
module forcing_fields 11,3

! !MODULE: forcing_fields

!  Contains the forcing fields necessary for supporting high-level coupling.
!  These fields originally resided in modules forcing and forcing_coupled.

!  SVN:$Id$
! !USES:

   use kinds_mod
   use blocks,      only: nx_block, ny_block
   use constants,   only: c0
   use domain_size, only: max_blocks_clinic,nt
   implicit none


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic),public ::  &
      EVAP_F = c0,       &! evaporation   flux    from cpl (kg/m2/s)
      PREC_F = c0,       &! precipitation flux    from cpl (kg/m2/s)
                          ! (rain + snow)
      SNOW_F = c0,       &! snow          flux    from cpl (kg/m2/s)
      MELT_F = c0,       &! melt          flux    from cpl (kg/m2/s)
      ROFF_F = c0,       &! river runoff  flux    from cpl (kg/m2/s)
      IOFF_F = c0,       &! ice   runoff  flux    from cpl (kg/m2/s)
      SALT_F = c0,       &! salt          flux    from cpl (kg(salt)/m2/s)
      SENH_F = c0,       &! sensible heat flux    from cpl (W/m2   )
      LWUP_F = c0,       &! longwave heat flux up from cpl (W/m2   )
      LWDN_F = c0,       &! longwave heat flux dn from cpl (W/m2   )
      MELTH_F= c0         ! melt     heat flux    from cpl (W/m2   )

   integer(kind=int_kind), public :: &
      ATM_CO2_PROG_nf_ind = 0, & ! bottom atm level prognostic co2
      ATM_CO2_DIAG_nf_ind = 0    ! bottom atm level diagnostic co2

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,2,max_blocks_clinic), &
      public, target :: &
      SMF,  &!  surface momentum fluxes (wind stress)
      SMFT   !  surface momentum fluxes on T points if avail

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt,max_blocks_clinic), &
      public, target :: &
      STF,  &!  surface tracer fluxes
      TFW    ! tracer content in freshwater flux

   logical (log_kind), public :: &
      lsmft_avail   ! true if SMFT is an available field

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
      public, target ::  &
      IFRAC,             &! ice fraction; not initialized in this routine
      U10_SQR,           &! 10m wind speed squared; not initialized in this routine
      ATM_PRESS,         &! atmospheric pressure forcing
      FW,FW_OLD           ! freshwater flux at T points (cm/s)
                          ! FW_OLD is at time n-1


 end module forcing_fields
