What's New in CESM1_0_3
CAM-5.1 (Active Atmosphere Model)
- Final bug fixes and tuning of CAM-FV w/ cam5 physics on 1 and 2 deg grids.
- All new diagnostics that are being produced for the CESM AR5 contributions are available in this release.
- Update the COSP implementation to work with the cam5 physics package.
- The "CAM3.1" physics package has been restored. Using the configure argument "-phys cam3" now gives a physics package that matches what was produced by the CAM3.1 model release. This is mainly useful in an aquaplanet configuration since the land component cannot be reverted to CLM3. To run an aquaplanet configuration that contains the customizations required by the intercomparison experiment protocol use the aquaplanet_cam3 use case (as an argument to build-namelist).
- Some tuning has been done to allow running the bulk aerosols with the cam5 physics package. Either prescribed bulk aerosols (as used by the cam4 physics package) or prognostic bulk aerosols (via -chem trop_bam) can be used. The motivation was to provide a less expensive cam5 configuration which may be useful when modal aerosols are not the focus.
- The default for deposition velocity calculation is changed to be done in CLM except when modal aerosols are active. This changes answers (but not climate) for all prognostic chemistry schemes affected by dry deposition.
- Extend unstructured grid functionality to chemistry and cam5 physics package (modal aerosols). Because the modal aerosols are doing a dry deposition calculation on the atm grid, a new dataset is required when running SE on the cubed sphere grid (see namelist variable drydep_srf_file).
- Changes to chemistry code:
- Provide more intuitive data-timing namelist variables. See, for example, the new *_cycle_yr, *_fixed_ymd, *_fixed_tod variables.
- Update trop_mozart with latest MOZART4 mechanism.
- Restore lighting NOx production in super_fast_llnl.
- Give flexibility to the units of the emissions datasets.
- Use more up-to-date dataset for waccm_ghg forcing.
- Include CO2 reactions for WACCM to improve concentrations in upper regions
- Updates to dry deposition module.
- Provide an additional optional wet deposition method for gas phase chemical species.
- Include short wavelength photolysis in tropospheric chemistry.
- New treatment of WACCM stratospheric aerosols.
- New chemistry package added : trop_strat_bam_v1.
- Adjustments to the trop_mozart chemistry mechanism.
- Provide dynamic creation of default deposition species lists namelist settings using master lists.
- Correction to the wet deposition lists of species for super_fast_llnl, and waccm_mozart.
- Add new low resolution FV grid: 2.5x3.33. The physics packages have not been tuned at this resolution.
- Enable 1/4 deg FV cam5.
- Enable 1/8 deg SE cam4.
- Change default for number of vertical remappings per physics timestep. Was 1, but now set to 2 for 1/2 deg FV and finer grids. This changes answers for all high resolution (1/2 deg and finer) runs using FV dycore.
- Allow subcycling in Eulerian dycore. See namelist variable eul_nsplit.
- Add ability to interpolate fields on the SE grid (cubed sphere) to a rectangular grid for history output. See namelist variables interpolate_analysis, interp_nlat, interp_nlon, interp_gridtype, and interp_type. This is off by default.
- Option for history output to be averaged over local time zones. See namelist variables lcltod_start and lcltod_stop.
- Option for history output (columns) along a specified track. See namelist variables sathist_track_infile, sathist_fincl, sathist_mfilt, and sathist_hfilename_spec.
- Option for history output of multiple single columns. The default is for single column specifications to be output as separate variables. This option allows all single columns specified in a history file to be written as a single variable using the same format that is used to output unstructured grid data. The option is enabled by the new namelist variable collect_column_output. The reason for implementing this option is for efficiency in writing single column output.
- An option was added to the COSP simulator to allow it to be run on a subset of the timesteps when the radiation code is run. See the namelist variable cosp_nradsteps.
- Add argument to configure (-fc_type) to allow specifying which type of Fortran compiler is being used when that compiler is being invoked via a generic script (e.g., mpif90 or ftn). This is only needed for CAM standalone builds.
- Add argument to build-namelist (-ntasks) to produce default FV decomposition settings (npr_yz). This functionality was previously embedded in the CESM scripts and was not available to user's of CAM standalone scripts.
- Code cleanup and refactoring:
- Modify code to consistently save and reuse the physics buffer indicies rather than invoking a linear search for the indices wherever they are needed.
