CESM Models

cesm1_0_3 Release Notes


Release Notes


Release Notes

The main purpose of this release update is to provide the capability of running CESM1.0 with the CMIP5 20th Century and RCP8.5, RCP6.0, RCP4.5 and RCP2.6 scenarios (see also the Model Output Diagnostic Plots).

In addition, CESM1.0.3 also includes new component science, particularly for CAM and CLM. This includes a new CAM5.1, optional CLM crop and irrigation capabilities, and new WACCM capability to output history along satellite tracks and be driver by specified dynamics (see Notable Improvements).

This model also includes enhancements and bug fixes, as noted below and in the "Answer-Changing Features" section.

What's New

Answer-Changing Features

The following changes in the cesm1_0_3 tag will result in most cases not producing bit-for-bit results when compared with cesm1_0_2.

Known Problems

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Date : Contact :

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used. Date : 2011-06-06 (originally reported 2011-05-09) Contact : Dave Bailey Information: The counters for these albedos over ponds, ice, and snow are incorrect. These should not be used. They are diagnostic only. A fix is currently being worked on and will be released at a later date.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Gregorian calendar in CICE Date : 2011-06-06 Contact : Dave Bailey Information: The Gregorian calendar in the sea ice model has some inconsistencies. This mode should be used with caution. Note that this affects the Gregorian calendar only in compsets with active or prescribed ice (B, D, E, F). Questions about this should be directed to dbailey --at -- ucar --dot-- edu.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: WACCM compsets and use of ESMF library Date : 2011-06-06 Contact : Francis Vitt Information: There is a known problem with following WACCM compsets when the ESMF time manager is used. The problem occurs when the solar_parms_file input file contains data for leap days (Feb 29) while the calendar is 'NOLEAP'. A work around to this problem is to use the following alternative datasets for solar_parms_file which do not contain leap days: B_1850-2000_WACCM_CN solar_parms_file = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/waccm/solar/proxy_solar_Solomon_Richmond_1845-2008_daily_noleap_c110526.nc' B_1955-2005_WACCM_CN F_1955-2005_WACCM_CN B_RCP2.6_WACCM_CN B_RCP4.5_WACCM_CN B_RCP8.5_WACCM_CN solar_parms_file = '$DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/waccm/solar/wasolar_1948-2140_daily_noleap_c110525.nc'

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Use non-default compiler for ne240_f02_t12 on jaguarpf or hopper Date : 2011-06-07 Contact : Jim Edwards Information: The ne240_f02_t12 high-resolution case does not run with the default compiler set on jaguarpf or hopper. In both cases, ne240_f02_t12 will run by reverting to the pgi9 compiler set. Compiler sets are controlled via the env_machine_specific file in your $CASE directory. The lines in env_mach_specific are: module switch pgi pgi/9.0.4 module swap xt-mpich2 xt-mpich2/5.1.2 module switch xt-libsci xt-libsci/10.4.9 Due to the large task count and memory requirements of this case, we have thus far been unable to test the problem on any other platform. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Update: Old pgi9 compiler is no longer available Date : December 2011 Information: The alternate compiler is no longer available.   We will look into an alternative solution.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: D, G, and I compsets have dust wet/dry deposition mislabeled for bin 4 -- no change to answers Date : 2011-06-09 Contact : erik Bug number : 1359 Information: Mark Flanner found the following error in the datm template for prescribed aerosol: Index: datm.template.streams.xml =================================================================== --- datm.template.streams.xml (revision 28874) +++ datm.template.streams.xml (working copy) @@ -1542,8 +1542,8 @@ DSTX02DD dstdry2 DSTX03WD dstwet3 DSTX03DD dstdry3 - DSTX04WD dstdry4 - DSTX04DD dstwet4 + DSTX04WD dstwet4 + DSTX04DD dstdry4 %p This is an issue with all "D", "G" and "I" compsets in cesm1_0_3. There's only one D compset: D_NORMAL_YEAR, and two G compsets: G_1850_ECOSYS, and G_NORMAL_YEAR, there's 25 "I" compsets. Mark also assures us that this has no impact on simulations: "As far as I can tell this had zero impact because CESM1 treats the dry and wet dust deposition identically in both SNICAR and the sea-ice model. I only noticed it because I recently made a change to the code that does differentiate between wet and dry dust deposition."

