! SVN $Id: shr_inputinfo_mod.F90 7482 2007-11-07 20:54:58Z erik $
! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/csm_share/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_share3_100616/shr/shr_inputinfo_mod.F90 $
!BOP ===========================================================================
! !MODULE: shr_inputInfo_mod --- Module for input data shared between CCSM components
!     A module to create a derived type and a namelist read for data that will
!  be shared between CCSM components. This data is also written out to a NetCDF restart
!  file and read in when restarting.
! Typical usage:
! ! Set the default values of the object...
! shr_inputInfo_initSetDefaults( CCSMInit )
! ! Change some of the values in the object...
! shr_inputInfo_initPutData( CCSMInit, start_type="continue", aqua_planet=.true. )
! ! Set data for the object based on input namelist
! shr_inputInfo_initRead( NLFileName, LogPrint=.true., mpicom=mpicom, &
!                         MasterTask=mastertask, CCSMInitOut=CCSMInit )
! ! Print the object out
! shr_inputInfo_initPrint( CCSMInit )
! ! Get data from the object
! shr_inputInfo_initGetData( CCSMInit, case_name=case_name, case_desc=case_desc )
! ! Check some of the logical values...
! if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart( CCSMInit ) ) ....
! if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue( CCSMInit ) ) ....
! if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch( CCSMInit ) ) ....
! ! Read in restart pointer file and then restart file for inputinfo...
! shr_inputInfo_initRPointerRead( restart_file, MPICom, MasterTask, &
!                                 CCSMInitOut )  ! Also gets file from archive
! shr_inputInfo_initRestRead( restart_file, MPICom, MasterTask, &
!                             CCSMInitOut )
! .... read any other object data from this same driver restart file
! ! Now write out a driver restart file
! ! First write out the driver restart pointer file and get file-name with time-stamp
! shr_inputInfo_initRPointerWrite( ymd, tod, MPICom, MasterTask, &
!                                  CCSMInit, restart_file )
! shr_inputInfo_initRestWrite( restart_file, MPICom, MasterTask, &
!                              CCSMInit )
! .... write any other object data to this same driver restart file
!     2005-Nov-11 - E. Kluzek - creation
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

MODULE shr_inputInfo_mod,5

! !USES:

   USE shr_kind_mod,      ONLY : SHR_KIND_CS, SHR_KIND_CL, SHR_KIND_IN,      &
                                 SHR_KIND_R8, SHR_KIND_I8
   USE shr_sys_mod,       ONLY : shr_sys_flush, shr_sys_abort
   USE shr_ncio_mod,      ONLY : shr_ncio_descripType, shr_ncio_open,        &
   use shr_log_mod,       ONLY : s_loglev  => shr_log_Level
   use shr_log_mod,       ONLY : s_logunit => shr_log_Unit

   implicit none

   private  ! default private


   public :: shr_inputInfo_initType        ! Derived type for shared data


   public :: shr_inputInfo_initSetDefaults     ! Set default values
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initPrint           ! Print out values
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initGetData         ! Get values from object
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initPutData         ! Change values
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initRead            ! Input namelist read method
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup       ! Return if startup case or not
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart       ! Return if restart (branch OR continue)
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue      ! Return if continue case or not
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch        ! Return if branch case or not
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initIsSame          ! Check that the two input objects are same
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initRestRead        ! Read in restart information
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initRestWrite       ! Write out restart information
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initRPointerRead    ! Read restart pointer file get filename
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initRPointerWrite   ! Write restart pointer file get filename
   public :: shr_inputInfo_initCheck           ! Check object for consistency/validity


   ! Shared namelist name
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: shr_inputInfo_NLFilename = "namelist"
   ! Strings of valid start_type options
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: shr_inputInfo_start_type_start = "startup"
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: shr_inputInfo_start_type_cont  = "continue"
   character(len=*), public, parameter :: shr_inputInfo_start_type_brnch = "branch"


   integer, parameter :: NVars = 11       ! Number of variables saved on the restart file
   ! Names of variables from InitType to save on restart file
   character(len=*), parameter :: shr_inputInfo_saveRestart(NVars) = (/ &
      "case_desc      ", &
      "case_name      ", &
      "version        ", &
      "username       ", &
      "hostname       ", &
      "atm_adiabatic  ", &
      "atm_ideal_phys ", &
      "aqua_planet    ", &
      "single_column  ", &
      "scmlat         ", &
      "scmlon         "  &
   ! InputInfo derived type
   type shr_inputInfo_initType
      private     ! This type is opaque
      ! Information shared by all model components
      ! ----------- Information not saved on restart --------------------
      ! Start type: startup, branch or continue
      character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: start_type      ! Type of startup
      character(SHR_KIND_CS) :: logFilePostFix  ! postfix for output log files
      character(SHR_KIND_CL) :: outPathRoot     ! root for output log files

      ! ----------- Information saved on restart ------------------------
      ! Case description and name (save these on restart)
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: case_desc      ! Long description of this case
      character(SHR_KIND_CS)  :: case_name      ! Short case identification
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: version        ! Model version
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: username       ! Username running model
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: hostname       ! Hostname of machine running model
      ! Special configurations (save these on restart)
      logical                 :: atm_adiabatic  ! No surface models and atm adiabatic mode
      logical                 :: atm_ideal_phys ! No surface models and atm ideal-physics
      logical                 :: aqua_planet    ! No ice/lnd, analytic ocn, perpetual time
      logical                 :: single_column  ! single column mode
      real (SHR_KIND_R8)      :: scmlat         ! single column lat
      real (SHR_KIND_R8)      :: scmlon         ! single column lon
      integer(SHR_KIND_IN)    :: info_debug      ! debug level

      ! Information ONLY used by the top level application driver.
      ! ----------- Information not saved on restart --------------------
      ! Run time information set by model
      logical                 :: lnd_present        ! lnd is run
      logical                 :: ice_present        ! ice is run
      logical                 :: ocn_present        ! ocn is run
      logical                 :: rof_present        ! rof is calculated by lnd
      logical                 :: atm_prognostic     ! atm needs input (not data)
      logical                 :: lnd_prognostic     ! lnd needs input (not data)
      logical                 :: ice_prognostic     ! ice needs input (not data)
      logical                 :: ocn_prognostic     ! ocn needs input (not data)
      logical                 :: ocnrof_prognostic  ! ocn needs input runoff
      logical                 :: samegrid
      logical                 :: dead_comps         
      ! Restart set by model or driver
      logical                 :: userest_atm
      logical                 :: userest_lnd
      logical                 :: userest_ocn
      logical                 :: userest_ice
      ! Restart file info
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: restart_pfile         ! Restart pointer file
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: restart_file          ! Full archive path to restart file
      character(SHR_KIND_CL)  :: restart_file_override ! List to override on restart file
      logical :: brnch_retain_casename                 ! If branch and can use same casename

