!=============================================================================== ! SVN $Id: shr_string_mod.F90 18548 2009-09-26 23:55:51Z tcraig $ ! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/csm_share/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_share3_100616/shr/shr_string_mod.F90 $ !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !MODULE: shr_string_mod -- string and list methods ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! General string and specific list method. A list is a single string ! that is delimited by a character forming multiple fields, ie, ! character(len=*) :: mylist = "t:s:u1:v1:u2:v2:taux:tauy" ! The delimiter is called listDel in this module, is default ":", ! but can be set by a call to shr_string_listSetDel. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Apr-28 - T. Craig - first version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ module shr_string_mod 27,6 ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod ! F90 kinds use shr_sys_mod ! shared system calls use shr_cal_mod ! shared calendar use shr_timer_mod, only : shr_timer_get, shr_timer_start, shr_timer_stop use shr_log_mod, only : s_loglev => shr_log_Level use shr_log_mod, only : s_logunit => shr_log_Unit implicit none private ! !PUBLIC TYPES: ! no public types ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: shr_string_countChar ! Count number of char in string, fn public :: shr_string_toUpper ! Convert string to upper-case public :: shr_string_toLower ! Convert string to lower-case public :: shr_string_getParentDir ! For a pathname get the parent directory name public :: shr_string_lastIndex ! Index of last substr in str public :: shr_string_endIndex ! Index of end of substr in str public :: shr_string_leftAlign ! remove leading white space public :: shr_string_alphanum ! remove all non alpha-numeric characters public :: shr_string_betweenTags ! get the substring between the two tags public :: shr_string_parseCFtunit ! parse CF time units public :: shr_string_clean ! Set string to all white space public :: shr_string_listIsValid ! test for a valid "list" public :: shr_string_listGetNum ! Get number of fields in list, fn public :: shr_string_listGetIndex ! Get index of field public :: shr_string_listGetIndexF ! function version of listGetIndex public :: shr_string_listGetName ! get k-th field name public :: shr_string_listIntersect ! get intersection of two field lists public :: shr_string_listUnion ! get union of two field lists public :: shr_string_listMerge ! merge two lists to form third public :: shr_string_listAppend ! append list at end of another public :: shr_string_listPrepend ! prepend list in front of another public :: shr_string_listSetDel ! Set field delimeter in lists public :: shr_string_listGetDel ! Get field delimeter in lists public :: shr_string_setAbort ! set local abort flag public :: shr_string_setDebug ! set local debug flag ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: ! no public data members !EOP character(len=1) ,save :: listDel = ":" ! note single exec implications character(len=2) ,save :: listDel2 = "::" ! note single exec implications logical ,save :: doabort = .true. integer(SHR_KIND_IN),save :: debug = 0 !=============================================================================== contains !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_countChar -- Count number of occurances of a character ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! count number of occurances of a single character in a string ! \newline ! n = shr\_string\_countChar(string,character) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Feb-28 - First version from dshr_bundle ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function shr_string_countChar(str,char,rc) 1,3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: str ! string to search character(1) ,intent(in) :: char ! char to search for integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out),optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: count ! counts occurances of char integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n ! generic index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_countChar) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_countChar) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) count = 0 do n = 1, len_trim(str) if (str(n:n) == char) count = count + 1 end do shr_string_countChar = count if (present(rc)) rc = 0 if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_countChar !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_toUpper -- Convert string to upper case ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Convert the input string to upper-case. ! Use achar and iachar intrinsics to ensure use of ascii collating sequence. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Dec-20 - Move CAM version over to shared code. ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ function shr_string_toUpper(str) 10,4 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(len=*), intent(in) :: str ! String to convert to upper case character(len=len(str)) :: shr_string_toUpper !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i ! Index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: aseq ! ascii collating sequence integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: LowerToUpper ! integer to convert case character(len=1) :: ctmp ! Character temporary integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_toUpper) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_toUpper) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) LowerToUpper = iachar("A") - iachar("a") do i = 1, len(str) ctmp = str(i:i) aseq = iachar(ctmp) if ( aseq >= iachar("a") .and. aseq <= iachar("z") ) & ctmp = achar(aseq + LowertoUpper) shr_string_toUpper(i:i) = ctmp end do if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_toUpper !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_toLower -- Convert string to lower case ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Convert the input string to lower-case. ! Use achar and iachar intrinsics to ensure use of ascii collating sequence. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2006-Apr-20 - Creation ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ function shr_string_toLower(str) 1,4 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(len=*), intent(in) :: str ! String to convert to lower case character(len=len(str)) :: shr_string_toLower !