module spmd_utils 113,5
! Purpose: This module is responsible for miscellaneous SPMD utilities
! and information that are shared between dynamics and
! physics packages.
! Author:
! Original routines: CMS
! Module: T. Henderson, December 2003
! swap routines: P. Worley
! fc routines: P. Worley
! SMP node id logic: P. Worley
! $Id$
!- use statements ------------------------------------------------------
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use abortutils
, only: endrun
#if ( defined SPMD )
use mpishorthand
, only: mpiint, mpii8, mpichar, mpilog, mpipk, &
mpic16, mpir8, mpir4, mpicom, mpimax, &
mpi_max_processor_name, &
mpi_integer, mpi_integer8, mpi_character, &
mpi_logical, mpi_real8, mpi_real4, &
mpi_complex16, &
mpi_packed, mpi_comm_world, mpi_max, &
mpi_comm_null, mpi_group_null, &
mpi_undefined, mpi_status_size, mpi_success
use dycore
, only: dycore_is
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
!- module boilerplate --------------------------------------------------
implicit none
private ! Make the default access private
! Public interfaces ----------------------------------------------------
public pair ! $$$here... originally from eul|sld/spmd_dyn
public ceil2 ! $$$here... originally from eul|sld/spmd_dyn
public spmdinit
#if ( defined SPMD )
public swap_comm_defaultopts
public swap_comm_setopts
public swapm
public fc_gather_defaultopts
public fc_gather_setopts
public fc_gatherv
public fc_gathervr4
public fc_gathervint
public fc_gathervc
public altalltoallv
! Public data ----------------------------------------------------------
! physics-motivated dynamics decomposition request
logical, parameter :: def_mirror = .false. ! default
logical, public :: phys_mirror_decomp_req = def_mirror
! flag indicating whether latitudes and their
! reflections across the equator should be
! assigned to consecutive processes
#if (defined SPMD)
public :: mpicom
public :: mpichar
integer, public :: mpicom
integer, public :: mpichar
logical, public :: masterproc
integer, public :: masterprocid
integer, public :: iam
integer, public :: npes
integer, public :: nsmps
integer, allocatable, public :: proc_smp_map(:)
integer, parameter :: DEFAULT_MASTERPROC=0
! the value of iam which is assigned
! the masterproc duties
! Private data ---------------------------------------------------------
#if ( defined SPMD )
! Swap communication protocol options (reduced set):
! 3, 5: nonblocking send
! 2, 3, 4, 5: nonblocking receive
! 4, 5: ready send
integer, private, parameter :: min_comm_protocol = 2
integer, private, parameter :: max_comm_protocol = 5
integer, private, parameter :: def_comm_protocol = 4 ! default
integer, private :: swap_comm_protocol = def_comm_protocol
! Swap communication maximum request count:
! = -1,0: do not limit number of outstanding send/receive requests
! > 0: do not allow more than swap_comm_maxreq outstanding
! nonblocking send requests or nonblocking receive requests
integer, private, parameter :: def_comm_maxreq = 128 ! default
integer, private :: swap_comm_maxreq = def_comm_maxreq
! Flow-controlled gather option:
! < 0: use MPI_Gather
! >= 0: use point-to-point with handshaking messages and
! preposting receive requests up to
! max(min(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
! ahead
integer, private, parameter :: max_gather_block_size = 64 ! max and default
integer, private :: fc_gather_flow_cntl = max_gather_block_size
! Subroutines and functions --------------------------------------------
integer function pair(np,p,k) 6
integer np,p,k,q
q = ieor(p,k)
if( then
pair = -1
pair = q
end function pair
integer function ceil2(n) 14
integer n,p
do while(
end function ceil2
subroutine spmdinit( mpicom_atm ) 1,3
! Purpose: MPI initialization routine:
! Method: get number of cpus, processes, tids, etc
! dynamics and physics decompositions are set up later
! Author: CCM Core Group
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: mpicom_atm
#if ( defined SPMD )
! Local workspace
integer i,j,c ! indices
integer npthreads ! thread status
integer ier ! return error status
integer length ! length of name
integer max_len ! maximum name length
integer, allocatable :: lengths(:)! max lengths of names for use in gatherv
integer, allocatable :: displs(:) ! offsets for use in gatherv
logical done
character, allocatable :: proc_name(:) ! processor name, this task
character, allocatable :: proc_names(:) ! processor names, all tasks
character(len=mpi_max_processor_name) :: tmp_name ! temporary storage
character(len=mpi_max_processor_name), allocatable :: smp_names(:) ! SMP name
logical mpi_running ! returned value indicates if MPI_INIT has been called
! Determine CAM MPI communicator group
mpicom = mpicom_atm
! Set mpishorthand variables. Need to set as variables rather than parameters since
! some MPI implementations set values for MPI tags at run time
mpiint = mpi_integer
mpii8 = mpi_integer8
mpichar = mpi_character
mpilog = mpi_logical
mpir4 = mpi_real4
mpir8 = mpi_real8
mpic16 = mpi_complex16
mpipk = mpi_packed
mpimax = mpi_max
! Get my id
call mpi_comm_rank (mpicom, iam, ier)
if (iam == DEFAULT_MASTERPROC) then
masterproc = .true.
