Appendix E. env_conf.xml variables

The following table lists all the possible environment variables that can be set in the env_conf.xml file. Because some of these variables are dependent on the components selected, only a subset of these will appear in $CASEROOT. Default values, where appropriate, are given in parentheses.

Table E-1. env_conf.xml variables

NameTypeDefaultDescription [Valid Values]
ATM_NCPLchar24number of atm coupling intervals per day
BRNCH_RETAIN_CASENAMElogicalFALSEallow same branch casename as reference casename [TRUE,FALSE]
CAM_CONFIG_OPTSchar CAM configure options, see CAM configure utility for details
CAM_DYCOREcharfvCAM dynamical core [eul,fv,homme]
CAM_NAMELIST_OPTSchar CAM specific namelist settings for -namelist option
CAM_NML_USE_CASEcharUNSETCAM namelist use_case
CCSM_BGCcharnoneBGC flag [none,CO2A,CO2B,CO2C,CO2_DMSA]
CCSM_CO2_PPMVreal379.000CO2 ppmv
CCSM_VOCcharFALSEOnly used for B,E,F,I compsets: if true will pass VOC fields from lnd to atm [TRUE,FALSE]
CICE_CONFIG_OPTSchar CICE configure options, see CICE configure utility for details
CICE_MODEcharprognosticcice mode [prognostic,prescribed,thermo_only]
CICE_NAMELIST_OPTSchar CICE specific namelist settings for -namelist option
CLM_BLDNML_OPTSchar Options to send to CLM build-namelist (see models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -h for list of options)
CLM_CO2_TYPEcharconstantclm CO2 type, constant means value in CLM namelist, diagnostic or prognostic mean use the value sent from the atmosphere model [constant,diagnostic,prognostic]
CLM_CONFIG_OPTSchar Options to send to CLM configure (see models/lnd/clm/bld/configure -h for list of options)
CLM_FORCE_COLDSTARTcharoffValue of 'on' forces model to spinup from a cold-start (arbitrary initial conditions) [on,off]
CLM_NAMELIST_OPTSchar Namelist settings to add to the clm_inparm namelist Note, use ' around character values, as XML parser can't handle quotes inside strings. (list of item=value settings, see models/lnd/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml)
CLM_NML_USE_CASEcharUNSETCLM namelist use_case (for a list see models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -use_case list)
CLM_PT1_NAMEcharUNSETName of single point resolution dataset to be used in I compset only (for a list see models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -res list)
CLM_USRDAT_NAMEcharUNSETData identifier name for CLM user-created datasets (see Quickstart.userdatasets)
CPL_ALBAVlogicalfalseOnly used for C,G compsets: if true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down [true,false]
CPL_EPBALcharoffOnly used for C,G compsets: if ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precip [off,ocn]
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGNinteger-999year align (simulation year corresponding to starting year) for CLM_QIAN mode
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ENDinteger-999ending year to loop atmosphere forcing data over for CLM_QIAN mode
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_STARTinteger-999starting year to loop atmosphere forcing data over for CLM_QIAN mode
DATM_CPL_CASEcharUNSETthe case name to use for cpl history forcing data for CPLHIST3HrWx mode
DATM_CPL_YR_ALIGNinteger-999year align (simulation year corresponding to starting year) for CPLHIST3HrWx mode
DATM_CPL_YR_ENDinteger-999ending year to loop data over for CPLHIST3HrWx mode
DATM_CPL_YR_STARTinteger-999starting year to loop data over for CPLHIST3HrWx mode
