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   subroutine decompInit_glcp(ans,ani,anj,lns,lni,lnj,glcmask)

This subroutine initializes the land surface decomposition into a clump data structure. This assumes each pe has the same number of clumps set by clump_pproc


     use clmtype   , only : grlnd, nameg, namel, namec, namep
     use spmdMod
     use spmdGathScatMod
     use domainMod , only : gatm
     use subgridMod, only : subgrid_get_gcellinfo
     implicit none
     integer , intent(in) :: lns,lni,lnj ! land domain global size
     integer , intent(in) :: ans,ani,anj ! atm domain global size
     integer , pointer, optional :: glcmask(:)  ! glc mask
     integer :: lg,ln,li,lj        ! indices
     integer :: ag,an,ai,aj        ! indices
     integer :: abegg,aendg,anumg  ! atm num gridcells
     integer :: begg,endg          ! lnd num gridcells
     integer :: begl,endl          ! lnd num gridcells
     integer :: begc,endc          ! lnd num gridcells
     integer :: begp,endp          ! lnd num gridcells
     integer :: cid,pid                ! indices
     integer :: n,m,np                 ! indices
     integer :: icells, ilunits, icols, ipfts  ! temporaries
     integer :: ier                    ! error code
     integer :: cnt                    ! local counter
     integer, parameter :: dbug=1      ! 0 = min, 1=normal, 2=much, 3=max
     integer :: npmin,npmax,npint      ! do loop values for printing
     integer :: clmin,clmax,clint      ! do loop values for printing
     integer :: lsize,gsize            ! used for gsmap init
     integer :: ng                     ! number of gridcells in gsmap
     integer, pointer :: gindex(:)     ! global index for gsmap init
     integer, pointer :: lncnt(:)      ! lnd cell count per atm cell
     integer, pointer :: lnoff(:)      ! atm cell offset in lnmap
     integer, pointer :: lnmap(:)      ! map from atm cell to lnd cells
     integer, allocatable :: allvecg(:,:)  ! temporary vector "global"
     integer, allocatable :: allvecl(:,:)  ! temporary vector "local"
     integer :: lnidx
     integer, pointer :: arrayg(:)
     integer :: val1, val2
     integer :: i,g,l,c,p,k
     integer, pointer :: gstart(:),gcount(:)
     integer, pointer :: lstart(:),lcount(:)
     integer, pointer :: cstart(:),ccount(:)
     integer, pointer :: pstart(:),pcount(:)
     integer :: beg,end,num
     type(mct_gsmap),pointer :: gsmap
     integer, pointer :: start(:),count(:)
     integer, pointer :: tarr1(:),tarr2(:)
     integer :: ntest
     character(len=8) :: clmlevel
     character(len=32), parameter :: subname = 'decompInit_glcp'
   subroutine initialize
   2002.09.11  Forrest Hoffman  Creation.
   2005.12.15  T Craig  Updated for finemesh
   2006.08.18  P Worley Performance optimizations

Erik Kluzek 2011-06-15