      ! Variables that are written out to restart file from above
      type(shr_ncio_descripType) :: var(NVars)
   end type shr_inputInfo_InitType
   ! List of values read in from restart_file that can be over-ridden on namelist
   character(len=*), private, parameter :: restartFileOverRideList = &
             ":case_name"  &    ! Case name (only for branch)
           //":case_desc"  &    ! Case description
           //":version"    &    ! Version
           //":username"   &    ! User name
           //":hostname"        ! Machine hostname
   ! Prefix to put in front of variable names on restart file
   character(len=*), parameter :: prefix = "shr_inputInfo_"
   character(len=*), parameter :: LogPrefix = "(shr_inputInfo) "
   character(len=*), parameter :: FAA = "('"//LogPrefix//"',A)"


! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initSetDefaults -- Set defaults for shr_CCSMInit data
!     Set the defaults for the input CCSMInit object.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initSetDefaults( CCSMInit ),15

! !USES:

   USE shr_ncio_mod,   ONLY: shr_ncio_descripInit, shr_ncio_descripSetDefault
   USE shr_string_mod, ONLY: shr_string_listGetNum, shr_string_listIntersect, &

   implicit none

   ! Bluevista requires intent to be IN/OUT (even though IN is unneeded) when running 
   ! with debug compiler options and serial mode. Version 10.01.0000.0004 of xlf90 EBK Jul/18/2007
   type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInit   ! Output CCSM structure


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(shr_inputInfo_initSetDefaults) '
    character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: restartList ! Items in restart-list and override
    character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: name        ! name of list item
    integer :: n                              ! Index
    integer :: rc                             ! Return code
    logical :: init                           ! If MPI initialized or not

! Notes:

    ! Set default values for each item
    CCSMInit%case_desc             = ' '
    CCSMInit%case_name             = ' '
    CCSMInit%version               = ' '
    CCSMInit%username              = ' '
    CCSMInit%hostname              = ' '
    CCSMInit%start_type            = ' '

    CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys        = .false.
    CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic         = .false.
    CCSMInit%aqua_planet           = .false.
    CCSMInit%single_column         = .false.
    CCSMInit%scmlat                = -999.
    CCSMInit%scmlon                = -999.

    CCSMInit%restart_pfile         = ' '
    CCSMInit%restart_file          = ' '
    CCSMInit%restart_file_override = ' '
    CCSMInit%brnch_retain_casename = .false.
    CCSMInit%logFilePostFix        = '.log'
    CCSMInit%outPathRoot           = './'
    CCSMInit%lnd_present           = .true.
    CCSMInit%ice_present           = .true.
    CCSMInit%ocn_present           = .true.
    CCSMInit%rof_present           = .true.

    CCSMInit%atm_prognostic        = .false.
    CCSMInit%lnd_prognostic        = .false.
    CCSMInit%ice_prognostic        = .false.
    CCSMInit%ocn_prognostic        = .false.
    CCSMInit%ocnrof_prognostic     = .false.
    CCSMInit%samegrid              = .false.
    CCSMInit%dead_comps            = .false.
    CCSMInit%info_debug             = 1

    ! Prepare names of data to write to restart file
    call shr_ncio_descripSetDefault( NVars, CCSMInit%var )
    do n = 1, NVars
       name = shr_inputInfo_saveRestart(n)
       if (      trim(name) == "atm_adiabatic" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                                 LongName="Atmosphere runs in adiabatic mode", &
                                 LogicalData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "atm_ideal_phys" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                       LongName="Atmosphere runs in idealized physics mode",   &
                       LogicalData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "aqua_planet" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                           LongName="Aqua_planet mode (no-land/ice, "//        &
                           "perpetual-date, and analytic SST)",                &
                           LogicalData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "single_column" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                           LongName="CCSM run in Single Column Mode",          &
                           LogicalData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "scmlat" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                           LongName="Single Column Mode Latitude",             &
                           units="degrees_north", RealR8Data=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "scmlon" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                           LongName="Single Column Mode Longitude",            &
                           units="degrees_east", RealR8Data=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "case_desc" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                                     LongName="Case description",              &
                                     StringData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "case_name" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                    &
                                     LongName="Case identification name",      &
                                     StringData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "version" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                       &
                                     LongName="Code version name or description", &
                                     StringData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "username" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                                 &
                                     LongName="username of person running this simulation", &
                                     StringData=.true. )
       else if ( trim(name) == "hostname" )then
          call shr_ncio_descripInit( CCSMInit%var(n), name,                                 &
                                     LongName="hostname of machine running this simulation", &
                                     StringData=.true. )
          call shr_sys_abort( subname//': unrecognized variable to store ' //  &
                              'on restart file: '//name )
       end if
    end do

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initSetDefaults

! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initPrint -- Print out values to log file
!     Print derivied type out to screen.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initPrint( CCSMInit ) 1,2
   implicit none


   type(shr_inputInfo_initType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit  ! Output CCSM structure


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(shr_inputInfo_initPrint) '
    character(len=*), parameter :: F0A = "('"//LogPrefix//"',A,T45,' = ', A)"
    character(len=*), parameter :: F0L = "('"//LogPrefix//"',A,T45,' = ', L1)"
    character(len=*), parameter :: F0I = "('"//LogPrefix//"',A,T45,' = ', I4)"
    character(len=*), parameter :: F01 = "('"//LogPrefix//"',A,T45,' = ', f18.13)"