- Start refactoring modal_aer_opt module to make use of the rad_constituent interfaces. This will eventually provide a prescribed modal aerosol capability and fully functioning diagnostic calculations for radiative forcing.
- Implement separate drivers for the cam5 macrophysics and microphysics. The driver for the cam4 macro/micro physics remains in stratiform.F90.
- Remove unnecessary passed variables and use statements for the CAM5 cloud microphysics (cldwat2m_micro.F90)
- Add functionality for a logical flag called 'sub_column' to be passed to the CAM5 microphysics that changes how it works, but with the flag set (false) to reproduce the standard code (cldwat2m_micro.F90)
- Refactoring in cam history to allow for extra dimensions in output fields beyond the current spatial/temporal ones. Previously the fields in a history file time sample only had (lon,lat,lev,time) or (ncol,lev,time) dimensions. The "addfld" calls allowed lev to be set to 1, plev or plevp. To work around this constraint in the past optional flags were added to the addfld subroutine that allowed more values of lev, but this workaround did not provide extra dimensions. In cases where multiple non-horizontal dimensions were needed, e.g., level and optical depth, or level and subcolumn, the technique employed was to combine multiple dimensions into a single mixed dimension. We have eliminated the need to do that (in the output field only -- internal data structures still require this mixed dimension). Optional arguments have been added to the addfld subroutine which allow defining multiple dimensions rather than just a single "lev" dimension.
- Add new namelist groups to the dycores. Continue to move namelist variables out of the generic cam_inparm group.
- The old ISCCP simulator has been removed. The current ISCCP simulator is available as part of the COSP package.
CLM (Active Land Model) (See CLM User's Guide for details of all the following)
- Prognostic Crop model based on AGROIBIS added in:
- Add "-crop" option to configure (add with CLM_CONFIG_OPTS).
- Add surface datasets for crop mode for: f19, f10, 1x1_numaIA, and 1x1_smallvilleIA (also crop datasets with crop AND irrigation on).
- Add initial condition file for crop for f19
- New supported point resolutions for crop: 1x1_numaIA and 1x1_smallvilleIA
- Add raw vegetation and LAI datasets for use by mksurfdata for crop model for sim_year=2000.
- Irrigation Model added in:
- Add "-irrig" option to build-namelist (add with CLM_BLDNML_OPTS).
- Add files for irrigation (for f09 and f10).
- Code cleanup and refactoring:
- Input and output files can be read/written in parallel using PIO (Parallel Input/Output package).
- PIO is used for all Input/Output.
- Make restart history files NetCDF.
- Remove a list of old CPP defines, remove misc/preproc.h files.
- pft-physiology and RTM flow files are now both in NetCDF
- New precedence for build-namelist options is...
- Values set on the command-line using the -namelist option (CLM_NAMELIST_OPTS).
- Values read from the file specified by -infile (user_nl_clm file).
- Datasets from the -clm_usr_name option (CLM_USRDAT_NAME).
- Values set from a use-case scenario, e.g., -use_case (CLM_NML_USE_CASE).
- Values from the namelist defaults file.
- Now "co2_ppmv" only shows up in namelist -- if co2_type is constant.
- Also "rtm_nsteps" only shows up in namelist if RTM is on.
- Now "build-namelist -list" options no longer require a config_cache file to work.
- Changes to namelist:
- Remove Carbon_only and scaled_harvest options.
- Add suplnitro option which can be set to: NONE, PROG_CROP_ONLY, or ALL.
- Remove old PIO namelist items, there's a new drv namelist to control PIO for all components.
- New history output variables:
- Changes to boundary datasets:
- Update fraction, surface and domain file for urbanc_alpha site.
- New finidat/fsurdat/fpftdyn files for T31.
- New grid/topo/frac/domain files for 2.5x3.33/T341.
- New datasets for use with the land-ice model.
POP (Active Ocean Model)
- Improve robustness of ecosystem-model pH solver.
- Correct minor problems:
- netCDF metadata: correct IRON_FLUX units.
- netCDF metadata: add unlimited time dimension and cell_methods attribute to transport diagnostics.
- time management: correct time frequency options 'nsecond' and 'nhour'.
- diagnostics: correct minor memory leak.
- Add vect_map namelist variable to provide more options for atmosphere to ocean vector mapping.
