! SVN $Id: shr_msg_mod.F90 6752 2007-10-04 21:02:15Z jwolfe $
! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/csm_share/branch_tags/cesm1_0_rel_tags/cesm1_0_rel01_share3_100616/shr/shr_msg_mod.F90 $

!BOP ===========================================================================
! !MODULE: shr_msg_mod.F90 --- Module to handle various file utilily functions.
! Miscilaneous methods to handle file and directory utilities needed for 
! message passing CCSM.
! This module can be replaced by the direct use of shr_file_mod.F90 as all
! real functionality was moved to shr_file_mod.
!   2006-05-08 E. Kluzek, move functionality to shr_file_mod.F90.
!   2000-??-?? B. Kauffman, original version circa 2000
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------

MODULE shr_msg_mod,3

! ! USES:
   use shr_file_mod   ! The real guts of everything here
   use shr_log_mod, only: s_loglev  => shr_log_Level
   use shr_log_mod, only: s_logunit => shr_log_Unit

   IMPLICIT none
   PRIVATE           ! By default everything is private to this module

! !PUBLIC TYPES:               

   ! no public types

   public :: shr_msg_chDir    ! change current working directory
   public :: shr_msg_chStdIn  ! change stdin  (attach to a file)
   public :: shr_msg_chStdOut ! change stdout (attach to a file)
   public :: shr_msg_stdio    ! change dir and stdin and stdout
   public :: shr_msg_dirio    ! change stdin and stdout


   ! no public data members



!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_msg_stdio -- Change working directory, and redirect stdin/stdout
!   1) change the cwd (current working directory) and 
!   2) redirect stdin & stdout (units 5 & 6) to named files,
!   where the desired cwd & files are specified by namelist file.
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------  

SUBROUTINE shr_msg_stdio(model),1

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(len=*),intent(in) :: model ! used to construct env varible name

! Notes:

     call shr_file_stdio(model)
END SUBROUTINE shr_msg_stdio


!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_msg_chdir -- Change working directory.
!   change the cwd (current working directory), see shr_msg_stdio for notes
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------  

SUBROUTINE shr_msg_chdir(model),2

! !USES:
   use shr_sys_mod, only: shr_sys_chdir

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(len=*),intent(in) :: model ! used to construct env varible name

   !--- local ---

! Notes:

   call shr_file_chdir( model )
END SUBROUTINE shr_msg_chdir


!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_msg_dirio --- Change stdin and stdout.
!   change the stdin & stdout (units 5 & 6), see shr_msg_stdio for notes
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------  

SUBROUTINE shr_msg_dirio(model),1

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(len=*),intent(in) :: model ! used to construct env varible name

   !--- local ---

! Notes:

   call shr_file_dirio(model)
END SUBROUTINE shr_msg_dirio


!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_msg_chStdIn -- Change stdin
!   change the stdin (unit 5), see shr_msg_stdio for notes
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------  

SUBROUTINE shr_msg_chStdIn(model),1

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(*),intent(in) :: model ! used to construct env varible name
   !--- local ---

! Notes:

    call shr_file_chStdIn(model)
END SUBROUTINE shr_msg_chStdIn


!BOP ===========================================================================
! !IROUTINE: shr_msg_stdout -- Change stdout
!   change the stdout (unit 6), see shr_msg_stdio for notes
! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------  

SUBROUTINE shr_msg_chStdOut(model),1

   implicit none

   !--- arguments ---
   character(*),intent(in) :: model ! used to construct env varible name

   !--- local ---

! Notes:

    call shr_file_chStdOut(model)

END SUBROUTINE shr_msg_chStdOut


END MODULE shr_msg_mod