module dynamics_vars 36,5
! !MODULE: dynamics_vars --- GEOS5/CAM fvcore internal variables
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, r4 => shr_kind_r4
use decompmodule
, only: decomptype
use ghostmodule
, only: ghosttype
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
#if defined(SPMD)
use parutilitiesmodule
, only: parpatterntype, REAL4, INT4
public dynamics_init, dynamics_clean
public a2d3d, d2a3d, b2d3d, d2b3d, c2a3d
! T_FVDYCORE_VARS contains the prognostic variables for FVdycore
real(r8), dimension(:,:,: ), pointer :: U ! U winds (D-grid)
real(r8), dimension(:,:,: ), pointer :: V ! V winds (D-grid)
real(r8), dimension(:,:,: ), pointer :: PT ! scaled virtual pot. temp.
real(r8), dimension(:,:,: ), pointer :: PE ! Pressure at layer edges
real(r8), dimension(:,:,: ), pointer :: PKZ ! P^kappa mean
real(r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: tracer ! Tracers
! T_FVDYCORE_GRID contains information about the horizontal and vertical
! discretization, unlike in ARIES where these data are split into HORZ_GRID
! and VERT_GRID. The reason for this: currently all of this information is
! initialized in one call to FVCAM dynamics_init.
! PILGRIM communication information (was in spmd_dyn)
integer :: twod_decomp = 0 ! 1 for multi-2D decompositions, 0 otherwise
integer :: npes_xy= 1 ! number of PEs for XY decomposition
integer :: npes_yz= 1 ! number of PEs for YZ decomposition
integer :: myid_y = 0 ! subdomain index (0-based) in latitude (y)
integer :: myid_z = 0 ! subdomain index (0 based) in level (z)
integer :: npr_y = 1 ! number of subdomains in y
integer :: npr_z = 1 ! number of subdomains in z
integer :: myidxy_x = 0 ! subdomain index (0-based) in longitude (x) (second. decomp.)
integer :: myidxy_y = 0 ! subdomain index (0 based) in latitude (y) (second. decomp.)
integer :: nprxy_x = 1 ! number of subdomains in x (second. decomp.)
integer :: nprxy_y = 1 ! number of subdomains in y (second. decomp.)
integer :: iam = 0 !
integer :: mod_method = 0 ! 1 for mpi derived types with transposes, 0 for contiguous buffers
integer :: mod_geopk = 0 ! 1 for mpi derived types with transposes, 0 for contiguous buffers
integer :: mod_gatscat = 0 ! 1 for mpi derived types with transposes, 0 for contiguous buffers
type(decomptype) :: strip2d, strip2dx, strip3dxyz, strip3dxzy, &
strip3dxyzp, strip3zaty, strip3dxzyp, &
strip3yatz, strip3yatzp, strip3zatypt, &
strip3kxyz, strip3kxzy, strip3kxyzp, strip3kxzyp, &
strip3dyz, checker3kxy
integer :: commdyn ! communicator for all dynamics
integer :: commxy ! communicator for XY decomposition
integer :: commyz ! communicator for YZ decomposition
integer :: commnyz ! communicator for multiple YZ decomposition
integer :: comm_y ! communicator in latitude
integer :: comm_z ! communicator in vertical
integer :: commxy_x ! communicator in longitude (xy second. decomp.)
integer :: commxy_y ! communicator in latitude (xy second. decomp.)
logical :: geopkdist ! use distributed method for geopotential calculation
! with 2D decomp.
logical :: geopk16byte ! use Z-parallel distributed method for geopotential
! calculation with 2D decomp.; otherwise use Z-serial
! pipeline algorithm when using distributed algoritm
integer :: geopkblocks ! number of stages to use in Z-serial pipeline
! (non-transpose) geopotential algorithm
integer :: modc_dynrun(4) ! 1: mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for dyn_run/misc
! 2: mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for dyn_run/misc
! 3: mod_comm irregular communication send protocol for dyn_run/misc
! 4: mod_comm irregular communication nonblocking request throttle for dyn_run/misc
integer :: modc_cdcore(4) ! 1: mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for cd_core/geopk
! 2: mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for cd_core/geopk
! 3: geopk_d and mod_comm irregular communication send protocol for cd_core/geopk
! 4: mod_comm irregular communication nonblocking request throttle for cd_core/geopk
integer :: modc_gather(4) ! 1: mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for gather
! 2: mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for gather
! 3: mod_comm irregular communication send protocol for gather
! 4: mod_comm irregular communication nonblocking request throttle for gather
integer :: modc_scatter(4) ! 1: mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for scatter
! 2: mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for scatter
! 3: mod_comm irregular communication send protocol for scatter
! 4: mod_comm irregular communication nonblocking request throttle for scatter
integer :: modc_tracer(4) ! 1: mod_comm irregular underlying communication method for multiple tracers
! 2: mod_comm irregular communication handshaking for multiple tracers
! 3: mod_comm irregular communication send protocol for multiple tracers
! 4: mod_comm irregular communication nonblocking request throttle for multiple tracers
integer :: modc_onetwo ! one or two simultaneous mod_comm irregular communications (excl. tracers)
integer :: modc_tracers ! max number of tracers for simultaneous mod_comm irregular communications
#if defined(SPMD)
type (ghosttype) :: ghostu_yz, ghostv_yz, ghostpt_yz, &
ghostpe_yz, ghostpkc_yz
type (parpatterntype) :: u_to_uxy, uxy_to_u, v_to_vxy, vxy_to_v, &
ikj_yz_to_xy, ikj_xy_to_yz, &
ijk_yz_to_xy, ijk_xy_to_yz, &
pe_to_pexy, pexy_to_pe, &
pt_to_ptxy, ptxy_to_pt, pkxy_to_pkc, &
r4_xy_to_yz, r4_yz_to_xy, q3_to_qxy3, qxy3_to_q3, &
xy2d_to_yz2d, yz2d_to_xy2d, scatter_3d, gather_3d, &
g_2dxy_r8, g_2dxy_r4, g_2dxy_i4, &
s_2dxy_r8, s_2dxy_r4, s_2dxy_i4, &
g_3dxyz_r8, g_3dxyz_r4, g_3dxyzp_r8, g_3dxyzp_r4, &
s_3dxyz_r8, s_3dxyz_r4, s_3dxyzp_r8, s_3dxyzp_r4
! END PILGRIM communication information
integer :: JFIRST ! Start latitude (exclusive)
integer :: JLAST ! End latitude (exclusive)
integer :: NG_C ! Ccore ghosting
integer :: NG_D ! Dcore ghosting
integer :: NG_S ! Staggered grid ghosting for
! certain arrays, max(ng_c+1,ng_d)
! For 2D decomposition (currently not used)
integer :: IFIRSTXY ! Start longitude (exclusive)
integer :: ILASTXY ! End longitude (exclusive)
integer :: JFIRSTXY ! Start latitude (exclusive)
integer :: JLASTXY ! End latitude (exclusive)
integer :: IM ! Full longitude dim
integer :: JM ! Full latitude dim (including poles)
real(r8) :: DL
real(r8) :: DP
real(r8) :: ACAP
real(r8) :: RCAP
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: COSP ! Cosine of lat angle -- volume mean
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: SINP ! Sine of lat angle -- volume mean
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: COSE ! Cosine at finite volume edge
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: SINE ! Sine at finite volume edge
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: ACOSP ! Reciprocal of cosine of lat angle
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: ACOSU ! Reciprocal of cosine of lat angle (staggered)
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: COSLON ! Cosine of longitudes - volume center
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: SINLON ! Sine of longitudes - volume center
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: COSL5 ! Cosine of longitudes - volume center
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: SINL5 ! Sine of longitudes - volume center
! Variables which are used repeatedly in CD_CORE
integer :: js2g0
integer :: jn2g0
integer :: jn1g1
real(r8), pointer :: trigs(:)
real(r8), pointer :: fc(:), f0(:)
real(r8), pointer :: dc(:,:), de(:,:), sc(:), se(:)
real(r8), pointer :: cdx(:,:), cdy(:,:)
real(r8), pointer :: cdx4(:,:), cdy4(:,:) !for div4 damping
real(r8), pointer :: cdxde(:,:), cdxdp(:,:),cdyde(:,:),cdydp(:,:) !for del2 damping
real(r8), pointer :: cdxdiv(:,:), cdydiv(:,:), cdtau4(:,:) !for del2 damping
real(r8), pointer :: dcdiv4(:,:), dediv4(:,:), scdiv4(:), sediv4(:) !for div4 damping
real(r8), pointer :: dtdx(:), dtdxe(:), txe5(:), dtxe5(:)
real(r8), pointer :: dyce(:), dx(:) , rdx(:), cy(:)
real(r8), pointer :: dtdx2(:), dtdx4(:), dxdt(:), dxe(:)
real(r8), pointer :: cye(:), dycp(:), rdxe(:)
real(r8) :: rdy, dtdy, dydt, dtdy5, tdy5
real(r8) :: dt0 = 0
integer :: ifax(13)
real(r8) :: zt_c
real(r8) :: zt_d
! This part refers to the vertical grid
integer :: KM ! Numer of levels
integer :: KMAX ! KM+1 (?)