masterproc = .false.
end if
! Get number of processors
max_len = mpi_max_processor_name
call mpi_comm_size (mpicom, npes, ier)
allocate ( displs(npes) )
allocate ( lengths(npes) )
allocate ( proc_name(max_len) )
allocate ( proc_names(max_len*npes) )
! Get processor names and send to root.
call mpi_get_processor_name (tmp_name, length, ier)
proc_name(:) = ' '
do i = 1, length
proc_name(i) = tmp_name(i:i)
end do
proc_names(:) = ' '
lengths(:) = max_len
do i=1,npes
displs(i) = (i-1)*max_len
call fc_gathervc
(proc_name, max_len, mpichar, &
proc_names, lengths, displs, mpichar, &
0, mpicom, flow_cntl=-1)
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*) npes, 'pes participating in computation'
write(iulog,*) '-----------------------------------'
write(iulog,*) 'TASK# NAME'
do i=0,min(npes-1,256) ! dont print too many of these
do c=1,max_len
tmp_name(c:c) = proc_names(i*max_len+c)
write(iulog,'(i3,2x,a)') i,trim(tmp_name)
end do
if(npes-1>256) then
write(iulog,*) '... list truncated at 256'
end if
end if
! Identify SMP nodes and process/SMP mapping.
! (Assume that processor names are SMP node names on SMP clusters.)
allocate ( proc_smp_map(0:npes-1) )
if (masterproc) then
allocate ( smp_names(0:npes-1) )
smp_names(:) = ' '
proc_smp_map(:) = -1
nsmps = 1
do c=1,max_len
tmp_name(c:c) = proc_names(c)
smp_names(0) = trim(tmp_name)
proc_smp_map(0) = 0
do i=1,npes-1
do c=1,max_len
tmp_name(c:c) = proc_names(i*max_len+c)
j = 0
done = .false.
do while ((.not. done) .and. (j < nsmps))
if (smp_names(j) .eq. trim(tmp_name)) then
proc_smp_map(i) = j
done = .true.
j = j + 1
if (.not. done) then
smp_names(nsmps) = trim(tmp_name)
proc_smp_map(i) = nsmps
nsmps = nsmps + 1
call mpibcast
(nsmps, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom)
call mpibcast
(proc_smp_map, npes, mpiint, 0, mpicom)
! spmd is not defined
mpicom = mpicom_atm
iam = 0
masterprocid = 0
masterproc = .true.
npes = 1
nsmps = 1
allocate ( proc_smp_map(0:0) )
proc_smp_map(:) = -1
end subroutine spmdinit
! Purpose: swap communication routines used in performance portable
! distributed transpose algorithms.
! Entry points:
! swap_comm_defaultopts Get default runtime options.
! swap_comm_setopts Set runtime options.
! swapm Implementation of swap for multiple
! messages using MPI point-to-point routines.
! Author: P. Worley
#if (defined SPMD)
subroutine swap_comm_defaultopts(swap_comm_protocol_out, & 1
swap_comm_maxreq_out )
! Purpose: Return default runtime options
! Author: P. Worley (modelled after Tom Henderson's code)
! swap module communication protocol option
integer, intent(out), optional :: swap_comm_protocol_out
! swap module communication nonblocking request maximum
integer, intent(out), optional :: swap_comm_maxreq_out
if ( present(swap_comm_protocol_out) ) then
swap_comm_protocol_out = def_comm_protocol
if ( present(swap_comm_maxreq_out) ) then
swap_comm_maxreq_out = def_comm_maxreq
end subroutine swap_comm_defaultopts
subroutine swap_comm_setopts(swap_comm_protocol_in, & 1
swap_comm_maxreq_in )
! Purpose: Set runtime options
! Author: P. Worley (modelled after Tom Henderson's code)
! swap module communication protocol option
integer, intent(in), optional :: swap_comm_protocol_in
! swap module communication nonblocking request maximum
integer, intent(in), optional :: swap_comm_maxreq_in
if ( present(swap_comm_protocol_in) ) then
swap_comm_protocol = swap_comm_protocol_in
if ((swap_comm_protocol < min_comm_protocol) .or. &
(swap_comm_protocol > max_comm_protocol)) then
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*) &
'SWAP_COMM_SETOPTS: ERROR: swap_comm_protocol=', &
swap_comm_protocol, ' is out of range.'
