Appendix F. env_mach_pes.xml variables

The following table lists all the environment variables set in the env_mach_pes.xml file. Default values, where appropriate, are given in parentheses.

Table F-1. env_mach_pes.xml variables

NameTypeDefaultDescription [Valid Values]
BATCH_PESinteger0pes requested at batch runtime
CCSM_ESTCOSTinteger02**n relative cost of case (DO NOT EDIT)
CCSM_PCOSTinteger0cost relative to 64 pes (DO NOT EDIT)
CCSM_TCOSTinteger02**n relative cost of test where ERS is 1 (DO NOT EDIT)
CICE_AUTO_DECOMPlogicaltrueif false, user must set the CICE decomp, otherwise configure sets it [true,false]
MAX_TASKS_PER_NODEintegerUNSETmaximum number of mpi tasks per node
NTASKS_ATMchar0number of atmosphere tasks
NTASKS_CPLchar0number of coupler mpi tasks
NTASKS_GLCchar0number of glc mpi tasks
NTASKS_ICEchar0number of ice mpi tasks
NTASKS_LNDchar0number of land mpi tasks
NTASKS_OCNchar0number of ocean mpi tasks
NTHRDS_ATMchar0number of atmosphere threads
NTHRDS_CPLchar0number of coupler mpi threads
NTHRDS_GLCchar0number of glc mpi threads
NTHRDS_ICEchar0number of ice mpi threads
NTHRDS_LNDchar0number of land mpi threads
NTHRDS_OCNchar0number of ocean mpi threads
PES_LEVELcharUNSETpes level determined by automated initialization (DO NOT EDIT)
PES_PER_NODEchar$MAX_TASKS_PER_NODEpes per node for cost scaling
POP_AUTO_DECOMPlogicaltrueif false, user must set the POP decomp, otherwise configure sets it [true,false]
PSTRID_ATMinteger1stride of mpi tasks for atm comp - currently should always be set to 1 [1]
PSTRID_CPLinteger1stride of mpi tasks for cpl comp - currently should always be set to 1 [1]
PSTRID_GLCinteger1stride of mpi tasks for glc comp - currently should always be set to 1 [1]
PSTRID_ICEinteger1stride of mpi tasks for ice comp - currently should always be set to 1 [1]
PSTRID_LNDinteger1stride of mpi tasks for lnd comp - currently should always be set to 1 [1]
PSTRID_OCNinteger1stride of mpi tasks for ocn comp - currently should always be set to 1 [1]
ROOTPE_ATMchar0root atm mpi task
ROOTPE_CPLchar0root cpl mpi task
ROOTPE_GLCchar0root glc mpi task
ROOTPE_ICEchar0root ice mpi task
ROOTPE_LNDchar0root lnd mpi task
ROOTPE_OCNchar0root ocn mpi task
TOTALPESinteger0total number of pes (derived automatically - DO NOT EDIT)