module clm_varctl 172,2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !MODULE: clm_varctl ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Module containing run control variables ! ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8 use clm_varpar, only: maxpatch_glcmec ! ! ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: implicit none public :: set_clmvarctl ! Set variables public :: clmvarctl_init ! Initialize and check values after namelist input private save ! ! !PUBLIC TYPES: ! integer, parameter, private :: iundef = -9999999 integer, parameter, private :: rundef = -9999999._r8 ! ! Run control variables ! character(len=256), public :: caseid = ' ' ! case id character(len=256), public :: ctitle = ' ' ! case title integer, public :: nsrest = iundef ! 0: initial run. 1: restart: 3: branch logical, public :: brnch_retain_casename = .false. ! true => allow case name to remain the same for branch run ! by default this is not allowed logical, public :: noland = .false. ! true => no valid land points -- do NOT run character(len=256), public :: hostname = ' ' ! Hostname of machine running on character(len=256), public :: username = ' ' ! username of user running program character(len=256), public :: source = "Community Land Model CLM4.0" ! description of this source character(len=256), public :: version = " " ! version of program character(len=256), public :: conventions = "CF-1.0" ! dataset conventions ! ! Aerosol deposition file read (will be removed) ! logical, public :: set_caerdep_from_file = .false. ! if reading in carbon aerosol deposition from file logical, public :: set_dustdep_from_file = .false. ! if reading in dust aerosol deposition from file character(len=256), public :: faerdep = ' ' ! aerosol deposition file name ! ! Unit Numbers ! integer, public :: iulog = 6 ! "stdout" log file unit number, default is 6 ! ! Initial file variables ! character(len= 8), public :: hist_crtinic = 'NONE' ! if set to 'MONTHLY' or 'YEARLY', write initial cond. file ! ! Output NetCDF files ! logical, public :: outnc_large_files = .true. ! large file support for output NetCDF files ! ! Run input files ! character(len=256), public :: finidat = ' ' ! initial conditions file name character(len=256), public :: fsurdat = ' ' ! surface data file name character(len=256), public :: fatmgrid = ' ' ! atm grid file name character(len=256), public :: fatmlndfrc = ' ' ! lnd frac file on atm grid character(len=256), public :: fatmtopo = ' ' ! topography on atm grid character(len=256), public :: flndtopo = ' ' ! topography on lnd grid character(len=256), public :: fpftdyn = ' ' ! dynamic landuse dataset character(len=256), public :: fpftcon = ' ' ! ASCII data file with PFT physiological constants character(len=256), public :: nrevsn = ' ' ! restart data file name for branch run character(len=256), public :: fsnowoptics = ' ' ! snow optical properties file name character(len=256), public :: fsnowaging = ' ' ! snow aging parameters file name character(len=256), public :: fglcmask = ' ' ! glacier mask file name character(len=8), public :: fget_archdev = 'null:' ! archive device to read input files from if not on local disk ! ! Landunit logic ! logical, public :: create_crop_landunit = .false. ! true => separate crop landunit is not created by default logical, public :: allocate_all_vegpfts = .false. ! true => allocate memory for all possible vegetated pfts on ! vegetated landunit if at least one pft has nonzero weight ! ! BGC logic and datasets ! character(len=16), public :: co2_type = 'constant' ! values of 'prognostic','diagnostic','constant' #ifdef CN logical, public :: use_ndepstream = .false. ! Use Nitrogen depostion streams rather than fixed files logical, public :: scaled_harvest = .false. ! true => scale CN harvesting according to coefficients determined ! by Johann Feddema, circa 2009 character(len=256), public :: fndepdat = ' ' ! static nitrogen deposition data file name character(len=256), public :: fndepdyn = ' ' ! dynamic nitrogen deposition data file name #endif ! ! Physics ! logical, public :: wrtdia = .false. ! true => write global average diagnostics to std out real(r8), public :: co2_ppmv = 355._r8 ! atmospheric CO2 molar ratio (by volume) (umol/mol) ! glacier_mec control variables: default values (may be overwritten by namelist) ! NOTE: glc_nec and glc_smb must have the same values for CLM and GLC logical, public :: create_glacier_mec_landunit = .false. ! glacier_mec landunit is not created logical, public :: glc_dyntopo = .false. ! true => CLM glacier topography changes