subroutine dadadj (lchnk   ,ncol    , & 1,12
                   pmid    ,pint    ,pdel    ,t       , &
                   q       )
! Purpose: 
! GFDL style dry adiabatic adjustment
! Method: 
! if stratification is unstable, adjustment to the dry adiabatic lapse
! rate is forced subject to the condition that enthalpy is conserved.
! Author: CMS Contact J.Hack
   use shr_kind_mod,    only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
   use ppgrid
   use phys_grid,       only: get_lat_p, get_lon_p
   use physconst,       only: cappa
   use abortutils,      only: endrun
   use cam_control_mod, only: nlvdry
   use cam_logfile,     only: iulog
   implicit none

   integer niter           ! number of iterations for convergence
   parameter (niter = 15)

! Arguments
   integer, intent(in) :: lchnk               ! chunk identifier
   integer, intent(in) :: ncol                ! number of atmospheric columns

   real(r8), intent(in) :: pmid(pcols,pver)   ! pressure at model levels
   real(r8), intent(in) :: pint(pcols,pverp)  ! pressure at model interfaces
   real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel(pcols,pver)   ! vertical delta-p

! Input/output arguments
   real(r8), intent(inout) :: t(pcols,pver)      ! temperature (K)
   real(r8), intent(inout) :: q(pcols,pver)      ! specific humidity
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
   integer i,k             ! longitude, level indices
   integer jiter           ! iteration index

   real(r8) c1dad(pver)        ! intermediate constant
   real(r8) c2dad(pver)        ! intermediate constant
   real(r8) c3dad(pver)        ! intermediate constant
   real(r8) c4dad(pver)        ! intermediate constant
   real(r8) gammad             ! dry adiabatic lapse rate (deg/Pa)
   real(r8) zeps               ! convergence criterion (deg/Pa)
   real(r8) rdenom             ! reciprocal of denominator of expression
   real(r8) dtdp               ! delta-t/delta-p
   real(r8) zepsdp             ! zeps*delta-p
   real(r8) zgamma             ! intermediate constant
   real(r8) qave               ! mean q between levels

   logical ilconv          ! .TRUE. ==> convergence was attained
   logical dodad(pcols)    ! .TRUE. ==> do dry adjustment
   zeps = 2.0e-5_r8           ! set convergence criteria
! Find gridpoints with unstable stratification
   do i=1,ncol
      gammad = cappa*0.5_r8*(t(i,2) + t(i,1))/pint(i,2)
      dtdp = (t(i,2) - t(i,1))/(pmid(i,2) - pmid(i,1))
      dodad(i) = (dtdp + zeps) .gt. gammad
   end do
   do k=2,nlvdry
      do i=1,ncol
         gammad = cappa*0.5_r8*(t(i,k+1) + t(i,k))/pint(i,k+1)
         dtdp = (t(i,k+1) - t(i,k))/(pmid(i,k+1) - pmid(i,k))
         dodad(i) = dodad(i) .or. (dtdp + zeps).gt.gammad
      end do
   end do
! Make a dry adiabatic adjustment
! Note: nlvdry ****MUST**** be < pver
   do 80 i=1,ncol
      if (dodad(i)) then
         zeps = 2.0e-5_r8
         do k=1,nlvdry
            c1dad(k) = cappa*0.5_r8*(pmid(i,k+1)-pmid(i,k))/pint(i,k+1)
            c2dad(k) = (1._r8 - c1dad(k))/(1._r8 + c1dad(k))
            rdenom = 1._r8/(pdel(i,k)*c2dad(k) + pdel(i,k+1))
            c3dad(k) = rdenom*pdel(i,k)
            c4dad(k) = rdenom*pdel(i,k+1)
         end do
50       do jiter=1,niter
            ilconv = .true.
            do k=1,nlvdry
               zepsdp = zeps*(pmid(i,k+1) - pmid(i,k))
               zgamma = c1dad(k)*(t(i,k) + t(i,k+1))
               if ((t(i,k+1)-t(i,k)) >= (zgamma+zepsdp)) then
                  ilconv = .false.
                  t(i,k+1) = t(i,k)*c3dad(k) + t(i,k+1)*c4dad(k)
                  t(i,k) = c2dad(k)*t(i,k+1)
                  qave = (pdel(i,k+1)*q(i,k+1) + pdel(i,k)*q(i,k))/(pdel(i,k+1)+ pdel(i,k))
                  q(i,k+1) = qave
                  q(i,k) = qave
               end if
            end do
            if (ilconv) go to 80 ! convergence => next longitude
         end do
! Double convergence criterion if no convergence in niter iterations
         zeps = zeps + zeps
         if (zeps > 1.e-4_r8) then
            write(iulog,*)'DADADJ: No convergence in dry adiabatic adjustment'
            write(iulog,800) get_lat_p(lchnk,i),get_lon_p(lchnk,i),zeps
            call endrun
            write(iulog,810) zeps,get_lat_p(lchnk,i),get_lon_p(lchnk,i)
            go to 50
         end if
      end if
80    continue
! Formats
800   format(' lat,lon = ',2i5,', zeps= ',e9.4)
810   format(//,'DADADJ: Convergence criterion doubled to EPS=',E9.4, &
             ' for'/'        DRY CONVECTIVE ADJUSTMENT at Lat,Lon=', &
end subroutine dadadj