write(iulog,*) &
' It must be between ', min_comm_protocol,' and ',&
write(iulog,*) &
' Using default value.'
swap_comm_protocol = def_comm_protocol
if ( present(swap_comm_maxreq_in) ) then
swap_comm_maxreq = swap_comm_maxreq_in
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*) 'SWAP_COMM_SETOPTS: '
write(iulog,*) ' swap_comm_protocol = ', swap_comm_protocol
write(iulog,*) ' swap_comm_maxreq = ', swap_comm_maxreq
end subroutine swap_comm_setopts
subroutine swapm (steps, nprocs, swapids, & 1
sndbuf, sbuf_siz, sndlths, sdispls, &
rcvbuf, rbuf_siz, rcvlths, rdispls, &
comm, comm_protocol, comm_maxreq )
! Purpose:
! Reduced version of original swapm (for swap of multiple messages
! using MPI point-to-point routines), more efficiently implementing a
! subset of the swap protocols.
! Method:
! comm_protocol:
! = 3 or 5: use nonblocking send
! = 2 or 4: use blocking send
! = 4 or 5: use handshaking protocol
! comm_maxreq:
! =-1,0: do not limit number of outstanding send/receive requests
! >0: do not allow more than min(comm_maxreq, steps) outstanding
! nonblocking send requests or nonblocking receive requests
! Author of original version: P. Worley
! Ported to CAM: P. Worley, December 2003
! Simplified version: P. Worley, October, 2008
implicit none
!---------------------------Input arguments--------------------------
integer, intent(in) :: steps ! number of swaps to initiate
integer, intent(in) :: nprocs ! size of communicator
integer, intent(in) :: sbuf_siz ! size of send buffer
integer, intent(in) :: rbuf_siz ! size of receive buffer
integer, intent(in) :: swapids(steps) ! MPI process id of swap partners
integer, intent(in) :: sndlths(0:nprocs-1)! length of outgoing message
integer, intent(in) :: sdispls(0:nprocs-1)! offset from beginning of send
! buffer where outgoing messages
! should be sent from
integer, intent(in) :: rcvlths(0:nprocs-1)! length of incoming messages
integer, intent(in) :: rdispls(0:nprocs-1)! offset from beginning of receive
! buffer where incoming messages
! should be placed
real(r8), intent(in) :: sndbuf(sbuf_siz) ! outgoing message buffer
real(r8), intent(out) :: rcvbuf(rbuf_siz) ! incoming message buffer
integer, intent(in) :: comm ! MPI communicator
integer, intent(in) :: comm_protocol ! swap_comm protocol
integer, intent(in) :: comm_maxreq ! maximum number of outstanding
! nonblocking requests
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
integer :: p ! process index
integer :: istep ! loop index
integer :: offset_s ! index of message beginning in
! send buffer
integer :: offset_r ! index of message beginning in
! receive buffer
integer :: sndids(steps) ! send request ids
integer :: rcvids(steps) ! receive request ids
integer :: hs_rcvids(steps) ! handshake receive request ids
integer :: maxreq, maxreqh ! maximum number of outstanding
! nonblocking requests (and half)
integer :: hs ! handshake variable
integer :: rstep ! "receive" step index
logical :: handshake, sendd ! protocol option flags
integer :: ier ! return error status
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) ! MPI status
if (steps .eq. 0) return
! identify communication protocol
if ((comm_protocol < 2) .or. (comm_protocol > 5)) then
sendd = .true.
handshake = .true.
if ((comm_protocol .eq. 4) .or. (comm_protocol .eq. 5)) then
handshake = .true.
handshake = .false.
if ((comm_protocol .eq. 2) .or. (comm_protocol .eq. 4)) then
sendd = .true.
sendd = .false.