dynamically logical, public :: glc_smb = .false. ! if true, pass surface mass balance info to GLC ! if false, pass positive-degree-day info to GLC integer, public :: glc_nec = 0 ! number of elevation classes for glacier_mec landunits real(r8), public :: glc_topomax(0:maxpatch_glcmec) ! upper limit of each class (m) ! ! single column control variables ! logical, public :: single_column = .false. ! true => single column mode real(r8), public:: scmlat = rundef ! single column lat real(r8), public:: scmlon = rundef ! single column lon #ifdef RTM ! ! Rtm control variables ! character(len=256), public :: frivinp_rtm = ' ' ! RTM input data file name integer, public :: rtm_nsteps = iundef ! if > 1, average rtm over rtm_nsteps time steps logical, public :: ice_runoff = .true. ! true => runoff should be split into liquid and ice otherwise just liquid #endif ! ! Decomp control variables ! integer, public :: nsegspc = 20 ! number of segments per clump for decomp ! ! Derived variables (run, history and restart file) ! character(len=256), public :: rpntdir = '.' ! directory name for local restart pointer file character(len=256), public :: rpntfil = 'rpointer.lnd' ! file name for local restart pointer file ! ! Error growth perturbation limit ! real(r8), public :: pertlim = 0.0_r8 ! perturbation limit when doing error growth test ! ! History File control ! TODO: Remove the ones NOT really needed, put BUILDPIO #ifdef around ones that require PIO, make sure function correctly. ! logical, public :: hist_pioflag = .false. ! turns on and off hist with pio logical, public :: ncd_lowmem2d = .true. ! turns on low memory 2d writes in clm hist logical, public :: ncd_pio_def = .false. ! default pio use setting logical, public :: ncd_pio_UseRearranger = .true. ! use MCT or box logical, public :: ncd_pio_UseBoxRearr = .false. ! use box logical, public :: ncd_pio_SerialCDF = .false. ! write with pio serial netcdf mode logical, public :: ncd_pio_IODOF_rootonly = .false. ! write history in pio from root only integer, public :: ncd_pio_DebugLevel = 2 ! pio debug level integer, public :: ncd_pio_num_iotasks = 999999999 ! num of iotasks to use ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Created by Mariana Vertenstein and Gordon Bonan ! 1 June 2004, Peter Thornton: added fnedpdat for nitrogen deposition data ! !EOP !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical, private :: clmvarctl_isset = .false. !=============================================================== contains !=============================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: set_clmvarctl ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine set_clmvarctl( caseid_in, ctitle_in, brnch_retain_casename_in, & 2,2 single_column_in, scmlat_in, scmlon_in, nsrest_in, & version_in, hostname_in, username_in ) ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Set input control variables. ! ! !USES: use shr_sys_mod, only : shr_sys_abort ! ! !ARGUMENTS: character(len=256), optional, intent(IN) :: caseid_in ! case id character(len=256), optional, intent(IN) :: ctitle_in ! case title logical, optional, intent(IN) :: brnch_retain_casename_in ! true => allow case name to remain the same for branch run logical, optional, intent(IN) :: single_column_in ! true => single column mode real(r8), optional, intent(IN) :: scmlat_in ! single column lat real(r8), optional, intent(IN) :: scmlon_in ! single column lon integer, optional, intent(IN) :: nsrest_in ! 0: initial run. 1: restart: 3: branch character(len=256), optional, intent(IN) :: version_in ! model version character(len=256), optional, intent(IN) :: hostname_in ! hostname running on character(len=256), optional, intent(IN) :: username_in ! username running job ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: character(len=32) :: subname = 'set_clmvarctl' ! subroutine name ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Author: Erik Kluzek ! !EOP !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( clmvarctl_isset )then call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: control variables already set -- can not call this subroutine' ) end if if ( present(caseid_in ) ) caseid = caseid_in if ( present(ctitle_in ) ) ctitle = ctitle_in if ( present(single_column_in) ) single_column = single_column_in if ( present(scmlat_in ) ) scmlat = scmlat_in if ( present(scmlon_in ) ) scmlon = scmlon_in if ( present(nsrest_in ) ) nsrest = nsrest_in if ( present(brnch_retain_casename_in) ) brnch_retain_casename = brnch_retain_casename_in if ( present(version_in ) ) version = version_in if ( present(username_in ) ) username = username_in if ( present(hostname_in ) ) hostname = hostname_in end subroutine set_clmvarctl !