subroutine qneg3 (subnam ,idx ,ncol ,ncold ,lver ,lconst_beg , & 2,2
lconst_end ,qmin ,q )
! Purpose:
! Check moisture and tracers for minimum value, reset any below
! minimum value to minimum value and return information to allow
! warning message to be printed. The global average is NOT preserved.
! Method:
! <Describe the algorithm(s) used in the routine.>
! <Also include any applicable external references.>
! Author: J. Rosinski
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
implicit none
! Input arguments
character*(*), intent(in) :: subnam ! name of calling routine
integer, intent(in) :: idx ! chunk/latitude index
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns
integer, intent(in) :: ncold ! declared number of atmospheric columns
integer, intent(in) :: lver ! number of vertical levels in column
integer, intent(in) :: lconst_beg ! beginning constituent
integer, intent(in) :: lconst_end ! ending constituent
real(r8), intent(in) :: qmin(lconst_beg:lconst_end) ! Global minimum constituent concentration
! Input/Output arguments
real(r8), intent(inout) :: q(ncold,lver,lconst_beg:lconst_end) ! moisture/tracer field
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
integer indx(ncol,lver) ! array of indices of points < qmin
integer nval(lver) ! number of points < qmin for 1 level
integer nvals ! number of values found < qmin
integer nn
integer iwtmp
integer i,ii,k ! longitude, level indices
integer m ! constituent index
integer iw,kw ! i,k indices of worst violator
logical found ! true => at least 1 minimum violator found
real(r8) worst ! biggest violator
do m=lconst_beg,lconst_end
nvals = 0
found = .false.
worst = 1.e35_r8
iw = -1
! Test all field values for being less than minimum value. Set q = qmin
! for all such points. Trace offenders and identify worst one.
!DIR$ preferstream
do k=1,lver
nval(k) = 0
!DIR$ prefervector
nn = 0
do i=1,ncol
if (q(i,k,m) < qmin(m)) then
nn = nn + 1
indx(nn,k) = i
end if
end do
nval(k) = nn
end do
do k=1,lver
if (nval(k) > 0) then
found = .true.
nvals = nvals + nval(k)
iwtmp = -1
!cdir nodep,altcode=loopcnt
do ii=1,nval(k)
i = indx(ii,k)
if (q(i,k,m) < worst) then
worst = q(i,k,m)
iwtmp = ii
end if
end do
if (iwtmp /= -1 ) kw = k
if (iwtmp /= -1 ) iw = indx(iwtmp,k)
!cdir nodep,altcode=loopcnt
do ii=1,nval(k)
i = indx(ii,k)
q(i,k,m) = qmin(m)
end do
end if
end do
if (found .and. abs(worst)>1.e-12_r8) then
end if
end do
9000 format(' QNEG3 from ',a,':m=',i3,' lat/lchnk=',i3, &
' Min. mixing ratio violated at ',i4,' points. Reset to ', &
1p,e8.1,' Worst =',e8.1,' at i,k=',i4,i3)
end subroutine qneg3
#if ( defined MODAL_AERO )
subroutine qneg3_modalx1 (subnam ,idx ,ncol ,ncold ,lver ,lconst_beg , & 1,2
lconst_end ,qmin ,q ,qneg3_worst_thresh )
! Purpose:
! Check moisture and tracers for minimum value, reset any below
! minimum value to minimum value and return information to allow
! warning message to be printed. The global average is NOT preserved.
! Method:
! <Describe the algorithm(s) used in the routine.>
! <Also include any applicable external references.>
! Author: J. Rosinski
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
implicit none
! Input arguments
character*(*), intent(in) :: subnam ! name of calling routine
integer, intent(in) :: idx ! chunk/latitude index
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns
integer, intent(in) :: ncold ! declared number of atmospheric columns
integer, intent(in) :: lver ! number of vertical levels in column
integer, intent(in) :: lconst_beg ! beginning constituent
integer, intent(in) :: lconst_end ! ending constituent
real(r8), intent(in) :: qmin(lconst_beg:lconst_end) ! Global minimum constituent concentration
real(r8), intent(in) :: qneg3_worst_thresh(lconst_beg:lconst_end)
! thresholds for reporting violators
! Input/Output arguments
real(r8), intent(inout) :: q(ncold,lver,lconst_beg:lconst_end) ! moisture/tracer field
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
integer indx(ncol,lver) ! array of indices of points < qmin
integer nval(lver) ! number of points < qmin for 1 level
integer nvals ! number of values found < qmin
integer nn
integer iwtmp
integer i,ii,k ! longitude, level indices
integer m ! constituent index
integer iw,kw ! i,k indices of worst violator
logical found ! true => at least 1 minimum violator found
real(r8) worst ! biggest violator
real(r8) tmp_worst_thresh
do m=lconst_beg,lconst_end
nvals = 0
found = .false.
worst = 1.e35_r8
iw = -1
! Test all field values for being less than minimum value. Set q = qmin
! for all such points. Trace offenders and identify worst one.
!DIR$ preferstream
do k=1,lver
nval(k) = 0
!DIR$ prefervector
nn = 0
do i=1,ncol
if (q(i,k,m) < qmin(m)) then
nn = nn + 1
indx(nn,k) = i
end if
end do
nval(k) = nn
end do
do k=1,lver
if (nval(k) > 0) then
found = .true.
nvals = nvals + nval(k)
iwtmp = -1
!cdir nodep,altcode=loopcnt
do ii=1,nval(k)
i = indx(ii,k)
if (q(i,k,m) < worst) then
worst = q(i,k,m)
iwtmp = ii
end if
end do
if (iwtmp /= -1 ) kw = k
if (iwtmp /= -1 ) iw = indx(iwtmp,k)
!cdir nodep,altcode=loopcnt
do ii=1,nval(k)
i = indx(ii,k)
q(i,k,m) = qmin(m)
end do
end if
end do
tmp_worst_thresh = 1.0e-12_r8
if (qneg3_worst_thresh(m) > 0.0_r8) &
tmp_worst_thresh = qneg3_worst_thresh(m)
if (found .and. abs(worst)>tmp_worst_thresh) then
end if
end do
9000 format(' QNEG3 from ',a,':m=',i3,' lat/lchnk=',i3, &
' Min. mixing ratio violated at ',i4,' points. Reset to ', &
1p,e8.1,' Worst =',e8.1,' at i,k=',i4,i3)
end subroutine qneg3_modalx1