! For 2D decomposition (currently not used)
integer :: KFIRST ! Start level (exclusive)
integer :: KLAST ! End level (exclusive)
integer :: KLASTP ! klast+1, except km+1 when klastp=km+1
integer :: KORD ! monotonicity order for mapping (te_map)
integer :: KS ! Number of true pressure levels (out of KM+1)
real(r8) :: PTOP ! pressure at top (ak(1))
real(r8) :: PINT ! initial pressure (ak(km+1))
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: AK ! Sigma mapping
real(r8), dimension(:), pointer :: BK ! Sigma mapping
! Tracers
integer :: NQ ! Number of advected tracers
integer :: NTOTQ ! Total number of tracers (NQ <= NC)
! Extra subdomain bounds for cd_core/trac2d overlap and trac2d decomposition
! Relevant for secondary yz decomposition only; refers back to primary yz decomposition
integer :: JFIRSTCT ! jfirst
integer :: JLASTCT ! jlast
integer :: KFIRSTCT ! kfirst
integer :: KLASTCT ! klast
! Bounds for tracer decomposition
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ktloa ! lower tracer index (global map)
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: kthia ! upper tracer index (global map)
integer :: ktlo ! lower tracer index (local)
integer :: kthi ! upper tracer index (local)
! Constants used by fvcore
real(r8) :: pi
real(r8) :: omega ! angular velocity of earth's rotation
real(r8) :: cp ! heat capacity of air at constant pressure
real(r8) :: ae ! radius of the earth (m)
real(r8) :: rair ! Gas constant of the air
real(r8) :: cappa ! Cappa?
real(r8) :: zvir ! RWV/RAIR-1
integer, parameter :: NUM_FVDYCORE_ALARMS = 3
integer, parameter :: NUM_TIMES = 8
!!! private
#if defined( GEOS_MODE )
type (ESMF_Clock), pointer :: CLOCK
integer(kind=8) :: RUN_TIMES(4,NUM_TIMES)
logical :: DOTIME, DODYN
real(r8) :: DT ! Large time step
real(r8) :: CHECK_DT ! Time step to check maxmin
integer :: ICD, JCD ! Algorithm orders (C Grid)
integer :: IORD, JORD ! Algorithm orders (D Grid)
integer :: KORD ! Vertical order
integer :: TE_METHOD ! method for total energy mapping (te_map)
logical :: CONSV ! dycore conserves tot. en.
integer :: NSPLIT
integer :: NSPLTRAC
integer :: NSPLTVRM
integer :: NUM_CALLS
integer :: FILTCW ! filter c-grid winds if positive
! This module provides variables which are specific to the Lin-Rood
! dynamical core. Most of them were previously SAVE variables in
! different routines and were set with an "if (first)" statement.
! \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \hline
! lr\_init & Initialize the Lin-Rood variables \\ \hline
! lr\_clean & Deallocate all internal data structures \\ \hline
! \hline
! \end{tabular}
! 01.06.06 Sawyer Consolidated from various code snippets
! 01.07.12 Sawyer Removed CCM common blocks comtim.h and commap.h
! 03.06.25 Sawyer Cleaned up, used ParPatternCopy (Create)
! 03.07.23 Sawyer Removed dependencies on params.h, constituents
! 03.08.05 Sawyer Removed rayf_init and hswf_init, related vars
! 03.09.17 Sawyer Removed unneeded ghost definitions
! 03.10.22 Sawyer pmgrid removed (now spmd_dyn)
! 03.11.18 Sawyer Removed set_eta (ak, bk, now read from restart)
! 03.12.04 Sawyer Moved T_FVDYCORE_GRID here (removed some vars)
! 04.08.25 Sawyer Removed all module data members, now GRID only
! 04.10.06 Sawyer Added spmd_dyn vars here; ESMF transpose vars
! 05.04.12 Sawyer Added support for r4/r8 tracers
! 05.05.24 Sawyer CAM/GEOS5 merge (removed GEOS_mod dependencies)
! 05.06.10 Sawyer Scaled down version for CAM (no ESMF)
! 05.11.10 Sawyer Removed dyn_interface (now in dyn_comp)
! 06.03.01 Sawyer Removed m_ttrans, q_to_qxy, qxy_to_q, etc.
! 06.05.09 Sawyer Added CONSV to dyn_state (conserve energy)
! 06.08.27 Sawyer Removed unused ESMF code for RouteHandle
real(r8), parameter :: D0_0 = 0.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D0_5 = 0.5_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D1_0 = 1.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D2_0 = 2.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D4_0 = 4.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D180_0 = 180.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: ratmax = 0.81_r8
! !IROUTINE: dynamics_init --- initialize the lin-rood dynamical core
subroutine dynamics_init( dt, jord, im, jm, km, & 1,3
pi, ae, om, nq, ntotq, &
ks, ifirstxy, ilastxy, &
jfirstxy, jlastxy, &
jfirst, jlast, kfirst, klast, &
npes_xy, npes_yz, &
commdyn, commxy, commyz, commnyz, &
nprxy_x, nprxy_y, npryz_y, npryz_z,&
imxy, jmxy, jmyz, kmyz, &
ak, bk, unit, &
grid )
! !USES:
use fv_control_mod
, only: trac_decomp
implicit none
real(r8), intent(in) :: dt ! Initial time step
integer, intent(in) :: jord ! Horz. scheme #
integer, intent(in) :: im, jm, km ! Global dims
real(r8), intent(in) :: pi ! Pi
real(r8), intent(in) :: ae ! Earth radius
real(r8), intent(in) :: om ! Earth angular velocity
integer, intent(in) :: nq ! No. adv. tracers
integer, intent(in) :: ntotq ! No. total tracers
integer, intent(in) :: ks ! True # pressure levels
integer, intent(in) :: ifirstxy, ilastxy ! Interval
integer, intent(in) :: jfirstxy, jlastxy ! Interval
integer, intent(in) :: jfirst, jlast ! Interval
integer, intent(in) :: kfirst, klast ! Interval
integer, intent(in) :: nprxy_x ! XY decomp - Nr in X
integer, intent(in) :: nprxy_y ! XY decomp - Nr in Y
integer, intent(in) :: npryz_y ! YZ decomp - Nr in Y
integer, intent(in) :: npryz_z ! YZ decomp - Nr in Z
integer, intent(in) :: npes_xy ! XY decomp - Total nr.
integer, intent(in) :: npes_yz ! YZ decomp - Total nr.
integer, intent(in) :: commdyn ! Communicator for dynamics
integer, intent(in) :: commxy ! Communicator for XY decomp
integer, intent(in) :: commyz ! Communicator for YZ decomp
integer, intent(in) :: commnyz ! Communicator for multiple YZ decomp
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: imxy
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: jmxy
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: jmyz
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: kmyz
real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ak
real(r8), dimension(:), intent(in) :: bk
integer, intent(in) :: unit
type(T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(inout) :: grid ! Resulting grid
! Initialize Lin-Rood specific variables
! 01.06.06 Sawyer Create
! 03.07.31 Sawyer Added the 'layout' arguments
! 03.08.05 Sawyer Removed hswf_init and rayf_init
! 04.08.25 Sawyer Added GRID, contains all information
! 04.10.04 Sawyer Added init_spmd here
! 06.03.01 Sawyer Removed argument m_ttrans_in
! 06.11.27 Sawyer Removed argument layout (no longer used)
! 06.11.29 Sawyer Constant PI now passed as argument
!!! real(r8) :: pi !WS 29.11.2006 -- uncomment this for zero diffs
integer :: rc
! Set the basic grid variables
grid%im = im
grid%jm = jm
grid%km = km
grid%kmax = km + 1
grid%nq = nq
grid%ntotq = ntotq
grid%ks = ks
grid%ifirstxy = ifirstxy
grid%ilastxy = ilastxy
grid%jfirstxy = jfirstxy
grid%jlastxy = jlastxy
grid%jfirst = jfirst
grid%jlast = jlast
grid%kfirst = kfirst
grid%klast = klast
if ( klast == km ) then
grid%klastp = km+1
grid%klastp = klast
!WS 29.11.2006 -- uncomment this for zero diffs
!!! pi = D4_0 * atan(D1_0)
!!! call dynpkg_init( pi, ae_in, om_in, dt_in, im_in, &
call dynpkg_init
( pi, ae, om, dt, im, &
jm, jord, grid )
! Level-dependent variables (was in vert_init, now removed)
! Tracer decomposition limits
grid%ktloa(:) = 1
grid%kthia(:) = nq
grid%ktlo = 1
grid%kthi = nq
#if defined( SPMD )
call spmd_vars_init
( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, npryz_y, npryz_z, &
npes_xy, npes_yz, commdyn, commxy, commyz, &
commnyz, imxy, jmxy, jmyz, kmyz, nq, &
grid )
grid%npes_yz = 1
! !ROUTINE: dynpkg_init --- Initialization for dynamics package
subroutine dynpkg_init( pi, ae, om, dt, im, jm, jord, grid ) 1,4
! !USES:
use pft_module
, only : pftinit, pft2d, pft_cf
implicit none
real(r8) , intent(in) :: pi
real(r8) , intent(in) :: ae
real(r8) , intent(in) :: om
real(r8) , intent(in) :: dt
integer, intent(in) :: im
integer, intent(in) :: jm
integer, intent(in) :: jord
type( T_FVDYCORE_GRID ), intent(inout) :: grid
! {\bf Purpose:} Initialization of the FV specific GRID vars
! 00.01.10 Grant Creation using code from SJ Lin
! 01.03.26 Sawyer Added ProTeX documentation
! 01.06.06 Sawyer Modified for dynamics_vars
! 04.08.25 Sawyer Now updates GRID
! 05.06.30 Sawyer Added initializations from cd_core
! 06.09.15 Sawyer PI now passed as argument
integer :: i, j, imh, js2g0, jn2g0, jn1g1, js2gc, jn1gc
integer :: js2gs, jn2gs, jn1gd
real(r8) :: zam5, zamda
real(r8) :: ph5 ! This is to ensure 64-bit for any choice of r8
real(r8), pointer :: coslon(:), sinlon(:), cosl5(:), sinl5(:)
real(r8), pointer :: cosp(:), sinp(:), cose(:), sine(:), acosp(:), acosu(:)
! Local variables from cd_core
integer :: icffta
real(r8) :: rcffta
real(r8) :: rat, ycrit, dt5
! Start initialization
grid%dl = (pi+pi)/im
grid%dp = pi/(jm-1)
cosp => grid%cosp
sinp => grid%sinp
cose => grid%cose
sine => grid%sine
acosp => grid%acosp
acosu => grid%acosu
coslon => grid%coslon
sinlon => grid%sinlon
cosl5 => grid%cosl5
sinl5 => grid%sinl5
do j=2,jm
ph5 = -D0_5*pi + ((j-1)-D0_5)*(pi/(jm-1))
sine(j) = sin(ph5)
cosp( 1) = D0_0
cosp(jm) = D0_0
! cos(theta) at cell center distretized as
! cos(theta) = d(sin(theta))/d(theta)
do j=2,jm-1
cosp(j) = (sine(j+1)-sine(j)) / grid%dp
! Define cosine at edges..
