subroutine decompInit_lnd(ans,ani,anj,lns,lni,lnj)DESCRIPTION:
This subroutine initializes the land surface decomposition into a clump data structure. This assumes each pe has the same number of clumps set by clump_pproc
use domainMod , only : gatmARGUMENTS:
implicit none integer , intent(in) :: lns,lni,lnj ! land domain global size integer , intent(in) :: ans,ani,anj ! atm domain global sizeLOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: lg,ln,li,lj ! indices integer :: ag,an,ai,aj ! indices integer :: anumg ! atm num gridcells integer :: cid,pid ! indices integer, pointer :: lcid(:) ! temporary for setting adecomp integer :: n,m,np ! indices integer :: ier ! error code integer :: cnt ! local counter integer :: beg,end,lsize,gsize ! used for gsmap init integer, pointer :: gindex(:) ! global index for gsmap init integer, pointer :: lncnt(:) ! lnd cell count per atm cell integer, pointer :: lnoff(:) ! atm cell offset in lnmap integer, pointer :: lnmap(:) ! map from atm cell to lnd cells integer :: lnidxCALLED FROM:
subroutine initializeREVISION HISTORY:
2002.09.11 Forrest Hoffman Creation. 2005.12.15 T Craig Updated for finemesh 2006.08.18 P Worley Performance optimizations