!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module POP_ConfigMod 2,7 !BOP ! ! !MODULE: POP_ConfigMod ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routines for reading input configuration ! data from a configuration file. Variables for a specified module ! are read from an input file and broadcast to all processors. ! A default value for a variable can be specified and will be ! used if the variable is not found in the input file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: POP_ConfigMod.F90 15 2006-08-21 20:04:13Z $ ! 2007-12-17: Phil Jones ! initial version ! ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use POP_CommMod use POP_BroadcastMod implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: POP_ConfigOpen, & POP_ConfigClose, & POP_ConfigRead ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! private config module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (POP_charLength), parameter :: & configFileDefault = 'pop2_in' interface POP_ConfigRead 6 module procedure POP_ConfigReadI4 POP_ConfigReadR4, & POP_ConfigReadR8, & POP_ConfigReadLogical, & POP_ConfigReadCharacter end interface !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigOpen ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigOpen(iunit, errorCode, configFileName) 1,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine opens a configuration input file for reading. ! If no filename is supplied, the default filename is used. ! The unit number for the input file is returned for use by ! the configuration read routines. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in), optional :: & configFileName ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & iunit, &! I/O unit for config file errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: ierr ! status flag from open !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get unit number for input file to be read ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success call POP_IOUnitsGet(iunit) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if this is master task, open the file for reading and check for ! errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (present(configFileName)) then open(unit=iunit, file=configFileName, form='formatted', & status='old', action='read', position='rewind', & iostat=ierr) else open(unit=iunit, file=configFileDefault, form='formatted', & status='old', action='read', position='rewind', & iostat=ierr) endif endif call POP_Broadcast(ierr, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (ierr > 0 .or. errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigOpen: error opening config file') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigOpen !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigClose ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigClose(iunit, errorCode) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine closes an open configuration file and releases ! the assigned unit. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iunit ! I/O unit for config file ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if this is master task, open the file for reading and check for ! errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) close(iunit) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! release unit number ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_IOUnitsRelease(iunit) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigClose !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigRead ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigReadI4(iunit, moduleName, variableName, & 1,7 variable, defaultValue, errorCode, & outStringBefore, outStringAfter) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a variable from a configuration input file ! that has already been opened with a ConfigOpen call. Each variable ! in the input file is associated with a module, so the module name ! must also be supplied. If the variable is not present in the ! input file, the defaultValue is assigned. After a successful read, ! the value for the variable is broadcasted to other processors. ! Finally, the value is printing to stdout using either a generic ! output string or user-specified output defined by outStringBefore ! and outStringAfter. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETER: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iunit ! i/o unit of config file character (*), intent(in) :: & moduleName, &! name of module where this var resides variableName ! name of variable to be read integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & defaultValue ! default value to assign to variable character (*), intent(in), optional :: & outStringBefore, &! optional output string to precede variable value outStringAfter ! optional output string to follow variable value ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & variable ! variable to assing input value integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (POP_logical) :: & moduleFound, &! logical flag for module search variableFound, &! logical flag for variable search isOpen ! logical flag for file inquiry integer (POP_i4) :: & istat, &! I/O status flag indx, &! index for manipulating string errVal ! internal error flag character (POP_charLength) :: & inputString, &! temp for reading each record tmpString ! temp for manipulating input string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if unit is open and rewind unit ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success errVal = 0 if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then inquire(unit=iunit, opened=isOpen) if (isOpen) then rewind(iunit) else errVal = -1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for module name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moduleFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. isOpen) then moduleSearch: do ! read line from input file read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit moduleSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit moduleSearch endif ! look for ampersand, signifying a module name ! then check module name for a match tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '&') then if (trim(tmpString(2:)) == trim(moduleName)) then moduleFound = .true. exit moduleSearch endif else cycle moduleSearch endif end do moduleSearch if (.not. moduleFound) then errVal = -3 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for variable name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- variableFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. moduleFound) then varSearch: do ! read line from input file: should be name = value read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit varSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit varSearch endif ! check for end of module block tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '/') exit varSearch ! then check for a variable name match indx = index(tmpString,'=') if (trim(adjustl(tmpString(1:indx-1))) == & trim(variableName)) then variableFound = .true. exit varSearch endif end do varSearch endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(errVal, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting error value') return endif select case(errVal) case (-1) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: config file not opened for reading') return case (-2) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error reading record from config file') return case (-3) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: module name not found in config