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Fortran: Module Interface decompMod (Source File: decompMod.F90)


   use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
   use spmdMod     , only : masterproc, iam, npes, mpicom, comp_id
   use clm_varctl  , only : iulog
   use clm_mct_mod
   use abortutils  , only : endrun
   implicit none
   integer, public :: clump_pproc ! number of clumps per MPI process
   public get_clump_bounds        ! beg and end gridcell, landunit, column,
                                  ! pft indices for clump
   public get_proc_clumps         ! number of clumps for this processor
   public get_proc_bounds_atm     ! beg and end gridcell for atm
   public get_proc_bounds         ! beg and end gridcell, landunit, column,
                                  ! pft indices for this processor
   public get_proc_total          ! total number of gridcells, landunits,
                                  ! columns and pfts for any processor
   public get_proc_global         ! total gridcells, landunits, columns, pfts
                                  ! across all processors
   public get_proc_global_atm     ! total atm cells on all pes
   public get_clmlevel_gsize      ! get global size associated with clmlevel
   public get_clmlevel_dsize      ! get global size associated with clmlevel
   public get_clmlevel_gsmap      ! get gsmap associated with clmlevel

Module provides a descomposition into a clumped data structure which can be mapped back to atmosphere physics chunks.


   2002.09.11  Forrest Hoffman  Creation.
   2005.11.01  T Craig  Rewrite
   2006.06.06  T Craig  Reduce memory, cleanup
   private  ! (now mostly public for decompinitmod)
   integer,public :: nclumps     ! total number of clumps across all processors
   integer,public :: numg        ! total number of gridcells on all procs
   integer,public :: numl        ! total number of landunits on all procs
   integer,public :: numc        ! total number of columns on all procs
   integer,public :: nump        ! total number of pfts on all procs
   integer,public :: numa        ! total number of atm gridcells on all procs
   !---global information on each pe
   type processor_type
      integer :: nclumps          ! number of clumps for processor_type iam
      integer,pointer :: cid(:)   ! clump indices
      integer :: ncells           ! number of gridcells in proc
      integer :: nlunits          ! number of landunits in proc
      integer :: ncols            ! number of columns in proc
      integer :: npfts            ! number of pfts in proc
      integer :: begg, endg       ! beginning and ending gridcell index
      integer :: begl, endl       ! beginning and ending landunit index
      integer :: begc, endc       ! beginning and ending column index
      integer :: begp, endp       ! beginning and ending pft index
      integer :: abegg,aendg      ! beginning and ending atm gridcell index
   end type processor_type
   public processor_type
   type(processor_type),public :: procinfo
   !---global information on each pe
   type clump_type
      integer :: owner            ! process id owning clump
      integer :: ncells           ! number of gridcells in clump
      integer :: nlunits          ! number of landunits in clump
      integer :: ncols            ! number of columns in clump
      integer :: npfts            ! number of pfts in clump
      integer :: begg, endg       ! beginning and ending gridcell index
      integer :: begl, endl       ! beginning and ending landunit index
      integer :: begc, endc       ! beginning and ending column index
      integer :: begp, endp       ! beginning and ending pft index
   end type clump_type
   public clump_type
   type(clump_type),public, allocatable :: clumps(:)
   !---global information on each pe
   !--- i,j = 2d global
   !--- glo = 1d global sn ordered
   !--- gsn = 1d global sn ordered compressed
   !--- gdc = 1d global dc ordered compressed
   type decomp_type
      integer,pointer :: glo2gdc(:)    ! 1d glo to 1d gdc
      integer,pointer :: gdc2glo(:)    ! 1d gdc to 1d glo
   end type decomp_type
   public decomp_type
   type(decomp_type),public,target :: ldecomp
   type(decomp_type),public,target :: adecomp
   type(mct_gsMap)  ,public,target :: gsMap_atm_gdc2glo
   type(mct_gsMap)  ,public,target :: gsMap_lnd_gdc2glo
   type(mct_gsMap)  ,public,target :: gsMap_gce_gdc2glo
   type(mct_gsMap)  ,public,target :: gsMap_lun_gdc2glo
   type(mct_gsMap)  ,public,target :: gsMap_col_gdc2glo
   type(mct_gsMap)  ,public,target :: gsMap_pft_gdc2glo


Erik Kluzek 2011-06-15