! identify maximum number of outstanding nonblocking requests to permit
if (steps .eq. 1) then
maxreq = 1
maxreqh = 1
if (comm_maxreq >= -1) then
maxreq = comm_maxreq
maxreq = steps
if ((maxreq .le. steps) .and. (maxreq > 0)) then
if (maxreq > 1) then
maxreqh = maxreq/2
maxreq = 2
maxreqh = 1
maxreq = steps
maxreqh = steps
! Four protocol options:
! (1) handshaking + blocking sends
if ((handshake) .and. (sendd)) then
! Post initial handshake receive requests
do istep=1,maxreq
p = swapids(istep)
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_irecv( hs, 1, mpiint, p, iam, comm, &
hs_rcvids(istep), ier )
! Post initial receive requests
do istep=1,maxreq
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(istep), ier )
call mpi_send ( hs, 1, mpiint, p, p, comm, ier )
rstep = maxreq
! Send (and start receiving) data
do istep=1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
! Submit new rsend request
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
offset_s = sdispls(p)+1
call mpi_wait ( hs_rcvids(istep), status, ier )
call mpi_rsend ( sndbuf(offset_s), sndlths(p), mpir8, p, iam, &
comm, ier )
if (istep > maxreqh) then
! Wait for oldest irecv request to complete
p = swapids(istep-maxreqh)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep-maxreqh), status, ier )
if (rstep < steps) then
rstep = rstep + 1
p = swapids(rstep)
! Submit a new handshake irecv request
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_irecv( hs, 1, mpiint, p, iam, comm, &
hs_rcvids(rstep), ier )
! Submit a new irecv request
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(rstep), ier )
call mpi_send ( hs, 1, mpiint, p, p, comm, ier )
! wait for rest of receive requests to complete
do istep=steps-maxreqh+1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep), status, ier )
! (2) handshaking + nonblocking sends
elseif ((handshake) .and. (.not. sendd)) then
! Post initial handshake receive requests
do istep=1,maxreq
p = swapids(istep)
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_irecv( hs, 1, mpiint, p, iam, comm, &
hs_rcvids(istep), ier )
! Post initial receive requests
do istep=1,maxreq
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(istep), ier )
call mpi_send ( hs, 1, mpiint, p, p, comm, ier )
rstep = maxreq
! Send (and start receiving) data
do istep=1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
! Submit new irsend request
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
offset_s = sdispls(p)+1
call mpi_wait ( hs_rcvids(istep), status, ier )
call mpi_irsend( sndbuf(offset_s), sndlths(p), mpir8, p, iam, &
comm, sndids(istep), ier )
if (istep > maxreqh) then
! Wait for oldest irecv request to complete
p = swapids(istep-maxreqh)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep-maxreqh), status, ier )
if (rstep < steps) then
rstep = rstep + 1
p = swapids(rstep)
! Submit a new handshake irecv request
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_irecv( hs, 1, mpiint, p, iam, comm, &
hs_rcvids(rstep), ier )
! Submit a new irecv request
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(rstep), ier )
call mpi_send ( hs, 1, mpiint, p, p, comm, ier )
! Wait for outstanding i(r)send request to complete
p = swapids(istep-maxreqh)
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( sndids(istep-maxreqh), status, ier )
! wait for rest of send and receive requests to complete
do istep=steps-maxreqh+1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep), status, ier )
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( sndids(istep), status, ier )
! (3) no handshaking + blocking sends
elseif ((.not. handshake) .and. (sendd)) then
! Post receive requests
do istep=1,maxreq
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(istep), ier )
rstep = maxreq
! Send (and start receiving) data
do istep=1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
! Submit new send request
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
offset_s = sdispls(p)+1
call mpi_send( sndbuf(offset_s), sndlths(p), mpir8, p, iam, &
comm, ier )
if (istep > maxreqh) then
! Wait for oldest irecv request to complete
p = swapids(istep-maxreqh)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep-maxreqh), status, ier )
! Submit a new irecv request
if (rstep < steps) then
rstep = rstep + 1
p = swapids(rstep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(rstep), ier )
! wait for rest of send and receive requests to complete
do istep=steps-maxreqh+1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep), status, ier )
! (4) no handshaking + nonblocking sends
elseif ((.not. handshake) .and. (.not. sendd)) then
! Post receive requests
do istep=1,maxreq
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(istep), ier )
rstep = maxreq
! Send (and start receiving) data
do istep=1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
! Submit new isend request
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
offset_s = sdispls(p)+1
call mpi_isend( sndbuf(offset_s), sndlths(p), mpir8, p, iam, &
comm, sndids(istep), ier )
if (istep > maxreqh) then
! Wait for oldest irecv request to complete
p = swapids(istep-maxreqh)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep-maxreqh), status, ier )
! Submit a new irecv request
if (rstep < steps) then
rstep = rstep + 1
p = swapids(rstep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
offset_r = rdispls(p)+1
call mpi_irecv( rcvbuf(offset_r), rcvlths(p), mpir8, p, p, &
comm, rcvids(rstep), ier )
! Wait for outstanding i(r)send request to complete
p = swapids(istep-maxreqh)
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( sndids(istep-maxreqh), status, ier )
! wait for rest of send and receive requests to complete
do istep=steps-maxreqh+1,steps
p = swapids(istep)
if (rcvlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( rcvids(istep), status, ier )
if (sndlths(p) > 0) then
call mpi_wait( sndids(istep), status, ier )
end subroutine swapm
! Purpose: gather collective with additional flow control, so as to
! be more robust when used with high process counts.
