subroutine write_diagnostic (wrtdia, nstep)DESCRIPTION:
Write diagnostic surface temperature output each timestep. Written to be fast but not bit-for-bit because order of summations can change each timestep.
use clm_atmlnd , only : clm_l2a use decompMod , only : get_proc_bounds, get_proc_global use spmdMod , only : masterproc, npes, MPI_REAL8, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, & MPI_STATUS_SIZE, mpicom, MPI_SUM use shr_sys_mod, only : shr_sys_flush use abortutils , only : endrunARGUMENTS:
implicit none logical, intent(in) :: wrtdia !true => write diagnostic integer, intent(in) :: nstep !model time stepREVISION HISTORY:
Created by Mariana Vertenstein