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: List of minor issues for CLM in cesm1_0_3 Date : 2011-06-09 Contact : erik Information: There is a list of minor issues and Known limitations with CLM under the Documentation for CLM4 in cesm1_0_3 at http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/clm/KnownBugs.CESM1.0.3 http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/clm/models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownLimitations

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Scripts don't support ESMF serial code Date : 2011-06-09 Contact : erik Information: During compilation, ESMF is trying to link in a mpi library. On bluefire, setting ESMF_LIBDIR to /contrib/esmf_5_2_0-64-O-mpiuni will allow you to run serial code.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: "Claim exceeds reservation's resources" error message in ccsm.log on Crays Date : 2011-06-10 Contact : Chris Fischer Information: On a rare occasion you can get this error message when two concurrent tasks, with different threading, are running on the same node. The fix for this is to change the PES layout so the concurrent tasks are on different nodes.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: ESMF library path on bluefire points to a temproray area. Date : 2011-06-10 Contact : Chris Fischer Information: The ESMF_LIBDIR is set to a directory on /ptmp, which is temporary storage. It should be set to /contrib/esmf_5_2_0-64-O/lib/ in env_build.xml. You may use the follow xmlchange command. xmlchange -file env_build.xml -id ESMF_LIBDIR -val /contrib/esmf_5_2_0-64-O/lib/

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Problem running I1850SPINUPCN with more than 82 years of data Date : 2011-06-10 Contact : erik Bugnumber : 1339 Information: In order to run with more than 82 years of CPLHIST data the file limit in shr_stream needs to increase from 1000 to 2000 (technically 1860 would be sufficient, but might as well bump it to 2000). Index: shr_stream_mod.F90 =================================================================== --- shr_stream_mod.F90 (revision 28396) +++ shr_stream_mod.F90 (working copy) @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ end type shr_stream_fileType !--- hard-coded array dims ~ could allocate these at run time --- - integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: nFileMax = 1000 ! max number of files + integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter :: nFileMax = 2000 ! max number of files type shr_stream_streamType !private ! no public access to internal components We didn't put this change in as it causes a compiler error on bluefire for AIX when compiling the dlnd component. See the CLM KnownBugs file for more information on this... http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/clm/KnownBugs.CESM1.0.3

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: I1850SPINUPCN compset points to a transient case rather than a fixed 1850 case Date : 2011-06-10 Contact : erik Bugnumber : 1354 Information: When the I1850SPINUPCN compset is run the case that is used is: DATM_CPL_CASE="b40.20th.track1.1deg.012" which is a transient case rather than a fixed 1850 case. So it should be changed to... b40.1850.track1.1deg.006a and the years adjusted to be within 953 and 1108.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: On machine Lynx env_build.xml and env_run.xml references to /ptmp must be changed to /glade/scratch Date : 2011-06-14 Contact : dfeddema Information: On machine Lynx when a user creates a new case using script create_newcase, files env_build.xml and env_run.xml will contain references to /ptmp that must be edited and changed to /glade/scratch.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: B_1850_CAM5_CN and B_1850-2000_CAM5_CN: problem with initialization datsets. Date : 2011-06-17 Contact : hannay Information: We are aware of problems in the initialization datasets when using the compsets B_1850_CAM5_CN and B_1850-2000_CAM5_CN at the resolution f19_g16. A new set of initialization datasets is available on the SVN repository. Users can customize the default configuration to access to these new datasets. The easiest way to achieve this is to modify the file env_conf.xml BEFORE invoking configure. This can be done with the commands. xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id RUN_REFDATE -val '0070-01-01' xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id RUN_REFCASE -val 'b40_1850_2d_r07c5cn_160jp'

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: compsets: E_2000_CN_GLC, E_1850_CN_GLC, F_AMIP_CAM5_CN, F_1850_CN_GLC do NOT have CN turned on as they should! Date : 2011-06-29 Contact : erik Bugnumber : 1366 Information: The compsets: E_2000_CN_GLC E_1850_CN_GLC F_AMIP_CAM5_CN F_1850_CN_GLC fail to turn CN on in CLM as they should. The scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml can be edited to add the line: CLM_CONFIG_OPTS="-bgc cn" Or you can set this in any case that generates with xmlchange ./xmlchange -file env_conf.xml -id CLM_CONFIG_OPTS -append -val "-bgc cn"

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: WACCM gravity wave breaking bug Date : 2011-08-31 Contact : Michael Mills, mmills@ucar.edu Information: Details: Gravity waves break in the middle and upper atmosphere where molecular diffusion coefficients become large. However, the gravity wave breaking scheme has been passed an eddy diffusivity for heat (kvh) instead of molecular diffusivity. Hence gravity wave breaking in the upper atmosphere is not treated correctly. In tests where this bug is fixed, very little change is seen in calculated climate or dynamics of the middle atmosphere. This bug should be fixed with the next public release of CESM.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: F_1850_chem and F_2000_chem compsets should not be used Date : 2011-09-07 Contact : fischer Information: F_1850_chem and F_2000_chem compsets should not be used