! If flow_cntl optional parameter
! < 0: use MPI_Gather
! >= 0: use point-to-point with handshaking messages and
! preposting receive requests up to
! max(min(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
! ahead if optional flow_cntl parameter is present.
! Otherwise, fc_gather_flow_cntl is used in its place.
! Default value is 64.
! Entry points:
! fc_gather_defaultopts Get default runtime options.
! fc_gather_setopts Set runtime options.
! fc_gatherv functionally equivalent to mpi_gatherv
! fc_gathervr4 functionally equivalent to mpi_gatherv for real*4 data
! fc_gathervint functionally equivalent to mpi_gatherv for integer data
! fc_gathervc functionally equivalent to mpi_gatherv for character data
! Author: P. Worley
#if (defined SPMD)
subroutine fc_gather_defaultopts( fc_gather_flow_cntl_out ) 1
! Purpose: Return default runtime options
! Author: P. Worley (modelled after Tom Henderson's code)
! fc_gather flow control option
! < 0: use MPI_Gather
! >= 0: use point-to-point with handshaking messages and
! preposting receive requests up to
! max(min(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size) ahead
! Default value is defined by private parameter
! max_gather_block_size
integer, intent(out), optional :: fc_gather_flow_cntl_out
if ( present(fc_gather_flow_cntl_out) ) then
fc_gather_flow_cntl_out = max_gather_block_size
end subroutine fc_gather_defaultopts
subroutine fc_gather_setopts( fc_gather_flow_cntl_in ) 1
! Purpose: Set runtime options
! Author: P. Worley (modelled after Tom Henderson's code)
! fc_gather flow control option
integer, intent(in), optional :: fc_gather_flow_cntl_in
if ( present(fc_gather_flow_cntl_in) ) then
fc_gather_flow_cntl = fc_gather_flow_cntl_in
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*) 'FC_GATHER_SETOPTS: '
write(iulog,*) ' fc_gather_flow_cntl = ', fc_gather_flow_cntl
end subroutine fc_gather_setopts
subroutine fc_gatherv (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, & 2,6
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, flow_cntl )
! Collects different messages from each process on masterproc
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use mpishorthand
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
use perf_mod
implicit none
real (r8), intent(in) :: sendbuf(*)
real (r8), intent(out) :: recvbuf(*)
integer, intent(in) :: displs(*)
integer, intent(in) :: sendcnt
integer, intent(in) :: sendtype
integer, intent(in) :: recvcnts(*)
integer, intent(in) :: recvtype
integer, intent(in) :: root
integer, intent(in) :: comm
integer, optional, intent(in) :: flow_cntl
real (r8) :: signal
logical fc_gather ! use explicit flow control?
integer gather_block_size ! number of preposted receive requests
integer :: mytid, mysize, mtag, p, q, i, count
integer :: preposts, head, tail
integer :: rcvid(max_gather_block_size)
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer ier ! MPI error code
if ( present(flow_cntl) ) then
if (flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather_flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('fc_gatherv_r8')
call mpi_comm_rank (comm, mytid, ier)
call mpi_comm_size (comm, mysize, ier)
mtag = 0
if (root .eq. mytid) then
! prepost gather_block_size irecvs, and start receiving data
preposts = min(mysize-1, gather_block_size)
head = 0
count = 0
do p=0, mysize-1
if (p .ne. root) then
q = p+1
if (recvcnts(q) > 0) then
count = count + 1
if (count > preposts) then
tail = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_wait (rcvid(tail), status, ier)
end if
head = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_irecv ( recvbuf(displs(q)+1), recvcnts(q), &
recvtype, p, mtag, comm, rcvid(head), &
ier )
call mpi_send ( signal, 1, mpir8, p, mtag, comm, ier )
end if
end if
end do
! copy local data
q = mytid+1
do i=1,sendcnt
recvbuf(displs(q)+i) = sendbuf(i)
! wait for final data
do i=1,min(count,preposts)
call mpi_wait (rcvid(i), status, ier)
if (sendcnt > 0) then
call mpi_recv ( signal, 1, mpir8, root, mtag, comm, &
status, ier )
call mpi_rsend ( sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, root, mtag, &
comm, ier )
end if
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'fc_gatherv_r8 failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('fc_gatherv_r8')
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi_gatherv')
call mpi_gatherv (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, &
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, ier)
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'mpi_gatherv failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi_gatherv')
end subroutine fc_gatherv
subroutine fc_gathervr4 (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, & 2,6
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, flow_cntl )
! Collects different messages from each process on masterproc
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r4 => shr_kind_r4, r8 => shr_kind_r8
use mpishorthand
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
use perf_mod
implicit none
real (r4), intent(in) :: sendbuf(*)
real (r4), intent(out) :: recvbuf(*)
integer, intent(in) :: displs(*)
integer, intent(in) :: sendcnt
integer, intent(in) :: sendtype
integer, intent(in) :: recvcnts(*)
integer, intent(in) :: recvtype
integer, intent(in) :: root
integer, intent(in) :: comm
integer, optional, intent(in) :: flow_cntl
real (r8) :: signal
logical fc_gather ! use explicit flow control?