do j=2,jm
cose(j) = D0_5 * (cosp(j-1) + cosp(j))
cose(1) = cose(2)
do j=2,jm-1
acosu(j) = D2_0 / (cose(j) + cose(j+1))
sinp( 1) = -D1_0
sinp(jm) = D1_0
do j=2,jm-1
sinp(j) = D0_5 * (sine(j) + sine(j+1))
! Pole cap area and inverse
grid%acap = im*(D1_0+sine(2)) / grid%dp
grid%rcap = D1_0 / grid%acap
imh = im/2
if(im .ne. 2*imh) then
write(iulog,*) 'im must be an even integer'
! Define logitude at the center of the volume
! i=1, Zamda = -pi
do i=1,imh
zam5 = ((i-1)-D0_5) * grid%dl
cosl5(i) = cos(zam5)
cosl5(i+imh) = -cosl5(i)
sinl5(i) = sin(zam5)
sinl5(i+imh) = -sinl5(i)
zamda = (i-1)*grid%dl
coslon(i) = cos(zamda)
coslon(i+imh) = -coslon(i)
sinlon(i) = sin(zamda)
sinlon(i+imh) = -sinlon(i)
do j=2,jm-1
acosp(j) = D1_0 / cosp(j)
acosp( 1) = grid%rcap * im
acosp(jm) = grid%rcap * im
#if defined( SPMD )
! Calculate the ghost region sizes for the SPMD version (tricky stuff)
grid%ng_c = 2 ! Avoid the case where ng_c = 1
grid%ng_d = min( abs(jord), 3) ! SJL: number of max ghost latitudes
grid%ng_d = max( grid%ng_d, 2)
grid%ng_s = max( grid%ng_c+1, grid%ng_d )
grid%ng_c = 0
grid%ng_d = 0 ! No ghosting necessary for pure SMP runs
grid%ng_s = 0
! cd_core initializations
js2g0 = max(2,grid%jfirst)
jn2g0 = min(jm-1,grid%jlast)
jn1g1 = min(jm,grid%jlast+1)
js2gc = max(2,grid%jfirst-grid%ng_c) ! NG lats on S (starting at 2)
jn1gc = min(jm,grid%jlast+grid%ng_c) ! ng_c lats on N (ending at jm)
grid%js2g0 = js2g0
grid%jn2g0 = jn2g0
grid%jn1g1 = jn1g1
js2gs = max(2,grid%jfirst-grid%ng_s)
jn2gs = min(jm-1,grid%jlast+grid%ng_s)
jn1gd = min(jm,grid%jlast+grid%ng_d)
allocate(grid%scdiv4(js2gs:jn2gs)) !for filtering of u and v in div4 damping
allocate(grid%sediv4(js2gs:jn1gd)) !for filtering of u and v in div4 damping
allocate(grid%dcdiv4(im,js2gs:jn2gs))!for filtering of u and v in div4 damping
allocate(grid%dediv4(im,js2gs:jn1gd))!for filtering of u and v in div4 damping
call pftinit
! Determine ycrit such that effective DX >= DY
rat = real(im,r8)/real(2*(jm-1),r8)
ycrit = acos( min(ratmax, rat) ) * (D180_0/pi)
call pft_cf
(im, jm, js2g0, jn2g0, jn1g1, &
grid%sc, grid%se, grid%dc, grid%de, &
grid%cosp, grid%cose, ycrit)
!for filtering of u and v in div4 damping
!(needs larger halo than cam3.5 code)
call pft_cf
(im, jm, js2gs, jn2gs, jn1gd, &
grid%scdiv4, grid%sediv4, grid%dcdiv4, grid%dediv4, &
grid%cosp, grid%cose, ycrit)
allocate( grid%cdx (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )
allocate( grid%cdy (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )
allocate( grid%cdx4 (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for div4 damping
allocate( grid%cdy4 (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for div4 damping
allocate( grid%cdxde (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for del2 damping
allocate( grid%cdxdp (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for del2 damping
allocate( grid%cdyde (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for del2 damping
allocate( grid%cdydp (js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for del2 damping
allocate( grid%cdxdiv(jm,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for div4 damping
allocate( grid%cdydiv(jm,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for div4 damping
allocate( grid%cdtau4(js2g0:jn1g1,grid%kfirst:grid%klast) )!for div4 damping
! 000304 bug fix: ng_s not ng_d
allocate( grid%f0(grid%jfirst-grid%ng_s-1:grid%jlast+grid%ng_d) )
allocate( grid%fc(js2gc:jn1gc) )
! 000304 bug fix
do j=max(1,grid%jfirst-grid%ng_s-1),min(jm,grid%jlast+grid%ng_d)
grid%f0(j) = (om+om)*grid%sinp(j)
! Compute coriolis parameter at cell corners.
do j=js2gc, jn1gc ! Not the issue with ng_c = ng_d
grid%fc(j) = D0_5*(grid%f0(j) + grid%f0(j-1))
!!! grid%dt0 = dt
grid%dt0 = D0_0
dt5 = D0_5*dt
grid%rdy = D1_0/(ae*grid%dp)
grid%dtdy = dt *grid%rdy
grid%dtdy5 = dt5*grid%rdy
grid%dydt = (ae*grid%dp) / dt
grid%tdy5 = D0_5/grid%dtdy
end subroutine dynpkg_init
#if defined(SPMD)
! !ROUTINE: spmd_vars_init --- Initialization of SPMD-related variables
subroutine spmd_vars_init( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, npryz_y, npryz_z, & 1,83
npes_xy, npes_yz, commdyn, commxy, commyz, &
commnyz, imxy, jmxy, jmyz, kmyz, nq, &
grid )
! !USES:
use decompmodule
, only: decompcreate, decompfree
use ghostmodule
, only : ghostcreate, ghostfree
use parutilitiesmodule
, only : gid, parpatterncreate, parsplit
use mpishorthand
, only: mpiint
use fv_control_mod
, only: ct_overlap, trac_decomp
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nprxy_x ! XY decomp - Nr in X
integer, intent(in) :: nprxy_y ! XY decomp - Nr in Y
integer, intent(in) :: npryz_y ! YZ decomp - Nr in Y
integer, intent(in) :: npryz_z ! YZ decomp - Nr in Z
integer, intent(in) :: npes_xy ! XY decomp - Total nr
integer, intent(in) :: npes_yz ! YZ decomp - Total nr
integer, intent(in) :: commdyn ! Communicator for all dyn
integer, intent(in) :: commxy ! Communicator for XY decomp
integer, intent(in) :: commyz ! Communicator for YZ decomp
integer, intent(in) :: commnyz ! Communicator for multiple YZ decomp
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: imxy
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: jmxy
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: jmyz
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: kmyz
integer, intent(in) :: nq
type( T_FVDYCORE_GRID ), intent(inout) :: grid
! {\bf Purpose:} Initialization of the SPMD related variables.
! This has to be done in this module since certain variables
! (in particular the ghost sizes {\tt ng\_d, ng\_s} are first
! defined here.
! 02.11.08 Sawyer Creation
! 03.05.07 Sawyer Use ParPatternCopy for q_to_qxy, etc.
