What's New in CESM1_0_4
The main purpose of the CESM1.0.4 release is to provide the community a version of CESM1 that supports the Thermosphere/Ionosphere extension of WACCM (WACCMX) and the the capability to configure cases using interannual forcing component sets (CIAF, DIAF, and GIAF). CESM1.0.4 also includes a "patch" to MPI_RSEND that improves cray-gemini interconnect performance on Cray XT6 machines, and it contains other enhancements, machine updates, and bug fixes, as noted in this section. Aside from these new features, the CESM1.0.4 release is an incremental release beyond CESM1.0.3.
CAM (Active Atmosphere Model)
- New features in CAM5.1.1
- Added WACCM-X. WACCM-X is the extension of WACCM/CAM from the lower thermosphere to the top of the thermosphere. See the WACCM-X section of the Notable Improvements document for more information.
- COSP updates. Included changes are:
- made several high-level namelist variables that control COSP.
The new options are all meant to reduce cost by running with fewer
subcolumns (10) and by only running cosp every 3rd time the
radiation is run. The new variables are:
cosp_isccp - change the default mode from cosp_runall to cosp_amwg. Add cosp_runall to the namelist so this mode can still be specified.
- changed default for cosp_histfile_num from '2' to '1'.
- changed sub-column outputs to avoid crashes when you specify outputs as 'A' on a monthly history file. The subcolumn output is only on by default when explicitly requested via setting either cosp_lfrac_out=.true. or cosp_runall=.true.
- made COSP compatible with fincl1lonlat -- so that you can run COSP and save COSP outputs locally.
- Add checks to keep rain_cv and snow_cv above 0.0
- Fixed restart bug.
- made several high-level namelist variables that control COSP.
The new options are all meant to reduce cost by running with fewer
subcolumns (10) and by only running cosp every 3rd time the
radiation is run. The new variables are:
- Code cleanup and refactoring
- A reference pressure module has been added and remaining references in the physics package to the hybrid vertical coordinates have been removed. The physics package should only need information about the pressures at layer midpoints and interfaces. It should not depend in any way on the vertical coordinate used by the dynamical core.
- The prescribed aerosol data modules were extended to be able to read in modal aerosol concentrations and aerosol deposition fluxes. This was done to facilitate development of prescribed Modal Aerosol Model configurations (in progress).
- Code refactored for memory reduction in chemistry/mozart/mo_drydep.F90 and physics/cam/radae.F90
- Removed CAM specific print_memusage messages
- CAM build system checks for the existence of a netcdff library
- mkDepends was modified to relax the restrictions on source file name matching module name, and only one module per source file.
- For WACCM-SC, removed QTHERMAL, QRS_AUR, QRS_CO2NIR, QRS_EUV, from the output files.
- Bugs fixed
- Bug fix to pass the correct variable for the molecular diffusion coefficient to the WACCM gravity wave routine.
- Bug fix to use the correct values of molecular diffusion coefficient in the vertical diffusion solver at the lowest level at which molecular diffusion is turned on (0.55 hPa) in WACCM.
- Bug fix to correct the output values of EKGWSPEC, the effective Kzz diffusion coefficient due to the gravity wave spectrum, which were low by exactly a factor of 2 in WACCM history output.
- Bug fix to make restart history files double precision.
- Fixed a restart problem that occurs when empty_htapes=.true. in some configurations. Seems to be a problem that occurs with multiple history file output.
- Correction to local-time averaged history output.
- Correction to sathist output of dynamics decomposed variables on the HOMME grid.
- Bug fixed for column data using the collect_column_output option when the same number of columns (but different locations) was used on multiple history files.
- Work around for mpi_rsend bug on the Gemini interconnect. The Gemini interconnect has a performance bug for mpi_rsend and mpi_irsend. CPP flag _NO_MPI_RSEND was added so that MPI_RSEND and MPI_IRSEND can be redefined to MPI_SEND. _NO_MPI_RSEND is only set within the CESM scripts.