integer gather_block_size ! number of preposted receive requests
integer :: mytid, mysize, mtag, p, q, i, count
integer :: preposts, head, tail
integer :: rcvid(max_gather_block_size)
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer ier ! MPI error code
if ( present(flow_cntl) ) then
if (flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather_flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('fc_gatherv_r4')
call mpi_comm_rank (comm, mytid, ier)
call mpi_comm_size (comm, mysize, ier)
mtag = 0
if (root .eq. mytid) then
! prepost gather_block_size irecvs, and start receiving data
preposts = min(mysize-1, gather_block_size)
head = 0
count = 0
do p=0, mysize-1
if (p .ne. root) then
q = p+1
if (recvcnts(q) > 0) then
count = count + 1
if (count > preposts) then
tail = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_wait (rcvid(tail), status, ier)
end if
head = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_irecv ( recvbuf(displs(q)+1), recvcnts(q), &
recvtype, p, mtag, comm, rcvid(head), &
ier )
call mpi_send ( signal, 1, mpir8, p, mtag, comm, ier )
end if
end if
end do
! copy local data
q = mytid+1
do i=1,sendcnt
recvbuf(displs(q)+i) = sendbuf(i)
! wait for final data
do i=1,min(count,preposts)
call mpi_wait (rcvid(i), status, ier)
if (sendcnt > 0) then
call mpi_recv ( signal, 1, mpir8, root, mtag, comm, &
status, ier )
call mpi_rsend ( sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, root, mtag, &
comm, ier )
end if
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'fc_gatherv_r4 failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('fc_gatherv_r4')
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi_gatherv')
call mpi_gatherv (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, &
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, ier)
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'mpi_gatherv failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi_gatherv')
end subroutine fc_gathervr4
subroutine fc_gathervint (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, & 2,6
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, flow_cntl )
! Collects different messages from each process on masterproc
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use mpishorthand
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
use perf_mod
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: sendbuf(*)
integer, intent(out) :: recvbuf(*)
integer, intent(in) :: displs(*)
integer, intent(in) :: sendcnt
integer, intent(in) :: sendtype
integer, intent(in) :: recvcnts(*)
integer, intent(in) :: recvtype
integer, intent(in) :: root
integer, intent(in) :: comm
integer, optional, intent(in) :: flow_cntl
real (r8) :: signal
logical fc_gather ! use explicit flow control?
integer gather_block_size ! number of preposted receive requests
integer :: mytid, mysize, mtag, p, q, i, count
integer :: preposts, head, tail
integer :: rcvid(max_gather_block_size)
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer ier ! MPI error code
if ( present(flow_cntl) ) then
if (flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather_flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('fc_gatherv_int')
call mpi_comm_rank (comm, mytid, ier)
call mpi_comm_size (comm, mysize, ier)
mtag = 0
if (root .eq. mytid) then
! prepost gather_block_size irecvs, and start receiving data
preposts = min(mysize-1, gather_block_size)
head = 0
count = 0
do p=0, mysize-1
if (p .ne. root) then
q = p+1
if (recvcnts(q) > 0) then
count = count + 1
if (count > preposts) then
tail = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_wait (rcvid(tail), status, ier)
end if
head = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_irecv ( recvbuf(displs(q)+1), recvcnts(q), &
recvtype, p, mtag, comm, rcvid(head), &
ier )
call mpi_send ( signal, 1, mpir8, p, mtag, comm, ier )
end if
end if
end do
! copy local data
q = mytid+1
do i=1,sendcnt
recvbuf(displs(q)+i) = sendbuf(i)
! wait for final data
do i=1,min(count,preposts)
call mpi_wait (rcvid(i), status, ier)
if (sendcnt > 0) then
call mpi_recv ( signal, 1, mpir8, root, mtag, comm, &
status, ier )
call mpi_rsend ( sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, root, mtag, &
comm, ier )
end if
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'fc_gatherv_int failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('fc_gatherv_int')
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi_gatherv')
call mpi_gatherv (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, &
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, ier)
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'mpi_gatherv failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi_gatherv')
end subroutine fc_gathervint
subroutine fc_gathervc (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, & 1,6
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, flow_cntl )
! Collects different messages from each process on masterproc
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use mpishorthand
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
use perf_mod
implicit none
character, intent(in) :: sendbuf(*)
character, intent(out) :: recvbuf(*)
integer, intent(in) :: displs(*)
integer, intent(in) :: sendcnt
integer, intent(in) :: sendtype
integer, intent(in) :: recvcnts(*)
integer, intent(in) :: recvtype
integer, intent(in) :: root
integer, intent(in) :: comm
integer, optional, intent(in) :: flow_cntl
real (r8) :: signal
logical fc_gather ! use explicit flow control?