! 03.07.23 Sawyer Removed dependency on constituents module
! 03.09.10 Sawyer Reactivated u_to_uxy, etc, redefined pe2pexy
! 03.11.19 Sawyer Merged in CAM code with mod_method
! 04.08.25 Sawyer Added GRID as argument
! 04.09.30 Sawyer Initial ESMF routehandlers
! 04.10.04 Sawyer Added INIT_SPMD functionality
! 06.08.27 Sawyer Removed ESMF routehandles -- non-current
#if defined( GEOS_MODE )
character(len=ESMF_MAXSTR), parameter :: IAm='spmd_vars_init'
type(decomptype) :: global2d, local2d
integer :: im, jm, km ! Global dims
integer :: ifirstxy, ilastxy ! Interval
integer :: jfirstxy, jlastxy ! Interval
integer :: jfirst, jlast ! Interval
integer :: kfirst, klast ! Interval
integer :: ng_s, ng_c, ng_d ! Ghost widths
integer :: rc ! return code
integer :: rank_y, rank_z, rankxy_x, rankxy_y ! Currently not used
integer :: size_y, size_z, sizexy_x, sizexy_y ! Currently not used
integer :: xdist(1), ydistk(1), zdist1(1), zdistxy(1) ! non-distributed dims
integer, allocatable :: xdist_global(:), ydist_global(:)
integer, allocatable :: zdist(:) ! number of levels per subdomain
integer :: ier ! error flag
integer :: ig1, ig2, jg1, jg2, jg1d, jg2d, jg1s, jg2s, kg1, kg2, kg2p
integer :: ktmod, ml
integer :: myidmod
integer :: ictstuff(4)
integer :: kquot, krem, krun, kt, mlt
! Grab crucial variables from Grid
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
ifirstxy = grid%ifirstxy
ilastxy = grid%ilastxy
jfirstxy = grid%jfirstxy
jlastxy = grid%jlastxy
jfirst = grid%jfirst
jlast = grid%jlast
kfirst = grid%kfirst
klast = grid%klast
ng_s = grid%ng_s
ng_c = grid%ng_c
ng_d = grid%ng_d
! This section of code used to be in INIT_SPMD (FVdycore_GridCompMod)
grid%iam = gid
grid%npr_y = npryz_y
grid%npr_z = npryz_z
grid%nprxy_x = nprxy_x
grid%nprxy_y = nprxy_y
grid%npes_xy = npes_xy
grid%npes_yz = npes_yz
grid%myid_z = gid/grid%npr_y
grid%myid_y = gid - grid%myid_z*grid%npr_y
grid%myidxy_y = gid/grid%nprxy_x
grid%myidxy_x = gid - grid%myidxy_y*grid%nprxy_x
grid%commdyn = commdyn
grid%commxy = commxy
grid%commyz = commyz
grid%commnyz = commnyz
! Split communicators
call parsplit
(commyz, grid%myid_z, gid, grid%comm_y, rank_y, size_y)
call parsplit
(commyz, grid%myid_y, gid, grid%comm_z, rank_z, size_z)
call parsplit
(commxy, grid%myidxy_y, gid, grid%commxy_x, rankxy_x, sizexy_x)
call parsplit
(commxy, grid%myidxy_x, gid, grid%commxy_y, rankxy_y, sizexy_y)
! WS: create decompositions for NCAR data structures
allocate (xdist_global(nprxy_x))
allocate (ydist_global(nprxy_y))
allocate (zdist (npryz_z))
xdist(1) = im
! Create PILGRIM decompositions (see decompmodule)
if (gid .lt. npes_xy) then
xdist_global = 0
ydist_global = 0
xdist_global(1) = im
ydist_global(1) = jm
call decompcreate
( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, xdist_global, &
ydist_global, global2d )
call decompcreate
( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, imxy, jmxy, local2d )
! Decompositions needed on xy decomposition for parpatterncreate
if (gid .lt. npes_xy) then
call decompcreate
( 1, npryz_y, xdist, jmyz, grid%strip2d )
call decompcreate
( 1, npryz_y, npryz_z, xdist, &
jmyz, kmyz, grid%strip3dxyz )
call decompcreate
( "xzy", 1, npryz_z, grid%npr_y, xdist, &
kmyz, jmyz, grid%strip3dxzy )
! For y communication within z subdomain (klast version)
! Use myidmod to have valid index for inactive processes
! for smaller yz decomposition
myidmod = mod(grid%myid_z, grid%npr_z) ! = myid_z for active yz process
zdist1(1) = kmyz(myidmod+1)
call decompcreate
( 1, npryz_y, 1, xdist, jmyz, zdist1, &
grid%strip3yatz )
! For z communication within y subdomain
ydistk(1) = jmyz(grid%myid_y+1)
call decompcreate
( 1, 1, npryz_z, xdist, ydistk, kmyz, &
grid%strip3zaty )
! Arrays dimensioned plev+1
zdist(:) = kmyz(:)
zdist(npryz_z) = kmyz(npryz_z) + 1
call decompcreate
( 1, npryz_y, npryz_z, xdist, jmyz, zdist,&
grid%strip3dxyzp )
call decompcreate
( "xzy", 1, npryz_z, npryz_y, &
xdist, zdist, jmyz, grid%strip3dxzyp )
! Arrays dimensioned plev+1, within y subdomain
ydistk(1) = jmyz(grid%myid_y+1)
call decompcreate
( "xzy", 1, npryz_z, 1, xdist, zdist, ydistk, &
grid%strip3zatypt )
! For y communication within z subdomain (klast+1 version)
! Use myidmod to have valid index for inactive processes
! for smaller yz decomposition
myidmod = mod(grid%myid_z, grid%npr_z) ! = myid_z for active yz process
zdist1(1) = kmyz(myidmod+1)
call decompcreate
( 1, npryz_y, 1, xdist, jmyz, zdist1, &
grid%strip3yatzp )
! For the 2D XY-YZ data transfer, we need a short 3D array
zdist(:) = 1 ! One copy on each z PE set
call decompcreate
( 1, npryz_y, npryz_z, &
xdist, jmyz, zdist, grid%strip3dyz )
! Secondary xy decomposition
if (grid%twod_decomp == 1) then
if (gid .lt. npes_xy) then
zdistxy(1) = npryz_z ! All npr_z copies on 1 PE
call decompcreate
( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, 1, &
imxy, jmxy, zdistxy, grid%checker3kxy )
zdistxy(1) = km
call decompcreate
( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, 1, &
imxy, jmxy, zdistxy, grid%strip3kxyz )
call decompcreate
( "xzy", nprxy_x, 1, nprxy_y, &
imxy, zdistxy, jmxy, grid%strip3kxzy )
zdistxy(1) = zdistxy(1) + 1
call decompcreate
( nprxy_x, nprxy_y, 1, &
imxy, jmxy, zdistxy, grid%strip3kxyzp )
call decompcreate
( "xzy", nprxy_x, 1, nprxy_y, &
imxy, zdistxy, jmxy, grid%strip3kxzyp )
zdistxy(1) = jlastxy - jfirstxy + 1
call decompcreate
( nprxy_x, 1, imxy, zdistxy, grid%strip2dx )
! End of section imported from INIT_SPMD (FVdycore_GridCompMod)
if ( grid%twod_decomp == 1 ) then
! Initialize ghost regions
!!! call t_startf('ghost_creation')
! Set limits for ghostcreate
ig1 = 1
ig2 = im
jg1 = jfirst
jg2 = jlast
jg1d = jfirst-ng_d
jg1s = jfirst-ng_s
jg2d = jlast+ng_d
jg2s = jlast+ng_s
kg1 = kfirst
kg2 = klast
kg2p = klast+1
! Call ghostcreate with null ranges for non-yz processes
if (gid .ge. npes_yz) then
ig1 = im/2
ig2 = ig1 - 1
jg1 = (jfirst+jlast)/2
jg2 = jg1 - 1
jg1d = jg1
jg1s = jg1
jg2d = jg2
jg2s = jg2
kg1 = (kfirst+klast)/2
kg2 = kg1 - 1
kg2p = kg2
! Ghosted decompositions needed on xy decomposition for parpatterncreate
if (gid .lt. npes_xy) then
call ghostcreate
( grid%strip3dxyz, gid, im, ig1, ig2, .true., &
jm, jg1d, jg2s, .false., &
km, kg1, kg2, .false., grid%ghostu_yz )
call ghostcreate
( grid%strip3dxyz, gid, im, ig1, ig2, .true., &
jm, jg1s, jg2d, .false., &
km, kg1, kg2, .false., grid%ghostv_yz )
call ghostcreate
( grid%strip3dxyz, gid, im, ig1, ig2, .true., &
jm, jg1d, jg2d, .false., &
km, kg1, kg2, .false., grid%ghostpt_yz )
call ghostcreate
( grid%strip3dxzyp, gid, im, ig1, ig2, .true., &
km+1, kg1, kg2p, .false., &
jm, jg1, jg2, .false., grid%ghostpe_yz)
call ghostcreate
( grid%strip3dxyzp, gid, im, ig1, ig2, .true., &
jm, jg1, jg2, .false., &
km+1, kg1, kg2p, .false., grid%ghostpkc_yz)
!!! call t_stopf('ghost_creation')
! Initialize transposes
!!! call t_startf('transpose_creation')
if (gid .lt. npes_xy) then
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%ghostu_yz, grid%strip3kxyz, &
grid%u_to_uxy, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxyz,grid%ghostu_yz, &
grid%uxy_to_u, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%ghostv_yz, grid%strip3kxyz, &
grid%v_to_vxy, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxyz, grid%ghostv_yz, &
grid%vxy_to_v, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3dxyz, grid%strip3kxyz,&
grid%ijk_yz_to_xy, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxyz, grid%strip3dxyz,&
grid%ijk_xy_to_yz, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3dxzy, grid%strip3kxzy,&
grid%ikj_yz_to_xy, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxzy, grid%strip3dxzy,&
