#include <misc.h>
#include <preproc.h>

module CNDVLightMod 1,2

#if (defined CNDV)

! !MODULE: LightMod
! Calculate light competition
! Update fpc for establishment routine
! Called once per year
! !USES:
  use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use shr_const_mod, only : SHR_CONST_PI
  implicit none
  public :: Light
! Module created by Sam Levis following DGVMLightMod by Mariana Vertenstein


! !IROUTINE: Light

  subroutine Light(lbg, ubg, lbp, ubp, num_natvegp, filter_natvegp) 1,1
! Calculate light competition
! Update fpc for establishment routine
! Called once per year
! !USES:
    use clmtype
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: lbg, ubg                  ! gridcell bounds
    integer, intent(in) :: lbp, ubp                  ! pft bounds
    integer, intent(in) :: num_natvegp               ! number of naturally-vegetated pfts in filter
    integer, intent(in) :: filter_natvegp(ubp-lbp+1) ! pft filter for naturally-vegetated points
! subroutine dv in module CNDVMod
! Author: Sam Levis (adapted from Stephen Sitch's LPJ subroutine light)
! 3/4/02, Peter Thornton: Migrated to new data structures.
! 2005.10: Sam Levis updated to work with CN
! local pointers to implicit in arguments
    integer , pointer :: ivt(:)       ! pft vegetation type
    integer , pointer :: pgridcell(:) ! gridcell index of corresponding pft
    integer , pointer :: tree(:)      ! ecophys const - tree pft or not
    real(r8), pointer :: slatop(:)    !specific leaf area at top of canopy, projected area basis [m^2/gC]
    real(r8), pointer :: dsladlai(:)  !dSLA/dLAI, projected area basis [m^2/gC]
    real(r8), pointer :: woody(:)     ! ecophys const - woody pft or not
    real(r8), pointer :: leafcmax(:)  ! (gC/m2) leaf C storage
    real(r8), pointer :: deadstemc(:)     ! (gC/m2) dead stem C
    real(r8), pointer :: dwood(:)         ! ecophys const - wood density (gC/m3)
    real(r8), pointer :: reinickerp(:)    ! ecophys const - parameter in allomet
    real(r8), pointer :: crownarea_max(:) ! ecophys const - tree maximum crown a
    real(r8), pointer :: allom1(:)        ! ecophys const - parameter in allomet

! local pointers to implicit inout arguments
    real(r8), pointer :: crownarea(:) ! area that each individual tree takes up (m^2)
    real(r8), pointer :: fpcgrid(:)   ! foliar projective cover on gridcell (fraction)
    real(r8), pointer :: nind(:)      ! number of individuals
    real(r8), parameter :: fpc_tree_max = 0.95_r8 !maximum total tree FPC
    integer  :: p,fp, g                           ! indices
    real(r8) :: fpc_tree_total(lbg:ubg)
    real(r8) :: fpc_inc_tree(lbg:ubg)
    real(r8) :: fpc_inc(lbp:ubp)                  ! foliar projective cover increment (fraction)
    real(r8) :: fpc_grass_total(lbg:ubg)
    real(r8) :: fpc_shrub_total(lbg:ubg)
    real(r8) :: fpc_grass_max(lbg:ubg)
    real(r8) :: fpc_shrub_max(lbg:ubg)
    integer  :: numtrees(lbg:ubg)
    real(r8) :: excess
    real(r8) :: nind_kill
    real(r8) :: lai_ind
    real(r8) :: fpc_ind
    real(r8) :: fpcgrid_old
    real(r8) :: lm_ind                            !leaf carbon (gC/individual)
    real(r8) :: stemdiam                          ! stem diameter
    real(r8) :: stocking                          ! #stems / ha (stocking density)
    real(r8) :: taper                             ! ratio of height:radius_breast_height (tree allometry)


    ! Assign local pointers to derived type scalar members

    ivt           => clm3%g%l%c%p%itype
    pgridcell     => clm3%g%l%c%p%gridcell
    nind          => clm3%g%l%c%p%pdgvs%nind
    fpcgrid       => clm3%g%l%c%p%pdgvs%fpcgrid
    leafcmax      => clm3%g%l%c%p%pcs%leafcmax
    deadstemc     => clm3%g%l%c%p%pcs%deadstemc
    crownarea     => clm3%g%l%c%p%pdgvs%crownarea
    crownarea_max => dgv_pftcon%crownarea_max
    reinickerp    => dgv_pftcon%reinickerp
    allom1        => dgv_pftcon%allom1
    dwood         => pftcon%dwood
    slatop        => pftcon%slatop
    dsladlai      => pftcon%dsladlai
    woody         => pftcon%woody
    tree          => pftcon%tree

    taper = 200._r8 ! make a global constant; used in Establishment + ?