DATM_PRESAEROcharnoneDATM prescribed aerosol forcing [none,clim_1850,clim_2000,trans_1850-2000,rcp2.6,rcp4.5,rcp6.0,rcp8.5,pt1_pt1]
DICE_MODEcharssmiDICE mode [ssmi,ssmi_iaf]
DOCN_MODEcharprescribedDOCN mode [prescribed,som]
DOCN_SSTDATA_FILENAMEcharUNSETSets sst/ice_cov filename for amip runs, only used in F compset
DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_ENDinteger-999Sets year end of sst/ice_cov for amip runs, only used in F compset
DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_STARTinteger-999Sets year start of sst/ice_cov for amip runs, only used in F compset
GET_REFCASElogicalFALSEflag for automatically prestaging the refcase restart dataset [TRUE,FALSE]
GLC_GRIDchargland20Glacier model grid [gland20,gland10,gland5]
GLC_NCPLinteger1number of glc coupling intervals per day (integer)
ICE_NCPLchar$ATM_NCPLnumber of ice coupling intervals per day (integer)
LND_NCPLchar$ATM_NCPLnumber of land coupling intervals per day (integer)
MAP_A2LF_FILEcharUNSETatm to land mapping file for fluxes
MAP_A2LS_FILEcharUNSETatm to land mapping file for states
MAP_A2OF_FILEcharUNSETatm to ocn flux mapping file for fluxes (currently first order conservative)
MAP_A2OS_FILEcharUNSETatm to ocn state mapping file for states (currently bilinear)
MAP_L2AF_FILEcharUNSETland to atm mapping file for fluxes
MAP_L2AS_FILEcharUNSETland to atm mapping file for states
MAP_O2AF_FILEcharUNSETocn to atm mapping file for fluxes (currently first order conservative)
MAP_O2AS_FILEcharUNSETocn to atm mapping file for states
MAP_R2O_FILE_R05charUNSETrunoff (.5 degree) to ocn mapping file
MAP_R2O_FILE_R19charUNSETrunoff (19 basin) to ocn mapping file
MAP_R2O_FILE_RX1charUNSETrunoff (1 degree) to ocn mapping file
MPISERIAL_SUPPORTlogicalFALSETRUE implies this machine supports the use of the mpiserial lib. Not all machines support the use of the mpiserial lib. For those that do NOT you will have to make changes similar to other machines that do support it in order for it to work. NOTE: DO NOT SET THIS TO TRUE WITHOUT MAKING THE REQUIRED CHANGES TO THE Macros AND env_machopts FILES!!! [TRUE,FALSE]
OCN_CHL_TYPEchardiagnosticprovenance of surface Chl for radiative penetration computations [diagnostic,prognostic]
OCN_CO2_FLUX_OCMIP_BUG_FIXcharTRUETRUE implies using fix to pH scale of carbon thermodynamic constants [TRUE,FALSE]
OCN_CO2_TYPEcharconstantprovenance of atmospheric CO2 for gas flux computation [constant,prognostic,diagnostic]
OCN_COUPLINGcharfullsurface heat and freshwater forcing, partial is consistent with coupling to a data atm model [full,partial]
OCN_ICE_FORCINGcharactiveunder ice forcing, inactive is consistent with coupling to a data ice model [active,inactive]
OCN_NCPLchar1number of ocn coupling intervals per day (integer)
OCN_TRANSIENTcharunsetspecification of transient forcing datasets [unset,1850-2000]
RUN_REFCASEcharcase.stdReference case for hybrid or branch runs
RUN_REFDATEchar0001-01-01Reference date for hybrid or branch runs (yyyy-mm-dd). Used to determine the component dataset that the model starts from. Ignored for startup runs
RUN_STARTDATEchar0001-01-01Run start date (yyyy-mm-dd). Only used for startup or hybrid runs Ignored for branch runs.
RUN_TYPEcharstartupRun initialization type [startup,hybrid,branch]
USE_MPISERIALlogicalFALSETRUE implies code is built using the mpiserial library. If TRUE, the MPISERIAL_SUPPORT must also be TRUE. FALSE (default) implies that code is built with a real MPI library. If a job uses only one MPI task (e.g. single-column CAM and CLM), the mpiserial lib may be an alternative to real mpi lib [TRUE,FALSE]