grid%ikj_xy_to_yz, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
! Note PE <-> PEXY has been redefined for PEXY ijk, but PE ikj
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%ghostpe_yz, grid%strip3kxzyp, &
grid%pe_to_pexy, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxzyp, grid%ghostpe_yz, &
grid%pexy_to_pe, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%ghostpt_yz, grid%strip3kxyz, &
grid%pt_to_ptxy, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxyz, grid%ghostpt_yz, &
grid%ptxy_to_pt, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3dxyz, grid%strip3kxyz, &
grid%r4_yz_to_xy, mod_method=grid%mod_method, &
T = REAL4 )
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxyz, grid%strip3dxyz, &
grid%r4_xy_to_yz, mod_method=grid%mod_method, &
T = REAL4 )
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3kxyzp, grid%ghostpkc_yz, &
grid%pkxy_to_pkc, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
! These are for 'transposing' 2D arrays from XY YZ
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%checker3kxy, grid%strip3dyz, &
grid%xy2d_to_yz2d, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
call parpatterncreate
(commxy, grid%strip3dyz, grid%checker3kxy, &
grid%yz2d_to_xy2d, mod_method=grid%mod_method)
!!! call t_stopf('transpose_creation')
! Free unneeded decompositions
! call decompfree(grid%strip2dx) ! apparently added after 3_3_47
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call decompfree
call ghostfree
call ghostfree
call ghostfree
call ghostfree
call ghostfree
#if !defined( GEOS_MODE )
! Define scatter and gather patterns for 2D and 3D unghosted arrays
if (gid .lt. npes_xy) then
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, global2d, local2d, grid%s_2dxy_r8, &
mod_method=grid%mod_gatscat )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, local2d, global2d, grid%g_2dxy_r8, &
mod_method=grid%mod_gatscat )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, global2d, local2d, grid%s_2dxy_r4, &
mod_method=grid%mod_gatscat, T = REAL4 )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, local2d, global2d, grid%g_2dxy_r4, &
mod_method=grid%mod_gatscat, T = REAL4 )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, global2d, local2d, grid%s_2dxy_i4, &
mod_method=grid%mod_gatscat, T = INT4 )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, local2d, global2d, grid%g_2dxy_i4, &
mod_method=grid%mod_gatscat, T = INT4 )
! 3D XYZ patterns, will replace XZY patterns eventually
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%s_2dxy_r8, grid%s_3dxyz_r8, km )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%g_2dxy_r8, grid%g_3dxyz_r8, km )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%s_2dxy_r8, grid%s_3dxyzp_r8, km+1 )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%g_2dxy_r8, grid%g_3dxyzp_r8, km+1 )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%s_2dxy_r4, grid%s_3dxyz_r4, km )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%g_2dxy_r4, grid%g_3dxyz_r4, km )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%s_2dxy_r4, grid%s_3dxyzp_r4, km+1 )
call parpatterncreate
( commxy, grid%g_2dxy_r4, grid%g_3dxyzp_r4, km+1 )
call decompfree
( global2d )
call decompfree
( local2d )
! Secondary subdomain limits for cd_core/trac2d overlap and trac2d decomposition
grid%jfirstct = grid%jfirst
grid%jlastct = grid%jlast
grid%kfirstct = grid%kfirst
grid%klastct = grid%klast
if (ct_overlap .gt. 0) then
mlt = 2
elseif (trac_decomp .gt. 1) then
mlt = trac_decomp
mlt = 1
if (mlt .gt. 1) then
if (gid .lt. npes_yz) then
ictstuff(1) = grid%jfirstct
ictstuff(2) = grid%jlastct
ictstuff(3) = grid%kfirstct
ictstuff(4) = grid%klastct
do ml = 2, mlt
call mpisend
(ictstuff, 4, mpiint, gid+(ml-1)*npes_yz, gid+(ml-1)*npes_yz, commnyz)
elseif (gid .lt. mlt*npes_yz) then
ktmod = gid/npes_yz
call mpirecv
(ictstuff, 4, mpiint, gid-ktmod*npes_yz, gid, commnyz)
grid%jfirstct = ictstuff(1)
grid%jlastct = ictstuff(2)
grid%kfirstct = ictstuff(3)
grid%klastct = ictstuff(4)
if (trac_decomp .gt. 1) then
kquot = nq / trac_decomp
krem = nq - kquot * trac_decomp
krun = 0
do kt = 1, krem
grid%ktloa(kt) = krun + 1
krun = krun + kquot + 1
grid%kthia(kt) = krun
do kt = krem+1, trac_decomp
grid%ktloa(kt) = krun + 1
krun = krun + kquot
grid%kthia(kt) = krun
ktmod = gid/npes_yz + 1
ktmod = min(ktmod, trac_decomp)
grid%ktlo = grid%ktloa(ktmod)
grid%kthi = grid%kthia(ktmod)
end subroutine spmd_vars_init
end subroutine dynamics_init
! !IROUTINE: dynamics_clean -- clean up Lin-Rood-specific variables
subroutine dynamics_clean(grid) 1,1
! !USES:
implicit none
type(T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(inout) :: grid ! Resulting grid
! Clean up (deallocate) Lin-Rood-specific variables
! 01.06.06 Sawyer Creation
! Temporary data structures
if(associated(GRID%SINLON )) deallocate(GRID%SINLON)
if(associated(GRID%COSLON )) deallocate(GRID%COSLON)
if(associated(GRID%SINL5 )) deallocate(GRID%SINL5)
if(associated(GRID%COSL5 )) deallocate(GRID%COSL5)
if(associated(GRID%ACOSP )) deallocate(GRID%ACOSP)
if(associated(GRID%ACOSU )) deallocate(GRID%ACOSU)
if(associated(GRID%SINP )) deallocate(GRID%SINP)
if(associated(GRID%COSP )) deallocate(GRID%COSP)
if(associated(GRID%SINE )) deallocate(GRID%SINE)
if(associated(GRID%COSE )) deallocate(GRID%COSE)
if(associated(GRID%AK )) deallocate(GRID%AK)
if(associated(GRID%BK )) deallocate(GRID%BK)
! cd_core variables
if(associated( grid%dtdx )) deallocate(grid%dtdx)
if(associated( grid%dtdx2 )) deallocate(grid%dtdx2)
if(associated( grid%dtdx4 )) deallocate(grid%dtdx4)
if(associated( grid%dtdxe )) deallocate(grid%dtdxe)
if(associated( grid%dxdt )) deallocate(grid%dxdt)
if(associated( grid%dxe )) deallocate(grid%dxe)
if(associated( grid%cye )) deallocate(grid%cye)
if(associated( grid%dycp )) deallocate(grid%dycp)
if(associated( grid%rdxe )) deallocate(grid%rdxe)
if(associated( grid%txe5 )) deallocate(grid%txe5)
if(associated( grid%dtxe5 )) deallocate(grid%dtxe5)
if(associated( grid%dyce )) deallocate(grid%dyce)
if(associated( grid%dx )) deallocate(grid%dx)
if(associated( grid%rdx )) deallocate(grid%rdx)
if(associated( grid%cy )) deallocate(grid%cy)
if(associated( grid%sc )) deallocate(grid%sc)
if(associated( grid%se )) deallocate(grid%se)
if(associated( grid%dc )) deallocate(grid%dc)
if(associated( grid%de )) deallocate(grid%de)
if(associated( grid%cdx )) deallocate(grid%cdx)
if(associated( grid%cdy )) deallocate(grid%cdy)
if(associated( grid%cdx4 )) deallocate(grid%cdx4)
if(associated( grid%cdy4 )) deallocate(grid%cdy4)
if(associated( grid%cdxde )) deallocate(grid%cdxde)
if(associated( grid%cdxdp )) deallocate(grid%cdxdp)
if(associated( grid%cdydp )) deallocate(grid%cdydp)
if(associated( grid%cdyde )) deallocate(grid%cdyde)
if(associated( grid%cdxdiv)) deallocate(grid%cdxdiv)
if(associated( grid%cdydiv)) deallocate(grid%cdydiv)
if(associated( grid%cdtau4)) deallocate(grid%cdtau4)
if(associated( grid%scdiv4)) deallocate(grid%scdiv4)
if(associated( grid%sediv4)) deallocate(grid%sediv4)
if(associated( grid%dcdiv4)) deallocate(grid%dcdiv4)
if(associated( grid%dediv4)) deallocate(grid%dediv4)
if(associated( grid%f0 )) deallocate(grid%f0)
if(associated( grid%fc )) deallocate(grid%fc)
#if defined(SPMD)
call spmd_vars_clean
end subroutine dynamics_clean
#if defined(SPMD)
! !ROUTINE: spmd_vars_clean --- Clean the SPMD-related variables
subroutine spmd_vars_clean(grid) 1,18
! !USES:
use parutilitiesmodule
, only : parpatternfree
implicit none
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(inout) :: grid
! {\bf Purpose:} Clean the SPMD related variables.