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i ! Index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: aseq ! ascii collating sequence integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: UpperToLower ! integer to convert case character(len=1) :: ctmp ! Character temporary integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_toLower) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_toLower) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) UpperToLower = iachar("a") - iachar("A") do i = 1, len(str) ctmp = str(i:i) aseq = iachar(ctmp) if ( aseq >= iachar("A") .and. aseq <= iachar("Z") ) & ctmp = achar(aseq + UpperToLower) shr_string_toLower(i:i) = ctmp end do if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_toLower !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_getParentDir -- For pathname get the parent directory name ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get the parent directory name for a pathname. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2006-May-09 - Creation ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ function shr_string_getParentDir(str),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(len=*), intent(in) :: str ! String to convert to lower case character(len=len(str)) :: shr_string_getParentDir !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i ! Index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: nlen ! Length of string integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_getParentDir) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_getParentDir) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) nlen = len_trim(str) if ( str(nlen:nlen) == "/" ) nlen = nlen - 1 i = index( str(1:nlen), "/", back=.true. ) if ( i == 0 )then shr_string_getParentDir = str else shr_string_getParentDir = str(1:i-1) end if if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_getParentDir !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_lastIndex -- Get index of last substr within string ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get index of last substr within string ! \newline ! n = shr\_string\_lastIndex(string,substring) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Feb-28 - First version from dshr_domain ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function shr_string_lastIndex(string,substr,rc) 7,3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: string ! string to search character(*) ,intent(in) :: substr ! sub-string to search for integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out),optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !--- local --- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_lastIndex) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_lastIndex) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Note: ! - "new" F90 back option to index function makes this home-grown solution obsolete !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) shr_string_lastIndex = index(string,substr,.true.) if (present(rc)) rc = 0 if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_lastIndex !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_endIndex -- Get the ending index of substr within string ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get the ending index of substr within string ! \newline ! n = shr\_string\_endIndex(string,substring) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-10 - B. Kauffman, first version. ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function shr_string_endIndex(string,substr,rc) 1,3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: string ! string to search character(*) ,intent(in) :: substr ! sub-string to search for integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out),optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !--- local --- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i ! generic index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_endIndex) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_endIndex) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! * returns zero if substring not found, uses len_trim() intrinsic ! * very similar to: i = index(str,substr,back=.true.) ! * do we need this function? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) i = index(trim(string),trim(substr)) if ( i == 0 ) then shr_string_endIndex = 0 ! substr is not in string else shr_string_endIndex = i + len_trim(substr) - 1 end if ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! i = index(trim(string),trim(substr),back=.true.) ! if (i == len(string)+1) i = 0 ! shr_string_endIndex = i ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(rc)) rc = 0 if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_endIndex !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_leftAlign -- remove leading white space ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Remove leading white space ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_leftAlign(string) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Apr-28 - B. Kauffman - First version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_leftAlign(str,rc) 22,3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(inout) :: str integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) ,optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ---- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_leftAlign) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_leftAlign) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! note: ! * ?? this routine isn't needed, use the intrisic adjustL instead ?? !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- I used this until I discovered the intrinsic function below - BK ! do while (len_trim(str) > 0 ) ! if (str(1:1) /= ' ') exit ! str = str(2:len_trim(str)) ! end do ! rCode = 0 ! !! (len_trim(str) == 0 ) rCode = 1 ! ?? appropriate ?? ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- str = adjustL(str) if (present(rc)) rc = 0 if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_leftAlign !