subroutine Dustini()DESCRIPTION:
Compute source efficiency factor from topography Initialize other variables used in subroutine Dust: ovr_src_snk_mss(m,n) and tmp1. Define particle diameter and density needed by atm model as well as by dry dep model Source: Paul Ginoux (for source efficiency factor) Modifications by C. Zender and later by S. Levis Rest of subroutine from C. Zender's dust model
!USES use shr_const_mod, only: SHR_CONST_PI, SHR_CONST_RDAIR use decompMod, only : get_proc_bounds
implicit none !REVISION HISTORY Created by Samual Levis !LOCAL VARIABLES local pointers to implicit in arguments real(r8), pointer :: mbl_bsn_fct(:) !basin factor !LOCAL VARIABLES