!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module POP_ConstantsMod 1,5 !BOP ! !MODULE: POP_ConstantsMod ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module defines a variety of physical and numerical constants ! used throughout the Parallel Ocean Program. This are initialized ! either to internal constants or, if coupled to CCSM, to CCSM shr ! constants. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: $ ! CVS:$Name: POP_2_0_1 $ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_CommMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use netcdf #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED use shr_const_mod #endif implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: POP_ConstantsInit ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: ! numbers real (POP_r8), public :: & POP_pi, &! pi POP_twoPi, &! 2*pi POP_halfPi, &! pi/2 POP_tiny, &! a very small number POP_big, &! a very big number POP_undefinedR8 ! a value to use for undefined vars real (POP_r4), public :: & POP_undefinedR4 ! a value to use for undefined vars integer (POP_i4), public :: & POP_undefinedI4 ! a value to use for undefined vars character (POP_charLength), public :: & POP_charBlank ! empty character string ! physical constants ! note that most internal ocean constants are in cgs units ! while atmosphere and surface flux constants are sometimes ! in MKS units real (POP_r8), public :: & POP_grav ,&! gravit. accel. (cm/s^2) POP_omega ,&! angular vel. of Earth 1/s POP_radiusEarth ,&! radius of Earth (cm) POP_rhoAir ,&! ambient air density (kg/m^3) POP_rhoFW ,&! density of fresh water (g/cm^3) POP_rhoSW ,&! density of salt water (g/cm^3) POP_CpSW ,&! specific heat salt water POP_CpAir ,&! heat capacity of air (J/kg/K) POP_speedSound ,&! speed of sound (cm/s) POP_vonKarman ,&! von Karman constant POP_emissivity ,&! POP_stefanBoltzmann ,&! W/m^2/K^4 POP_latentHeatVapor ,&! lat heat of vaporization (erg/g) POP_latentHeatFusion ,&! lat heat of fusion (erg/g) POP_latentHeatFusionMKS,&! lat heat of fusion (J/g) POP_seaIceSalinity ,&! salinity of sea ice formed (psu) POP_ocnRefSalinity ! ocean reference salinity (psu) ! conversion factors real (POP_r8), public :: & POP_degreeToRadian, &! degree-radian conversion POP_radianToDegree, &! degree-radian conversion POP_T0Kelvin, &! zero point for Celcius POP_MeterPerCM, &! meters per cm POP_cmPerMeter, &! cm per meter POP_saltToPpt, &! salt (g/g) to ppt POP_pptToSalt, &! salt ppt to g/g POP_massToSv, &! mass flux to Sverdrups POP_heatToPW, &! heat flux to Petawatts POP_saltToSvppt, &! salt flux to Sv*ppt POP_saltToMmPerDay, &! salt to water (mm/day) POP_momentumFactor, &! wind stress (N/m^2) to vel flux (cm^2/s^2) POP_heatFluxFactor, &! heat flux (W/m^2) to temp flux (C*cm/s) POP_FWFluxFactor, &! fw flux (kg/m^2/s) to salt flux (msu*cm/s) POP_SaltFluxFactor, &! salt flux (kg/m^2/s) to salt flux (msu*cm/s) POP_FWMassToFWFlux ! fw flux (kg/m^2/s) to fw flux (cm/s) #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED real(POP_r8), public :: & T0_Kelvin ! zero point for Celsius #endif !EOP !BOC !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: POP_ConstantsInit ! !INTERFACE: subroutine POP_ConstantsInit(errorCode) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine initializes standard constants using either ! internal values or other accepted values. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: n ! dummy loop index character (POP_charLength) :: & outFormat ! output format for writing constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define numbers and character constants ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success POP_pi = 4.0_POP_r8*atan(1.0_POP_r8) #ifdef COUPLEDCCSM POP_pi = SHR_CONST_PI #endif POP_twoPi = 2.0_POP_r8*POP_pi POP_halfPi = 0.5_POP_r8*POP_pi POP_tiny = 1.0e-20_POP_r8 POP_big = 1.0e+30_POP_r8 POP_undefinedR8 = nf90_fill_double POP_undefinedR4 = nf90_fill_real POP_undefinedI4 = nf90_fill_int do n=1,POP_charLength POP_charBlank(n:n) = ' ' end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! physical constants ! note that most internal ocean constants are in cgs units ! while atmosphere and surface flux constants