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: coupler input_data_list may be incomplete Date : 2011-11-11 Contact : tcraig Information: The coupling input data list in the case directory file Buildconf/cpl.input_data_list does not always generate a complete list of needed files. The fix is as follows, in models/drv/bld/cpl.template, delete ====== set mapfilevarname = (map_a2of_file map_a2os_file map_o2af_file map_o2as_file \ map_a2lf_file map_a2ls_file map_l2af_file map_l2as_file \ map_r2o_file) set i = 0 foreach mapfile (\$map_a2of_file \$map_a2os_file \$map_o2af_file \$map_o2as_file \ \$map_a2lf_file \$map_a2ls_file \$map_l2af_file \$map_l2as_file \ \$map_r2o_file) @ i++ if (\$mapfile != idmap) then if(-r "\$DIN_LOC_ROOT/\$mapfile") then set \$mapfilevarname[\$i] = \$DIN_LOC_ROOT/\$mapfile cat >> \$CASEBUILD/cpl.input_data_list << EOF \$mapfilevarname[\$i] = \$DIN_LOC_ROOT/\$mapfile EOF else if(-r "\$DIN_LOC_ROOT/cpl/cpl6/\$mapfile") then set \$mapfilevarname[\$i] = \$DIN_LOC_ROOT/cpl/cpl6/\$mapfile cat >> \$CASEBUILD/cpl.input_data_list << EOF \$mapfilevarname[\$i] = \$DIN_LOC_ROOT/cpl/cpl6/\$mapfile EOF endif endif end ====== and replace it with ======= set mapfilevarname = \ (map_a2of_file map_a2os_file map_o2af_file map_o2as_file \ map_a2lf_file map_a2ls_file map_l2af_file map_l2as_file \ map_r2o_file) set i = 0 foreach mapfile (\$map_a2of_file \$map_a2os_file \$map_o2af_file \$map_o2as_file \ \$map_a2lf_file \$map_a2ls_file \$map_l2af_file \$map_l2as_file \ \$map_r2o_file) @ i++ if (\$mapfile != idmap) then if (\$mapfile =~ *cpl/gridmaps*) then set mapdir = "" else if (\$mapfile =~ */*) then echo "ERROR: unsupported mapfile path \$mapfile" exit -9 endif set mapdir = "cpl/cpl6/" endif cat >> \$CASEBUILD/cpl.input_data_list << EOF \$mapfilevarname[\$i] = \${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/\${mapdir}\${mapfile} EOF set \$mapfilevarname[\$i] = \${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/\${mapdir}\${mapfile} endif end

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: I compsets hang at configure step with a bad user_nl_clm file that has double quotes Date : 2011-11-18 Contact : erik Bugnumber : 1425 Information: Charlie Koven found this issue.. If you have an input user_nl_clm namelist being parsed that has double quotes in it -- Namelist.pm gets in an infinite loop and hangs... So something like... hist_fincl1 = 'NET_NMIN_vr',''GROSS_NMIN_vr','POTENTIAL_IMMOB_vr','ACTUAL_IMMOB_vr','SMINN_TO_PLANT_vr' will cause configure to hang -- until you hit control-C. The work around is to give it a correct namelist without the double-quotes. But, you'll have to recognize the problem yourself.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Problem running PST.f09_g16.I.jaguarpf Date : 2011-12-01 Contact : erik bugnumber : 1410 Information: Running on jaguar I get the following problem... aprun: -N cannot exceed -n aprun: Exiting due to errors. Application aborted aprun looks like this.. aprun -n 8 -N 12 -d 1 ./ccsm.exe >&! ccsm.log.$LID and batch has... #PBS -l size=12 every component has 8 processors except ocean which has 5, no concurrency and no threads. ============================================================================ NOTE: This problem report applies to a very limited set of circumstances, and is included in the cesm1_0_4 release notes because it was reported for a previous release. In the rare event that a user encounters a similar problem, in which the number of processors used is less than the number of processors on the node, the fix is to change the value for the -N option in the aprun command to the number of processors used. ============================================================================

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: CFC initialization in POP is incorrect for 20th century branch and hybrid runs Date : 2013-01-28 Contact : mlevy Information: To fix this problem, copy this version of ocn.cfc.setup.csh into $CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.pop2/

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Description: Incorrect diagnostic output for POP2 variable RHO_VINT Date : 2013-02-05 Contact : mlevy Information: There is a bug in the way POP2 computes the diagnostic variable RHO_VINT. Note that this issue does not affect any of the prognostic variables in the CESM 1.0[.x] releases.