integer gather_block_size ! number of preposted receive requests
integer :: mytid, mysize, mtag, p, q, i, count
integer :: preposts, head, tail
integer :: rcvid(max_gather_block_size)
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer ier ! MPI error code
if ( present(flow_cntl) ) then
if (flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather_flow_cntl >= 0) then
gather_block_size = min(max(1,fc_gather_flow_cntl),max_gather_block_size)
fc_gather = .true.
fc_gather = .false.
if (fc_gather) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('fc_gatherv_char')
call mpi_comm_rank (comm, mytid, ier)
call mpi_comm_size (comm, mysize, ier)
mtag = 0
if (root .eq. mytid) then
! prepost gather_block_size irecvs, and start receiving data
preposts = min(mysize-1, gather_block_size)
head = 0
count = 0
do p=0, mysize-1
if (p .ne. root) then
q = p+1
if (recvcnts(q) > 0) then
count = count + 1
if (count > preposts) then
tail = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_wait (rcvid(tail), status, ier)
end if
head = mod(head,preposts) + 1
call mpi_irecv ( recvbuf(displs(q)+1), recvcnts(q), &
recvtype, p, mtag, comm, rcvid(head), &
ier )
call mpi_send ( signal, 1, mpir8, p, mtag, comm, ier )
end if
end if
end do
! copy local data
q = mytid+1
do i=1,sendcnt
recvbuf(displs(q)+i) = sendbuf(i)
! wait for final data
do i=1,min(count,preposts)
call mpi_wait (rcvid(i), status, ier)
if (sendcnt > 0) then
call mpi_recv ( signal, 1, mpir8, root, mtag, comm, &
status, ier )
call mpi_rsend ( sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, root, mtag, &
comm, ier )
end if
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'fc_gatherv_char failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('fc_gatherv_char')
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi_gatherv')
call mpi_gatherv (sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, &
recvbuf, recvcnts, displs, recvtype, &
root, comm, ier)
if (ier /= mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'mpi_gatherv failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi_gatherv')
end subroutine fc_gathervc
! Purpose: implementations of MPI_Alltoall using different messaging
! layers and different communication protocols, controlled
! by option argument:
! 0: use mpi_alltoallv
! 1: use point-to-point MPI-1 two-sided implementation
! 2: use point-to-point MPI-2 one-sided implementation if supported,
! otherwise use MPI-1 implementation
! 3: use Co-Array Fortran implementation if supported,
! otherwise use MPI-1 implementation
! otherwise use mpi_sendrecv implementation
! Entry points:
! altalltoallv
! Author: P. Worley
#if (defined SPMD)
subroutine altalltoallv (option, mytid, nprocs, steps, dests, & 4,5
sendbuf, sbuf_siz, sendcnts, sdispls, sendtype, &
recvbuf, rbuf_siz, recvcnts, rdispls, recvtype, &
msgtag, pdispls, desttype, recvwin, comm)
! All-to-all scatter/gather implemented using Co-Array
! Fortran one-sided commands, MPI-2 one sided commands,
! SWAP module MPI-1 commands, MPI_ALLTOALLV or MPI_SENDRECV.