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_alphanum -- remove non alpha numeric characters ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Remove all non alpha numeric characters from string ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_alphanum(string) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Aug-01 - T. Craig - First version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_alphanum(str,rc),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(inout) :: str integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) ,optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ---- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n,icnt ! counters integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_alphaNum) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_alphaNum) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) icnt = 0 do n=1,len_trim(str) if ((str(n:n) >= 'a' .and. str(n:n) <= 'z') .or. & (str(n:n) >= 'A' .and. str(n:n) <= 'Z') .or. & (str(n:n) >= '0' .and. str(n:n) <= '9')) then icnt = icnt + 1 str(icnt:icnt) = str(n:n) endif enddo do n=icnt+1,len(str) str(n:n) = ' ' enddo if (present(rc)) rc = 0 if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_alphanum !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_betweenTags -- Get the substring between the two tags. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get the substring found between the start and end tags. ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_betweenTags(string,startTag,endTag,substring,rc) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-11 - B. Kauffman, first version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_betweenTags(string,startTag,endTag,substr,rc),4 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: string ! string to search character(*) ,intent(in) :: startTag ! start tag character(*) ,intent(in) :: endTag ! end tag character(*) ,intent(out) :: substr ! sub-string between tags integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out),optional :: rc ! retrun code !EOP !--- local --- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: iStart ! substring start index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: iEnd ! substring end index integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_betweenTags) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_betweenTags) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! * assumes the leading/trailing white space is not part of start & end tags !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) iStart = shr_string_endIndex(string,trim(adjustL(startTag))) ! end of start tag iEnd = index(string,trim(adjustL(endTag ))) ! start of end tag rCode = 0 substr = "" if (iStart < 1) then if (s_loglev > 0) then write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: can't find start tag in string" write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: start tag = ",trim(startTag) write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: string = ",trim(string) endif rCode = 1 else if (iEnd < 1) then if (s_loglev > 0) then write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: can't find end tag in string" write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: end tag = ",trim( endTag) write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: string = ",trim(string) endif rCode = 2 else if ( iEnd <= iStart) then if (s_loglev > 0) then write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: start tag not before end tag" write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: start tag = ",trim(startTag) write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: end tag = ",trim( endTag) write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: string = ",trim(string) endif rCode = 3 else if ( iStart+1 == iEnd ) then substr = "" if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) "WARNING: zero-length substring found in ",trim(string) else substr = string(iStart+1:iEnd-1) if (len_trim(substr) == 0 .and. s_loglev > 0) & & write(s_logunit,F00) "WARNING: white-space substring found in ",trim(string) end if if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_betweenTags !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_parseCFtunit -- Parse CF time unit ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Parse CF time unit into a delta string name and a base time in yyyymmdd ! and seconds (nearest integer actually). ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_parseCFtunit(string,substring) ! \newline ! Input string is like "days since 0001-06-15 15:20:45.5 -6:00" ! - recognizes "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" ! - must have at least yyyy-mm-dd, hh:mm:ss.s is optional ! - expects a "since" in the string ! - ignores time zone part ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-15 - T. Craig - first version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_parseCFtunit(string,unit,bdate,bsec,rc) 2,19 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: string ! string to search character(*) ,intent(out) :: unit ! delta time unit integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: bdate ! base date yyyymmdd real(SHR_KIND_R8) ,intent(out) :: bsec ! base seconds integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out),optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !--- local --- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i,i1,i2 ! generic index character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: tbase ! baseline time character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: lstr ! local string integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: yr,mo,da,hr,min ! time stuff real(SHR_KIND_R8) :: sec ! time stuff integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_parseCFtunit) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_parseCFtunit) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! o assume length of CF-1.0 time attribute char string < SHR_KIND_CL ! This is a reasonable assumption. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) unit = 'none' bdate = 0 bsec = 0.0_SHR_KIND_R8 i = shr_string_lastIndex(string,'days ') if (i > 0) unit = 'days' i = shr_string_lastIndex(string,'hours ') if (i > 0) unit = 'hours' i = shr_string_lastIndex(string,'minutes ') if (i > 0) unit = 'minutes' i = shr_string_lastIndex(string,'seconds ') if (i > 0) unit = 'seconds' if (trim(unit) == 'none') then write(s_logunit,F00) ' ERROR time unit unknown' call shr_string_abort(subName//' time unit unknown') endif i = shr_string_lastIndex(string,' since ') if (i < 1) then write(s_logunit,F00) ' ERROR since does not appear in unit attribute for time ' call shr_string_abort(subName//' no since in attr name') endif tbase = trim(string(i+6:)) call shr_string_leftAlign(tbase) if (debug > 0 .and. s_logunit > 0) then write(s_logunit,*) trim(subName)//' '//'unit '//trim(unit) write(s_logunit,*) trim(subName)//' '//'tbase '//trim(tbase) endif yr=0; mo=0; da=0; hr=0; min=0; sec=0 i1 = 1 i2 = index(tbase,'-') - 1 lstr = tbase(i1:i2) read(lstr,*,ERR=200,END=200) yr tbase = tbase(i2+2:) call shr_string_leftAlign(tbase) i2 = index(tbase,'-') - 1 lstr = tbase(i1:i2) read(lstr,*,ERR=200,END=200) mo tbase = tbase(i2+2:) call shr_string_leftAlign(tbase) i2 = index(tbase,' ') - 1 lstr = tbase(i1:i2) read(lstr,*,ERR=200,END=200) da tbase = tbase(i2+2:) call shr_string_leftAlign(tbase) i2 = index(tbase,':') - 1 lstr = tbase(i1:i2) read(lstr,*,ERR=200,END=100) hr tbase = tbase(i2+2:) call shr_string_leftAlign(tbase) i2 = index(tbase,':') - 1 lstr = tbase(i1:i2) read(lstr,*,ERR=200,END=100) min tbase = tbase(i2+2:) call shr_string_leftAlign(tbase) i2 = index(tbase,' ') - 1 lstr = tbase(i1:i2) read(lstr,*,ERR=200,END=100) sec 100 continue if (debug > 0 .and. s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,*) trim(subName),'ymdhms:',yr,mo,da,hr,min,sec call shr_cal_ymd2date(yr,mo,da,bdate) bsec = real(hr*3600 + min*60,SHR_KIND_R8) + sec if (present(rc)) rc = 0 if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) return 200 continue write(s_logunit,F00) 'ERROR 200 on char num read ' call shr_string_abort(subName//' ERROR on char num read') if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) return end subroutine shr_string_parseCFtunit !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_clean -- Clean a string, set it to "blank" ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Clean a string, set it to blank ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_clean(string,rc) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - T. Craig ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_clean(string,rc) 7,3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(inout) :: string ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n ! counter integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_clean) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_clean) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 string = ' ' if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_clean !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listIsValid -- determine whether string is a valid list ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Determine whether string is a valid list ! \newline ! logical_var = shr\_string\_listIsValid(list,rc) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - B. Kauffman ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ logical function shr_string_listIsValid(list,rc),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: list ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer (SHR_KIND_IN) :: nChar ! lenth of list integer (SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer (SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listIsValid) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listIsValid) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check that the list conforms to the list format !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 shr_string_listIsValid = .true. nChar = len_trim(list) if (nChar < 1) then ! list is an empty string rCode = 1 else if ( list(1:1) == listDel ) then ! first char is delimiter rCode = 2 else if (list(nChar:nChar) == listDel ) then ! last char is delimiter rCode = 3 else if (index(trim(list)," " ) > 0) then ! white-space in a field name rCode = 4 else if (index(trim(list),listDel2) > 0) then ! found zero length field rCode = 5 end if if (rCode /= 0) then shr_string_listIsValid = .false. if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) "WARNING: invalid list = ",trim(list) endif if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_listIsValid !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listGetName -- Get name of k-th field in list ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get name of k-th field in list ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listGetName(list,k,name,rc) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - B. Kauffman ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listGetName(list,k,name,rc) 15,6 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: list ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN) ,intent(in) :: k ! index of field character(*) ,intent(out) :: name ! k-th name in list integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i,j,n ! generic indecies integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: kFlds ! number of fields in list integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i0,i1 ! name = list(i0:i1) integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listGetName) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listGetName) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 !--- check that this is a valid list --- if (.not. shr_string_listIsValid(list,rCode) ) then write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: invalid list = ",trim(list) call shr_string_abort(subName//" ERROR: invalid list = "//trim(list)) end if !--- check that this is a valid index --- kFlds = shr_string_listGetNum(list) if (k<1 .or. kFlds<k) then write(s_logunit,*) subName,"ERROR: invalid index = ",k write(s_logunit,*) subName,"ERROR: list = ",trim(list) call shr_string_abort(subName//" ERROR: invalid index") end if !--- start with whole list, then remove fields before and after desired field --- i0 = 1 i1 = len_trim(list) !--- remove field names before desired field --- do n=2,k i = index(list(i0:i1),listDel) i0 = i0 + i end do !--- remove field names after desired field --- if ( k < kFlds ) then i = index(list(i0:i1),listDel) i1 = i0 + i - 2 end if !--- copy result into output variable --- name = list(i0:i1)//" " if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listGetName !