!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module named_field_mod 6,8 !BOP ! !MODULE: named_field_mod ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Provide an interface to declare, set, and get named fields. ! ! Fields are declared with a string name. The set and get interfaces ! require an integer index which is returned by the register ! subroutine. This index is also retrievable with the get_index ! subroutine. ! ! Generic interfaces are available for named_field_set and ! named_field_get so that they may be ! 1) called within threaded regions and ! 2) called with a single call in non-threaded regions. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id:$ ! ! !USES: use kinds_mod use exit_mod, only: exit_POP, sigAbort use blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block use domain, only: nblocks_clinic implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: named_field_register ,& named_field_get_index ,& named_field_set ,& named_field_get !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! module private types and data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type :: named_field character (char_len) :: name real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: field end type type (named_field), dimension(:), allocatable :: & named_field_array ! array of registered named fields integer (int_kind) :: & named_field_cnt = 0 ! number of registered named fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! generic interface definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- interface named_field_set 6 module procedure named_field_set_1_block named_field_set_all_blocks end interface interface named_field_get 3 module procedure named_field_get_1_block named_field_get_all_blocks end interface !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: named_field_register ! !INTERFACE: subroutine named_field_register(name, index) 4,2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Register a named field. ! It is a fatal error to register a previously registered name. ! ! This should only be called once per task. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & name ! name of field to be registered ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(out) :: & index ! returned index of registered field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type (named_field), dimension(:), allocatable :: & named_field_array_tmp ! Tempory array to store current named_field ! array contents. Used when growing the array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check to see if name is already registered !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call named_field_get_index(name, index, exit_on_err=.false.) if (index > 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'named_field_register: name already registered, ' /& &/ name) end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! increase the length of the array named_field_array, preserving ! the current contents if named_field_cnt > 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (named_field_cnt > 0) then allocate(named_field_array_tmp(named_field_cnt)) named_field_array_tmp = named_field_array deallocate(named_field_array) endif allocate(named_field_array(named_field_cnt+1)) if (named_field_cnt > 0) then named_field_array(1:named_field_cnt) = named_field_array_tmp deallocate(named_field_array_tmp) endif named_field_cnt = named_field_cnt + 1 index = named_field_cnt named_field_array(named_field_cnt)%name = name allocate(named_field_array(named_field_cnt)%field(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine named_field_register !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: named_field_get_index ! !INTERFACE: subroutine named_field_get_index(name, index, exit_on_err) 5,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Search for a named field and return its index. ! If the name is not found then exit_POP is called, unless ! the optional argument exit_on_err is set to .false., in which ! case index is set to 0. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & name ! name of field to be looked up logical (log_kind), intent(in), optional :: & exit_on_err ! Is exit_POP called if name not found? ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(out) :: index !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (log_kind) :: & loc_exit_on_err ! local copy of exit_on_err integer (int_kind) :: & i ! loop index !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. present(exit_on_err)) then loc_exit_on_err = .true. else loc_exit_on_err = exit_on_err endif index = 0 do i=1,named_field_cnt if (named_field_array(i)%name == name) then index = i exit endif enddo if (index == 0 .and. loc_exit_on_err) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'named_field_get_index: name not found, ' /& &/ name) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine named_field_get_index !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: named_field_set_1_block ! !INTERFACE: subroutine named_field_set_1_block(index, block, field) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Set the field component of a named field to field. This is an instance ! of named_field_set, for use with a single block of field. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & index, &! index into array of available named fields block ! local block address (in baroclinic distribution) real (r8), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: & field ! array of data to be stored, single block !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (index < 1 .or. index > named_field_cnt) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'name_field_set: index out of range') end if named_field_array(index)%field(:,:,block) = field !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine named_field_set_1_block !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: named_field_set_all_blocks ! !INTERFACE: subroutine named_field_set_all_blocks(index, field),1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Set the field component of a named field to field. This is an instance ! of named_field_set, for use with all blocks of field. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & index ! index into array of available named fields real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: & field ! array of data to be stored, all blocks !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & iblock ! local block number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (index < 1 .or. index > named_field_cnt) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'name_field_set: index out of range') end if !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic named_field_array(index)%field(:,:,iblock) = field(:,:,iblock) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine named_field_set_all_blocks !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: named_field_get_1_block ! !INTERFACE: subroutine named_field_get_1_block(index, block, field) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get the contents of a named field and store the results in field. This ! is an instance of named_field_get, for use with a single block of field. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & index, &! index into array of available named fields block ! local block address (in baroclinic distribution) ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: & field ! array where data is to be stored, single block !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (index < 1 .or. index > named_field_cnt) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'name_field_get: index out of range') end if field = named_field_array(index)%field(:,:,block) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine named_field_get_1_block !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: named_field_get_all_blocks ! !INTERFACE: subroutine named_field_get_all_blocks(index, field),1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Get the contents of a named field and store the results in field. This ! is an instance of named_field_get, for use with all blocks of field. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & index ! index into array of available named fields ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: & field ! array where data is to be stored, all blocks !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & iblock ! local block number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (index < 1 .or. index > named_field_cnt) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'name_field_get: index out of range') end if !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic field(:,:,iblock) = named_field_array(index)%field(:,:,iblock) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine named_field_get_all_blocks end module named_field_mod !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||