CESM Research Tools: CLM4.0 Offline Model Forcing Data Archived from CCSM4 historical and RCP simulations
CLM Offline CCSM4 Coupler History Model Forcing Data
- 3-hourly forcing data (coupler history) is available for a historical CCSM4 simulation and for each of the RCPs through the Earth System Grid (registration required)
- 20th C (1850-2005, b40.20th.track1.1deg.012)
- RCP2.6 (2005-2100, b40.rcp2_6.1deg.006)
- RCP4.5 (2005-2100, b40.rcp4_5.1deg.006)
- RCP6.0 (2005-2100, b40.rcp6_0.1deg.006)
- RCP8.5 (2005-2100, b40.rcp8_5.1deg.007)
- Note that much or all of this data is already available on bluefire.