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listIntersect -- Get intersection of two field lists ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get intersection of two fields lists, write into third list ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listIntersect(list1,list2,listout) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - T. Craig ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listIntersect(list1,list2,listout,rc) 1,8 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: list1 ! list/string character(*) ,intent(in) :: list2 ! list/string character(*) ,intent(out) :: listout ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: nf,n1,n2 ! counters character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: name ! field name integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listIntersect) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listIntersect) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 nf = shr_string_listGetNum(list1) call shr_string_clean(listout) do n1 = 1,nf call shr_string_listGetName(list1,n1,name,rCode) n2 = shr_string_listGetIndexF(list2,name) if (n2 > 0) then call shr_string_listAppend(listout,name) endif enddo if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listIntersect !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listUnion -- Get union of two field lists ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get union of two fields lists, write into third list ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listUnion(list1,list2,listout) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - T. Craig ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listUnion(list1,list2,listout,rc),12 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: list1 ! list/string character(*) ,intent(in) :: list2 ! list/string character(*) ,intent(out) :: listout ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: nf,n1,n2 ! counters character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: name ! field name integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listUnion) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listUnion) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 call shr_string_clean(listout) nf = shr_string_listGetNum(list1) do n1 = 1,nf call shr_string_listGetName(list1,n1,name,rCode) n2 = shr_string_listGetIndexF(listout,name) if (n2 < 1) then call shr_string_listAppend(listout,name) endif enddo nf = shr_string_listGetNum(list2) do n1 = 1,nf call shr_string_listGetName(list2,n1,name,rCode) n2 = shr_string_listGetIndexF(listout,name) if (n2 < 1) then call shr_string_listAppend(listout,name) endif enddo if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listUnion !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listMerge -- Merge lists two list to third ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Merge two list to third ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listMerge(list1,list2,listout) ! call shr\_string\_listMerge(list1,list2,list1) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - T. Craig ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listMerge(list1,list2,listout,rc),10 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: list1 ! list/string character(*) ,intent(in) :: list2 ! list/string character(*) ,intent(out) :: listout ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- character(SHR_KIND_CX) :: l1,l2 ! local char strings integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listMerge) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listMerge) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! - no input or output string should be longer than SHR_KIND_CX !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 !--- make sure temp strings are large enough --- if ( (len(l1) < len_trim(list1)) .or. (len(l2) < len_trim(list2))) then call shr_string_abort(subName//'ERROR: temp string not large enough') end if call shr_string_clean(l1) call shr_string_clean(l2) call shr_string_clean(listout) l1 = trim(list1) l2 = trim(list2) call shr_string_leftAlign(l1,rCode) call shr_string_leftAlign(l2,rCode) if (len_trim(l1)+len_trim(l2)+1 > len(listout)) & call shr_string_abort(subName//'ERROR: output list string not large enough') if (len_trim(l1) == 0) then listout = trim(l2) else listout = trim(l1)//":"//trim(l2) endif if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listMerge !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listAppend -- Append one list to another ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Append one list to another ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listAppend(list,listadd) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - T. Craig ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listAppend(list,listadd,rc) 5,7 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(inout) :: list ! list/string character(*) ,intent(in) :: listadd ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- character(SHR_KIND_CX) :: l1 ! local string integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listAppend) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listAppend) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! - no input or output string should be longer than SHR_KIND_CX !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 !--- make sure temp string is large enough --- if (len(l1) < len_trim(listAdd)) then call shr_string_abort(subName//'ERROR: temp string not large enough') end if call shr_string_clean(l1) l1 = trim(listadd) call shr_string_leftAlign(l1,rCode) if (len_trim(list)+len_trim(l1)+1 > len(list)) & call shr_string_abort(subName//'ERROR: output list string not large enough') if (len_trim(list) == 0) then list = trim(l1) else list = trim(list)//":"//trim(l1) endif if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listAppend !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listPrepend -- Prepend one list to another ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Prepend one list to another ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listPrepend(listadd,list) ! \newline ! results in listadd:list ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-05 - T. Craig ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listPrepend(listadd,list,rc),8 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: listadd ! list/string character(*) ,intent(inout) :: list ! list/string integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional,intent(out) :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- character(SHR_KIND_CX) :: l1 ! local string integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rCode ! return code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listPrepend) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listPrepend) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! - no input or output string should be longer than SHR_KIND_CX !