are sometimes ! in MKS units ! ! some of these constants may be over-ridden by CSM-defined ! constants if the CSM shared constants are available ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_grav = 980.6_POP_r8 ! gravit. accel. (cm/s^2) POP_omega = 7.292123625e-5_POP_r8 ! angular vel. Earth 1/s POP_radiusEarth = 6370.0e5_POP_r8 ! radius of Earth (cm) POP_rhoAir = 1.2_POP_r8 ! ambient air density (kg/m^3) POP_rhoFW = 1.0_POP_r8 ! avg. water density (g/cm^3) POP_rhoSW = 4.1_POP_r8/3.996_POP_r8 ! density of salt water (g/cm^3) POP_CpSW = 3.996e7_POP_r8 ! specific heat salt water POP_CpAir = 1005.0_POP_r8 ! heat capacity of air (J/kg/K) POP_speedSound = 1.5e5_POP_r8 ! speed of sound (cm/s) POP_vonKarman = 0.4_POP_r8 ! von Karman constant POP_emissivity = 1.0_POP_r8 ! POP_stefanBoltzmann = 567.0e-10_POP_r8 ! W/m^2/K^4 POP_latentHeatVapor = 2.5e6_POP_r8 ! lat heat of vaporization (erg/g) POP_latentHeatFusion = 3.34e9_POP_r8 ! lat heat of fusion (erg/g) POP_latentHeatFusionMKS = 3.34e5_POP_r8 ! lat heat of fusion (J/kg) POP_seaIceSalinity = 4.0_POP_r8 ! (psu) POP_ocnRefSalinity = 34.7_POP_r8 ! (psu) #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED POP_grav = SHR_CONST_G*100.0_POP_r8 ! cm/s^2 POP_omega = SHR_CONST_OMEGA ! rad/s POP_radiusEarth = SHR_CONST_REARTH*100.0_POP_r8 ! cm POP_rhoAir = SHR_CONST_RHODAIR ! kg/m^3 POP_rhoFW = SHR_CONST_RHOFW*0.001_POP_r8 ! g/cm^3 POP_rhoSW = SHR_CONST_RHOSW*0.001_POP_r8 ! g/cm^3 POP_CpSW = SHR_CONST_CPSW*10000.0_POP_r8 ! erg/g/K POP_CpAir = SHR_CONST_CPDAIR ! J/kg/K POP_vonKarman = SHR_CONST_KARMAN POP_stefanBoltzmann = SHR_CONST_STEBOL ! W/m^2/K^4 POP_latentHeatVapor = SHR_CONST_LATVAP ! J/kg POP_latentHeatFusion = SHR_CONST_LATICE*10000.0_POP_r8 ! erg/g POP_latentHeatFusionMKS = SHR_CONST_LATICE ! J/kg POP_seaIceSalinity = SHR_CONST_ICE_REF_SAL ! psu POP_ocnRefSalinity = SHR_CONST_OCN_REF_SAL ! psu #endif #ifdef ZERO_SEA_ICE_REF_SAL POP_seaIceSalinity = 0.0_POP_r8 #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! conversion factors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_degreeToRadian = POP_pi/180.0_POP_r8 POP_radianToDegree = 180.0_POP_r8/POP_pi POP_T0Kelvin = 273.16_POP_r8 ! zero point for Celsius #ifdef CCSMCOUPLED T0_Kelvin = SHR_CONST_TKFRZ ! zero point for Celsius #endif POP_MeterPerCM = .01_POP_r8 ! meters per cm POP_cmPerMeter = 100._POP_r8 ! cm per meter POP_saltToPpt = 1000._POP_r8 ! salt (g/g) to ppt POP_pptToSalt = 1.e-3_POP_r8 ! salt ppt to g/g POP_massToSv = 1.0e-12_POP_r8 ! mass flux to Sverdrups POP_heatToPW = 4.186e-15_POP_r8 ! heat flux to Petawatts POP_saltToSvppt = 1.0e-9_POP_r8 ! salt flux to Sv*ppt POP_saltToMmPerDay = 3.1536e+5_POP_r8 ! salt to water (mm/day) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert windstress (N/m^2) to velocity flux (cm^2/s^2): ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! windstress in (N/m^2) = (kg/s^2/m) = 10(g/s^2/cm) = 10(dyn/cm^2) ! assume here that density of seawater rho = 1 (g/cm^3) ! ! vel_flux = windstress / rho ! vel_flux (cm^2/s^2) = windstress (N/m^2)*10 (g/s^2/cm)/(N/m^2) ! / [1 (g/cm^3)] ! = windstress (N/m^2) ! * momentum_factor ((cm^2/s^2)/N/m^2) ! ==> momentum_factor = 10 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_momentumFactor = 10.0_POP_r8 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert heat, solar flux (W/m^2) to temperature flux (C*cm/s): ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! heat_flux in (W/m^2) = (J/s/m^2) = 1000(g/s^3) ! density of seawater rho_sw in (g/cm^3) ! specific heat of seawater cp_sw in (erg/g/C) = (cm^2/s^2/C) ! ! temp_flux = heat_flux / (rho_sw*cp_sw) ! temp_flux (C*cm/s) = heat_flux (W/m^2) ! * 1000 (g/s^3)/(W/m^2) ! / [(rho_sw*cp_sw) (g/cm/s^2/C)] ! ! = heat_flux (W/m^2) ! * hflux_factor (C*cm/s)/(W/m^2) ! ! ==> hflux_factor = 1000/(rho_sw*cp_sw) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_heatFluxFactor = 1000.0_POP_r8/(POP_rhoSW*POP_CpSW) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert fresh water flux (kg/m^2/s) to virtual salt flux (msu*cm/s): ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ocean reference salinity in (o/oo=psu) ! density of freshwater rho_fw = 1.0 (g/cm^3) ! h2o_flux in (kg/m^2/s) = 0.1 (g/cm^2/s) ! ! salt_flux = - h2o_flux * ocn_ref_salinity / rho_fw ! salt_flux (msu*cm/s) = - h2o_flux (kg/m^2/s) ! * ocn_ref_salinity (psu) ! * 1.e-3 (msu/psu) ! * 0.1 (g/cm^2/s)/(kg/m^2/s) ! / 1.0 (g/cm^3) ! = - h2o_flux (kg/m^2/s) ! * ocn_ref_salinity (psu) ! * fwflux_factor (cm/s)(msu/psu)/(kg/m^2/s) ! ! ==> fwflux_factor = 1.e-4 ! ! salt_flux(msu*cm/s) = h2oflux(kg/m^2/s) * salinity_factor ! ! ==> salinity_factor = - ocn_ref_salinity(psu) * fwflux_factor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_FWFluxFactor = -POP_ocnRefSalinity*1.e-4_POP_r8 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert salt flux (kg/m^2/s) to salt flux (msu*cm/s): ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! density of freshwater rho_fw = 1.0 (g/cm^3) ! salt_flux_kg in (kg/m^2/s) = 0.1 (g/cm^2/s) ! ! salt_flux = - h2o_flux * ocn_ref_salinity / rho_fw ! salt_flux (msu*cm/s) = salt_flux_kg (kg/m^2/s) ! * 0.1 (g/cm^2/s)/(kg/m^2/s) ! / 1.0 (g/cm^3) ! = salt_flux_kg (kg/m^2/s) ! * sflux_factor (msu*cm/s)/(kg/m^2/s) ! ! ==> sflux_factor = 0.1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_SaltFluxFactor = 0.1_POP_r8 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert fresh water mass flux (kg/m^2/s) to fresh water flux (cm/s): ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! density of freshwater rho_fw = 1.0 (g/cm^3) ! h2o_flux in (kg/m^2/s) = 0.1 (g/cm^2/s) ! ! fw_flux = h2o_flux / rho_fw ! fw_flux (cm/s) = h2o_flux (kg/m^2/s) ! * 0.1 (g/cm^2/s)/(kg/m^2/s) ! / 1.0 (g/cm^3) ! = h2o_flux (kg/m^2/s) ! * fwmass_to_fwflux (cm/s)/(kg/m^2/s) ! ! ==> fwmass_to_fwflux = 0.1 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- POP_FWMassToFWFlux = 0.1_POP_r8 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Document important constants ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (POP_myTask == POP_masterTask) then write(POP_stdout,POP_blankFormat) write(POP_stdout,POP_delimFormat) write(POP_stdout,'(a30)') 'Physical constant values used:' write(POP_stdout,POP_delimFormat) write(POP_stdout,POP_blankFormat) outFormat = '(a28,1pe22.15)' write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Pi = ', & POP_pi write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Gravity = ', & POP_grav write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Omega = ', & POP_omega write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Gravity = ', & POP_grav write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Omega = ', & POP_omega write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Earth radius = ', & POP_radiusEarth write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Density air = ', & POP_rhoAir write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Density fresh water = ', & POP_rhoFW write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Density salt water = ', & POP_rhoSW write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Spec. heat salt water = ', & POP_CpSW write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Spec. heat air = ', & POP_CpAir write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Sound speed = ', & POP_speedSound write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' von Karman constant = ', & POP_vonKarman write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Emissivity = ', & POP_emissivity write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Stefan Boltzmann = ', & POP_stefanBoltzmann write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Latent heat vaporization = ', & POP_latentHeatVapor write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Latent heat fusion = ', & POP_latentHeatFusion write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Latent heat fusion (MKS) = ', & POP_latentHeatFusionMKS write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Sea ice salinity = ', & POP_seaIceSalinity write(POP_stdout,outFormat) ' Ocean ref. salinity = ', & POP_ocnRefSalinity endif !EOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine POP_ConstantsInit !*********************************************************************** end module POP_ConstantsMod !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||