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
use perf_mod
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: option ! 0: mpi_alltoallv
! 1: swap package
! 2: mpi2
! 3: co-array fortran
! otherwise: sendrecv
integer, intent(in) :: mytid
integer, intent(in) :: nprocs
integer, intent(in) :: steps
integer, intent(in) :: dests(steps)
integer, intent(in) :: sbuf_siz
integer, intent(in) :: sendcnts(0:nprocs-1)
integer, intent(in) :: sdispls(0:nprocs-1)
integer, intent(in) :: sendtype
integer, intent(in) :: rbuf_siz
integer, intent(in) :: recvcnts(0:nprocs-1)
integer, intent(in) :: rdispls(0:nprocs-1)
integer, intent(in) :: recvtype
integer, intent(in) :: msgtag
integer, intent(in) :: pdispls(0:nprocs-1) ! displacement at
! destination
integer, intent(in) :: desttype
integer, intent(in) :: recvwin
integer, intent(in) :: comm
#if (defined CAF)
real (r8), intent(in) :: sendbuf(sbuf_siz)[*]
real (r8), intent(out) :: recvbuf(rbuf_siz)[*]
integer :: istart, iend, jstart, jend
real (r8), intent(in) :: sendbuf(sbuf_siz)
real (r8), intent(out) :: recvbuf(rbuf_siz)
integer :: loption ! local copy of option
integer :: dest ! MPI remote process id
integer :: ier ! MPI error code
integer :: i ! loop index
integer :: sndids(steps) ! nonblocking MPI send request ids
integer :: rcvids(steps) ! nonblocking MPI recv request ids
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
#if ( defined MPI2)
integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: ddispls
loption = option
! using MPI library collective MPI_ALLTOALLV
if (loption .eq. 0) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi_alltoallv')
call mpi_alltoallv (sendbuf, sendcnts, sdispls, sendtype, &
recvbuf, recvcnts, rdispls, recvtype, &
comm, ier)
! test for error
if (ier/=mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'altalltoallv (mpi_alltoallv) failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi_alltoallv')
! Co-Array Fortran implementation of alltoallv
if (loption .eq. 3) then
#if ( defined CAF )
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('caf_alltoallv')
if (this_image() .ne. (mytid+1)) then
call endrun
('altalltoallv (caf_alltoallv) failed: MPI id .ne. CAF id')
call sync_images()
do i = 1, steps
dest = dests(i)
if (sendcnts(dest) > 0) then
istart = sdispls(dest)+1
iend = istart+sendcnts(dest)-1
jstart = pdispls(dest)+1
jend = jstart+sendcnts(dest)-1
recvbuf(jstart:jend)[dest+1] = sendbuf(istart:iend)
end if
end do
call sync_images()
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('caf_alltoallv')
loption = -1
! MPI-2 one-sided implementation of alltoallv
elseif (loption .eq. 2) then
#ifdef MPI2
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi2_alltoallv')
call mpi_win_fence(0,recvwin,ier)
do i=1, steps
dest = dests(i)
if (sendcnts(dest) > 0) then
ddispls = pdispls(dest)
call mpi_put(sendbuf(sdispls(dest)+1), sendcnts(dest), sendtype, &
dest, ddispls, sendcnts(dest), desttype, &
recvwin, ier)
end do
! wait for completion
call mpi_win_fence(0,recvwin,ier)
if (ier/=mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'altalltoallv (mpi2_alltoallv) failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi2_alltoallv')
loption = -1
! MPI-1 two-sided implementation of alltoallv
! using SWAP routines
elseif (loption .eq. 1) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('swap_alltoallv')
call swapm
(steps, nprocs, dests, &
sendbuf, sbuf_siz, sendcnts, sdispls, &
recvbuf, rbuf_siz, recvcnts, rdispls, &
comm, swap_comm_protocol, swap_comm_maxreq )
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('swap_alltoallv')
! Anything else defined to be MPI_SENDRECV implementation
loption = -1
! MPI_SENDRECV implementation of alltoallv
if (loption .eq. -1) then
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_startf ('mpi1_alltoallv')
do i=1, steps
dest = dests(i)
call mpi_sendrecv (sendbuf(sdispls(dest)+1), sendcnts(dest), &
sendtype, dest, msgtag, &
recvbuf(rdispls(dest)+1), recvcnts(dest), &
recvtype, dest, msgtag, &
comm, status, ier)
end do
! test for error
if (ier/=mpi_success) then
write(iulog,*)'altalltoallv (mpi1_alltoallv) failed ier=',ier
call endrun
end if
#if defined( WRAP_MPI_TIMING )
call t_stopf ('mpi1_alltoallv')
! Local copy (if necessary)
if (sendcnts(mytid) > 0) then
do i=1,sendcnts(iam)
recvbuf(rdispls(mytid)+i) = sendbuf(sdispls(mytid)+i)
end subroutine altalltoallv
end module spmd_utils