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) rCode = 0 !--- make sure temp string is large enough --- if (len(l1) < len_trim(listAdd)) then call shr_string_abort(subName//'ERROR: temp string not large enough') end if call shr_string_clean(l1) l1 = trim(listadd) call shr_string_leftAlign(l1,rCode) call shr_string_leftAlign(list,rCode) if (len_trim(list)+len_trim(l1)+1 > len(list)) & call shr_string_abort(subName//'ERROR: output list string not large enough') if (len_trim(l1) == 0) then list = trim(list) else list = trim(l1)//":"//trim(list) endif if (present(rc)) rc = rCode if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listPrepend !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listGetIndexF -- Get index of field in string ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get index of field in string ! \newline ! k = shr\_string\_listGetIndex(str,"taux") ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Feb-28 - B. Kauffman and J. Schramm - first version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function shr_string_listGetIndexF(string,fldStr) 448,4 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*),intent(in) :: string ! string character(*),intent(in) :: fldStr ! name of field !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: k ! local index variable integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: rc ! error code integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listGetIndexF) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listGetIndexF) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) call shr_string_listGetIndex(string,fldStr,k,print=.false.,rc=rc) shr_string_listGetIndexF = k if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_listGetIndexF !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listGetIndex -- Get index of field in string ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get index of field in string ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listGetIndex(str,"taux",k,rc) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Feb-28 - B. Kauffman and J. Schramm - first version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listGetIndex(string,fldStr,kFld,print,rc) 1,5 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*) ,intent(in) :: string ! string character(*) ,intent(in) :: fldStr ! name of field integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out) :: kFld ! index of field logical ,intent(in) ,optional :: print ! print switch integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(out),optional :: rc ! return code !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: n ! index for colon position integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: k ! index for field name position integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: nFields ! number of fields in a string integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: i0,i1 ! fldStr == string(i0,i1) ?? integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: j0,j1 ! fldStr == string(j0,j1) ?? logical :: found ! T => field found in fieldNames logical :: lprint ! local print flag integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listGetIndex) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listGetIndex) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: ! - searching from both ends of the list at the same time seems to be 20% faster ! but I'm not sure why (B. Kauffman, Feb 2007) ! - I commented out sanity check to a little gain speed (B. Kauffman, Mar 2007) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) if (present(rc)) rc = 0 lprint = .false. if (present(print)) lprint = print !--- confirm proper size of input data --- if (len_trim(fldStr) < 1) then if (lprint) write(s_logunit,F00) "ERROR: input field name has 0 length" call shr_string_abort(subName//"invalid field name") end if !--- search for field name in string's list of fields --- found = .false. kFld = 0 i0 = 1 ! ?? fldStr == string(i0:i1) ?? i1 = -1 j0 = -1 ! ?? fldStr == string(j0:j1) ?? j1 = len_trim(string) nFields = shr_string_listGetNum(string) do k = 1,nFields !-------------------------------------------------------- ! search from end of list to end of list !-------------------------------------------------------- !--- get end index of of field number k --- n = index(string(i0:len_trim(string)),listDel) if (n > 0) then i1 = i0 + n - 2 ! *not* the last field name in fieldNames else i1 = len_trim(string) ! this is the last field name in fieldNames endif !--- sanity check --- ! if ((k <nFields .and. n<1) .or. (k==nFields .and. n>0)) then ! call shr_string_abort(subName//"ERROR: wrong string%nf ?") ! end if !--- is it a match? --- if (trim(fldStr) == string(i0:i1)) then found = .true. kFld = k exit endif i0 = i1 + 2 ! start index for next iteration !-------------------------------------------------------- ! search from end of list to start of list !-------------------------------------------------------- !--- get start index of field number (nFields + 1 - k ) --- n = index(string(1:j1),listDel,back=.true.) j0 = n + 1 ! n==0 => the first field name in fieldNames !--- sanity check --- ! if ((k <nFields .and. n<1) .or. (k==nFields .and. n>0)) then ! call shr_string_abort(subName//"ERROR: wrong string%nf ?") ! end if !--- is it a match? --- if (trim(fldStr) == string(j0:j1)) then found = .true. kFld = nFields + 1 - k exit endif j1 = j0 - 2 ! end index for next iteration !-------------------------------------------------------- ! exit if all field names have been checked !-------------------------------------------------------- if (2*k >= nFields) exit end do !--- not finding a field is not a fatal error --- if (.not. found) then kFld = 0 if (lprint .and. s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) "FYI: field ",trim(fldStr)," not found in list ",trim(string) if (present(rc)) rc = 1 end if if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listGetIndex !