module phys_debug 2,6

! This module contains subroutines that are intended to print diagnostic
! information about a single column to the log file.  The module uses the
! phys_debug_util module to locate the column using local indices of the
! physics decomposition.  The reason to encapsulate the debug print
! statements into a subroutine is to minimize the impact of the debugging
! code on the development code.  This makes it easier to maintain debug
! code on a branch which can be updated to the head of the trunk when
! convenient.  Minimizing the footprint of debug code helps to minimize the
! chances of conflicts that can occur while updating between the debug code
! and changes that have occurred on the trunk.

use shr_kind_mod,    only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use phys_debug_util, only: phys_debug_col
use ppgrid,          only: pcols, pver, pverp
use physics_types,   only: physics_state, physics_ptend
use camsrfexch_types,only: srfflx_state
use cam_logfile,     only: iulog

implicit none

! User defined public methods for debugging
public phys_debug_vdiff1
public phys_debug_shallow1
public phys_debug_strat1
public phys_debug_srf1
public phys_debug_hbdiff1
public phys_debug_flux1
public phys_debug_flux2


subroutine phys_debug_vdiff1(state, kvm, tautotx, tautoty),1

   type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state             ! Physics state variables
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: kvm(pcols,pverp)  ! eddy diffusivity for momentum [m2/s]
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: tautotx(pcols)    ! u component of total surface stress
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: tautoty(pcols)    ! v component of total surface stress

   integer :: icol

   icol = phys_debug_col(state%lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then
      write(iulog,*) ' vert_diff: kvm, u ', kvm(icol,pver), kvm(icol,pver-1), &
         state%u(icol, pver), state%u(icol,pver-1), &
         state%v(icol, pver), state%v(icol,pver-1)
      write(iulog,*) ' vert_diff: taux, tauy ', tautotx(icol), tautoty(icol)

end subroutine phys_debug_vdiff1


subroutine phys_debug_shallow1(state, ptend, nstep, prec_cmf, rliq2, ztodt, kmx),3

   use constituents, only: cnst_get_ind

   type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state             ! Physics state variables
   type(physics_ptend), intent(in) :: ptend             ! Physics process tendencies
   integer,             intent(in) :: nstep
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: prec_cmf(pcols)   ! total precipitation from Hack convection
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: rliq2(pcols)      ! vertical integral of liquid from shallow scheme
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: ztodt             ! physics time step
   integer,            intent(out) :: kmx

   integer  :: icol, k, kmn, ixcldliq
   real(r8) :: qtmx, qtmn

   icol = phys_debug_col(state%lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then
      qtmx = 0.
      kmx = 0
      qtmn = 0.
      kmn = 0
      do k = 1,pver
         !        write (iulog,*) 'aaa ', k, ptend%q(icol,k,1), ptend%q(icol,k,2)
         if (ptend%q(icol,k,1).ge.qtmx) then
            kmx = k
            qtmx = ptend%q(icol,k,1)
         if (ptend%q(icol,k,1).le.qtmn) then
            kmn = k
            qtmn = ptend%q(icol,k,1)
      end do
      k = kmx
66    format ('tphysbc, aft shallow:', 4i5, 6f9.4) 
      call cnst_get_ind('CLDLIQ', ixcldliq, abort=.false.)
      write (iulog,66)  nstep, icol, &
           kmx, kmn, &
           prec_cmf(icol)*8.64e7, rliq2(icol)*8.64e7,  &
           qtmx*8.64e7, qtmn*8.64e7, &
           (state%q(icol,k,1)+ptend%q(icol,k,1)*ztodt)*1.e3, &


end subroutine phys_debug_shallow1


subroutine phys_debug_strat1(state, ptend, nstep, prec_str, rliq, ztodt, kmx),3

   use constituents, only: cnst_get_ind

   type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state             ! Physics state variables
   type(physics_ptend), intent(in) :: ptend             ! Physics process tendencies
   integer,             intent(in) :: nstep
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: prec_str(pcols)   ! sfc flux of precip from stratiform (m/s)
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: rliq(pcols)       ! vertical integral of liquid not yet in q(ixcldliq)
   real(r8),            intent(in) :: ztodt             ! physics time step
   integer,             intent(in) :: kmx

   integer  :: icol, k, ixcldliq

   icol = phys_debug_col(state%lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then

      k = kmx
67    format ('tphysbc, aft strat:', i5, 6f9.4) 
      call cnst_get_ind('CLDLIQ', ixcldliq, abort=.false.)
      write (iulog,67)  nstep, prec_str(icol)*8.64e7, rliq(icol)*8.64e7,  &
           (ptend%q(icol,k,1)*ztodt)*1.e3, &
           (ptend%q(icol,k,ixcldliq)*ztodt)*1.e3, &
           (state%q(icol,k,1)+ptend%q(icol,k,1)*ztodt)*1.e3, &


