CESM1.0.4 User's Guide

Mariana Vertenstein


Tony Craig


Adrianne Middleton


Diane Feddema


Chris Fischer


Table of Contents
1. Introduction
How To Use This Document
CESM Overview
CESM Software/Operating System Prerequisites
CESM Components
CESM Component Sets
CESM Grids
CESM Machines
CESM Validation
Downloading CESM
Downloading the code and scripts
Obtaining new release versions of CESM
Downloading input data
Quick Start (CESM Workflow)
2. Creating a Case
How to create a new case
Modifying an xml file
Cloning a case (Experts only)
3. Configuring a Case
Configure Overview
Customizing the configuration
Setting the case PE layout
Setting the case initialization type
Setting component-specific variables
CAM variables
CLM variables
CICE variables
POP2 variables
CISM variables
DATM variables
DLND variables
DICE variables
DOCN variables
Driver/coupler variables
Other variables
Reconfiguring a Case
Summary of Files in the Case Directory
4. Building a Case
Input data
User-created input data
Using the input data server
Build-time variables
Compiler settings
User-modified source code
Building the executable
Rebuilding the executable
5. Running a case
Customizing runtime settings
Setting run control variables
CESM Input/Output
Load balancing a case
Model timing data
Using model timing data
The Run
Setting the time limits
Submitting the run
Restarting a run
Data flow during a model run
Testing a case
6. Post Processing CESM Output
7. Porting CESM
Porting to a new machine
Porting using a generic machine
Porting via user defined machine files
Port Validation
8. CESM Testing
Testing overview
Debugging Tests That Fail
9. Use Cases
The basic example
Setting up a branch or hybrid run
Changing PE layout
Setting CAM output fields
Setting CAM forcings
Initializing the ocean model with a spun-up initial condition
Taking a run over from another user
Use of an Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) library and ESMF interfaces
10. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting create_newcase
Troubleshooting configure
Troubleshooting job submission problems
Troubleshooting runtime problems
11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the directories and files in my case directory?
What are CESM1 env variables and env xml files?
How do I modify the value of CESM env variables?
Why aren't my env variable changes working?
Why is there file locking and how does it work?
How do I change processor counts and component layouts on processors?
What is pio?
How do I use pnetcdf?
Is there more information about the coupler/driver implementation?
How do I create my own compset?
How do I add a new grid?
What calendars are supported in CESM?
How do I add a new component model to CESM?
How are cice and pop decompositions set and how do I override them?
How do I change history file output frequency and content for CAM and CLM during a run?
A. Supported Component Sets
B. Supported Grids
C. Supported Machines
D. env_case.xml variables
E. env_conf.xml variables
F. env_mach_pes.xml variables
G. env_build.xml variables
H. env_run.xml variables
List of Tables
1-1. Recommmended Software Package Versions by Machine
3-1. Result of invoking configure
3-2. Result of invoking configure
9-1. Recommmended Software Package Combinations
A-1. Component Sets
B-1. supported grids
D-1. env_case.xml variables
E-1. env_conf.xml variables
F-1. env_mach_pes.xml variables
G-1. env_build.xml variables
H-1. env_run.xml variables