- Added correction to O3 chemical loss rate diagnostic.
- Bugfix for the diagnostic output fields CLDLIQSTR and CLDICESTR. The previous version was based on state values that did not contain the tendencies from the macrophysics package.
- Allocate statement in mo_drydep.F90 not used and was removed. It could have caused problems with UNSTRUCTURED grids since the nlon_veg and nlat_veg variables are not defined in that case.
- Fixed timers in tphysbc.F90 and macrop_driver.F90
CICE (Active Ice Model)
- Supports Gregorian calendar.
CISM (Active Land-Ice Model)
- No changes.
CLM (Active Land Model) (See CLM User's Guide for details of all the following)
- The only changes were bugs fixes to CESM1.0.3 as follows
- A couple issues with CNDV were resolved.
- A issue with the configure step where it would hang with a bad user_nl_clm file was fixed.
- A few issues with history variables was fixed.
- We fixed it so that you could build with C13 on bluefire.
- Domain files and fraction files were made to be consistent.
- A problem with Gregorian input was fixed.
- Several issues with PTCLM were fixed.
- Monthly average files are no longer required to be one per month.
- CLM1PT mode was changed to "cycle" mode by default so that simulations running beyond the valid data range would NOT be invalidated.
- A couple problems with PIO were fixed.
- The I1850SPINUPCN was changed to point to an appropriate 1850 case rather than a transient case.
POP2 (Active Ocean Model)
- Minor changes and bugfixes:
- New default setting for the output restart file format. By default, POP2 restart files are now written in netCDF format. This change was made in order to preserve b4b restarts on some machines. Note that POP2 cases can restart from an existing binary restart file, regardless of the format selected for new output restart files. The POP2 scripts will automatically detect the format of the old restart file and read it accordingly.
- Correction to the units for the time-averaged quantity TPOWER.
- Bugfix for gfortran format-statement problem.
- MPI_RSEND workaround for cray/gemini performance.
- Add addtional supported decomposition for the tx0.1 resolution.
- Minor bugfix for potential problem in N_HEAT and N_SALT diagnostics computation (there was no bug in the out-of-the-box configuration; only in customized cases)
- Recharacterize some arrays in the ecosys_mod.F90 module as assumed-shape arrays, in order to avoid Intel compiler problem.
- New POP2 FAQ
- No notable changes
- Updated machines list. Added new machines (titan,olympus_pgi, olympus_intel,janus) and deleted obsolete machines (prototype_columbia, midnight, hopp2, jaguar* (use titan instead))
- Change default DATM_CPL_CASE for I_1850_SPINUP_3HrWx_CN compset
- Change CLMQIAN directories for I compsets to under DIN_LOC_ROOT on all machines
- Bugfixes:
- Fix: compsets: E_2000_CN_GLC, E_1850_CN_GLC, F_AMIP_CAM5_CN, F_1850_CN_GLC so CN is turned on as it should
- Fix: On machine Lynx env_build.xml and env_run.xml references to /ptmp changed to /glade/scratch
- Fix: ESMF library path on bluefire no longer points to a temporary area.
Data Models
- Added support for interannual forcing (IAF) compsets.
- Update datm domain files for some grids with matching land/atm [T85_T85, T42_T42, T31_T31, f10_f10, f45_45, f19_f19, f09_f09, f05_f05, and f02_f02 resolutions] (will change answers).
- Bugfixes:
- datm: dust bin 4 wet/dry deposition bug fix -- changes answers in cases with datm dust.
- dice: bug fix for flux_Qacc -- changes answers for cases using C-type compsets.
Dead Models
- Nothing changed.
Stub Models
- Nothing changed.
csm_share Code
- Bugfixes:
- Minor Bugfix for using Gregorian input calendar
- Fix CF data string parsing bug for PGI 11.10