module gauaw_mod,2
! Purpose:
! Module to calculate the Gaussian Weights. Public interface is
! the subroutine "gauaw( a, w, k )".
! Method:
! The algorithm is described in Davis and Rabinowitz,
! Journal of Research of the NBS, V 56, Jan 1956.
! Author: David Williamson, Jim Hack
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
#ifdef NO_R16
integer,parameter :: r16= selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real
integer,parameter :: r16= selected_real_kind(24) ! 16 byte real
! Public subroutines
public gauaw
! Variables private to routines inside this module
real(r16), private :: pi ! value of pi
real(r16), private, parameter :: one = 1.0_r16 ! 1. in real(r16). Needed by atan
! Functions private to routines inside this module
private bsslzr
subroutine gauaw(a, w, k),2
! Calculate sine of latitudes a(k) and weights w(k) for the gaussian
! quadrature. The algorithm is described in Davis and Rabinowitz,
! Journal of Research of the NBS, V 56, Jan 1956.
! The zeros of the bessel function j0, which are obtained from bsslzr,
! are used as a first guess for the abscissa.
! Modified 1/23/97 by Jim Rosinski to use real*16 arithmetic in order to
! achieve (nearly) identical weights and latitudes on all machines.
!---------------------------Code history--------------------------------
! Original version: CCM1
! Standardized: L. Bath, Jun 1992
! L. Buja, Feb 1996
! Reviewed: D. Williamson, J. Hack, Aug 1992
! D. Williamson, J. Hack, Feb 1996
! $Id$
! $Author$
implicit none
integer , intent(in) :: k ! number of latitudes pole to pole
real(r8), intent(out) :: a(k) ! sine of latitudes
real(r8), intent(out) :: w(k) ! gaussian weights
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
real(r16) sinlat(k) ! sine of latitudes
real(r16) wgt(k) ! gaussian weights
real(r16) eps ! convergence criterion
real(r16) c ! constant combination
real(r16) fk ! real k
real(r16) xz ! abscissa estimate
real(r16) pkm1 ! |
real(r16) pkm2 ! |-polynomials
real(r16) pkmrk ! |
real(r16) pk ! |
real(r16) sp ! current iteration latitude increment
real(r16) avsp ! |sp|
real(r16) fn ! real n
#ifdef NO_R16
parameter (eps = 1.e-15_r16)
parameter (eps = 1.e-27_r16)
integer kk ! k/2 (number of latitudes in hemisphere)
integer is ! latitude index
integer iter ! iteration counter
integer n,l ! indices
pi = 4._r16*atan(one)
! The value eps, used for convergence tests in the iterations,
! can be changed. Newton iteration is used to find the abscissas.
c = (1._r16-(2._r16/pi)**2)*0.25_r16
fk = k
kk = k/2
call bsslzr
do is=1,kk
xz = cos(sinlat(is)/(((fk+0.5_r16)**2+c)**0.5_r16))
! This is the first approximation to xz
iter = 0
10 continue
pkm2 = 1._r16
pkm1 = xz
iter = iter + 1
if ( then
! Error exit
call endrun
('GAUAW: no convergence in 10 iterations')
end if
! Computation of the legendre polynomial
do n=2,k
fn = n
pk = ((2._r16*fn-1._r16)*xz*pkm1-(fn-1._r16)*pkm2)/fn
pkm2 = pkm1
pkm1 = pk
pkm1 = pkm2
pkmrk = (fk*(pkm1-xz*pk))/(1._r16-xz**2)
sp = pk/pkmrk
xz = xz - sp
avsp = abs(sp)
if ( go to 10
sinlat(is) = xz
wgt(is) = (2._r16*(1._r16-xz**2))/(fk*pkm1)**2
end do
if (*2) then
! For odd k computation of weight at the equator
sinlat(kk+1) = 0._r16
pk = 2._r16/fk**2
do n=2,k,2
fn = n
pk = pk*fn**2/(fn-1._r16)**2
end do
wgt(kk+1) = pk
end if
! Complete the sets of abscissas and weights, using the symmetry.
! Also note truncation from real(r16) to real*8
do n=1,kk
l = k + 1 - n
a(n) = sinlat(n)
a(l) = -sinlat(n)
w(n) = wgt(n)
w(l) = wgt(n)
end do
end subroutine gauaw
subroutine bsslzr(bes, n) 2
! M o d u l e s
! Return n zeros (or if n>50, approximate zeros), of the Bessel function
! j0,in the array bes. The first 50 zeros will be given exactly, and the
! remaining zeros are computed by extrapolation,and therefore not exact.
! Modified 1/23/97 by Jim Rosinski to use real*16 arithmetic
!---------------------------Code history--------------------------------
! Original version: CCM1
! Standardized: J. Rosinski, June 1992
! Reviewed: J. Hack, D. Williamson, August 1992
! Reviewed: J. Hack, D. Williamson, April 1996
implicit none
! D u m m y A r g u m e n t s
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(r16) , intent(inout) :: bes(n)
! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s
integer :: j, nn
real(r16), dimension(50) :: bz
save bz
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
data bz/ 2.4048255577_r16, 5.5200781103_r16, 8.6537279129_r16, 11.7915344391_r16, &
14.9309177086_r16, 18.0710639679_r16, 21.2116366299_r16, 24.3524715308_r16, &
27.4934791320_r16, 30.6346064684_r16, 33.7758202136_r16, 36.9170983537_r16, &
40.0584257646_r16, 43.1997917132_r16, 46.3411883717_r16, 49.4826098974_r16, &
52.6240518411_r16, 55.7655107550_r16, 58.9069839261_r16, 62.0484691902_r16, &
65.1899648002_r16, 68.3314693299_r16, 71.4729816036_r16, 74.6145006437_r16, &
77.7560256304_r16, 80.8975558711_r16, 84.0390907769_r16, 87.1806298436_r16, &
90.3221726372_r16, 93.4637187819_r16, 96.6052679510_r16, 99.7468198587_r16, &
102.8883742542_r16, 106.0299309165_r16, 109.1714896498_r16, 112.3130502805_r16, &
115.4546126537_r16, 118.5961766309_r16, 121.7377420880_r16, 124.8793089132_r16, &
128.0208770059_r16, 131.1624462752_r16, 134.3040166383_r16, 137.4455880203_r16, &
140.5871603528_r16, 143.7287335737_r16, 146.8703076258_r16, 150.0118824570_r16, &
153.1534580192_r16, 156.2950342685_r16/
nn = n
if (n > 50) then
bes(50) = bz(50)
do j = 51, n
bes(j) = bes(j-1) + pi
end do
nn = 49
bes(:nn) = bz(:nn)
end subroutine bsslzr
end module gauaw_mod