! Notes:

    if (s_loglev > 0) then
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Case description:           ', trim(CCSMInit%case_desc)
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Case name:                  ', trim(CCSMInit%case_name)
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Version:                    ', trim(CCSMInit%version)
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Username:                   ', trim(CCSMInit%username)
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Hostname:                   ', trim(CCSMInit%hostname)
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Start type:                 ', trim(CCSMInit%start_type)
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Log output ending name:     ', trim(CCSMInit%logFilePostFix)
!BUG   write(s_logunit,F0L)  'info_debug:                 ', CCSMInit%info_debug
       write(s_logunit,*)    'info_debug:                 ', CCSMInit%info_debug
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Output path root directory: ', trim(CCSMInit%outPathRoot)
       write(s_logunit,F0L)  'atm idealized-physics mode: ', CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys
       write(s_logunit,F0L)  'atm adiabatic mode:         ', CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic
       write(s_logunit,F0L)  'aqua_planet mode:           ', CCSMInit%aqua_planet
       write(s_logunit,F0L)  'single_column:              ', CCSMInit%single_column
       if ( CCSMInit%single_column )then
          write(s_logunit,F01)  'scmlat:                     ', CCSMInit%scmlat
          write(s_logunit,F01)  'scmlon:                     ', CCSMInit%scmlon
       end if
       write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Restart pointer file:       ', trim(CCSMInit%restart_pfile)

       ! --- Some values only printed out on restart ------
       if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart( CCSMInit ) )then
          if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch( CCSMInit ) ) &
             write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Restart file (full path):   ', trim(CCSMInit%restart_file)
          if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%restart_file_override) == 0 )then
             write(s_logunit,FAA)  'Do NOT override any values from restart_file by namelist'
             write(s_logunit,F0A)  'Restart file override list: ', &
          end if
       end if

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initPrint

! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initGetData -- Get values from CCSMInit object
!     Get values out of the CCSMInit object.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initGetData( CCSMInit, case_name, case_desc,         &,1
                                      version, username, hostname,            &
                                      start_type, restart_pfile,              &
                                      restart_file, perpetual_run,            &
                                      perpetual_ymd, aqua_planet,             &
                                      atm_ideal_phys, atm_adiabatic,          &
                                      brnch_retain_casename, single_column,   &
                                      scmlat,scmlon,                          &
	                              logFilePostFix, outPathRoot,            &
                                      lnd_present, ice_present, ocn_present, rof_present,  &
                                      atm_prognostic, lnd_prognostic, ice_prognostic,      &
                                      ocn_prognostic, ocnrof_prognostic,                   &
                                      dead_comps, samegrid, info_debug)
   implicit none


   type(shr_inputInfo_InitType),  intent(IN) :: CCSMInit      ! Input CCSM structure
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: case_name     ! Short case identification
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: case_desc     ! Long case description
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: version       ! Code version name or description
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: username      ! Username of person running simulation
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: hostname      ! Username of machine running simulation
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: start_type    ! Start type
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: restart_pfile ! Restart pointer file
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: restart_file  ! Restart file pathname
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: perpetual_run ! If this is perpetual
   integer,            optional, intent(OUT) :: perpetual_ymd ! If perpetual, date
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: aqua_planet   ! aqua_planet mode
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_adiabatic ! atm adiabatic mode
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_ideal_phys! atm idealized-physics mode
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: logFilePostFix! output log file postfix
   character(len=*),   optional, intent(OUT) :: outPathRoot   ! output file root
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: brnch_retain_casename
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: single_column
   real (SHR_KIND_R8), optional, intent(OUT) :: scmlat
   real (SHR_KIND_R8), optional, intent(OUT) :: scmlon
   ! --- Flags reset by models --- 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: dead_comps
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_present 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_present 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_present 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: rof_present 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: atm_prognostic 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: lnd_prognostic 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: ice_prognostic 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: ocn_prognostic 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: ocnrof_prognostic 
   logical,            optional, intent(OUT) :: samegrid
   integer(SHR_KIND_IN),optional, intent(OUT) :: info_debug


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(shr_inputInfo_initGetData) '
    integer, parameter :: aqua_perpetual_ymd = 321       ! Default perpetual date


    if ( present(aqua_planet)    )  aqua_planet    = CCSMInit%aqua_planet
    if ( present(single_column)  )  single_column  = CCSMInit%single_column
    if ( present(scmlat)         )  scmlat         = CCSMInit%scmlat
    if ( present(scmlon)         )  scmlon         = CCSMInit%scmlon
    if ( present(atm_adiabatic)  )  atm_adiabatic  = CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic
    if ( present(atm_ideal_phys) )  atm_ideal_phys = CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys
    if ( present(start_type)   )    start_type     = CCSMInit%start_type
    if ( present(restart_pfile) )   restart_pfile  = CCSMInit%restart_pfile
    if ( present(restart_file)  )   restart_file   = CCSMInit%restart_file
    if ( present(case_name)  )      case_name      = CCSMInit%case_name
    if ( present(case_desc)  )      case_desc      = CCSMInit%case_desc
    if ( present(version)  )        version        = CCSMInit%version
    if ( present(username)  )       username       = CCSMInit%username
    if ( present(hostname)  )       hostname       = CCSMInit%hostname
    if ( present(logFilePostFix) )  logFilePostFix = CCSMInit%logFilePostFix
    if ( present(outPathRoot)    )  outPathRoot    = CCSMInit%outPathRoot
    if ( present(brnch_retain_casename) ) &
         brnch_retain_casename =  CCSMInit%brnch_retain_casename

    ! --- Perpetual run mode and date (if aqua_planet mode set else false) ------
    if ( present(perpetual_run)  )then
       if ( .not. present(perpetual_ymd)  )then
          call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: asking for perpetual_run but not '//&
               'perpetual_ymd' )
       end if
       if ( CCSMInit%aqua_planet )then
          perpetual_run  = .true.
          perpetual_ymd  = aqua_perpetual_ymd
          perpetual_run  = .false.
          perpetual_ymd  = 0
       end if
    end if

    if ( present(dead_comps)       ) dead_comps       = CCSMInit%dead_comps       
    if ( present(lnd_present)      ) lnd_present      = CCSMInit%lnd_present
    if ( present(ice_present)      ) ice_present      = CCSMInit%ice_present
    if ( present(ocn_present)      ) ocn_present      = CCSMInit%ocn_present
    if ( present(rof_present)      ) rof_present      = CCSMInit%rof_present
    if ( present(atm_prognostic)   ) atm_prognostic   = CCSMInit%atm_prognostic
    if ( present(lnd_prognostic)   ) lnd_prognostic   = CCSMInit%lnd_prognostic
    if ( present(ice_prognostic)   ) ice_prognostic   = CCSMInit%ice_prognostic
    if ( present(ocn_prognostic)   ) ocn_prognostic   = CCSMInit%ocn_prognostic
    if ( present(ocnrof_prognostic)) ocnrof_prognostic= CCSMInit%ocnrof_prognostic
    if ( present(samegrid)         ) samegrid         = CCSMInit%samegrid
    if ( present(info_debug)       ) info_debug         = CCSMInit%info_debug
END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initGetData

! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initPutData -- Change values of input CCSMInit object
!     Change the values of the input CCSMInit object.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initPutData( CCSMInit, case_name, case_desc,         &
                                      version, username, hostname,            &
                                      start_type, atm_adiabatic,              &
                                      atm_ideal_phys, aqua_planet,            &
                                      restart_file, restart_pfile,            &
                                      restart_file_override,                  &
                                      brnch_retain_casename,single_column,    &
                                      scmlat, scmlon,                         &
                                      logFilePostFix, outPathRoot,            &
                                      lnd_present, ice_present, ocn_present, rof_present,  &
                                      atm_prognostic, lnd_prognostic, ice_prognostic,      &
                                      ocn_prognostic, ocnrof_prognostic,                   &
                                      dead_comps, samegrid, info_debug)

   implicit none

    type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT)  :: CCSMInit  ! Output CCSM structure
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: case_name       ! Short case identification
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: case_desc       ! Long case description
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: version         ! Code version name or description
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: username        ! Username of person running simulation
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: hostname        ! Username of machine running simulation
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: start_type      ! Type of startup
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: restart_file    ! Restart file pathname
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: restart_pfile   ! Restart pointer file
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: logFilePostFix  ! Output log file postfix
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: outPathRoot     ! Output file root
    ! -- Items to override on restart_file --- 
    character(len=*), intent(IN), optional :: restart_file_override 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: atm_adiabatic   ! no surf & atm adiabatic
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: atm_ideal_phys  ! no surf & atm ideal-phyps
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: aqua_planet     ! Pure ocean surface
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: single_column   ! single column mode
    real(SHR_KIND_R8),intent(IN), optional :: scmlat          ! single column mode latitude
    real(SHR_KIND_R8),intent(IN), optional :: scmlon          ! single column mode longitude
    ! --- If retain previous casename or not ------
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: brnch_retain_casename
    ! --- Flags reset by models --- 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: dead_comps
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: lnd_present
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: ice_present
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: ocn_present
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: samegrid
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: rof_present 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: atm_prognostic 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: lnd_prognostic 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: ice_prognostic 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: ocn_prognostic 
    logical,          intent(IN), optional :: ocnrof_prognostic 
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN),intent(IN),optional :: info_debug


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(shr_inputInfo_initPutData) '

! Notes:

    if ( present(case_name)        ) CCSMInit%case_name      = case_name
    if ( present(case_desc)        ) CCSMInit%case_desc      = case_desc
    if ( present(version)          ) CCSMInit%version        = version
    if ( present(username)         ) CCSMInit%username       = username
    if ( present(hostname)         ) CCSMInit%hostname       = hostname
    if ( present(start_type)       ) CCSMInit%start_type     = start_type
    if ( present(atm_adiabatic)    ) CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic  = atm_adiabatic
    if ( present(atm_ideal_phys)   ) CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys = atm_ideal_phys
    if ( present(aqua_planet)      ) CCSMInit%aqua_planet    = aqua_planet
    if ( present(single_column)    ) CCSMInit%single_column  = single_column
    if ( present(scmlat)           ) CCSMInit%scmlat         = scmlat
    if ( present(scmlon)           ) CCSMInit%scmlon         = scmlon
    if ( present(restart_file)     ) CCSMInit%restart_file   = restart_file
    if ( present(restart_pfile)    ) CCSMInit%restart_pfile  = restart_pfile
    if ( present(logFilePostFix)   ) CCSMInit%logFilePostFix = logFilePostFix 
    if ( present(outPathRoot)      ) CCSMInit%outPathRoot    = outPathRoot 

    if ( present(restart_file_override)) CCSMInit%restart_file_override = restart_file_override
    if ( present(brnch_retain_casename)) CCSMInit%brnch_retain_casename = brnch_retain_casename

    if ( present(dead_comps)       ) CCSMInit%dead_comps       = dead_comps
    if ( present(lnd_present)      ) CCSMInit%lnd_present      = lnd_present
    if ( present(ice_present)      ) CCSMInit%ice_present      = ice_present
    if ( present(ocn_present)      ) CCSMInit%ocn_present      = ocn_present
    if ( present(rof_present)      ) CCSMInit%rof_present      = rof_present       
    if ( present(atm_prognostic)   ) CCSMInit%atm_prognostic   = atm_prognostic    
    if ( present(lnd_prognostic)   ) CCSMInit%lnd_prognostic   = lnd_prognostic    
    if ( present(ice_prognostic)   ) CCSMInit%ice_prognostic   = ice_prognostic    
    if ( present(ocn_prognostic)   ) CCSMInit%ocn_prognostic   = ocn_prognostic    
    if ( present(ocnrof_prognostic)) CCSMInit%ocnrof_prognostic= ocnrof_prognostic 
    if ( present(samegrid)         ) CCSMInit%samegrid         = samegrid
    if ( present(info_debug)       ) CCSMInit%info_debug         = info_debug

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initPutData

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initRead -- read in CCSM shared namelist
!     Read in input from ccsm_inparm namelist, output ccsm derived type for
!     miscillaneous info.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRead( NLFilename, LogPrint, mpicom, masterTask, &,12
                                   CCSMInitOut )

! !USES:

   USE shr_file_mod,   ONLY : shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_freeUnit
   USE shr_string_mod, ONLY : shr_string_toUpper, shr_string_listAppend
   USE shr_mpi_mod,    ONLY : shr_mpi_bcast

   implicit none


   character(len=*),            intent(IN) :: NLFilename      ! Name-list filename
   logical,                     intent(IN) :: LogPrint        ! If print out to log file
   integer, optional,           intent(IN) :: mpicom          ! MPI communicator
   logical, optional,           intent(IN) :: MasterTask      ! If MPI master task
   type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInitOut ! Output CCSM structure


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(shr_inputInfo_initRead) '
    logical                    :: MasterTask2        ! If MPI master task
    character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: case_desc          ! Case long description
    character(SHR_KIND_CS)     :: case_name          ! Case short name
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: version            ! Code version using
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: username           ! Username of person running simulation
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: hostname           ! hostname of machine running simulation
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: start_type         ! Startup-type: startup, continue, branch
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: restart_pfile      ! Restart pointer filename
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: restart_file       ! Restart filename