end subroutine phys_debug_strat1


subroutine phys_debug_srf1(lchnk, cam_in),1

   integer,             intent(in) :: lchnk             ! local chunk index
   type(srfflx_state),  intent(in) :: cam_in            ! CAM's import state

   integer :: icol

   icol = phys_debug_col(lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then

      write(iulog,*) 'bot tphysbc: srfflx_state2d%tref', cam_in%tref(icol)


end subroutine phys_debug_srf1


subroutine phys_debug_hbdiff1(lchnk, pblh, zl, zh) 1,1

   integer,  intent(in) :: lchnk             ! local chunk index
   real(r8), intent(in) :: pblh(pcols)       ! boundary-layer height [m]
   real(r8), intent(in) :: zl(pcols)         ! zmzp / Obukhov length
   real(r8), intent(in) :: zh(pcols)         ! zmzp / pblh

   integer :: icol

   icol = phys_debug_col(lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then

      write(iulog,*) ' austach_pbl, pblh, zl, zh: ', pblh(icol), zl(icol), zh(icol)


end subroutine phys_debug_hbdiff1


subroutine phys_debug_flux1(lchnk, srfflx, lhflx, shflx, taux, tauy, qflx, & 1,1
                            lhflx_res, shflx_res, taux_res, tauy_res, qflx_res)

   integer,            intent(in) :: lchnk      ! local chunk index
   type(srfflx_state), intent(in) :: srfflx     ! cam import state
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: lhflx(:)   ! latent heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: shflx(:)   ! sensible heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: taux(:)    ! x momentum flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: tauy(:)    ! y momentum flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: qflx(:)    ! water vapor heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: lhflx_res(:)   ! latent heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: shflx_res(:)   ! sensible heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: taux_res(:)    ! x momentum flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: tauy_res(:)    ! y momentum flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: qflx_res(:)    ! water vapor heat flux

   integer :: icol

   icol = phys_debug_col(lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then

      write(iulog,*) ' b flux_tweak called, lhflx, oldlhflx ', &
          srfflx%lhf(icol), lhflx(icol)
      write(iulog,*) ' sfmodel fluxes lhf, shf, taux, tauy, q: ', &
          srfflx%lhf(icol), &
          srfflx%shf(icol), &
          srfflx%wsx(icol), &
          srfflx%wsy(icol), &
      write(iulog,*) ' last fluxes used lhf, shf, taux, tauy, q: ', &
          lhflx(icol), &
          shflx(icol), &
          taux(icol), &
          tauy(icol), &
      write(iulog,*) ' current residuals lhf, shf, taux, tauy, q: ', &
          lhflx_res(icol), &
          shflx_res(icol), &
          taux_res(icol), &
          tauy_res(icol), &


end subroutine phys_debug_flux1


subroutine phys_debug_flux2(lchnk, srfflx, lhflx, & 1,1
                            lhflx_res, shflx_res, taux_res, tauy_res, qflx_res)

   integer,            intent(in) :: lchnk      ! local chunk index
   type(srfflx_state), intent(in) :: srfflx     ! cam import state
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: lhflx(:)   ! latent heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: lhflx_res(:)   ! latent heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: shflx_res(:)   ! sensible heat flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: taux_res(:)    ! x momentum flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: tauy_res(:)    ! y momentum flux
   real(r8),           intent(in) :: qflx_res(:)    ! water vapor heat flux

   integer :: icol

   icol = phys_debug_col(lchnk) 
   if (icol > 0) then

      write(iulog,*) ' a flux_tweak called, lhflx, oldlhflx ', &
          srfflx%lhf(icol), lhflx(icol)
      write (iulog,66) ' residual fractions lhf, shf, taux, tauy, q ', &
          lhflx_res(icol)/srfflx%lhf(icol), &
          shflx_res(icol)/srfflx%shf(icol), &
          taux_res(icol)/srfflx%wsx(icol), &
          tauy_res(icol)/srfflx%wsy(icol), &
      write(iulog,66) ' residual lhf, shf, taux, tauy, q: ', &
          lhflx_res(icol), &
          shflx_res(icol), &
          taux_res(icol), &
          tauy_res(icol), &
      write(iulog,*) ' used fluxes lhf, shf, taux, tauy, q: ', &
          srfflx%lhf(icol), &
          srfflx%shf(icol), &
          srfflx%wsx(icol), &
          srfflx%wsy(icol), &
66 format (a, 1p, 5e15.5)


end subroutine phys_debug_flux2


end module phys_debug