    ! Initialize gridcell-level metrics

    do g = lbg, ubg
       fpc_tree_total(g) = 0._r8
       fpc_inc_tree(g) = 0._r8
       fpc_grass_total(g) = 0._r8
       fpc_shrub_total(g) = 0._r8
       numtrees(g) = 0
    end do

    do fp = 1,num_natvegp
       p = filter_natvegp(fp)
       g = pgridcell(p)

       ! Update LAI and FPC as in the last lines of DGVMAllocation

       if (woody(ivt(p))==1._r8) then
          if (fpcgrid(p) > 0._r8 .and. nind(p) > 0._r8) then
             stocking = nind(p)/fpcgrid(p) !#ind/m2 nat veg area -> #ind/m2 pft area
             ! stemdiam derived here from cn's formula for htop found in
             ! CNVegStructUpdate and cn's assumption stemdiam=2*htop/taper
             ! this derivation neglects upper htop limit enforced elsewhere
             stemdiam = (24._r8 * deadstemc(p) / (SHR_CONST_PI * stocking * dwood(ivt(p)) * taper))**(1._r8/3._r8)
             stemdiam = 0._r8
          end if
          crownarea(p) = min(crownarea_max(ivt(p)), allom1(ivt(p))*stemdiam**reinickerp(ivt(p))) ! Eqn D (from Establishment)
!      else ! crownarea is 1 and does not need updating
       end if

       if (crownarea(p) > 0._r8 .and. nind(p) > 0._r8) then
          lm_ind  = leafcmax(p) * fpcgrid(p) / nind(p)
          if (dsladlai(ivt(p)) > 0._r8) then
             lai_ind = max(0.001_r8,((exp(lm_ind*dsladlai(ivt(p)) + log(slatop(ivt(p)))) - &
                           slatop(ivt(p)))/dsladlai(ivt(p))) / crownarea(p))
             lai_ind = lm_ind * slatop(ivt(p)) / crownarea(p)
          end if
          lai_ind = 0._r8
       end if

       fpc_ind = 1._r8 - exp(-0.5_r8*lai_ind)
       fpcgrid_old = fpcgrid(p)
       fpcgrid(p) = crownarea(p) * nind(p) * fpc_ind
       fpc_inc(p) = max(0._r8, fpcgrid(p) - fpcgrid_old)

       if (woody(ivt(p)) == 1._r8) then
          if (tree(ivt(p)) == 1) then
             numtrees(g) = numtrees(g) + 1
             fpc_tree_total(g) = fpc_tree_total(g) + fpcgrid(p)
             fpc_inc_tree(g) = fpc_inc_tree(g) + fpc_inc(p)
          else ! if shrubs
             fpc_shrub_total(g) = fpc_shrub_total(g) + fpcgrid(p)
          end if
       else    ! if grass
          fpc_grass_total(g) = fpc_grass_total(g) + fpcgrid(p)
       end if
    end do

    do g = lbg, ubg
       fpc_grass_max(g) = 1._r8 - min(fpc_tree_total(g), fpc_tree_max)
       fpc_shrub_max(g) = max(0._r8, fpc_grass_max(g) - fpc_grass_total(g))
    end do

    ! The gridcell level metrics are now in place; continue...
    ! slevis replaced the previous code that updated pfpcgrid
    ! with a simpler way of doing so:
    ! fpcgrid(p) = fpcgrid(p) - excess
    ! Later we may wish to update this subroutine
    ! according to Strassmann's recommendations (see relevant pdf)

    do fp = 1,num_natvegp
       p = filter_natvegp(fp)
       g = pgridcell(p)

       ! light competition

       if (woody(ivt(p))==1._r8 .and. tree(ivt(p))==1._r8) then

          if (fpc_tree_total(g) > fpc_tree_max) then

             if (fpc_inc_tree(g) > 0._r8) then
                excess = (fpc_tree_total(g) - fpc_tree_max) * &
                     fpc_inc(p) / fpc_inc_tree(g)
                excess = (fpc_tree_total(g) - fpc_tree_max) / &
             end if

             ! Reduce individual density (and thereby gridcell-level biomass)
             ! so that total tree FPC reduced to 'fpc_tree_max'

             if (fpcgrid(p) > 0._r8) then
                nind_kill = nind(p) * excess / fpcgrid(p)
                nind(p) = max(0._r8, nind(p) - nind_kill)
                fpcgrid(p) = max(0._r8, fpcgrid(p) - excess)
                nind(p) = 0._r8
                fpcgrid(p) = 0._r8
             end if

          ! Transfer lost biomass to litter

          end if ! if tree cover exceeds max allowed
       else if (woody(ivt(p))==0._r8) then ! grass

          if (fpc_grass_total(g) > fpc_grass_max(g)) then

             ! grass competes with itself if total fpc exceeds 1

             excess = (fpc_grass_total(g) - fpc_grass_max(g)) * fpcgrid(p) / fpc_grass_total(g)
             fpcgrid(p) = max(0._r8, fpcgrid(p) - excess)

          end if

       else if (woody(ivt(p))==1._r8 .and. tree(ivt(p))==0._r8) then ! shrub

          if (fpc_shrub_total(g) > fpc_shrub_max(g)) then

             excess = 1._r8 - fpc_shrub_max(g) / fpc_shrub_total(g)

             ! Reduce individual density (and thereby gridcell-level biomass)
             ! so that total shrub FPC reduced to fpc_shrub_max(g)

             if (fpcgrid(p) > 0._r8) then
                nind_kill = nind(p) * excess / fpcgrid(p)
                nind(p) = max(0._r8, nind(p) - nind_kill)
                fpcgrid(p) = max(0._r8, fpcgrid(p) - excess)
                nind(p) = 0._r8
                fpcgrid(p) = 0._r8
             end if

          end if

       end if   ! end of if-tree

    end do

  end subroutine Light


end module CNDVLightMod