    ! ----- Namelist items to override from the restart-file ------
    character(SHR_KIND_CL)     :: restart_file_override     
    logical                    :: aqua_planet        ! Aqua-planet mode (surface is all ocean)
    logical                    :: single_column      ! single column mode
    real (SHR_KIND_R8)         :: scmlat             ! single column mode latitude
    real (SHR_KIND_R8)         :: scmlon             ! single column mode longitude
    logical                    :: atm_adiabatic      ! Atmosphere adiabatic physics mode
    logical                    :: atm_ideal_phys     ! Atmosphere idealized physics mode
    logical                    :: brnch_retain_casename ! If retain casename for branch
    character(len=SHR_KIND_CS) :: logFilePostFix     ! postfix for output log files
    character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: outPathRoot        ! root output files
    integer                    :: rcode              ! Return code
    integer                    :: ierr               ! I/O error code
    integer                    :: unitn              ! Namelist unit number to read
    integer(SHR_KIND_IN)       :: info_debug

    namelist /ccsm_inparm/  &
         case_desc, case_name, version, username,       &
         hostname, start_type, brnch_retain_casename,   &
         atm_adiabatic, atm_ideal_phys, aqua_planet,    &
         restart_pfile, restart_file, info_debug,       &
         restart_file_override,single_column, scmlat,   &
         scmlon, logFilePostFix, outPathRoot


    if ( present(MasterTask) )then
       MasterTask2 = MasterTask
       MasterTask2 = .true.
    end if
    if (       present(MasterTask) .and. .not. present(mpicom) )then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if MasterTask input, so must mpicom' )
    if ( .not. present(MasterTask) .and.      present(mpicom) )then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if mpicom input, so must MasterTask' )

    ! Set defaults based on current value of input object
    case_desc             = CCSMInitOut%case_desc
    case_name             = CCSMInitOut%case_name
    version               = CCSMInitOut%version
    username              = CCSMInitOut%username
    hostname              = CCSMInitOut%hostname
    start_type            = CCSMInitOut%start_type
    atm_ideal_phys        = CCSMInitOut%atm_ideal_phys
    atm_adiabatic         = CCSMInitOut%atm_adiabatic
    aqua_planet           = CCSMInitOut%aqua_planet
    single_column         = CCSMInitOut%single_column
    scmlat                = CCSMInitOut%scmlat
    scmlon                = CCSMInitOut%scmlon
    restart_pfile         = CCSMInitOut%restart_pfile
    restart_file          = CCSMInitOut%restart_file
    restart_file_override = CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override
    brnch_retain_casename = CCSMInitOut%brnch_retain_casename
    logFilePostFix        = CCSMInitOut%logFilePostFix
    outPathRoot           = CCSMInitOut%outPathRoot
    info_debug            = CCSMInitOut%info_debug

    ! Read in namelist
    if ( MasterTask2 )then
       unitn = shr_file_getUnit()
       if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,FAA) 'Read in ccsm_inparm namelist from: '//trim(NLFilename)
       open( unitn, file=trim(NLFilename), status='old' )
       ierr = 1
       do while( ierr /= 0 )
          if (ierr < 0) then
             call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: namelist read returns an'// &
                                 ' end of file or end of record condition' )
          end if
       end do
       call shr_file_freeUnit( unitn )
    end if

    ! If MPI broadcast values to all processors
    if ( present(mpicom) )then
       call shr_mpi_bcast( case_desc,             MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( case_name,             MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( version,               MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( username,              MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( hostname,              MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( start_type,            MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( atm_ideal_phys,        MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( atm_adiabatic,         MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( aqua_planet,           MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( single_column,         MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( scmlat,                MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( scmlon,                MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( restart_pfile,         MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( restart_file,          MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( restart_file_override, MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( brnch_retain_casename, MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( logFilePostFix,        MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( outPathRoot,           MPICom )
       call shr_mpi_bcast( info_debug,            MPICom )
    end if

    ! Put into ccsm init derived type
    CCSMInitOut%case_desc             = case_desc
    CCSMInitOut%case_name             = case_name
    CCSMInitOut%version               = version
    CCSMInitOut%username              = username
    CCSMInitOut%hostname              = hostname
    CCSMInitOut%start_type            = start_type
    CCSMInitOut%atm_ideal_phys        = atm_ideal_phys
    CCSMInitOut%atm_adiabatic         = atm_adiabatic
    CCSMInitOut%aqua_planet           = aqua_planet
    CCSMInitOut%single_column         = single_column
    CCSMInitOut%scmlat                = scmlat
    CCSMInitOut%scmlon                = scmlon
    CCSMInitOut%restart_pfile         = restart_pfile
    CCSMInitOut%restart_file          = restart_file
    CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override = restart_file_override
    CCSMInitOut%brnch_retain_casename = brnch_retain_casename
    CCSMInitOut%logFilePostFix        = logFilePostFix
    CCSMInitOut%outPathRoot           = outPathRoot
    CCSMInitOut%info_debug            = info_debug

    if (CCSMInitOut%aqua_planet) then
       CCSMInitOut%lnd_present = .false.
       CCSMInitOut%ice_present = .false.
       CCSMInitOut%ocn_present = .true.
    end if
    if (CCSMInitOut%atm_adiabatic .or. CCSMInitOut%atm_ideal_phys) then
       CCSMInitOut%lnd_present = .false.
       CCSMInitOut%ice_present = .false.
       CCSMInitOut%ocn_present = .false.
    end if

    ! Set restart pointer file name if wasn't set on namelist
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInitOut%restart_pfile) == 0 )then
       CCSMInitOut%restart_pfile = 'rpointer' //'.drv'
    end if

    ! Append values to override list depending on type
    ! (For branch, override, case_name, for restart don't)
    if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch( CCSMInitOut ) .and.  &
         (.not. CCSMInitOut%brnch_retain_casename) )then
       call shr_string_listAppend( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                                   "case_name" )
    end if

    ! --- Error check the input values and print them out ------
    call shr_inputInfo_initCheck( CCSMInitOut )
    if ( LogPrint) call shr_inputInfo_initPrint( CCSMInitOut )