- Extend pio_inparm to provide namelist inputs for all components. Components now pick up the pio settings from the driver via the coupling interfaces.
- Add support for variable orbital years via namelist orb_mode. Controlled by env variables ORBITAL_MODE, ORBITAL_YEAR, and ORBITAL_YEAR_ALIGN.
- Extend calendar capabilities to better support gregorian calendars and to handle input data calendars better.
Scripts (See CESM1.0 User's Guide for details of all the following)
- Add new scientifically supported compsets (see Scientific Supported Model Configurations).
- Provide capability to run ultra-high resolution configuration (ne240np4_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2, nominal 1/8 degree CAM-SE, 1/4 degree CLM, and 1/10 degree POP2/CICE).
- Add "append" option to xmlchange utility in $CASEROOT.
- Update ESMF default settings to ESMF_5_0_2.
- Add short-term archiving bug fixes for clm auxiliary files.
- Long term archiving changes
- new and more robust long-term archinving scripts (lt_archive.pl)
- changes to NCAR archiving to remove MSS and add HPSS
- Summary of xml variables changes in $CASEROOT:
- Remove the following xml variables:
Add new variables: A5TMIN, A10TMIN, GDD0, GDD8, GDD10, GDD020, GDD820, GDD1020, GDDPLANT, GDDHARV, GDDTSOI, and QIRRIG. All but QIRRIG added for the crop model, QIRRIG added for irrigation model.
env_build.xml: HIRES env_run.xml: NPFIX
COMP_RUN_BARRIERS (env_run.xml) DOUT_L_HPSS_ACCNT (NCAR specific) (env_run.xml) GMAKE (env_build.xml) SAVE_TIMING (env_run.xml) START_TOD (env_run.xml)
B_1850_CN_GLC, B_1850-2000_CN_GLC, B_2000_CN_GLC B_RCP8.5_CN_GLC, B_RCP6.0_CN_GLC, B_RCP4.5_CN_GLC, B_RCP2.6_CN_GLC E_2000_CN_GLC, E_1850_CN_GLC F_1850_CN_GLC, F_2000_CN_GLC, F_1850-2000_CN_GLC I_1850_GLC, I_1850-2000_GLC, I_2000_CN_GLC, I_1850_CN_GLC, I_1850-2000_CN_GLC I_RCP8.5_CN_GLC, I_RCP6.0_CN_GLC, I_RCP4.5_CN_GLC, I_RCP2.6_CN_GLC
B_1850_CAM5_CN B_1850-2000_CAM5_CN F_1850_CAM5, F_AMIP_CAM5_CN, E_1850_CAM5_CN
F_2000_TROP_MOZART F_1850_chem, F_2000_chem F_TROP_STRAT_CHEM, F_SD_CAMCHEM
I_TEST_2003, I_TEST_2003_CN, I_1850_SPINUP_3HrWx_CN I_RCP8.5_CN, I_RCP6.0_CN, I_RCP4.5_CN, I_RCP2.6_CN
- Add new atmosphere grids.
2.5x3.33 (nx=108 ny=72) 512x1024 (nx=1024 ny=512) ne120np4 (nx=777602 ny=1
2.5x3.33_2.5x3.33 ne30np4_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 ne240np4_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 T85_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 T85_0.9x1.25_tx0.1v2 T341_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 ne120np4_0.9x1.25_gx1v6 ne120np4_0.23x0.31_tx0.1v2 T341_T341
- Add generic_darwin_pgi, generic_darwin_intel.
- Add lynx_pathscale.
- Add machine chester (ORNL XT5, OS/CNL, 12 pes/node).
- Update config_pes.xml for new resolutions, compsets, etc.
- Remove all USER_xxx variables other than USER_CPPDEFS (e.g. USER_FC, etc.) from Macros.machines files.
- Add more consistent usage for MPI_SERIAL option.
Data Models
- Get pio setup parameters from coupling interface instead of namelist.
- Extend calendar capabilities to better support gregorian calendars.
- Migrate away from shared fields indices for coupling fields.
- Modify interpolation settings for CLM1PT mode in datm.
- Fix vapor pressure calculation for air density for CLMNCEP model in datm.
csm_share Code
- Update calendar capabilities to better support gregorian calendars as well as calendars in input datasets.
- Modify time interpolation methods to avoid integer overflows.
- Extend coszen time interpolation.
- Add PIO to single column mode.