subroutine initialize_comsrf 2,1
  use cam_control_mod,  only: ideal_phys, adiabatic
! Purpose:
! Initialize surface data
! Method:
! Author: Mariana Vertenstein
    integer k,c      ! level, constituent indices

    if(.not. (adiabatic .or. ideal_phys)) then
       allocate (landm   (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (sgh     (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (sgh30   (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))

       allocate (fv      (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (ram1    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (fsns    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))         
       allocate (fsds    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))         
       allocate (fsnt    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))         
       allocate (flns    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))         
       allocate (flnt    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))         
       allocate (srfrpdel(pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (psm1    (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (prcsnw  (pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (trefmxav(pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       allocate (trefmnav(pcols,begchunk:endchunk))
       ! Initialize to NaN or Inf
       ! elements of the array outside valid surface points must be set to
       ! zero if these fields are to be written to netcdf history files.
       landm    (:,:) = nan
       sgh      (:,:) = nan
       sgh30    (:,:) = nan
       fsns     (:,:) = nan
       fsds     (:,:) = nan
       fsnt     (:,:) = nan
       flns     (:,:) = nan
       flnt     (:,:) = nan
       srfrpdel (:,:) = nan
       psm1     (:,:) = nan
       prcsnw   (:,:) = nan
       trefmxav (:,:) = -1.0e36_r8
       trefmnav (:,:) =  1.0e36_r8
    end if
  end subroutine initialize_comsrf

end module comsrf