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRead

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup -- Return true if this is a startup case
! Check if this is a startup case.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

logical FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup( CCSMInit ) 1

  implicit none


  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit    ! Input CCSM structure


    !----- local -----

! Notes:

  ! --- Return if startup or not -----
   if ( trim(CCSMInit%start_type) == shr_inputInfo_start_type_start )then
      shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup = .true.
      shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup = .false.
   end if

END FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart -- Return true if this is continue or branch
! Check if this is a continue or "branch" case"
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

logical FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart( CCSMInit ) 1,1

  implicit none


  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit    ! Input CCSM structure


    !----- local -----

! Notes:

  ! --- Return if restart or not (negation of startup case)
  shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart = .not. shr_inputInfo_initIsStartup( CCSMInit )

END FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue -- Return true if this is a continue case
! Check if this is a continue case.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

logical FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue( CCSMInit ) 1

  implicit none


  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit    ! Input CCSM structure


    !----- local -----

! Notes:

  ! --- Return if continue or not ------
   if ( trim(CCSMInit%start_type) == shr_inputInfo_start_type_cont )then
      shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue  = .true.
      shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue  = .false.
   end if

END FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch -- Return true if this is a branch case
! Check if this is a branch case.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

logical FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch( CCSMInit ) 4

  implicit none


  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit    ! Input CCSM structure


    !----- local -----

! Notes:

  ! --- Return if branch or not -----
   if ( trim(CCSMInit%start_type) == shr_inputInfo_start_type_brnch )then
      shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch = .true.
      shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch = .false.
   end if

END FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initIsSame - Return true if input objects same
! Check if the two input init objects have the same values.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

logical FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsSame( CCSMInit, CCSMInit2 )

  implicit none

  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit    ! Input CCSM structure
  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(IN) :: CCSMInit2   ! Second Input CCSM structure
    !----- local -----

! Notes:

    shr_inputInfo_initIsSame = .false.
    if ( CCSMInit%start_type            /= CCSMInit2%start_type            ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%case_desc             /= CCSMInit2%case_desc             ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%case_name             /= CCSMInit2%case_name             ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%version               /= CCSMInit2%version               ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%username              /= CCSMInit2%username              ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%hostname              /= CCSMInit2%hostname              ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic     .neqv. CCSMInit2%atm_adiabatic         ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys    .neqv. CCSMInit2%atm_ideal_phys        ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%aqua_planet       .neqv. CCSMInit2%aqua_planet           ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%restart_pfile         /= CCSMInit2%restart_pfile         ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%restart_file          /= CCSMInit2%restart_file          ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%restart_file_override /= CCSMInit2%restart_file_override ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%logFilePostFix        /= CCSMInit2%logFilePostFix        ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%outPathRoot           /= CCSMInit2%outPathRoot           ) return
    if ( CCSMInit%brnch_retain_casename .neqv. CCSMInit2%brnch_retain_casename ) return
    shr_inputInfo_initIsSame = .true.
END FUNCTION shr_inputInfo_initIsSame


!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initRestRead -- Read in NetCDF restart file
! Read in restart file information from netCDF input restart file
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRestRead( restart_file, MPICom, MasterTask, &,60
                                       CCSMInitOut )


  use netcdf
  use shr_ncio_mod,   only: shr_ncio_descripRead, shr_ncio_descripName, &
                            shr_ncio_descripGetString,                  &
                            shr_ncio_descripGetRealR8,                   &
                            shr_ncio_descripGetInteger,                 &
  use shr_string_mod, only: shr_string_listGetIndexF

  implicit none


  character(len=SHR_KIND_CL),   intent(IN) :: restart_file   ! Restart local filename
  integer, optional,            intent(IN) :: MPICom         ! MPI Communicator
  logical, optional,            intent(IN) :: MasterTask     ! If MPI master task
  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInitOut ! Output CCSM structure


   !----- local -----
  character(len=*), parameter :: subname = "(shr_inputInfo_initRestRead) "
  logical :: MasterTask2                    ! If MPI master task
  integer :: i                              ! Index
  integer :: list                           ! Index in override list
  integer :: ncId                           ! NetCDF file handle
  logical :: exists                         ! If file exists or not

! Notes:
  if ( present(MasterTask) )then
     MasterTask2 = MasterTask
     MasterTask2 = .true.
  end if
  if (       present(MasterTask) .and. .not. present(mpicom) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if MasterTask input, so must mpicom' )
  if ( .not. present(MasterTask) .and.      present(mpicom) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if mpicom input, so must MasterTask' )

  if ( .not. shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart( CCSMInitOut ) ) return
  if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch( CCSMInitOut ) .and. len_trim(restart_file) == 0 &
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//': on a branch run, restart_file MUST be '// &
                         'set on namelist' )
  end if
  ! --- Read the restart file -----
  call shr_ncio_open( restart_file, MasterTask2, FileType=prefix//"restart_file", &
                      ncId=ncId, exists=exists )
  if ( present(MPICom) )then
     call shr_ncio_descripRead( ncId, NVars, prefix, MPICom, MasterTask2, &
                         var=CCSMInitOut%var )
     call shr_ncio_descripRead( ncId, NVars, prefix, var=CCSMInitOut%var )
  end if
  call shr_ncio_close( ncId, MasterTask2, type=prefix//"restart_file", &
                       NCFileName=restart_file )
  ! Put input read into derived type
  ! Check if item is on over-ride list (if list_index != 0)
  ! If it is not over-ride list -- use the value from the restart file
  do i = 1, NVars
     if (      trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "case_desc" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                         trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%case_desc = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "case_name" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                                trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsBranch( CCSMInitOut ) .and. &
             (.not. CCSMInitOut%brnch_retain_casename) )then
           if ( trim(CCSMInitOut%case_name) == &
                 trim(shr_ncio_descripGetString(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) )then
              call shr_sys_abort( subname//': Branch and case_name same as '// &
                          'on restart_file  and brnch_retain_casename not set' )
           end if
        end if
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%case_name = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "version" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%version = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "username" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%username = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "hostname" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%hostname = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "atm_adiabatic" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                           trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%atm_adiabatic = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "atm_ideal_phys" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                               trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%atm_ideal_phys = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "aqua_planet" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%aqua_planet  = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "single_column" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%single_column  = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "scmlat" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%scmlat = &
     else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) == "scmlon" )then
        list = shr_string_listGetIndexF( CCSMInitOut%restart_file_override, &
                           trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i)) ) )
        if ( list == 0 ) CCSMInitOut%scmlon = &
        call shr_sys_abort( subname//': unrecognized variable: '// &
                            trim(shr_ncio_descripName(CCSMInitOut%var(i))) )
     end if
  end do
  ! --- Check to make sure the structure is valid ------
  call shr_inputInfo_initCheck( CCSMInitOut )