! 02.11.08 Sawyer Creation
if ( grid%twod_decomp == 1 ) then
! Clean transposes
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%u_to_uxy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%uxy_to_u)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%v_to_vxy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%vxy_to_v)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%ijk_yz_to_xy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%ijk_xy_to_yz)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%ikj_xy_to_yz)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%ikj_yz_to_xy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%pe_to_pexy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%pexy_to_pe)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%pt_to_ptxy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%ptxy_to_pt)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%r4_xy_to_yz)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%r4_yz_to_xy)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%pkxy_to_pkc)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%xy2d_to_yz2d)
call parpatternfree
(grid%commxy, grid%yz2d_to_xy2d)
end subroutine spmd_vars_clean
! !ROUTINE: a2d3d -- 2nd order A-to-D grid transform (3D) XY decomp
! INOUT array is i,j,k, and is modified in place
subroutine a2d3d( grid, u, v ),5
! !USES:
#if defined( SPMD )
use mod_comm
, only: mp_send3d, mp_recv3d
implicit none
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
real(r8), intent(inout) :: u(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: v(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
! This routine performs a second order interpolation of
! three-dimensional wind fields on a A grid to an D grid.
! In place calculation!
! WS 03.08.27 : Creation from d2a3d
! WS 03.10.22 : pmgrid removed (now spmd_dyn)
! WS 04.08.25 : simplified interfaces with grid (only for XY!!!)
! WS 04.10.06 : removed spmd_dyn, all those vars. now from grid
integer :: im ! Dimensions longitude (total)
integer :: jm ! Dimensions latitude (total)
integer :: km ! Dimensions vertical (total)
integer :: ifirst ! longitude strip start
integer :: ilast ! longitude strip finish
integer :: jfirst ! latitude strip start
integer :: jlast ! latitude strip finish
integer :: iam ! process identifier
integer :: myidxy_y, myidxy_x, nprxy_x
integer :: commxy
real(r8), parameter :: UNDEFINED = 1.0D15
integer :: i, j, k, itot, jtot
real(r8) :: vwest(grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: usouth(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km)
#if defined( SPMD )
integer dest, src
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
ifirst = grid%ifirstxy
ilast = grid%ilastxy
jfirst = grid%jfirstxy
jlast = grid%jlastxy
iam = grid%iam
myidxy_x = grid%myidxy_x
myidxy_y = grid%myidxy_y
nprxy_x = grid%nprxy_x
commxy = grid%commxy
itot = ilast-ifirst+1
jtot = jlast-jfirst+1
#if defined( SPMD )
! Send one latitude to the north
call mp_send3d
( commxy, iam+nprxy_x, iam-nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast, jlast, 1, km, u )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, iam-nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst-1, jfirst-1, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst-1, jfirst-1, 1, km, usouth )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jlast, jfirst+1, -1
do i=ifirst,ilast
u(i,j,k) = D0_5*(u(i,j-1,k) + u(i,j,k))
#if defined( SPMD )
if ( jfirst > 1 ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i, k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
u(i,jfirst,k) = D0_5 * ( u(i,jfirst,k) + usouth(i,k) )
if ( jfirst == 1 ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
u(i,1,k) = UNDEFINED
! V-winds
! Pack vwest with wrap-around condition
!$omp parallel do private(j,k)
do k = 1,km
do j=jfirst,jlast
vwest(j,k) = v(ilast,j,k)
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot /= im) then
dest = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+1,nprxy_x)
src = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+nprxy_x-1,nprxy_x)
call mp_send3d
( commxy, dest, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ilast, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, v )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst-1, ifirst-1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst-1, ifirst-1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, vwest )
! Beware: ilast is en route, don't alter its value
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
do i=ilast,ifirst+1,-1
v(i,j,k) = D0_5*(v(i-1,j,k) + v(i,j,k))
! Clean up shop
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
v(ifirst,j,k)= D0_5*(vwest(j,k) + v(ifirst,j,k))
end subroutine a2d3d
! !ROUTINE: d2a3d -- 2nd order D-to-A grid transform (3D) XY decomp.
! Output array is i,j,k
subroutine d2a3d( grid, u, v, ua, va ),7
! !USES:
#if defined( SPMD )
use parutilitiesmodule
, only : parcollective3d, sumop
use mod_comm
, only: mp_send3d, mp_recv3d
implicit none
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
real(r8), intent(in) :: u(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(in) :: v(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: ua(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: va(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
! This routine performs a second order
! interpolation of three-dimensional wind
! fields on a D grid to an A grid. Only for an XY decomposition!
! WS 00.12.22 : Creation from d2a3d
! AAM 01.06.13 : Generalized to 2D decomposition
! WS 02.04.25 : Newest mod_comm interfaces
! WS 03.08.27 : Minimal alterations to interface, renamed d2a3d
! WS 03.10.22 : pmgrid removed (now spmd_dyn)
! WS 04.08.25 : simplified interfaces with grid (only for XY!!!)
! WS 04.10.06 : removed spmd_dyn, all those vars. now from grid
integer :: im ! Dimensions longitude (total)
integer :: jm ! Dimensions latitude (total)
integer :: km ! Dimensions level (total)
integer :: ifirst ! longitude strip start
integer :: ilast ! longitude strip finish
integer :: jfirst ! latitude strip start
integer :: jlast ! latitude strip finish
integer :: iam, myidxy_y, nprxy_x, commxy, commxy_x
real(r8), pointer :: coslon(:) ! Cosine in longitude
real(r8), pointer :: sinlon(:) ! Sine in longitude
integer imh, i, j, k, itot, jtot, ltot, lbegin, lend, ik
real(r8) :: un(grid%km), vn(grid%km), us(grid%km), vs(grid%km)
real(r8) :: veast(grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: unorth(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: uvaglob(grid%im,grid%km,4)
real(r8) :: uvaloc(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km,4)
real(r8) :: uaglob(grid%im),vaglob(grid%im)
#if defined( SPMD )
integer dest, src, incount, outcount
! Retrieve values from grid
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
ifirst = grid%ifirstxy
ilast = grid%ilastxy
jfirst = grid%jfirstxy
jlast = grid%jlastxy
iam = grid%iam
nprxy_x = grid%nprxy_x
commxy = grid%commxy
commxy_x = grid%commxy_x
myidxy_y = grid%myidxy_y
coslon =>grid%coslon
sinlon =>grid%sinlon
itot = ilast-ifirst+1
jtot = jlast-jfirst+1
imh = im/2
#if defined( SPMD )
! Set ua on A-grid
call mp_send3d
( commxy, iam-nprxy_x, iam+nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jfirst, 1, km, u )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, iam+nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast+1, jlast+1, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast+1, jlast+1, 1, km, unorth )
if ( jlast .lt. jm ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i, k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
ua(i,jlast,k) = D0_5 * ( u(i,jlast,k) + unorth(i,k) )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast-1
do i=ifirst,ilast
ua(i,j,k) = D0_5*(u(i,j,k) + u(i,j+1,k))
! Set va on A-grid
!$omp parallel do private(j,k)
do k = 1,km
do j=jfirst,jlast
veast(j,k) = v(ifirst,j,k)
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot .ne. im) then
dest = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+nprxy_x-1,nprxy_x)
src = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+1,nprxy_x)
call mp_send3d
( commxy, dest, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ifirst, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, v )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, src, im, jm, km, &
ilast+1, ilast+1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ilast+1, ilast+1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, veast )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
do i=ifirst,ilast-1
va(i,j,k) = D0_5*(v(i,j,k) + v(i+1,j,k))
va(ilast,j,k) = D0_5*(v(ilast,j,k) + veast(j,k))
!$omp parallel do private(i,ik,k)
do ik=1,4
do k=1,km
do i=1,im
uvaglob(i,k,ik) = D0_0
if (jfirst .eq. 1) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k = 1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
uvaloc(i,k,1) = ua(i,2,k)
uvaloc(i,k,2) = va(i,2,k)
uvaglob(i,k,1) = ua(i,2,k)
uvaglob(i,k,2) = va(i,2,k)
lbegin = 1
lend = 2
if (jlast .eq. jm) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k = 1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
uvaloc(i,k,3) = ua(i,jm-1,k)
uvaloc(i,k,4) = va(i,jm-1,k)
uvaglob(i,k,3) = ua(i,jm-1,k)
uvaglob(i,k,4) = va(i,jm-1,k)
lbegin = 3
lend = 4
if (jtot .eq. jm) lbegin=1
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot .ne. im) then
ltot = lend-lbegin+1
if (jfirst .eq. 1 .or. jlast .eq. jm) then
call parcollective3d
(commxy_x, sumop, im, km, ltot, uvaglob(1,1,lbegin))
if ( jfirst .eq. 1 ) then
! Projection at SP
!$omp parallel do private(i,k,uaglob,vaglob)
do k=1,km
us(k) = D0_0
vs(k) = D0_0
do i=1,imh
us(k) = us(k) + (uvaglob(i+imh,k,1)-uvaglob(i,k,1))*sinlon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i,k,2)-uvaglob(i+imh,k,2))*coslon(i)
vs(k) = vs(k) + (uvaglob(i+imh,k,1)-uvaglob(i,k,1))*coslon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i+imh,k,2)-uvaglob(i,k,2))*sinlon(i)
us(k) = us(k)/im
vs(k) = vs(k)/im
do i=1,imh
uaglob(i) = -us(k)*sinlon(i) - vs(k)*coslon(i)
vaglob(i) = us(k)*coslon(i) - vs(k)*sinlon(i)
uaglob(i+imh) = -uaglob(i)
vaglob(i+imh) = -vaglob(i)
do i=ifirst,ilast
ua(i,1,k) = uaglob(i)
va(i,1,k) = vaglob(i)
if ( jlast .eq. jm ) then
! Projection at NP
!$omp parallel do private(i,k,uaglob,vaglob)
do k=1,km
un(k) = D0_0
vn(k) = D0_0
do i=1,imh
un(k) = un(k) + (uvaglob(i+imh,k,3)-uvaglob(i,k,3))*sinlon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i+imh,k,4)-uvaglob(i,k,4))*coslon(i)
vn(k) = vn(k) + (uvaglob(i,k,3)-uvaglob(i+imh,k,3))*coslon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i+imh,k,4)-uvaglob(i,k,4))*sinlon(i)
un(k) = un(k)/im
vn(k) = vn(k)/im
do i=1,imh
uaglob(i) = -un(k)*sinlon(i) + vn(k)*coslon(i)
vaglob(i) = -un(k)*coslon(i) - vn(k)*sinlon(i)
uaglob(i+imh) = -uaglob(i)
vaglob(i+imh) = -vaglob(i)
do i=ifirst,ilast
ua(i,jm,k) = uaglob(i)
va(i,jm,k) = vaglob(i)
end subroutine d2a3d
! !ROUTINE: d2b3d -- 2nd order D-to-B grid transform (3D) XY decomp.