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !BOP ! ! !IROUTINE: clmvarctl_init ! ! !INTERFACE: subroutine clmvarctl_init( masterproc, dtime ) 1,16 ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Check that values are correct, and finish setting variables based on other variables. ! ! !USES: use shr_sys_mod , only : shr_sys_abort use clm_varpar , only : maxpatch_pft, numpft ! ! !ARGUMENTS: logical, intent(IN) :: masterproc ! proc 0 logical for printing msgs integer, intent(IN) :: dtime ! timestep in seconds ! ! !LOCAL VARIABLES: character(len=32) :: subname = 'clmvarctl_init' ! subroutine name ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! Author: Erik Kluzek ! !EOP !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! landunit generation if (maxpatch_pft == numpft+1) then allocate_all_vegpfts = .true. else allocate_all_vegpfts = .false. end if if (masterproc) then ! Consistency settings for co2 type if (co2_type /= 'constant' .and. co2_type /= 'prognostic' .and. co2_type /= 'diagnostic') then write(iulog,*)'co2_type = ',co2_type,' is not supported' call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: choices are constant, prognostic or diagnostic' ) end if ! Consistency settings for dynamic land use, etc. if (fpftdyn /= ' ' .and. create_crop_landunit) & call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: dynamic landuse is currently not supported with create_crop_landunit option' ) if (create_crop_landunit .and. .not.allocate_all_vegpfts) & call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: maxpft<numpft+1 is currently not supported with create_crop_landunit option' ) if (fpftdyn /= ' ') then #if (defined CNDV) call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: dynamic landuse is currently not supported with CNDV option' ) #elif (defined CASA) call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: dynamic landuse is currently not supported with CASA option' ) #endif end if if (create_glacier_mec_landunit) then #if (defined GLC_NEC_1) glc_nec = 1 #elif (defined GLC_NEC_3) glc_nec = 3 #elif (defined GLC_NEC_5) glc_nec = 5 #elif (defined GLC_NEC_10) glc_nec = 10 #else call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: glc_nec must be 1, 3, 5, or 10 to create glacier_mec landunit') #endif else ! no glacier_mec landunit if (glc_nec /= 0) then write(iulog,*) 'glc_nec =', glc_nec call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: no glacier_mec landunit; must have glc_nec = 0') endif if (glc_smb ) then call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: glc_smb true, but create_glacier_mec NOT true') endif if (glc_dyntopo) then call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: glc_dyntopo true, but create_glacier_mec NOT true') endif endif ! create_glacier_mec_landunit #if (defined RTM) ! If rtm_nsteps was not entered in the namelist, give it the following default value if (rtm_nsteps == iundef) rtm_nsteps = (3600*3)/dtime ! 3 hours #endif ! Check on run type if (nsrest == iundef) call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: must set nsrest' ) if (nsrest == 3 .and. nrevsn == ' ') & call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR: need to set restart data file name' ) ! Check on nitrogen deposition dataset #ifdef CN if (fndepdat /= ' ' .and. fndepdyn /= ' ') & call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR: only one of fndepdat or fndepdyn can be defined' ) #endif ! Model physics if ( (co2_ppmv <= 0.0_r8) .or. (co2_ppmv > 3000.0_r8) ) & call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR: co2_ppmv is out of a reasonable range' ) if (nsrest == 0) nrevsn = ' ' if (nsrest == 1) nrevsn = 'set by restart pointer file file' if (trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'MONTHLY' .and. trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'YEARLY' .and. & trim(hist_crtinic) /= '6-HOURLY' .and. trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'DAILY' ) & hist_crtinic = 'NONE' if ( single_column .and. (scmlat == rundef .or. scmlon == rundef ) ) & call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR:: single column mode on -- but scmlat and scmlon are NOT set' ) if (hist_pioflag .and. ncd_lowmem2d) then ncd_lowmem2d = .false. write(iulog,*) 'control: resetting ncd_lowmem2d to false' endif endif ! end of if-masterproc if-block clmvarctl_isset = .true. end subroutine clmvarctl_init end module clm_varctl