file') return case default end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract value from input string or set value to default ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (variableFound) then read(tmpString(indx+1:),*) variable else variable = defaultValue write(POP_stdout, '(a37,a)') & ' Using default value for variable: ', variableName endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! broadcast value to all processors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(variable, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting variable') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! output value to stdout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (present(outStringBefore)) then tmpString = outStringBefore else tmpString(:) = ' ' write(tmpString,'(a,a3)') variableName,' = ' endif if (present(outStringAfter)) then write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,i10,a)') trim(tmpString), ' ', & variable, outStringAfter else write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,i10)' ) trim(tmpString), ' ', & variable endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigReadI4 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigRead ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigReadR4(iunit, moduleName, variableName, &,7 variable, defaultValue, errorCode, & outStringBefore, outStringAfter) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a variable from a configuration input file ! that has already been opened with a ConfigOpen call. Each variable ! in the input file is associated with a module, so the module name ! must also be supplied. If the variable is not present in the ! input file, the defaultValue is assigned. After a successful read, ! the value for the variable is broadcasted to other processors. ! Finally, the value is printing to stdout using either a generic ! output string or user-specified output defined by outStringBefore ! and outStringAfter. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETER: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iunit ! i/o unit of config file character (*), intent(in) :: & moduleName, &! name of module where this var resides variableName ! name of variable to be read real (POP_r4), intent(in) :: & defaultValue ! default value to assign to variable character (*), intent(in), optional :: & outStringBefore, &! optional output string to precede variable value outStringAfter ! optional output string to follow variable value ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r4), intent(out) :: & variable ! variable to assing input value integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (POP_logical) :: & moduleFound, &! logical flag for module search variableFound, &! logical flag for variable search isOpen ! logical flag for file inquiry integer (POP_i4) :: & istat, &! I/O status flag indx, &! index for manipulating string errVal ! internal error flag character (POP_charLength) :: & inputString, &! temp for reading each record tmpString ! temp for manipulating input string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if unit is open and rewind unit ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success errVal = 0 if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then inquire(unit=iunit, opened=isOpen) if (isOpen) then rewind(iunit) else errVal = -1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for module name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moduleFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. isOpen) then moduleSearch: do ! read line from input file read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit moduleSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit moduleSearch endif ! look for ampersand, signifying a module name ! then check module name for a match tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '&') then if (trim(tmpString(2:)) == trim(moduleName)) then moduleFound = .true. exit moduleSearch endif else cycle moduleSearch endif end do moduleSearch if (.not. moduleFound) then errVal = -3 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for variable name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- variableFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. moduleFound) then varSearch: do ! read line from input file: should be name = value read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit varSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit varSearch endif ! check for end of module block tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '/') exit varSearch ! then check for a variable name match indx = index(tmpString,'=') if (trim(adjustl(tmpString(1:indx-1))) == & trim(variableName)) then variableFound = .true. exit varSearch endif end do varSearch endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(errVal, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting error value') return endif select case(errVal) case (-1) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: config file not opened for reading') return case (-2) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error reading record from config file') return case (-3) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: module name not found in config file') return case default end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract value from input string or set value to default ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (variableFound) then read(tmpString(indx+1:),*) variable else variable = defaultValue write(POP_stdout, '(a37,a)') & ' Using default value for variable: ', variableName endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! broadcast value to all processors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(variable, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting variable') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! output value to stdout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (present(outStringBefore)) then tmpString = outStringBefore else write(tmpString,'(a,a3)') variableName,' = ' endif if (present(outStringAfter)) then write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,1pe12.5,a)') trim(tmpString), ' ', & variable, outStringAfter else write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,1pe12.5)' ) trim(tmpString), ' ', & variable endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigReadR4 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigRead ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigReadR8(iunit, moduleName, variableName, &,7 variable, defaultValue, errorCode, & outStringBefore, outStringAfter) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a variable from a configuration input file ! that has already been opened with a ConfigOpen call. Each variable ! in the input file is associated with a module, so the module name ! must also be supplied. If the variable is not present in the ! input file, the defaultValue is assigned. After a successful read, ! the value for the variable is broadcasted to other processors. ! Finally, the value is printing to stdout using either a generic ! output string or user-specified output defined by outStringBefore ! and outStringAfter. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETER: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iunit ! i/o unit of config file character (*), intent(in) :: & moduleName, &! name of module where this var resides variableName ! name of variable to be read real (POP_r8), intent(in) :: & defaultValue ! default value to assign to variable character (*), intent(in), optional :: & outStringBefore, &! optional output string to precede variable value outStringAfter ! optional output string to follow variable value ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (POP_r8), intent(out) :: & variable ! variable to assign input value integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (POP_logical) :: & moduleFound, &! logical flag for module search variableFound, &! logical flag for variable search isOpen ! logical flag for file inquiry integer (POP_i4) :: & istat, &! I/O status flag indx, &! index for manipulating string errVal ! internal error flag character (POP_charLength) :: & inputString, &! temp for reading each record tmpString ! temp for manipulating input string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if unit is open and rewind unit ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success errVal = 0 if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then inquire(unit=iunit, opened=isOpen) if (isOpen) then rewind(iunit) else errVal = -1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for module name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moduleFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. isOpen) then moduleSearch: do ! read line from input file read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit moduleSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit moduleSearch endif ! look for ampersand, signifying a module name ! then check module name for a match tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '&') then if (trim(tmpString(2:)) == trim(moduleName)) then moduleFound = .true. exit moduleSearch endif else cycle moduleSearch endif end do moduleSearch if (.not. moduleFound) then errVal = -3 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for variable name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- variableFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. moduleFound) then varSearch: do ! read line from input file: should be name = value read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit varSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit varSearch endif ! check for end of module block tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '/') exit varSearch ! then check for a variable name match indx = index(tmpString,'=') if (trim(adjustl(tmpString(1:indx-1))) == & trim(variableName)) then variableFound = .true. exit varSearch endif end do varSearch endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(errVal, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting error value') return endif select case(errVal) case (-1) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: config file not opened for reading') return case (-2) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error reading record from config file') return case (-3) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: module name not found in config file') return case default end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract value from input string or set value to default ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (variableFound) then read(tmpString(indx+1:),*) variable else variable = defaultValue write(POP_stdout, '(a37,a)') & ' Using default value for variable: ', variableName endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! broadcast value to all processors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(variable, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting variable') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! output value to stdout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (present(outStringBefore)) then tmpString = outStringBefore else write(tmpString,'(a,a3)') variableName,' = ' endif if (present(outStringAfter)) then write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,1pe22.15,a)') trim(tmpString), ' ', & variable, outStringAfter else write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,1pe22.15)' ) trim(tmpString), ' ', & variable endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigReadR8 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigRead ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigReadLogical(iunit, moduleName, variableName, &,7 variable, defaultValue, errorCode, & outStringBefore, outStringAfter) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a variable from a configuration input file ! that has already been opened with a ConfigOpen call. Each variable ! in the input file is associated with a module, so the module name ! must also be supplied. If the variable is not present in the ! input file, the defaultValue is assigned. After a successful read, ! the value for the variable is broadcasted to other processors. ! Finally, the value is printing to stdout using either a generic ! output string or user-specified output defined by outStringBefore ! and outStringAfter. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETER: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iunit ! i/o unit of config file character (*), intent(in) :: & moduleName, &! name of module where this var resides variableName ! name of variable to be read logical (POP_logical), intent(in) :: & defaultValue ! default value to assign to variable character (*), intent(in), optional :: & outStringBefore, &! optional output string to precede variable value outStringAfter ! optional output string to follow variable value ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical (POP_logical), intent(out) :: & variable ! variable to assign input value integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (POP_logical) :: & moduleFound, &! logical flag for module search variableFound, &! logical flag for variable search isOpen ! logical flag for file inquiry integer (POP_i4) :: & istat, &! I/O status flag indx, &! index for manipulating string errVal ! internal error flag character (POP_charLength) :: & inputString, &! temp for reading each record tmpString ! temp for manipulating input string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if unit is open and rewind unit ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success errVal = 0 if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then inquire(unit=iunit, opened=isOpen) if (isOpen) then rewind(iunit) else errVal = -1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for module name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moduleFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. isOpen) then moduleSearch: do ! read line from input file read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit moduleSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit moduleSearch endif ! look for ampersand, signifying a module name ! then check module name for a match tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '&') then if (trim(tmpString(2:)) == trim(moduleName)) then moduleFound = .true. exit moduleSearch endif else cycle moduleSearch endif end do moduleSearch if (.not. moduleFound) then errVal = -3 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for variable name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- variableFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. moduleFound) then varSearch: do ! read line from input file: should be name = value read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit varSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit varSearch endif ! check for end of module block tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '/') exit varSearch ! then check for a