! Output array is i,j,k
subroutine d2b3d( grid, u, v, ub, vb ),5
! !USES:
#if defined( SPMD )
use mod_comm
, only: mp_send3d, mp_recv3d
implicit none
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
real(r8), intent(in) :: u(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(in) :: v(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: ub(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: vb(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
! This routine performs a second order
! interpolation of three-dimensional wind
! fields on a D grid to an B grid. Only for an XY decomposition!
! BP 05.02.22 : Creation from d2a3d
integer :: im ! Dimensions longitude (total)
integer :: jm ! Dimensions latitude (total)
integer :: km ! Dimensions level (total)
integer :: ifirst ! longitude strip start
integer :: ilast ! longitude strip finish
integer :: jfirst ! latitude strip start
integer :: jlast ! latitude strip finish
integer :: iam, myidxy_y, nprxy_x, commxy
real(r8), parameter :: UNDEFINED = 1.0D15
real(r8), pointer :: coslon(:) ! Cosine in longitude
real(r8), pointer :: sinlon(:) ! Sine in longitude
integer imh, i, j, k, itot, jtot, ltot, lbegin, lend, ik
real(r8) :: ueast(grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: vsouth(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km)
#if defined( SPMD )
integer dest, src, incount, outcount
! Retrieve values from grid
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
ifirst = grid%ifirstxy
ilast = grid%ilastxy
jfirst = grid%jfirstxy
jlast = grid%jlastxy
iam = grid%iam
nprxy_x = grid%nprxy_x
commxy = grid%commxy
myidxy_y = grid%myidxy_y
coslon =>grid%coslon
sinlon =>grid%sinlon
itot = ilast-ifirst+1
jtot = jlast-jfirst+1
imh = im/2
#if defined( SPMD )
! Set vb on B-grid
call mp_send3d
( commxy, iam+nprxy_x, iam-nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jfirst, 1, km, v )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, iam-nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast+1, jlast+1, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast+1, jlast+1, 1, km, vsouth )
if ( jfirst .gt. 1 ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i, k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
vb(i,jfirst,k) = D0_5 * ( v(i,jfirst,k) + vsouth(i,k) )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst+1, jlast
do i=ifirst,ilast
vb(i,j,k) = D0_5*(v(i,j,k) + v(i,j-1,k))
! Set ub on B-grid
!$omp parallel do private(j,k)
do k = 1,km
do j=jfirst,jlast
ueast(j,k) = u(ifirst,j,k)
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot .ne. im) then
dest = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+nprxy_x-1,nprxy_x)
src = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+1,nprxy_x)
call mp_send3d
( commxy, dest, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ifirst, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, u )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, src, im, jm, km, &
ilast+1, ilast+1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ilast+1, ilast+1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, ueast )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
do i=ifirst,ilast-1
ub(i,j,k) = D0_5*(u(i,j,k) + u(i+1,j,k))
ub(ilast,j,k) = D0_5*(u(ilast,j,k) + ueast(j,k))
if ( jfirst == 1 ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
ub(i,1,k) = UNDEFINED
vb(i,1,k) = UNDEFINED
end subroutine d2b3d
! !ROUTINE: b2d3d -- 2nd order B-to-D grid transform (3D) XY decomp
! INOUT array is i,j,k, and is modified in place
subroutine b2d3d( grid, u, v ),7
! !USES:
#if defined( SPMD )
use parutilitiesmodule
, only : parcollective3d, sumop, gid
use mod_comm
, only: mp_send3d, mp_recv3d
implicit none
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
real(r8), intent(inout) :: u(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: v(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
! This routine performs a second order interpolation of
! three-dimensional wind fields on a B grid to an D grid.
! In place calculation!
! BP 05.02.22 : Creation from a2d3d
integer :: im ! Dimensions longitude (total)
integer :: jm ! Dimensions latitude (total)
integer :: km ! Dimensions vertical (total)
integer :: ifirst ! longitude strip start
integer :: ilast ! longitude strip finish
integer :: jfirst ! latitude strip start
integer :: jlast ! latitude strip finish
integer :: iam ! process identifier
integer :: myidxy_y, myidxy_x, nprxy_x
integer :: commxy, commxy_x
real(r8), parameter :: UNDEFINED = 1.0D15
real(r8) :: uwest(grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: vsouth(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km)
integer :: imh, i, j, k, itot, jtot, ltot, lbegin, lend, ik
real(r8) :: un(grid%km), vn(grid%km), us(grid%km), vs(grid%km)
real(r8) :: uvbglob(grid%im,grid%km,4)
real(r8) :: uvbloc(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km,4)
real(r8) :: ubglob(grid%im),vbglob(grid%im)
real(r8), pointer :: coslon(:) ! Cosine in longitude
real(r8), pointer :: sinlon(:) ! Sine in longitude
real(r8), pointer :: cosl5(:) ! Cosine in longitude
real(r8), pointer :: sinl5(:) ! Sine in longitude
#if defined( SPMD )
integer dest, src
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
ifirst = grid%ifirstxy
ilast = grid%ilastxy
jfirst = grid%jfirstxy
jlast = grid%jlastxy
iam = grid%iam
myidxy_x = grid%myidxy_x
myidxy_y = grid%myidxy_y
nprxy_x = grid%nprxy_x
commxy = grid%commxy
commxy_x = grid%commxy_x
itot = ilast-ifirst+1
jtot = jlast-jfirst+1
imh = im/2
coslon => grid%coslon
sinlon => grid%sinlon
cosl5 => grid%cosl5
sinl5 => grid%sinl5
! Initial Preparation for Projection at Poles
!$omp parallel do private(i,ik,k)
do ik=1,4
do k=1,km
do i=1,im
uvbglob(i,k,ik) = D0_0
if (jfirst .eq. 1) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k = 1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
uvbloc(i,k,1) = u(i,2,k)
uvbloc(i,k,2) = v(i,2,k)
uvbglob(i,k,1) = u(i,2,k)
uvbglob(i,k,2) = v(i,2,k)
lbegin = 1
lend = 2
if (jlast .eq. jm) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k = 1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
uvbloc(i,k,3) = u(i,jm,k)
uvbloc(i,k,4) = v(i,jm,k)
uvbglob(i,k,3) = u(i,jm,k)
uvbglob(i,k,4) = v(i,jm,k)
lbegin = 3
lend = 4
if (jtot .eq. jm) lbegin=1
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot .ne. im) then
ltot = lend-lbegin+1
if (jfirst .eq. 1 .or. jlast .eq. jm) then
call parcollective3d
(commxy_x, sumop, im, km, ltot, uvbglob(1,1,lbegin))
! V-Winds
#if defined( SPMD )
! Send one latitude to the north
call mp_send3d
( commxy, iam+nprxy_x, iam-nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast, jlast, 1, km, v )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, iam-nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst-1, jfirst-1, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst-1, jfirst-1, 1, km, vsouth )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jlast, jfirst+1, -1
do i=ifirst,ilast
v(i,j,k) = D0_5*(v(i,j-1,k) + v(i,j,k))
#if defined( SPMD )
if ( jfirst > 1 ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i, k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
v(i,jfirst,k) = D0_5 * ( v(i,jfirst,k) + vsouth(i,k) )
! U-winds
! Pack uwest with wrap-around condition
!$omp parallel do private(j,k)
do k = 1,km
do j=jfirst,jlast
uwest(j,k) = v(ilast,j,k)
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot /= im) then
dest = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+1,nprxy_x)
src = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+nprxy_x-1,nprxy_x)
call mp_send3d
( commxy, dest, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ilast, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, u )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst-1, ifirst-1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst-1, ifirst-1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, uwest )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
do i=ilast,ifirst+1,-1
u(i,j,k) = D0_5*(u(i-1,j,k) + u(i,j,k))
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
u(ifirst,j,k)= D0_5*(uwest(j,k) + u(ifirst,j,k))
if ( jfirst == 1 ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
u(i,1,k) = UNDEFINED
! Project V-Winds to the Poles
if ( jfirst == 1 ) then
! Projection at SP
!$omp parallel do private(i,k,ubglob,vbglob)
do k=1,km
us(k) = D0_0
vs(k) = D0_0
do i=1,imh
us(k) = us(k) + (uvbglob(i+imh,k,1)-uvbglob(i,k,1))*sinlon(i) &
+ (uvbglob(i,k,2)-uvbglob(i+imh,k,2))*coslon(i)
vs(k) = vs(k) + (uvbglob(i+imh,k,1)-uvbglob(i,k,1))*coslon(i) &
+ (uvbglob(i+imh,k,2)-uvbglob(i,k,2))*sinlon(i)
us(k) = us(k)/im
vs(k) = vs(k)/im
do i=1,imh
vbglob(i) = us(k)*cosl5(i) - vs(k)*sinl5(i)
vbglob(i+imh) = -vbglob(i)
do i=ifirst,ilast
v(i,1,k) = vbglob(i)
if ( jlast == jm ) then
! Projection at NP
!$omp parallel do private(i,k,ubglob,vbglob)
do k=1,km
un(k) = D0_0
vn(k) = D0_0
do i=1,imh
un(k) = un(k) + (uvbglob(i+imh,k,3)-uvbglob(i,k,3))*sinlon(i) &
+ (uvbglob(i+imh,k,4)-uvbglob(i,k,4))*coslon(i)
vn(k) = vn(k) + (uvbglob(i,k,3)-uvbglob(i+imh,k,3))*coslon(i) &
+ (uvbglob(i+imh,k,4)-uvbglob(i,k,4))*sinlon(i)
un(k) = un(k)/im
vn(k) = vn(k)/im
do i=1,imh
vbglob(i) = -un(k)*cosl5(i) - vn(k)*sinl5(i)
vbglob(i+imh) = -vbglob(i)
do i=ifirst,ilast
v(i,jm,k) = vbglob(i)
end subroutine b2d3d
! !ROUTINE: c2a3d -- 2nd order C-to-A grid transform (3D) XY decomp.