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRestRead  

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initRestWrite -- Write out the NetCDF restart file
! Write out restart file information to netCDF restart file
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRestWrite( restart_file, MPICom, MasterTask, &,31
                                           CCSMInit )
! !USES:
  use netcdf
  use shr_ncio_mod, only: shr_ncio_descripWrite, shr_ncio_descripPutData, &

  implicit none


  character(len=SHR_KIND_CL),   intent(IN) :: restart_file ! Restart local filename
  integer, optional,            intent(IN) :: MPICom       ! MPI Communicator
  logical, optional,            intent(IN) :: MasterTask   ! If MPI master task
  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInit  ! Output CCSM structure


   !----- local -----
  character(len=*), parameter :: subname = "(shr_inputInfo_initRestWrite) "
  logical :: MasterTask2   ! If MPI master task
  logical :: exists        ! If file exists already or not
  integer :: ncId          ! NetCDF file handle
  integer :: i             ! Index

! Notes:

  if ( present(MasterTask) )then
     MasterTask2 = MasterTask
     MasterTask2 = .true.
  end if
  if (       present(MasterTask) .and. .not. present(mpicom) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if MasterTask input, so must mpicom' )
  if ( .not. present(MasterTask) .and.      present(mpicom) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if mpicom input, so must MasterTask' )
  ! Loop over variables, set the data for each structure element
  do i = 1, NVars
      if (      trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "atm_adiabatic" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "atm_adiabatic", &
                                   LogicalData=CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "atm_ideal_phys" &
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "atm_ideal_phys", &
                                   LogicalData=CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "aqua_planet" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "aqua_planet", &
                                   LogicalData=CCSMInit%aqua_planet )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "single_column" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "single_column", &
                                   LogicalData=CCSMInit%single_column )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "scmlat" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "scmlat", &
                                   RealR8Data=CCSMInit%scmlat )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "scmlon" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "scmlon", &
                                   RealR8Data=CCSMInit%scmlon )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "case_desc" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "case_desc", &
                                   StringData=CCSMInit%case_desc )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "case_name" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "case_name", &
                                   StringData=CCSMInit%case_name )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "version" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "version", &
                                   StringData=CCSMInit%version )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "username" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "username", &
                                   StringData=CCSMInit%username )
      else if ( trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) == "hostname" )then
         call shr_ncio_descripPutData( CCSMInit%var(i), "hostname", &
                                   StringData=CCSMInit%hostname )
         call shr_sys_abort( subname//': unknown variable name: '// &
                             trim(shr_ncio_descripName( CCSMInit%var(i) ) ) )
      end if
  end do
  ! --- Actually write the data to the file -------
  ! --- Force a clobber here, then exist becomes false
  call shr_ncio_open( NCFileName=restart_file, MasterTask=masterTask2,  &
                      FileType=trim(prefix)//"restart_file",            &
                      ncId=ncId, exists=exists, writing=.true., clobber=.true. )
  exists = .false.
  if ( present(MPICom) )then
     call shr_ncio_descripWrite( ncId, NVars, prefix, mpicom, MasterTask2, &
                                 exists=exists, var=CCSMInit%var )
     call shr_ncio_descripWrite( ncId, NVars, prefix, exists=exists, &
                                 var=CCSMInit%var )
  end if
  call shr_ncio_close( ncId, MasterTask2, type=prefix//"restart_file",  &
                       NCFileName=restart_file )

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRestWrite  

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initRPointerRead  -- Read in the restart pointer file
! Read in restart pointer file, also get the local restart filename
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRPointerRead( MPICom, MasterTask, CCSMInit, &,9
                                           restart_file )
! !USES:

  USE shr_file_mod,  ONLY : shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_freeUnit, shr_file_get
  USE shr_mpi_mod,    ONLY : shr_mpi_bcast

  implicit none


  integer, optional,            intent(IN)    :: MPICom       ! MPI communicator
  logical, optional,            intent(IN)    :: MasterTask   ! If MPI master task
  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInit     ! Output CCSM structure
  character(len=SHR_KIND_CL),   intent(OUT)   :: restart_file ! Local restart filename


  !----- local -----
  character(len=*), parameter :: subname = "(shr_inputInfo_initRPointerRead) "
  integer :: rUnit                                ! Fortran unit to open
  logical :: MasterTask2                          ! If MPI master task
  character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: rest_file_archive ! Restart filename full archive path
  integer :: ierr                                 ! Return code
  integer :: i                                    ! Index

! Notes:

  if ( present(MasterTask) )then
     MasterTask2 = MasterTask
     MasterTask2 = .true.
  end if
  if (       present(MasterTask) .and. .not. present(mpicom) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if MasterTask input, so must mpicom' )
  if ( .not. present(MasterTask) .and.      present(mpicom) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//':: if mpicom input, so must MasterTask' )
  ! --- Only continue if this is a continue or restart case
  if ( .not. shr_inputInfo_initIsRestart( CCSMInit ) )then
     call shr_sys_abort( subname//":: can only read RPointer file if "// &
                         "restart or continue" )
  end if

  ! --- Only read restart pointer file -- if this is a continue case -----
  if ( shr_inputInfo_initIsContinue( CCSMInit ) )then
     ! --- Read restart pointer file only on MasterTask -----
     if ( MasterTask2 )then
        rUnit = shr_file_getUnit()
        if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,FAA) 'Read ccsm driver restart pointer file: '// &
        open(rUnit, file=CCSMInit%restart_pfile, form='FORMATTED', status='old')
        read(rUnit,'(a)') rest_file_archive
        call shr_file_freeUnit( rUnit )
     end if
     ! --- If MPI broadcast archive filename to all tasks -------
     if ( present(MPICom) ) call shr_mpi_bcast( rest_file_archive, MPICom )
  ! --- For branch case get restart_file archive name from input object ---
     rest_file_archive = CCSMInit%restart_file
  end if
  CCSMInit%restart_file = rest_file_archive

