#include <misc.h>
#include <preproc.h>

module pft2colMod 9,3

! !MODULE: pft2colMod
! Contains calls to methods to perfom averages over from pfts to columns
! for model variables.
! !USES:
  use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use subgridAveMod
  use clmtype
  implicit none
  public :: p2c  ! obtain column properties from average over column pfts
! 03/09/08: Created by Mariana Vertenstein


! !IROUTINE: pft2col

  subroutine pft2col (lbc, ubc, num_nolakec, filter_nolakec) 1,11
! Averages over all pfts for variables defined over both soil and lake
! to provide the column-level averages of state and flux variables
! defined at the pft level.
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: lbc, ubc                    ! column bounds
    integer, intent(in) :: num_nolakec                 ! number of column non-lake points in column filter
    integer, intent(in) :: filter_nolakec(ubc-lbc+1)   ! column filter for non-lake points
! 03/09/08: Created by Mariana Vertenstein
    integer :: c,fc                      ! indices
    integer :: num_allc                  ! number of total column points
    integer :: filter_allc(ubc-lbc+1)    ! filter for all column points
    real(r8), pointer :: ptrp(:)         ! pointer to input pft array
    real(r8), pointer :: ptrc(:)         ! pointer to output column array
! -----------------------------------------------------------------

    ! Set up a filter for all column points

    num_allc = ubc-lbc+1
    fc = 0
    do c = lbc,ubc
       fc = fc + 1
       filter_allc(fc) = c
    end do

    ! Averaging for pft water state variables

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pws%h2ocan
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cws%pws_a%h2ocan
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

    ! Averaging for pft water flux variables

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_evap_tot
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_evap_tot
    call p2c (num_allc, filter_allc, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_rain_grnd
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_rain_grnd
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_snow_grnd
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snow_grnd
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)
    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_snwcp_liq
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snwcp_liq
    call p2c (num_allc, filter_allc, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_snwcp_ice
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snwcp_ice
    call p2c (num_allc, filter_allc, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_tran_veg
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_tran_veg
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_evap_grnd
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_evap_grnd
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_dew_grnd
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_dew_grnd
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_sub_snow
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_sub_snow
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

    ptrp => clm3%g%l%c%p%pwf%qflx_dew_snow
    ptrc => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_dew_snow
    call p2c (num_nolakec, filter_nolakec, ptrp, ptrc)

  end subroutine pft2col

end module pft2colMod