! Output array is i,j,k
subroutine c2a3d( grid, u, v, ua, va ) ,7
! !USES:
#if defined( SPMD )
use parutilitiesmodule
, only : parcollective3d, sumop
use mod_comm
, only: mp_send3d, mp_recv3d
implicit none
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), intent(in) :: grid
real(r8), intent(in) :: u(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(in) :: v(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: ua(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! U-Wind
real(r8), intent(inout) :: va(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km) ! V-Wind
! This routine performs a second order
! interpolation of three-dimensional wind
! fields on a C grid to an A grid. Only for an XY decomposition!
! WMP 06.11.03 : Creation from d2a3d
integer :: im ! Dimensions longitude (total)
integer :: jm ! Dimensions latitude (total)
integer :: km ! Dimensions level (total)
integer :: ifirst ! longitude strip start
integer :: ilast ! longitude strip finish
integer :: jfirst ! latitude strip start
integer :: jlast ! latitude strip finish
integer :: iam, myidxy_y, nprxy_x, commxy_x, commxy
real(r8), pointer :: coslon(:) ! Cosine in longitude
real(r8), pointer :: sinlon(:) ! Sine in longitude
integer imh, i, j, k, itot, jtot, ltot, lbegin, lend, ik
real(r8) :: un(grid%km), vn(grid%km), us(grid%km), vs(grid%km)
real(r8) :: ueast(grid%jfirstxy:grid%jlastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: vnorth(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km)
real(r8) :: uvaglob(grid%im,grid%km,4)
real(r8) :: uvaloc(grid%ifirstxy:grid%ilastxy,grid%km,4)
real(r8) :: uaglob(grid%im),vaglob(grid%im)
#if defined( SPMD )
integer dest, src, incount, outcount
! Retrieve values from grid
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
ifirst = grid%ifirstxy
ilast = grid%ilastxy
jfirst = grid%jfirstxy
jlast = grid%jlastxy
iam = grid%iam
nprxy_x = grid%nprxy_x
commxy = grid%commxy
commxy_x = grid%commxy_x
myidxy_y = grid%myidxy_y
coslon =>grid%coslon
sinlon =>grid%sinlon
itot = ilast-ifirst+1
jtot = jlast-jfirst+1
imh = im/2
#if defined( SPMD )
! Set va on A-grid
call mp_send3d
( commxy, iam-nprxy_x, iam+nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jfirst, 1, km, v )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, iam+nprxy_x, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast+1, jlast+1, 1, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jlast+1, jlast+1, 1, km, vnorth )
if ( jlast .lt. jm ) then
!$omp parallel do private(i, k)
do k=1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
va(i,jlast,k) = D0_5 * ( v(i,jlast,k) + vnorth(i,k) )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast-1
do i=ifirst,ilast
va(i,j,k) = D0_5*(v(i,j,k) + v(i,j+1,k))
! Set ua on A-grid
!$omp parallel do private(j,k)
do k = 1,km
do j=jfirst,jlast
ueast(j,k) = u(ifirst,j,k)
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot .ne. im) then
dest = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+nprxy_x-1,nprxy_x)
src = myidxy_y*nprxy_x + MOD(iam+1,nprxy_x)
call mp_send3d
( commxy, dest, src, im, jm, km, &
ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ifirst, ifirst, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, u )
call mp_recv3d
( commxy, src, im, jm, km, &
ilast+1, ilast+1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, &
ilast+1, ilast+1, jfirst, jlast, 1, km, ueast )
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k=1,km
do j=jfirst, jlast
do i=ifirst,ilast-1
ua(i,j,k) = D0_5*(u(i,j,k) + u(i+1,j,k))
ua(ilast,j,k) = D0_5*(u(ilast,j,k) + ueast(j,k))
!$omp parallel do private(i,ik,k)
do ik=1,4
do k=1,km
do i=1,im
uvaglob(i,k,ik) = D0_0
if (jfirst .eq. 1) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k = 1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
uvaloc(i,k,1) = ua(i,2,k)
uvaloc(i,k,2) = va(i,2,k)
uvaglob(i,k,1) = ua(i,2,k)
uvaglob(i,k,2) = va(i,2,k)
lbegin = 1
lend = 2
if (jlast .eq. jm) then
!$omp parallel do private(i,k)
do k = 1,km
do i=ifirst,ilast
uvaloc(i,k,3) = ua(i,jm-1,k)
uvaloc(i,k,4) = va(i,jm-1,k)
uvaglob(i,k,3) = ua(i,jm-1,k)
uvaglob(i,k,4) = va(i,jm-1,k)
lbegin = 3
lend = 4
if (jtot .eq. jm) lbegin=1
#if defined( SPMD )
if (itot .ne. im) then
ltot = lend-lbegin+1
if (jfirst .eq. 1 .or. jlast .eq. jm) then
call parcollective3d
(commxy_x, sumop, im, km, ltot, uvaglob(1,1,lbegin))
if ( jfirst .eq. 1 ) then
! Projection at SP
!$omp parallel do private(i,k,uaglob,vaglob)
do k=1,km
us(k) = D0_0
vs(k) = D0_0
do i=1,imh
us(k) = us(k) + (uvaglob(i+imh,k,1)-uvaglob(i,k,1))*sinlon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i,k,2)-uvaglob(i+imh,k,2))*coslon(i)
vs(k) = vs(k) + (uvaglob(i+imh,k,1)-uvaglob(i,k,1))*coslon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i+imh,k,2)-uvaglob(i,k,2))*sinlon(i)
us(k) = us(k)/im
vs(k) = vs(k)/im
do i=1,imh
uaglob(i) = -us(k)*sinlon(i) - vs(k)*coslon(i)
vaglob(i) = us(k)*coslon(i) - vs(k)*sinlon(i)
uaglob(i+imh) = -uaglob(i)
vaglob(i+imh) = -vaglob(i)
do i=ifirst,ilast
ua(i,1,k) = uaglob(i)
va(i,1,k) = vaglob(i)
if ( jlast .eq. jm ) then
! Projection at NP
!$omp parallel do private(i,k,uaglob,vaglob)
do k=1,km
un(k) = D0_0
vn(k) = D0_0
do i=1,imh
un(k) = un(k) + (uvaglob(i+imh,k,3)-uvaglob(i,k,3))*sinlon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i+imh,k,4)-uvaglob(i,k,4))*coslon(i)
vn(k) = vn(k) + (uvaglob(i,k,3)-uvaglob(i+imh,k,3))*coslon(i) &
+ (uvaglob(i+imh,k,4)-uvaglob(i,k,4))*sinlon(i)
un(k) = un(k)/im
vn(k) = vn(k)/im
do i=1,imh
uaglob(i) = -un(k)*sinlon(i) + vn(k)*coslon(i)
vaglob(i) = -un(k)*coslon(i) - vn(k)*sinlon(i)
uaglob(i+imh) = -uaglob(i)
vaglob(i+imh) = -vaglob(i)
do i=ifirst,ilast
ua(i,jm,k) = uaglob(i)
va(i,jm,k) = vaglob(i)
end subroutine c2a3d
end module dynamics_vars