! !MODULE: ice_domain_size
! Defines the global domain size and number of categories and layers.
! Code originally based on domain_size.F in POP
!  SVN:$Id: ice_domain_size.F90 52 2007-01-30 18:04:24Z eclare $
! author Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
! 2004: Block structure and snow parameters added by William Lipscomb
!       Renamed (used to be ice_model_size)
! 2006: Converted to free source form (F90) by Elizabeth Hunke
!       Removed hardwired sizes (NX...can now be set in compile scripts)

      module ice_domain_size 57,1
! !USES:
      use ice_kinds_mod

      implicit none

      integer (kind=int_kind), parameter :: &
        nx_global = NXGLOB    , & ! i-axis size
        ny_global = NYGLOB    , & ! j-axis size
        ncat      = NCAT      , & ! number of categories
        nilyr     =   4       , & ! number of ice layers per category
        ntilyr    = ncat*nilyr, & ! number of ice layers in all categories
        nslyr     =   1       , & ! number of snow layers per category
        ntslyr    = ncat*nslyr, & ! number of snow layers in all categories
        n_aeromx  =   6       , & ! number of aerosols maximum
        n_aero    = NTR_AERO  , & ! number of aerosols in use
        max_ntrcr =  18       , & ! number of tracers (defined in ice_state)
                                  ! 1 = surface temperature
        max_nstrm =   5           ! Number of output streams

      integer (kind=int_kind), parameter :: &
        block_size_x = BLCKX  , & ! size of block in first horiz dimension
        block_size_y = BLCKY      ! size of block in second horiz dimension

   !*** The model will inform the user of the correct
   !*** values for the parameter below.  A value higher than
   !*** necessary will not cause the code to fail, but will
   !*** allocate more memory than is necessary.  A value that
   !*** is too low will cause the code to exit.  
   !*** A good initial guess is found using
   !*** max_blocks = (nx_global/block_size_x)*(ny_global/block_size_y)/
   !***               num_procs
      integer (kind=int_kind), parameter :: &
        max_blocks = MXBLCKS      ! max number of blocks per processor


      end module ice_domain_size