variable name match indx = index(tmpString,'=') if (trim(adjustl(tmpString(1:indx-1))) == & trim(variableName)) then variableFound = .true. exit varSearch endif end do varSearch endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(errVal, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting error value') return endif select case(errVal) case (-1) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: config file not opened for reading') return case (-2) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error reading record from config file') return case (-3) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: module name not found in config file') return case default end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract value from input string or set value to default ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (variableFound) then read(tmpString(indx+1:),*) variable else variable = defaultValue write(POP_stdout, '(a37,a)') & ' Using default value for variable: ', variableName endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! broadcast value to all processors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(variable, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting variable') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! output value to stdout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (present(outStringBefore)) then tmpString = outStringBefore else write(tmpString,'(a,a3)') variableName,' = ' endif if (present(outStringAfter)) then if (variable) then write(POP_stdout,'(a,a5,a)') trim(tmpString), ' true', & outStringAfter else write(POP_stdout,'(a,a6,a)') trim(tmpString), ' false', & outStringAfter endif else if (variable) then write(POP_stdout,'(a,a5)') trim(tmpString), ' true' else write(POP_stdout,'(a,a6)') trim(tmpString), ' false' endif endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigReadLogical !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConfigRead ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConfigReadCharacter(iunit, moduleName, variableName, &,7 variable, defaultValue, errorCode, & outStringBefore, outStringAfter) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a variable from a configuration input file ! that has already been opened with a ConfigOpen call. Each variable ! in the input file is associated with a module, so the module name ! must also be supplied. If the variable is not present in the ! input file, the defaultValue is assigned. After a successful read, ! the value for the variable is broadcasted to other processors. ! Finally, the value is printing to stdout using either a generic ! output string or user-specified output defined by outStringBefore ! and outStringAfter. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETER: integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & iunit ! i/o unit of config file character (*), intent(in) :: & moduleName, &! name of module where this var resides variableName ! name of variable to be read character (*), intent(in) :: & defaultValue ! default value to assign to variable character (*), intent(in), optional :: & outStringBefore, &! optional output string to precede variable value outStringAfter ! optional output string to follow variable value ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (POP_charLength), intent(out) :: & variable ! variable to assign input value integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (POP_logical) :: & moduleFound, &! logical flag for module search variableFound, &! logical flag for variable search isOpen ! logical flag for file inquiry integer (POP_i4) :: & istat, &! I/O status flag indx, &! index for manipulating string errVal ! internal error flag character (POP_charLength) :: & inputString, &! temp for reading each record tmpString ! temp for manipulating input string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if unit is open and rewind unit ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success errVal = 0 if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then inquire(unit=iunit, opened=isOpen) if (isOpen) then rewind(iunit) else errVal = -1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for module name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moduleFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. isOpen) then moduleSearch: do ! read line from input file read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit moduleSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit moduleSearch endif ! look for ampersand, signifying a module name ! then check module name for a match tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '&') then if (trim(tmpString(2:)) == trim(moduleName)) then moduleFound = .true. exit moduleSearch endif else cycle moduleSearch endif end do moduleSearch if (.not. moduleFound) then errVal = -3 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! look for variable name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- variableFound = .false. if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask .and. moduleFound) then varSearch: do ! read line from input file: should be name = value read(iunit, '(a100)', iostat=istat) inputString ! check for read errors if (istat < 0) then ! end of file exit varSearch else if (istat > 0) then ! error reading from file errVal = -2 exit varSearch endif ! check for end of module block tmpString = adjustl(inputString) if (tmpString(1:1) == '/') exit varSearch ! then check for a variable name match indx = index(tmpString,'=') if (trim(adjustl(tmpString(1:indx-1))) == & trim(variableName)) then variableFound = .true. exit varSearch endif end do varSearch endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for errors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(errVal, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting error value') return endif select case(errVal) case (-1) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: config file not opened for reading') return case (-2) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error reading record from config file') return case (-3) call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: module name not found in config file') return case default end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract value from input string or set value to default ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (variableFound) then read(tmpString(indx+1:),*) variable else variable = defaultValue write(POP_stdout, '(a37,a)') & ' Using default value for variable: ', variableName endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! broadcast value to all processors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_Broadcast(variable, POP_masterTask, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'POP_ConfigRead: error broadcasting variable') return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! output value to stdout ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then if (present(outStringBefore)) then tmpString = outStringBefore else write(tmpString,'(a,a3)') variableName,' = ' endif if (present(outStringAfter)) then write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,a,a1,a)') trim(tmpString), ' ', & trim(variable), ' ', & outStringAfter else write(POP_stdout,'(a,a1,a)' ) trim(tmpString), ' ', & trim(variable) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine POP_ConfigReadCharacter !*********************************************************************** end module POP_ConfigMod !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||