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listGetNum -- get number of fields in a string list ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! return number of fields in string list ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Apr-28 - T. Craig - First version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function shr_string_listGetNum(str) 23,4 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*),intent(in) :: str ! string to search !EOP !----- local ----- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: count ! counts occurances of char integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listGetNum) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listGetNum) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes: !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) shr_string_listGetNum = 0 if (len_trim(str) > 0) then count = shr_string_countChar(str,listDel) shr_string_listGetNum = count + 1 endif if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end function shr_string_listGetNum !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listSetDel -- Set list delimeter character ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Set field delimeter character in lists ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listSetDel(":") ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Apr-30 - T. Craig - first prototype ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listSetDel(cflag),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(len=1),intent(in) :: cflag !EOP integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !--- formats --- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listSetDel) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listSetDel) ',a) " !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) if (debug > 0 .and. s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) 'changing listDel from '//trim(listDel)//' to '//trim(cflag) listDel = trim(cflag) listDel2 = listDel//listDel if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listSetDel !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_listGetDel -- Get list delimeter character ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get field delimeter character in lists ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_listGetDel(del) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-May-15 - T. Craig - first prototype ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_listGetDel(del),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*),intent(out) :: del !EOP integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !--- formats --- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_listGetDel) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_listGetDel) ',a) " !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) del = trim(listDel) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_listGetDel !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_setAbort -- Set local shr_string abort flag ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Set local shr_string abort flag, true = abort, false = print and continue ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_setAbort(.false.) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Apr-30 - T. Craig - first prototype ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_setAbort(flag),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical,intent(in) :: flag !EOP integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !--- formats --- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_setAbort) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_setAbort) ',a) " !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) if (debug > 0 .and. s_loglev > 0) then if (flag) then write(s_logunit,F00) 'setting abort to true' else write(s_logunit,F00) 'setting abort to false' endif endif doabort = flag if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_setAbort !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_string_setDebug -- Set local shr_string debug level ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Set local shr_string debug level, 0 = production ! \newline ! call shr\_string\_setDebug(2) ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2005-Apr-30 - T. Craig - first prototype ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_string_setDebug(iFlag),3 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(in) :: iFlag ! requested debug level !EOP !--- local --- integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !--- formats --- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_setDebug) " character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_setDebug) ',a) " character(*),parameter :: F01 = "('(shr_string_setDebug) ',a,i3,a,i3) " !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NTOE: write statement can be expensive if called many times. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iFlag>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (iFlag>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) ! if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F01) 'changing debug level from ',debug,' to ',iflag debug = iFlag if (iFlag>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_setDebug !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== subroutine shr_string_abort(string) 12,4 implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(*),optional,intent(in) :: string !EOP integer(SHR_KIND_IN) :: t01 = 0 ! timer !--- local --- character(SHR_KIND_CX) :: lstring character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_string_abort)" character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_string_abort) ',a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NOTE: ! - no input or output string should be longer than SHR_KIND_CX !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug>1 .and. t01<1) call shr_timer_get(t01,subName) if (debug>1) call shr_timer_start(t01) lstring = '' if (present(string)) lstring = string if (doabort) then call shr_sys_abort(trim(lstring)) else write(s_logunit,F00) ' no abort:'//trim(lstring) endif if (debug>1) call shr_timer_stop (t01) end subroutine shr_string_abort !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== end module shr_string_mod