  ! --- Get restart file from archival system, and get local filename ----
  i = index( rest_file_archive, "/", back=.true. )
  if ( i > 0 )then
     restart_file = rest_file_archive(i+1:len_trim(rest_file_archive))
     restart_file = rest_file_archive
  end if
  if ( MasterTask2 ) call shr_file_get( ierr, restart_file, rest_file_archive )

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRPointerRead

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initRPointerWrite  -- Write out the restart pointer file
! Write out restart pointer file also get local restart filename
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRPointerWrite( ymd, tod, MPICom, MasterTask, &,3
                                            FileType, CCSMInit, restart_file )
! !USES:

  use shr_file_mod,   only: shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_freeUnit, shr_file_get

  implicit none


  integer,                      intent(IN)    :: ymd          ! Simulation date (YYYYMMDD)
  integer,                      intent(IN)    :: tod          ! Simulation time of day (s)
  integer,          optional,   intent(IN)    :: MPICom       ! MPI communicator
  logical,          optional,   intent(IN)    :: MasterTask   ! If MPI master task
  character(len=*), optional,   intent(IN)    :: FileType     ! File-type descriptor
  type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInit     ! Output CCSM structure
  character(len=SHR_KIND_CL),   intent(OUT)   :: restart_file ! Restart local filename


  !----- local -----
  character(len=*), parameter :: subname = "(shr_inputInfo_initRPointerWrite) "
  integer :: rUnit                                   ! Restart pointer file unit number`
  character(len=*), parameter :: filename_format = &
                   "(a,'.',a,'.', i4.4,'-',i2.2,'-',i2.2,'-',i5.5,'.nc')"
  character(len=SHR_KIND_CS) :: type          ! String to describe type of restart
  logical :: MasterTask2                      ! If MPI master task
  integer :: ierr                             ! Error code
  integer :: yr                               ! Simulation year
  integer :: mon                              ! Simulation month
  integer :: day                              ! Simulation day of month

! Notes:

  if ( present(MasterTask) )then
     MasterTask2 = MasterTask
     MasterTask2 = .true.
  end if
  if ( present(FileType) )then
     type = trim(FileType)
     type = "drv.r"
  end if
  ! --- Figure out restart filename -------
  yr   = ymd / 10000
  mon  = (ymd - yr*10000) / 100
  day  =  ymd - yr*10000 - mon*100
  write(restart_file,filename_format) trim(CCSMInit%case_name), trim(type), &
                                      yr, mon, day, tod
  CCSMInit%restart_file = restart_file
  ! --- Only write file out if master-task -------
  if ( MasterTask2 )then
     if (s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,FAA) 'Write ccsm driver restart pointer file: '// &
     rUnit = shr_file_getUnit()
     open(rUnit, file=CCSMInit%restart_pfile, form='FORMATTED', &
     write(rUnit,'(a)') trim(restart_file)
     call shr_file_freeUnit( rUnit )
  end if

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initRPointerWrite

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_inputInfo_initCheck  -- Check that input InputInfo derived type is valid
! Check that input CCSMInit object has reasonable values
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine shr_inputInfo_initCheck( CCSMInit ) 2,13

! !USES:

  use shr_string_mod,   only: shr_string_listIntersect

  implicit none


    type(shr_inputInfo_InitType), intent(INOUT) :: CCSMInit    ! Output CCSM structure


    !----- local -----
    character(len=*), parameter :: subname = '(shr_inputInfo_initCheck) '
    ! --- Intersection of over-ride list to master override list ------
    character(len=SHR_KIND_CL) :: OverrideList 
    integer :: lastchar                        ! Last character index
    integer :: rc                              ! Return code
    character(len=*), parameter :: F00 = "('"//LogPrefix//"',A,I3,A)"

! Notes:
    if (CCSMInit%case_name==' ') then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable case_name must be set')
    end if
    ! --- Override values ------------------------------------------------------
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%restart_file_override) > 0 )then
       call shr_string_listIntersect(    &
                    CCSMInit%restart_file_override,restartFileOverRideList, &
                    OverRideList, rc)
       if ( trim(OverRideList) /= trim(CCSMInit%restart_file_override) )then
          write(s_logunit,FAA)'ERROR: the only values that can be overridden are: '// &
          call shr_sys_abort( subname//': list of values to override ' // &
                              'includes values that can NOT' &
                              //" be overridden" )
       end if
    end if
    ! --- Case name ------
    lastchar = len(CCSMInit%case_name)
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%case_name) == 0) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable case_name must be set, aborting')
    end if
    if (CCSMInit%case_name(lastchar:lastchar) /= ' ') then
       write(s_logunit,F00)'ERROR: case_name must not exceed ', len(CCSMInit%case_name)-1, &
                 ' characters'
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable case_name must be set, aborting')
    end if
    ! --- Special configurations ----- 
    if ( CCSMInit%atm_adiabatic .and. (CCSMInit%atm_ideal_phys .or. &
         CCSMInit%aqua_planet) )then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': only one of atm_adiabatic, ' // &
                           'atm_ideal_phys or aqua_planet can be set' )
    end if
    ! --- Restart pointer file -----
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%restart_pfile) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': restart_pfile must be set' )
    end if
    ! --- LogFile ending name ----- 
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%logFilePostFix) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': logFilePostFix  must be set to something not blank' )
    end if
    ! --- Output path root directory ----- 
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%outPathRoot) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': outPathRoot  must be set' )
    end if
    if ( index(CCSMInit%outPathRoot,"/",back=.true.) /= &
         len_trim(CCSMInit%outPathRoot) ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': outPathRoot must end with a slash' )
    end if
    ! --- Start-type ------
    if ( len_trim(CCSMInit%start_type) == 0 ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable start_type must be set')
    end if
    if ( (trim(CCSMInit%start_type) /= shr_inputInfo_start_type_start  )  &
    .and. (trim(CCSMInit%start_type) /= shr_inputInfo_start_type_cont ) &
    .and. (trim(CCSMInit%start_type) /= shr_inputInfo_start_type_brnch)    &
    ) then
       call shr_sys_abort( subname//': variable start_type can only be ' // &
                           'set to:' // &
                           shr_inputInfo_start_type_start//', '//    &
                           shr_inputInfo_start_type_cont//', or'// &
                           shr_inputInfo_start_type_brnch )
    end if

END SUBROUTINE shr_inputInfo_initCheck


END MODULE shr_inputInfo_mod